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SORCHA: "World Holds Breath After Julian Assange Agrees To Trumps Terms—And Elite Russian Forces Obliterate CIA Base"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

In Response To: MegaAnon thinks Q is Assange! He has been goading her in the right direction! He has been using DeepState's Tofsee malware against them! (MrFusion)



January 13, 2018

World Holds Breath After Julian Assange Agrees To Trumps Terms—And Elite Russian Forces Obliterate CIA Base

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A tensely worded new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that within hours of elite Russian Spetsnaz forces obliterating the CIA base in Syria behind a plot to assassinate President Donald TrumpWikileaks leader Julian Assange posted to his Twitter account the long awaited “Marshall Attack” message signaling his acceptance of Trump’sterms”—and that has now left the entire world holding its breath in fear as to how the American shadow government “Deep State” will respond. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Julian Assange “Marshall Attack” message posted on Twitter at 20:34hrs (8:34 pm/London/GMT+0) on 12 January 2018

According to this report, Julian Assange is a longtime known US intelligence operative whose Wikileaks whistleblowing website is a CIA created and operated deep cover organization that had split with the “Deep State , and whose factional war embroiled the 2016 US presidential election by their releasing tens-of-thousands of Hillary Clinton and Democratic Party emails—and who, also, after Trump won, began releasing some of the CIA’s most hidden secrets. [Note: It is illegal under US federal law for some holders of top security clearances to click on this link.]

In fearing that Julian Assange would begin posting further CIA secrets, this report details, President Trump began planning to free him from his forced “Deep State” confinement in London’s Ecuadorian Embassy—but with the plan eventually meeting failure when, on 25 December, the US Office of Naval Intelligence posted to the US Navy Twitter account the words “Julian Assange—thus signaling they were preparing, at all costs, to keep Trump from freeing Assange.

In fearing that President Trump was going back on his word to free him after the US Office of Naval Intelligence posted their ominous 25 December “Julian Assange” warning Tweet, this report continues, several days later, on 1 January, Julian Assange posted a cryptic Tweet featuring a 60-character code along with a link to the music video “Paper Planes—a code referring to a “dead man’s switch” intended to trigger the release of documents in the event of his death—and whose exact lyrics state: “If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name…and…I've got more records than the KGB…So, uh, no funny business”.

In response to Julian Assange’s 1 January warning, this report notes, President Trump, on 3 January, shocked the “Deep State” to its very core by releasing the bombshell news that he had just authorized his attorneys to file a motion in US Federal Court absolving Assange of committing any crimes against the United States—and whose details about are:

In a motion filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Dec. 29, 2017, in the case Roy Cockrum vs. Donald J. Trump for President, attorneys for President Trump argued that Julian Assange had a right under the First Amendment to publish the DNC and John Podesta emails, even if the emails were stolen.

The case was orchestrated by Project Democracy, a group run by former attorneys from the Obama administration, arguing that then former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone had conspired with the Russians to publish the DNC and Podesta emails.

In a 32-page motion defending the Trump Campaign, Michael A. Carvin of the Jones Day law firm, attorney of record representing President Trump, argued that the Trump campaign, and by inference Julian Assange at WikiLeaks, could not be held liable under the First Amendment for a disclosure of stolen information if the information published deals with “a matter of public interest” and the speaker was not “involved” in the theft.

In making the argument, Trump’s attorneys relied upon Bartnicki v. Vopper. 532 U.S. 514 (2001), a labor union case in which the Supreme Court ruled a radio station had the right to broadcast a stolen tape of a phone call between the chief union negotiator of a Pennsylvania high school and the chief union negotiator together with the union president.

With President Trump in his shocking US Federal Court filing showing Julian Assange that he still intended to free him, this report continues, the next plan to accomplish this feat involved Ecuador granting Assange citizenship and diplomatic immunity—but that the “Deep State” thwarted by getting London to say they that they would not honor Assange’s diplomatic immunity.

President Trump, though, this report explains, didn’t fear London as he knew that his Official State Car (US presidential limousine) is covered under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations—whose diplomatic immunity includes not only embassies, but, also, diplomatic vehicles, houses and offices—thus meaning that a US Official State Car could enter into the Ecuador Embassy compound in London (sovereign territory) , take as a passenger Assange (diplomatically immune), then transfer him to the sovereign US territory of Air Force One (step from car to aircraft stairs)—all of which would entail Assange never having to step a foot upon UK or EU soil. [Note: This high-level transfer tactic was perfected by the US and Soviet Union during the Cold War for spies discovered in a host country in order to prevent their prosecution (i.e. publicity).]

This high-level transfer of Julian Assange to the United States, this report further details, was due to take place during President Trump’s visit to London next week—but that Trump had to abruptly cancel after Russia discovered the “Deep State” was planning to assassinate him while he was there using bomb laden combat UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) the US Office of Naval Intelligence and CIA were perfecting the deployment of in Syria—with Trump’sfalse flag” death then being blamed on radical Islamic terrorists—that would, most assuredly, ignite World War III that the “Deep State” desperately needs to cover up their soon to be revealed crimes.

Russian Ministry of Defense photo of ONI-CIA combat UAV’s captured in Syria on 6 January 2018

With President Putin knowing full well what the US Office of Naval Intelligence and the CIA were planning—but who only publically stated “We know who you are!”—this report continues—he ordered elite elements within the feared 3rd Guards Spetsnaz Brigade (the world's most efficient killers) to immediately deploy to Syria—and who, within 72 hours, located the main CIA base these terrorists were using and obliterated it killing all of its top commanders and destroying their combat UAV storage depot.

Elite Russian Spetsnaz forces return to base after destroying CIA terrorist base in Syria on 12 January 2018

Within hours of President Trump receiving confirmation that this ONI-CIA base in Syria was destroyed, this report notes, further communications were made between the US and Julian Assange—and that Assange replied to by posting to his Twitter account a photograph containing a chess board, unaccompanied by any text, showing a move from the Casablanca vs. Marshall chess game of 1918 – considered one of the greatest defensive games of all time—known as the “Marshall Attack”—and prompting suggestions that Assange is preparing a “checkmate.

With the “Deep State” becoming so desperate in their trying to keep the fake Trump-Russia collusion story alive that the CIA is now, outrageously, begging America’s top music artists to flood their highly viewed social media accounts with these lies, this report concludes, US intelligence operative Julian Assange represents their gravest threat—and is due to him having written and video taped evidence proving that the late Democratic Party data analyst Seth Rich, not Russia, leaked all of the emails to Wikileaks—and for which Rich was promptly murdered immediately after his meeting with the top aid of Democratic Party Leader Debbie Wasserman-Schulz—and that has the Democratic Party, to this very day, still refusing to release the links they have between Rich and Wikileaks.

January 13, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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Articles In This Thread

MegaAnon thinks Q is Assange! He has been goading her in the right direction! He has been using DeepState's Tofsee malware against them!
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
SORCHA: "World Holds Breath After Julian Assange Agrees To Trumps Terms—And Elite Russian Forces Obliterate CIA Base"
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
MegaAnon verifies the above in posts on Reddit, and clarifies a little
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07
MegaAnon is waiting for a sign from her new friend Q(Assange?) that it's okay to post more information she has found
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

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