This morning at 5:28 a.m. EST an extremely rare (unusual) earthquake near Aksum, Ethiopia, where the biblical Ark of the Covenant is rumored to be stored.
In this map, the gold star marks the earthquake epicenter, and you can see Aksum is about 60-70 miles to the northwest of there:
I've mentioned Great Pyramid Prophecy in the past without much of a backgrounder. Wikipedia has a nice quick introduction:
"Some pyramidologists claim that the Great Pyramid of Giza has encoded within it predictions for the exodus of Moses from Egypt, the crucifixion of Jesus, the start of World War I, the founding of modern-day Israel in 1948, and future events including the beginning of Armageddon; this was discovered by using what they call "pyramid inches" to calculate the passage of time where one British inch equals one solar year."
Here's a couple of graphics, an imaginary line extending from the ascending passage meets a line from the slope of the North face of the pyramid at 3904 B.C., that is the Biblical and Maya mythology's "Creation" date. The ascending passage begins April 21, 1455 B.C. (not the 1476 B.C. shown here) and the Grand Gallery begins 1490 times 364 days later at March 26-27, 31 A.D. and a period of 33.5 years is demarcated by a little triangle just before the Grand Gallery begins, Jesus was crucified the day he turned 33.5 years old. As you can see, the face of the "Great Step" which is at the center of the Pyramid is believed to denote the year 1844...
****************************************** contribution since I began studying Great Pryramid prophecy in 1984 has been to assert that the exact date associated with the Great Step (see ) is Sunday October 27-28, 1844, which is 1840 times 360 days since Jesus was crucified; 2464 times 360 days after Ezekiel prophesied the downfall of hellish kingdoms in the spirit world Monday March 11, 585 B.C. (Ez. Chapter 32); 2853 times 360 days since Solomon's Temple was dedicated October 10, 969 B.C.; and 4766 times 360 days since the Maya Era Base Date of Wednesday March 26, 2854 B.C.
That date of October 27-28 is seventy times 364 days before the outbreak of World War I on Sunday August 2-3, 1914 and is 174 times 364 days before Sunday March 25-26, 2018 (tomorrow and the next day)
I reckon that's why an unusual earthquake occurred in a certain part of Egypt's Sinai peninsula, near Israel, at 2:11 a.m. EST October 28, 2004--four times forty years after October 28, 1844:
And the three totally unusual--bizarre, even--earthquakes at the North Pole last October 28, 2017, the third and strongest at 2:11 p.m...
Magn. 5.7
Magn. 5.8
Magn. 5.9
In a post about those North Pole quakes last October 28, I wrote:
: Spiritually, the Book of Job and the Book of Isaiah both say
: that God sits "on the sides of the North" and
: Satan desires to ascend above the clouds and basically sit
: ...IT'S GREAT PYRAMID PROPHECY! The Great Pyramid is an
: angular representation of the Northern Hemisphere, The Book
: of Revelation describes the New Jerusalem as a PYRAMID, not
: a cube.... "The Stone that the builders rejected has
: become the head of the corner" is just one biblical
: reference to the Great Pyramid as the ultimate prophetic
: symbol (the tip of the pyramid... where the All-seeing eye
: rests, on the Dollar Bill)..
: In a recent posting I explain it is no coincidence the Statue of
: Liberty was dedicated OCTOBER 28, 1886 because the center
: date of Great Pyramid prophecy is 42.0 years before then:
: October 27-28, 1844.
(and the Maya Calendar 260-count re-aligns with the 365.25-day year every 42.0 years)
: That's why the largest earthquake in recorded history of the
: NORTHERN HEMISPHERE happened 120 years minus seven months
: after October 27-28, 1844, that quake happened late March
: 27-28, 1964:
The magnitude 9.2 Great Alaska quake happened at 9:36 p.m. EST March 27, 1964, not the 10:36 p.m. EST the USGS reports:
And 3120 days (12 times 260) before early March 28, 1964, at 1:09 a.m. EST September 12, 1955, a powerful quake in Alexandria Egypt shook the Great Pyramid outside Cairo, damaging homes in the region:
Twenty years later, the Great Pyramid was shaken by a quake in Egypt at 4:36 p.m. EST Thursday March 29, 1984, one Egyptian "Heb Sed" Cycle of thirty years later was Saturday March 29, 2014, which is four times 364 days ago today....
Half of 364 days ago tomorrow was 239 times 260 days after a powerful earthquake south of Cairo damaged thousands of homes Saturday August 7, 1847.
An earthquake at 10:28 a.m. EST 10/28/2017 near Antarctica: cf.
And an earthquake in the "Knights Templar" Port City of La Rochelle France October 28, 2007:
A major jolt off the coast of Oregon at 12:46 p.m. EST October 27, 1994, or 150 years after the central date of the Great Pyramid.
What happened 4 times 364 days ago is very interesting (170 times 364 days after October 25-29, 1844 and 100 times 364 after World War I began July 31-August 4, 1914), the film "Noah" starring Russell Crowe opened in theaters nationwide Friday night March 28, 2014 and a major earthquake shook Los Angeles moviegoers:
Foreshock 10:03 p.m. EST 3/28/2014--
Mainshock 11:10 p.m. EST 3/28/2014--
hm, a magnitude 8.6 megaquake off Sumatra at 11:10 a.m. EST 3/28/2005, that was 45 times 364 days after the most powerful earthquake ever recorded, a magnitude 9.5 on 5/22/1960 at 2:11 p.m. EST.
Then a series of unusual earthquakes that weekend, which again, is four times 364 days before today through Tuesday....
A widely-felt aftershock in Los Angeles region at 4:33 p.m. EST Saturday March 29, 2014.
The most powerful Yellowstone National Park earthquake in almost 30 years occurred at 7:35 a.m. EST Sunday March 30, 2014, it was the largest since one of the same magnitude at 6:38 a.m. EST November 9, 1985.
(The quake of November 9, 1985 was four years before the Berlin Wall was opened)
An earthquake right at San Juan Bautista ("Saint John the Baptist"), California at 4:50 a.m. EST Sunday March 30, 2014:
Another small yet prophetically "big" earthquake at 4:20 p.m. MDT/CST Sunday March 30, 2014 in Challis, Idaho.
A significant Oklahoma earthquake at 9:10 a.m. EST Sunday March 30, 2014.
(A major Hawaii quake 60 years earlier, at 1:42 p.m. March 30, 1954 )
A significant earthquake in Tibet at 12:10 p.m. EST Sunday March 30, 2014.
Cayman Islands 4:20 p.m. GMT Sunday March 30, 2014.
A very rare earthquake off tge West cost of the Koreas at 2:48:36 p.m. EST Monday March 31, 2014...
...and another quake off the East coast of North Korea 1199 days later, at 2:48:07 p.m. EST Wednesday July 12, 2017:
Pinnacles, California 1:42 a.m. EST Tuesday April 1, 2014.
Alexandria Bay, New York at 4:27 p.m. EST April 1, 2014.
A moderate earthquake in Fukue, Japan at 5:17 p.m. Tuesday April 1, 2014, important because I didn't know there was a place called Fukue.
A megaquake and tsunami, magnitude 8.2 in Chile Tuesday April 1, 2014 at 6:47 p.m. EST.
I've run out of steam on this one. Maybe I'll add more info later.
Here's news from March 25, 1985:
60,000 days after the Great New Madrid earthquake of December 15-16, 1811 was March 24-25, 1976, and these earthquakes struck in the New Madrid faultline at 7:41 and 8:00 p.m. EST Wednesday March 24, 1976. That was day "10 Eagle" in the 260-day cycle, and so is today, 42 years later (=59 times 260).
Other important earthquakes of March 24 or 25th:
Utah 5:40 p.m. 3/24/1986
Utah 9:53 p.m. 3/24/1986
Hawaii 6:09 and 7:30 p.m. 3/24/1988
March 23-26, 1988 was 2300×365 days since Seleucid Era began October 1-4, 312 B.C.
The Oregon earthquake of Wednesday March 25, 1993 was 28×364 days after the Seattle quake of Wednesday April 29, 1965, which was 195,000 days (750×260) after Wednesday May 30, 1431 (Julian Calendar).
Megaquake near Antarctica 10:12 p.m. EST March 24, 1998, magnitude 8.1
Costa Rica March 25, 1990.
There's a bunch I've not explained for one reason or another--including lack of time--but suffice it to say the title of this post is accurate.