“Improve Your Immune System . . . Naturally”It stands without question that if the immune system is strengthened, numerous ailments and illnesses can be aided and alleviated. The four main ingredients in “DEFENSE” are Black Cumin, Muscadine Grape Seed, the Native American Sacred herb “Tsi-Ahga” and Allicin-Release Product (ARP) from garlic. Each one is demonstrated in scientific research to strengthen, support and modulate the Immune Response in different ways. For further reading about these ingredients, we suggest the following books, “ Black Cumin, The Magical Egyptian Herb for Allergies, Asthma, and Immune Disorders ,” by Peter Schleicher, M.D., and Mohamed Saleh, M.D., “ Allicin, The Heart of Garlic ,” by Peter Josling, and “ Real Answers to Real Question ,” by Phillip Landis, N.D., Med. Shirt. These books are available through Native American Nutritionals. The following is information about Tsi-Ahga, Black Cumin, ARPs, and Muscadine Grape Seed: Tsi-Ahga is a Native American Sacramental Medicine derived from Conks that grow on certain cone-bearing trees. The 3-beta-D-glucans which make up part of the cellular structure of these Conks cause a pan-systemic modulation of T-Cells, Macrophages and Neutrophil White Blood Cells, when ingested. In fact, it has been established that the number and viability of these particular cells is increased by as much as 4000% within 20 hours after taking Tsi-Ahga! Macrophages and Neutrophils are the two cells upon which all other Immune Cells depend. You can have many viable B-Cells and T-Cells, but they will not be effective without the programming provided by these “Communicator” cells. Tsi-Ahga also contains bitter triterpene compounds that support the thymus and spleen (essential to insuring that immune cells are properly programmed), anti-tumor polysaccharides, blood pressure-reducing angiotensin re-uptake inhibitors, and perhaps the highest source of germanium in nature. Germanium is an oxygen catalyst and one of the most powerful free-radical scavengers found in nature. Black Cumin has just as impressive scientific research that shows it to have very beneficial anti-microbial properties. It has been demonstrated to have potent anti-microbial properties and science has demonstrated why it has always been the best bet to combat colds and viral infection. One of the most important components of Black Cumin Oil is known to be effective for bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies because of its ability to expand and relax the airways. It also reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and thus works against allergic reactions. Black Cumin Essential oil has been shown to reduce allergy symptoms up to 90% over long term use. Scientists know that Black Cumin stimulates the bone marrow to produce immune cells, increases interferon production, protects the body against viruses and inhibits infection. Black Cumin has also been proven effective against the development of cancer. The Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory of South Carolina ran a series of experiments in which mice were infected with tumor cells. Two thirds of the animals treated with Black Cumin oil were still alive thirty days after being infected. In contrast, ALL of the mice that did not receive Black Cumin treatment died within thirty days. It stands without question that if the immune system is strengthened, numerous ailments and illnesses can be aided and alleviated. Garlic extracts have been used for thousands of years successfully to aid in a wide variety of conditions. The antimicrobial substance known as “Allicin” is produced when the Alliin and Allinase of the garlic are brought together as a result of damage to the bulb or by microbial invasion of the plant. Allicin is the natural defense mechanism of the garlic plant that science has proven to be so effective as a defense for us as well. Some research-supported actions of Allicin are: reduces blood pressure, kills microscopic organisms, poisonous bacteria, parasites and fungal infections, aids in preventing neoplasm, reduces high blood cholesterol, removes heavy metals and other toxins, scavenges and removes free radicals, repairs immune system cells by providing high sulfur compounds, and increases blood circulation. The chemistry of garlic is complex and even though Allicin was discovered in 1944, its volatility has resulted in very few supplements or garlic based products that contain any Allicin by the time they reach the consumer. In the past year alone, supermarkets and mass merchandisers in the United States have sold more than 5 million units of garlic. This makes garlic the most popular herbal product in America , according to Information Resources, Inc., and yet none of those consumers are getting what they actually need (Allicin) from the garlic products they buy. It is worth mentioning that with a new patented process for extracting and stabilizing ARPs from garlic, we offer people the product they thought they were buying. The Allicin found in two capsules of “Defense” supplement is equivalent to eating 45 whole bulbs of garlic! Muscadine Grape Seed contains higher levels of antioxidants than blackberries, black raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, red raspberries, and strawberries. This finding was established in the early 1990s by Mississippi State University , as well as by the National Institutes of Health. Because it is so much higher in antioxidants, Muscadine Grape Seed protects and restores Immune Function resulting in a wide variety of protection throughout the body. With the synergistic combination of these four ingredients, Native American Nutritionals has formulated perhaps the most important nutritional immune support product of our time. With this Sacred Medicine, we are poised to cause a revolution in nutritional supplementation of the Immune System at a time when it couldn't be more important. Get yours today! Make sure to tell them you heard about it ![]() |