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MegaAnon from last night and this morning

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:07

This time I have added context (other posters).

MegaAnon is [–]IMegaHateNicknames.

Other posters, and my insertions, are in italics.

You can always find the latest Reddit posts by MegaAnon at:

ToddWhiskey's MegaAnon index (mostly 4chan):

My 1MB text file of MegaAnon posts May23-Jan4 (mostly 4chan) is here:


[–]Llanfar 1 point

Let’s go with the proposition that Q is cabal rather than just a larp.

The CIA/cabal has significant control of Twitter And whence comes these Q “proofs”?

It wouldn’t be difficult for them to have a software monitor (automated or with human involvement) on Trump’s tweets. It wouldn’t be difficult for them to introduce a delay in order for Q to pre-tweet (or just have software do that). It wouldn’t be difficult for them to replace Trump’s first tweet of “consequential’ with “consensual”.

It wouldn’t be difficult for the cabal to take Wolff’s book, drop in a couple of ‘Q’s, and get Wikileaks to take it.

Never blindly accept ANYTHING that at any point enters a computer. Accept only real events.

Edit - removed the release time for Assange because I can’t find where megaanon said he left the embassy - only that the good guys got him first.



I've already posted how they were skimming the stack and queue application short codes on social media.

Notice I said Kelly's phone going missing would be convenient. That was a trap. Notice it's now being confirmed cell phones and devices are being cracked down on and heavily restricted for staffers and guests? Notice I told you Trump was testing and securing better direct forms of comms to reach y'all that he could control? That's happening and being reported now. Remember when I said remaining leakers would be smoked out? Just another one of Bannon's tricks, like Kelly's missing phone, just like the Jr./Russia meeting comments and the Wolff book. That Wolff book is going to kill like 30 birds with one stone. Literally.

And between us, Assange reports of where he is vs. where he's been, don't matter. That's just what they're spinning to public now, to cover for the fact he's been in secured, US protective custody, since Oct. 2016. Where he is now, or where he's been doesn't matter. Don't let people twist this all up. He's been ok for a while.


[–]AmericanGirl68 1 point

Do you think the WH kids had access to Camp David this past weekend?



No and neither did Q. If you all would like to dig into something, dig into that sword pic and pen pic. They're fake. Edited, stripped of meta and if you dig hard, I know you'll find the original and all of the originals on the internet... just like they did.

I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm not trying to make any of the Q people feel bad or dumb. That's not the intent. However, it is heinous what is happening to innocent, well intended people, looking for good information with few places, thanks to the MSM, to find it. I'm not asking or expecting you to take it from me. I'm just suggesting that it wouldn't hurt to dig into things on the Q sure, as determined and detailed as y'all do on what the tell you. That's just good due diligence.

If more of these efforts were done, we wouldn't be debating this, today. I assure you, Trump would not have never sanctioned or allowed anyone to scream defcon 1 yesterday. Especially on an anonymous, internet message board on 8ch, nor would they do that anywhere only to leave you scared and confused. If we ever reach DEFCON 1, you're never going to misinterpret, misunderstand or misread it. Ever.



[–]AmericanGirl68 1 point

Allow me to ask this also: What harm would it do to follow ALL leads and use discernment to figure out what is really happening? Why can we use only one source? Wouldn't that, in and of itself, be foolish? It would be like watching the msm and believing only them and nobody else.



Following valid dots that factually connect to other valid dots, in a relevant, factual way, is educational and informative.

Following a few valid dots, sprinkled in with a lot more invalid dots, on purpose to mislead you then be disseminated as disinfo by you, is foolish. In fact, it's exactly what you'd admit you don't trust the MSM anymore for doing, is it not?!

If you dig deep enough into anything, you can connect anyone and everything to anything. Hence phrases like "six degrees of separation" are ironic, but fairly accurate. You all are being drawn in by vague, seemingly valid and interesting dots that lead to the relevant truth about 30% of the time, which then lead to other dots, which intentionally mislead you to connect things with things that shouldn't be connected. It's all just to keep you busy and distracted as a mass that threatens when left to your own dot discovering and connecting. I mean, did pizzagate need "Q"? No. Does Q confirm every single one the connections yall are making, so you know you've "connected correctly" as they intended, before posting, sharing or discussing the "truths" you've uncovered to all those you're redpilling and comforting in chaos, with rabbits?!

Please don't interpret this as an attack against you. It's not. These are sadly just questions that no one can answer because to be honest, no one even bothered to ask. People were prayed upon on purpose, then pushed into the collective, hive mind. Now, first 5 people to agree on a collective answer or conclusion while providing very little sources or evidence to support, decide what the "right" answer is for everyone and slap it on the map.


[–]dallasgunns777 2 points

/u/MegaHateNicknames , Why would Mueller need to interview Trump? I do not sleep well, and I am not comfy over here. At least not until the Mueller investigation is over. We need this investigation to end and end soon.



Sleep tight, brah. It's optics but yes, he's interviewing him. Trump is going to be asked how he knew he was being wiretapped and what exactly happened during that Don Jr./Russia/Trump Tower meeting Bannon's "statements" sent the MSM REEEEEing about for the last week. The "interview" is procedure. Trump would have to be interviewed to discuss and get this on the record, right?! Just like Flynn forcing his own testimony to get his truths on the record? Mueller calling Trump in is a formality but a good one. Means we're close to the end abd not for nothing, but Mueller and everyone else, already know what's coming with this. They already know what he's going to say because they all participated in it. They orchestrated it. It's the end of them and Russia.


[–]madhya462 5 points

[responding to another anon] careful what you wish for with shutting Q down. free speech and all, just sayin. that's a slippery slope.

would be much more ideal if, like megs suggests, people hold themselves and their sources to a higher standard before going all in and joining the QAnon Patriot Army of idiots.


[–]IMegaHateNicknames 5 points

... and I have suggested that. Since November, right on through to even today.



You do realize that you pretty much check your constitutional rights at the door when you create a potential national security issue across hundreds of thousands of people who follow you daily, by confirming on behalf of the president of the united states, we are at DEFCON 1 status, correct?!

I guarantee you, that many people are following this Q shit daily and I also guarantee you that the only reason they tried to walk it back and say they "didn't really mean defcon 1" because apparently "you should know that Defcon 1 means 30 other things" (and no, it doesn't). Does Trump ever have to explain to you when he tweets? Does he tell you 10 days of darkness are coming every 10 days, right after they never come?

I assure you, Trump nor the admin, would never leave you questioning, confused or concerned and if they had to communication confusing or concerning things to the public, they certainly would not do it on 8ch. This is absolutely ridiculous.


[–]IMegaHateNicknames 5 points

[referring again, I think, to Mueller interviewing Trump. -MrF] I posted about it on /pol/ like a few min ago but I'm too tired to find it again. I'm sure it will show up here. It's basically a formality "they" all knew was inevitable. Trump's probably going to tell them a whole lot about what actually went on at that Don Jr. meeting with Russians in Trump tower and that's gonna make Bannon's comments look like the intentional plant they are. It's going to happen. They all know it. It's the last piece to finish Russian hacking and Trumps interview will be on the record, with the dems Mueller and no one will be able to expect Mueller to continue.


[–]bigtoe911 3 points

I'm guilty of falling for the guilty pleasure of Q. In the beginning it was interesting to research and go down those rabbit holes, but has happenings never happened, I saw that I was turning into one of those mindless leftists eating what the MSM feeds them. The only difference is that I was eating from a different menu...but being spoon fed nonetheless. It's easy to do when you want to believe in something so much. I still go to the 8chan, but not for Q. There is some great talent on those boards when it comes to research autists, planefags, and memes.



It's why I liked lurking there, then posting there abd it's why I "respond to shills". Not everyone who disagrees with me is a shill, nor is everyone who thinks I'm a larp. It is ok for people to debate me, disagree with me, think I'm bullshit, etc. I mean, if they didn't I'd be more worried like I was in a Heaven's Gate cult, waiting for my purple sleepy time Haley comet juice. 😂


[–]lubenyuan 1 point

What do you mean by stack and queue? What is a short code in this case ? Sorry if I missed earlier, but can't find an instance it's explained. Thanks!



Might be easier if you google and read but there are applications that allow you and many corporations and organizations, to pre-draft and populate social media posts for like every platform, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. and literally like "stack" them all up, send them for approvals/confirmations if needed, then schedule when they will publish/post to those accounts and at what specific date/time via the queue they're pending in until they go. It's just an application/software that allows you to automate posting across several accounts, over several different platforms for several different people.

Social media/marketing/communications managers use these to the corporate accounts they manage the social media accounts of. Like if Trump tweets something at 7:30 pm on he can stack and queue it up to post on Facebook and Instagram in those post formats, at the same time. If he's away all weekend and doesn't want to tweet, he can preload a few in advance. These are usilialky the posts that seem obligatory, like generic abd canned. That's all.



No. This [Wolff's] book is not what got us here. Assange has been under the protective custody of he US, since October 2016. Well before this book. It has nothing to do with this. This was just a jab.

Nothing that's happening with Assange release is directly or as a result of this book.


[–]GetReal2018 3 points

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Was SpaceX/ launch of Zuma successful?




It was exactly successful in the way it needed to be. You'll see. 😉

I'm just going to let this play a little more because honestly, it's still too fresh and too few circles are involved. This is also an example of why I say I have nothing to worry about personally/professionally, when posting. I don't mind saying a few things about a few things, but I also don't say anything I shouldn't, before I should.


[–]ryguyhermosa 2 points

/u/IMegaHateNicknames - Joseph Farrell seems to be on your same page with regards to Q. what do you think of his take?>



Should make sense to most, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️


[–]Lucretia007 2 points

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I didn't put your name on my prior post. As I found some info by a child services worker, an Aussie one. She mentioned two names that were involved in the Madeline McCann kidnapping. If I dug those names out, would you be able to run a search on them? Do you have access that would be helpful?

The Lady was worried she would be killed and had posted it to anonymous. I found it by accident.

This chick gave a lot of data, some that I was able to confirm, kidnappings, murders, perps. ASIO deleted the post of my Facebook, so it must have been good stuff.



I cannot directly engage or attach myself via resources on this, especially now since you've just said it here, directly addressing to me, expecting a reply. Any digging I'd do on what you'd provide here, could very well tie me directly, if I initiated. So I can't.

But, sounds interesting and if the person you got this info from posted it anon, maybe it's something you could start an anon thread on and get some smart people on /pol/ interested, too. 😉


[–]quadsas 2 points

If we are to believe that Mega is /our/girl, does that mean that pre 11/1 Q was legit and after that was an irl larp?


[–]Lord_Mhoram 2 points

I think she thinks the pre-Q 10/28-10/31 anon was legit. I don't think she's ever confirmed it as in, "Yes, I know who that was, and he's legit."



I said that 10/28-10/31 was interesting and made me curious, which is why I'd initially missed the transition between that poster and Q Clearance Patriot in 11/1, because I'd missed a couple of days. When I caught myself up, I'd noticed the AF1 pics. From that alone, I knew something didn't smell right and from there I personally chose to lurk, limited post (because A FEW of the things "Q" said seemed interesting when individually viewed) and dig on the pics and other "verifications" these Q people were trying to pass off as legit, which I realized were bullshit.

As soon as I saw people claiming that "Q" had posted an AF1 pic in active flight (which would never legally, NOR technologically be able or allied to happen) and then saw people noting the file name, referencing a specific seat # they were implying "Q was sitting in", I started my own little digging on the side, while following the posts along a little more, to see what else was being posted to "verify" supposed proximity to Trump/admin on Asia trip.

Day I found out what was going on, I confirmed on here and did what I could on my end. The rest is history (sadly).


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