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SORCHA: "FBI Agent Investigating Hillary Clinton Links To Slain Baltimore Detective Suicided"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:25



March 8, 2018

FBI Agent Investigating Hillary Clinton Links To Slain Baltimore Detective Suicided

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that FBI Special Agent David Raynor was suicided yesterday while he was investigating why former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met this past June (2017) with Baltimore Police Department Detective Sean Suiter—who was a member of the wildly corrupt Baltimore police unit called the Gun Trace Task Force linked to the “Operation Fast and Furious” gun scandal covered up the Obama regime—but with Detective Suiter being murdered with his own gun on 15 November (2017) the day before he was due to testify before a US Federal Grand Jury. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Police surround home in Crownsville, Maryland, where body of FBI Special Agent David Raynor was discovered on 7 March 2018

According to this report, this past June (2017), Hillary Clinton visited Baltimore, Maryland, where she spoke before students associated with an Israeli youth programme established by US Congressman Elijah Cummings—and one of whose local police protectors was Baltimore Police Detective Sean Suiter—but who, just 5 months later, on 15 November 2017, was killed during a “violent struggle” with his own gun—and whose death remains the only unsolved line-of-duty death in the that police agency’s history.

So shaken was US Congressman Cummings after Detective Suiter’s murder, this report continues, he rushed to President Trump’s new FBI Director Christopher Wray where he implored him to make the investigation of Suiter’s murder into “a top priority” and called on the FBI to “do everything in its power to help”—and that FBI Director Wray surprisingly replied to by saying that he was “very familiar with the Suiter situation”.

As to why FBI Director Wraywas familiar” with the “Suiter situation”, this report explains, is to his immediate superior, US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, having intimate knowledge of the Baltimore Police Department from his time served as the US Attorney for Maryland—and who in targeting this police agencies vast criminality had stated: “This is not about aggressive policing, it is about a criminal conspiracy.

Battling against then US Attorney for Maryland Rod Rosenstein’s attempts to uncover the vast criminal conspiracy surrounding the Baltimore Police Department, however, this report notes, was then Obama regime Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the US Justice Departments Criminal Division Jason Weinstein—who was forced to resign over his cover-up activities, and as was written about at the time:

In 2009, Weinstein was transferred from his Maryland post to the Washington headquarters, where he approved wiretap applications that were part of Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed guns to flow into the hands of criminals on the Mexican border in an attempt to build cases against drug gang leaders.

A report by the agency's inspector general said Weinstein was the most senior official who could have reined in the program, which federal prosecutors and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Arizona ran “without adequate regard for the risk it posed to public safety.”

In December 2010, two guns that were supposed to have been tracked under the operation were found at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's murder.

Had Weinstein read wiretap requests more thoroughly, the report said, he would have noticed that the ATF was letting suspected smugglers buy weapons and sell them to drug cartels, a strategy known as allowing guns to “walk.”

Most critical to note about the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, this report explains, is that it one of but a very few Obama regime crimes that has no statute of limitations as it involved the killing of a US Federal Officer—and that leaked Wikileaks emails showed Hillary Clinton was fully knowledgeable about—thus making her liable to criminal charges.

So when President Trump took power, this report says, the entire world of Hillary Clinton shuddered when the US Justice Department opened another investigation into “Operation Fast and Furious” as it pertained to the Baltimore Police Department and impaneled a US Federal Grand Jury—and one of whose main witnesses was Detective Sean Suiter, but who was gunned down the day before he could testify—and that many believed had turned into a states witness after he had been implicated in crimes, too—and that the American people are still not allowed to know about.

Leading US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s and FBI Director Christopher Wray’s investigation into the murder of Detective Sean Suiter, this report concludes, was Baltimore Field Office FBI Special Agent David Raynor—who yesterday, 7 March, was discovered dead in the front yard of his estranged wife Donna Fisher’s home in Crownsville, Maryland—with both of them having multiple stab wounds, and FBI Agent Raynor (like Detective Suiter before him) being shot in the head with his own gun—and though FBI Agent Raynor and his wife were going through by what all accounts was a peaceful divorce, and there being no history of incidents at the house that the police had never been called to before—nevertheless, saw local police immediately calling this “Deep State” killing a “suspected murder suicide”—and that has seen both FBI Agent Raynor and his wife Donna join with others whose names are contained on what is known as the “Clinton Death List”.

March 8, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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