RMNews Sources say SOMETHING is going to happen this Friday
In a telephone call that was a little more cryptic than usual, an RMNews
Source from the civilian side of Faction Three stated that something was
going to happen this Friday, October 15, 1999.
Rumor Mill News asked what we could expect. For the first time, our
Source refused to give us information which we felt pertained directly to
what we were being told.
Our Source said, "The last time we told you guys what we were doing,
you put it up on the webpage and everyone is Washington knew our plans
before we had even completed them. This time, we are keeping it under
The Rumor Mill News webmaster confirmed that the RMNews page has
lots of hits from agencies that end in ".gov", both in this country and
around the world.
RMNews kept pressing our Source for more information.
While we never recieved an answer to our question about Friday, we did
receive information that is intersting and timely.
RMNews: "Does what is goingto happen Friday have anything to do with the
stock market?"
Source: "Indirectly, you could say it does."
RMNews: "Does it have anything to do with the biological attack on New
York City?"
Source: "No, we took care of that. They won't try that trick again. If it had
been Saddam he would have planned the attack in a three part attack. The
first wave of biologicals would resemble a bad flu season. The youngest,
the oldest and the people with impaired immune systems would die.
No one in government would pay much attention, because it would just
look like an ordinary flu season. The second wave would be a far more
virulent strain of the same flu. It would be hard to tell the difference from
the first strain, and the government would just think that it was a
particularly strong flu virus.
"By the time the third wave of the virus was loosed upon a major city, it
would be too late. Everyone would already be infected, and all infected
people will die.
"The type of biological that will be used is one that will die outside of the
host within 24 hours. You don't think we would have armed Saddam
Hussein with biologicals that would wipe out our major cities forever do
"The New World Order wants the cities of the United States to survive,
they just don't want Americans living in them."
RMNews: "Have you read the report the News Hawk sent around today
regarding the Chemtrails being vaccine?" (Newshawk story inserted at end of
RMNews article)
Source: "I thought you said you had the patent to that?"
RMNews: "I have a copy of a patent that appears to be a delivery system
for an aerial vaccine."
Source: "So what's your question?"
RMNews: "Is his story about "a benevolent faction in the military" trying
to vaccinate the population true?"
Source: "What do you think?"
RMNews: "I think it's true. I have checked the story out with a researcher
in Canada plus one here in the United States, and both of them say that
what is being dropped from the tankers is consistent with the patent
formula that I have. But that is only my opinion. What do you think?"
Source: "Have you seen airplanes flying over metropolitan areas making
that criss cross pattern over major population areas?"
RMNews: "I don't remember any reports of this happening over the major
Source: "Why is that?"
RMNews: "I don't know. You've got all the answers."
Source: "Could who ever is doing the vaccinating not want the major
cities to be vaccinated?"
RMNews: "Are you saying that whoever is doing it wants part of us to live
and part of us to die?"
Source: "That's want it looks like to me."
RMNews: "Why are they doing this?"
Source: "For racial purity."
RMNews: "What? That doesn't make any sense at all."
Source: "Where are the largest groups of non whites located?"
RMNews: "Are you saying that the majority of non whites are located in
the major population areas?"
Source: "I think that's what I just said."
RMNews: "Are you saying that whoever is doing the spraying is trying to
vaccinate the white race?"
Source: "I think they prefer to call you European Americans."
RMNews: "But there are a lot of 'European Americans' living in the
major cities. Are all of these people going to be killed also?"
Source: "It depends."
RMNews: "Depends? What do you mean?"
Source: "It depends on whether the virus is one that only attacks certain
DNA patterns."
RMNews: "Are you talking about the viruses that were created under
Operation Raindance?" http://www.rumormillnews
.com/archive/43098.txt (Operation Raindance is described in the middle
of this article)
Source: "I don't know. What is Operation Raindance?"
RMNews: "It was a US government directed operation to create a virus
that would target certain ethnic groups."
Source: "Bingo!"
RMNews: "So you are saying that the biologicals that will be released in
the major cities will be "race selective?"
Source: "Honey, the men who created these 'animals'.... these viruses....
are proteges of Dr. Mengele, if you get my drift. In their mind, anything
that is racially mixed, black, brown or yellow, doesn't deserve to live."
RMNews: "So you are saying that the NWO wants to kill off all the non
whites."Source: "I didn't say that."
RMNews: "You just said that anything that is black, brown or yellow
doesn't deserve to live."
Source: "Yes, but I didn't say the NWO is trying to kill them off."
RMNews: "Well, who IS trying to kill them off?"
Source: "Let's just say that the NWO is going to kill off as many people as
they can in order to reduce the population of the planet. The men who
head the NWO could care less about who lives and who doesn't. So they
assign the project to men who will carry out their orders. These men
believe in racial purity based on an Aryan ideal."
RMNews: "That's a technicality. It is still the NWO who is killing all the
non whites."
Source: "You're missing a very fine point here. The NWO has grown too
large. It has too many factions within it. The factions of the NWO don't
agree on much. Racial purity is just one of the many little items they don't
agree on. Some of the highest born of the NWO are racially impure,
therefore, if the virus infects them, they will die. But has this little piece
of information penetrated their thick skulls yet?"
RMNews: "You're not saying that a faction of the NWO is vying for
control are you?"
Source: "Honey, they aren't just vying. They are actively plotting to pull
off a coup."
RMNews: "A coup? Are you saying that Faction One is splintering?"
Source: "After Germany surrendered, the scientists were split up into three
groups, this isn't counting the group we saved and took below ground.
One group went to work at secret bases all around the world working for
the New World Order. You should visit the island off Formosa where the
New World Order cloning laboratory is located. There are NWO labs like
this all over the world.
"These labs were started by German scientists that were working under
Hitler. Just because these men are now working for Jews, or Africans or
Asians, does it mean that they have changed their stripes? Do you think
that just because these men are being housed and fed by racially impure
people that they have given up their hatred on non Aryans?"
RMNews: "I think you are telling me that the NWO has a cancer in its
midst that is getting ready to kill it."
Source: "Bingo!"
RMNews: "But if you know this, aren't you complicit in the killings if you
don't stop them?"
Source: "We are trying to save as many people as we can. We can't stop
the biologicals. Too many terrorist organizations have been supplied by
the NWO and the NWO part of the United States government."
RMNews: "Can't you go public with the information and warn the major
Source: "Oh yeah right. Just like that reporter for the New York Magazine
that published the article about the mosquito biological attack. Do you
know what happened to him? He got paid a little visit and was told that if
he didn't start back tracking he could start looking for a new job. And if
he tried to write anymore about biologicals, he should start looking for a
new family. You think we are that crazy? You can't warn the public. The
public would go crazy and kill themselves trying to save themselves. You
have to use other avenues."
RMNews: "What do you mean?"
Source: "Well, we have something planned for this Friday. And if the
other two groups don't agree to play along with us, then I guess we are
going to have to blow them out of the arena."
RMNews: "That sounds ominous."
Source: "God won't let us kill. Remember that. We aren't the ones that
blow the airplanes out of the air, cause the car crashes, or random acts of
violence. It's the other teams that use those methods."
RMNews: "So how are you planning to blow them out of the arena?"
Source: "There are many ways to destroy a man without killing him. You
can kill his reputation in many ways, and if you do this, he might as well
be dead."
RMNews: "Who are you going to blow out of the water?"
Source: "The people in power."
RMNews: "What people?"
Source: "The Democrats and the Republicans."
RMNews: "What do you mean?"
Source: "I mean if they don't read the handwriting on the wall and sign
the Blue Book, then they can all kiss their careers good bye. We already
have all their ill gotten gain in our bank accounts. The only money any of
them have any more is their salaries, and if they lose their jobs how are
they going to support themselves? We drained all the money they stole
from the taxpayers. They don't know how to hold down a real job, so how
are they gong to send their kids to college and keep up the payments?
"We're not asking for anything but equity for all people. Now what is so
bad about that?"
RMNews: "And if they refuse to sign the Blue Book, what happens."
Source: "If I tell you that, then the Enemy will know what we have
RMNews: "I have heard from another Source that Faction 3 is going to
crash the stock market this week. It looks like it is happening."
Source: "Yes, and it will continue to happen until they sign the Blue
RMNews: "What are you doing with the money you are pulling out of the
Source: "We are using it to free up trusts we have created."
RMNews: "What are you doing with the money from the trusts that is
freed up?"
Source: "We are circulating it."
RMNews: "What's that mean?"
Source: "It means we are returning it to the people who gave it to us, the
members of our group who believed enough in our cause to help us create
the original trust. Once we figured out how to drain the bank accounts of
government crooks, we started adding this money to the trusts. Once we
pay off the liens and free up these little trusts, we can return the money to
the people the crooks stole it from in the first place. A lot of the money
will go to the third world countries because they are the ones who have
paid the highest price."
RMNews: "Is the market going to crash this Friday?"
Source: "Is that what you think?"
RMNews: "After listening to Neal Cavuto on Fox this afternoon, it seems
like he is preparing the big boys for a "market correction."
Source: "I guess Neal must have been briefed. I hope he didn't let out too
much. Panic never does anyone any good."
RMNews: "Then you are saying that the market is going to crash this
Source: "There is a way to stop it. But it requires that the United States
sign on to the Blue Book. It's not just President Clinton who is standing in
the way. It is the Bush family and high level Republicans and Democrats.
They can't see that the world is changing and if they don't keep up with us
they will be left behind."
RMNews: "Left behind?"
Source: "If the Democrats and the Republicans don't play ball we will
find another game to play, and we will take the field away from them.
Why do you think that all this fuss about movie stars running for politics
is causing such a ruckus? Do you think that Oprah Winfrey could be any
worse than Bill Clinton? Oprah loves people. She doesn't know how to
lie. If she were president, the American people would be told the truth
about everything. If Warren Beatty runs, he will win."
RMNews: "I don't believe that. He's a Communist. He's a joke, he'll
never get elected."
Source: "You're sure of that, huh?"
RMNews: "How can you even say that? You know he's Shirley
MacClaine's brother and you know who their father was. They were both
raised in the New World Order."
Source: "Warren doesn't get along with any of them. You can't
judge all people by their families. If you do that, you aren't giving God
and the individual soul the room to grow and be different. Warren woke
up a few years ago. If he runs, he will win. He will pull all the liberals to
whatever ticket he is heading. If he and Oprah run together, it will be a
landslide. Believe me, they have better advisors than G.W. or Al have."
RMNews: "Are you blackmailing the NWO with Hollywood?"
Source: "We aren't blackmailing anyone. We are simply stating that if
they don't sign on to our plan for redistributing the wealth of the world
that they have stolen and then we stole it back, that we will throw them
out of the game and start our own."
RMNews: "That sounds like blackmail to me."
Source: "Hardball is a better word. We have offered all of them a win win
situation. If they don't want to play a game where everyone wins, then it is
time for them to get out of the game."
RMNews: "So what is going to happen this Friday?"
Source: "If we are lucky Bill Clinton or Janet Reno will come to Houston
and sign the Blue Book. If that happens, then all the disasters that are
planned for the new year will be put on indefinite hold. If it doesn't
happen, then we will have to contend with Clinton wanting to be president
for life, and Armageddon in Israel, World War Three and possibly the
destruction of nine tenths of the population. It doesn't have to be this way.
There is another way, and it's not that third way that Bill keeps talking
RMNews: "What third way?"
Source: "You haven't heard him talk about the Communist way and the
Capitalist way and that neither of them worked so he has a third way that
will work... and will make the trains run on time?"
RMNews: "Are you talking about Fascism?"
Source: "Bingo! You got it! Billy wants to turn the US into Mussolini's
Italy. And you see how successful that country is run."
RMNews: "So what is your third way?"
Source: "A world where equity rules. A world where everyone starts out
equal. A world where laws are meant for everyone equally. And anyone
who works hard and respects the laws of the land can prosper and make a
good life for himself and his family."
RMNews: "What planet is this world on?"
Source: "God didn't make certain families richer or better than others.
This royal blood nonsense is something man started by himself. Everyone
on this earth is a child of God and as such each person is a Prince or a
Princess of the Kingdom.... or Queendom for all the women who I've
offended. It is time people remembered who they are and started acting
the part. A soul is a soul. Souls don't come in colors. Do you follow what I
am saying?"
RMNews: "Yes I do, but I doubt if any bluebloods or Aryans will believe
you. I think they believe they have souls that are different than they rest of
Source: "Yes, they believe they come from other planets and therefore
they aren't subject to the laws of our God. Stupid people. There's only one
God, and He happens to be in charge of this Universe and this planet. If
they are on this planet, they are playing by His rules."
RMNews: "You still have said what is happening this Friday."
Source: "No and I am not going to. There is enough information in what I
have said to let both Faction 1 and Faction 2 know what is going to
happen. Just send this out and let them start to sweat. If they will come to
our dance, everything will make the transition so easily that they won't
even know anything has happened. If they don't, then just prepare for the
end of history as we know it. There will be an entirely new game in town
and the old boys won't even be allowed to sit in the bleachers. Maybe it
will be time for role reversals. Maybe some of the people who have been
playing the roles of kings should get experience playing the roles of
The conversation became too rambling from there on to continue to
transcribe it.
At one point it was said that whenever Jon Benet is brought up, realize
that something is happening that is very critical to the rest of the world. It
was compared to the OJ trial. It was related that Clinton and the NWO
entrenched their power while the people's attention was on OJ.
In the past, RMNews Sources have predicted that the market would crash
about 6000 points. It has also been said that Faction 3 needs to sell off its
stocks to pay off the lines of credit and liens that are on their trusts. It
has also been rumored that one of the big trusts is going to be opened on the
15th. I wonder if any of this has anything to do with what is going to
happen on Friday? We will all have to wait and see.
Chemtrails said to be mass inoculation against biowar
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A source in the New York area which we've had for longer than any other
single source has relayed to us the following information, which we've
decided to make public.
This source has significant, active ties to what claim to be anti-New
World Order factions of the U.S. Air Force--that is, they CLAIM they are
in favor of maintaining a democratic republic in the U.S.
This contact of ours is knowledgeable about the entire situation
regarding chemtrail spraying of substances from great numbers of
aircraft on a global basis.
What this source says is that he's been TOLD by elements of the Air
Force he understands are working with the so-called "Omega"/"Faction 3"
group--said to be opposed to many NWO agendas such as mass
depopulation/genocide schemes--that the contrail spraying being observed
worldwide is being done by Omega/Faction 3 elements of the U.S. military
(and apparently of other nation's military agencies) to COMBAT the
bio-war attacks NOW BEING DIRECTED against the human race as a whole by
some "force" or consortium of extensive power, which utilizes
significant numbers of terrorist organization members worldwide.
The actual bioterrorism itself is reportedly being implemented on the
local levels by terrorist groups of several nationalities--some said to
be of fundamentalist Islamic persuasion.
Although reportedly no especially hi-tech equipment or highly trained
personnel are required to strategically disperse biowar substances into
targeted regions, the extensiveness of this campaign strongly argues
that the entire scheme is being masterminded by some significantly
powerful global-wide group.
Up to 30 differing biological warfare materials are said to have been
dispersed in various locations. Because of the wide variety of
substances already released, what's being used as an inoculative
material, says this Omega/Faction 3 Air Force crowd, is a
genetically-altered SPIROCHETE--related to both Lyme Disease and
Syphilis; the spirochete has been gene-spliced so that it can inoculate
against most or all of the various biowar substances.
I asked our contact if he had reason to believe he was being told the
truth by his AF contacts. He said, "maybe".
He DID tell me that laboratory analysis of many blood samples collected
in the northeastern US DO confirm that tremendous numbers of people have
been exposed to both Anthrax AND to a genetically-manipulated spirochete
organism. These people are NOT sick with Anthrax however; yet neither
are they getting syphilis or Lyme disease. Nevertheless this inoculative
spirochete organism does not completely ERADICATE the Anthrax from the
subject's system.
What's undeniable though, is that even if our contact's AF connections
are saying what they BELIEVE is the truth, they THEMSELVES may be
gettingdeliberately misled and lied to by their superiors.
Let's face it: how many people would willingly dose innocent,
non-combatant fellow human beings with horrific, terrible
biological/chemical warfare materials? Not too many. Therefore, even to
get their pilots in the air, New World Order global fascist leaders
implementing any mass-dosing of earth's population with lethal bio/chem
substances would almost certainly have to lie to their pilots and tell
them something along the lines of... well... that their mission is
actually "COUNTERACTING" through mass inoculation certain bioterrorist
operations that have ALREADY been implemented upon the population.
What a perfect cover story!
OUR source also stated that his Air Force connections said even the
inoculative material ITSELF, reportedly based on the heavily
gene-spliced spirochete organism, will have a noticeably severe, even
terminal impact upon the health of a certain percentage of the
population--especially any who ALREADY have some sort of immune system
impairment as well as those who have previously had Lyme disease or
other related illnesses.
So, even if it's TRUE that most of the chemtrail spraying reportedly
occurring on a global basis is being done to MASS-INNOCULATE against
biowar materials previously released, the chemtrails themselves are
still going to make lots of people die.
And WE don't say we even believe what these Air Force personnel have
told our contact in NY. Even he's not sure they're telling the truth.
WHAT A MESS!! To bad they don't ALL just LEAVE US ALONE!!