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Some MegaAnon gleanings from Reddit on a variety of topics

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:29

These have not been included in ToddWhiskey's index yet. I have extracted them from its comment section myself. I have tried to include context of other posters.


statusquowarrior 2 points


Megs, I've read some of your stuff and the Elon/Trump/Tesla thing has gotten to my head recently.

I'm more into the sci-fi alien technology stuff and I always wondered that a person like Musk, who names his company after Tesla, would have access/knowledge about some of the newer generation technology stuff. I never quite got why he didn't introduce these new technologies, if he was a true "disruptor".

Elon just started his "boring" company. And in these alien conspiracy circles it's pretty accepted that the whole world is full of underground bases - occupied or non occupied.

I see some scenarios like Elon, while testing his boring machine, finds out about some bases which would then be catalyst for a semi disclosure.

For the NASA/SpaceX angle, if I understood correctly from what you said, Trump is gonna negotiate for NASA to go to Mars for cheaper. They say they can't with their currently technology - Elon Musk comes to the rescue with new propulsion systems?

The thing is for these new propulsion systems to happen the whole scientific community will be extremely disappointed in realizing everything they have been taught is wrong. I can't see what would be the catalyst for that to happen - maybe Elon is respected enough in the scientific communites that him disclosing some type of sci-fi technology would be credible enough for the scientists to agree with him.

And it crosses my mind now that as Lockheed and many others had(and maybe still have) their Skunkworks programs, SpaceX might as well have their confidential program going on right now.

I'm just rambling here, but if you could provide any insight into this area - which I think will be very important for radical change.

I'm also curious about cryptos - any inside info about them? I've heard about the NSA good guys creating Bitcoin, I've heard it's all a hoax and the crypto behind it has already been cracked by the NSA, etc.

I do have a technical understanding of how it works(and I'm invested in it) and from my point of view it was a terrible idea, if made by the NSA with bad intentions, because the technology behind it takes power away from centralized systems that we currently use.

IMegaHateNicknames 2 points

Hi! Please remember that I brought Elon up in context as an example, specifically because of what his company does to pioneer technology, energy, space, etc. I used him as an example only because he's a household name that many are familiar with already.

That said, there are sadly many like Musk in the private space and across the world, who've been working to advance different ways of doing things and far more efficiently and effectively in many areas, than our governments seem to be able to achieve. The point isn't so much "Elon Musk", as it is forcing these government, federally sanctioned and funded departments/agencies to do their jobs, using studies, research, knowledge, expertise

IMegaHateNicknames 3 points

Sorry, commented too fast. Continued below...

... experience, etc. to effectively and efficiently operate, with all hands above the table. Example, "they" no longer get to profit or benefit from the control and manipulation of the systems to facilitate the means of their own skewed agendas. We will no longer fund, or allow others with alternative motives to fund or control, the resources and advancements of our country and at our expense. The administration has made it crystal clear that there will be no more under the table, backdoor dealings. Yes, we encourage people, governments and their nations to work and partner with us, but we will only work and partner above the table, from now on. This is "draining the swamp", but that doesn't begin or end with draining and purging the people in governments, who exploit and abuse. The ties, backchannels and networks, which have successfully facilitated, implemented and harbored the bad habits of deceit and corruption for decades, have to be severed completely. If not, we're only delaying and hindering these things until others who'll rush to fill the holes back in, can do so. We do not need more Bin Talal's, Soros's, Rothschilds, North Korea's, Iran's, Clinton/Bush/McCain Foundations, etc. exploiting us. Nor do we need others easily willing and able to take their place.

Their "system" goes down and they go with it.

NolongerIgnored 1 point


Megs, based on this comment you made about rates⬇

"These are the very things that will keep the market from crashing when rates are realistically adjusted."

When would you say is the best time to purchase a house, now or a year from now?

Thank you!

IMegaHateNicknames 4 points

I always admit what's my "gig" and what's not. That said, this is not exactly my gig, I'm sorry.

All I will say is this... rates will be ok and people will be able to buy houses they can afford, based on mortgages/approvals they can afford. We are no longer in the business of approving people who make $150k/year, $750k in mortgages, via ridiculous plans.

That said, I'd suggest focusing on how much you can put down, not so much rates. We need more people thinking in terms of buying and actually owning things again, like our grandparents used to, instead of mortgaging, financing, borrowing, crediting, renting, leasing, etc. our lives away. That's kinda how we got here in the first place with the housing market, thanks to Fannie, Freddie, etc.

Sorry I can't be of more help here.

Arithtoddle 4 points

OK /u/IMegaHateNicknames, I've been lurking/researching/checking since last summer. You encourage healthy skepticisim, so:

Consider that TPTB first choice for president was the vetted Madame Clinton as wholly owned subsidary and one of theirs and that Trump is a second choice, controlled and controllable. This means that whIch ever candidate siezed the brass ring TPTB felt their control and power sturcture unchallenged. However, the facade of democracy must be maintained in order for TPTB to exercise that power and to keep the population within this illusion. Trump was elected on a populous anti 'deep state' platform and to keep this shtick of draining swamps his supporters must be kept believing in this meme to keep the democratic facade in place. What better way to achieve this goal than controlled opposition with the mounting fake accusations and investigations that go no where but do keep the swamo draining narrative alive even as the President, the executive branch and both houses legislate every request the 'deep state' desires. Of course at some point the public will view actions as being infinitely more substantial than words and a totally new marketing campaign will be required for TPTB to manipulate the growing misbelieving public to reinvest in the political theater. Last time around it was the 'hope and change' meme, that once invested in by the voter kept them in the game for two terms. This time it is 'MAGA' and the draining of swamps, which is more costly requiring the use of scarificial lambs, to keep the populous enthralled, hopefully for another two terms. TPTB are hoping that they can shut down American society over the two Trump presidential terms and will likely use this fact in the next election cycle under a 'restore the constitution' marketing campaign to keep the population and the democracy illusion in play.

This sounds eerily similar to what is happening now . . .

IMegaHateNicknames 11 points

Great question and theory. If you replace Trump with Pence realizing he was the second establishment, begrudgingly but forcefully negotiated pick, then you're right on target. I've posted a lot about this. Pence is the very literal LBJ here. Trump's gestation on naming him as VP, even bringing Christie back in less than 24 hours before naming Pence, was a last attempt to keep them on their toes. We have Pence so the RNC/Reince wouldn't try to pull anything they were threatening about pulling rank and attempting to oust Trump via provisions they could've cited, during the convention.

The Flynn debacle re: Pence and his "role" in that, should've been your first clue. Pence is a strategic play, but not Trump's strategic play... Trump knows this though. He's known since day one and it's why he and his advisors, had and have always kept Reince (before he left) and Pence, at arms length. Reince was a dirty leaker and Pence kept the info flowing for him, amongst other things. It's funny, everyone hopes Hillary and Obama will go down, and I absolutely do too, but I REALLY hope Pence goes, instead of just being forced off the 2020 ticket or getting to "retire" or something. I hope he gets publicly fired.

TempoNick 3 points

One more thing, with regard to Reince and the rest of the establishment leakers. I simply don't get the lack of respect and loyalty of these people. No matter how you feel about Trump, you should consider it an honor to have the opportunity to be in the White House and you should do everything possible to make the President successful. Furthermore, you should have enough respect for YOUR OWN GRASS ROOTS and who they chose that you wouldn't undermine the President.

I don't think these establishment types understand how much damage they've done to the party and to any goodwill THEIR OWN GRASS ROOTS had toward them. I don't know if it's repairable at this point.

I hope he can nail them all and that there will be plenty of transparency about who did what and why they're going to jail/losing their Congressional/Senate seats. Humiliating people and throwing them in prison will be the only way to make sure this never happens again.

IMegaHateNicknames 8 points

I know, but if it makes you feel any better, our parties have been equally and bipartisanly fucked since Reagan (well, before Reagan too, but much worse since GHB on through Obama).

lasericeblade 5 points

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Hi Megs - love your work you make my work day 1000x better you have no idea. Hear anything about these weiner e-mails getting released via Judicial Watch? Something to get excited about?>

IMegaHateNicknames 8 points

Not sure. It's a really small file set in comparison to all the info obtained so could be a random or safe set the decided to release to shut everyone up with.

Hope it's good. Fitton deserves it, he works hard!

AmericanGirl68 7 points

I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but I don't care who mega really is. That's her business. I am just grateful for the info. She has given me hope I haven't had in a long time. Thank you for sharing this with those of us who don't know how to use 4chan.

IMegaHateNicknames 8 points

Nope! Not taken wrong at all! In fact, thank you! I didn't want anyone to care who I was. It's why I posted on /pol/ like every other anon. ;o)

madhya462 4 points

/u/IMegaHateNicknames, Do you reckon Trump really thinks climate change is a hoax? As someone who cares a lot about conservation, I'm having a hard time staying positive about him and his cabinet. Maybe MSM is spinning it that way, maybe environmentalists and 'Republicans' will just never see eye-to-eye on this. Curious if you had a take. Thanks.

IMegaHateNicknames 20 points

Not a hoax. Just not based on facts. It's been spun to create a money pit slush fund and tighten the red tape and financial strap on EPA legislated mandates/regulations.

Trust me, when you realize "global warming" was a hoax in the ways it's been presented, and who brokered and profited off all those tax dollars, regulations, corporate funds/penalties, you'll note it was all done to further control your money via metered services and hinder the REAL clean energy studies, generation and progress we could've made over the last 60+ years. It's been exploited like space and healthcare to control you, limit you, financially burden you and increase your dependency on their system, while they reaped the benefits.

dr_playful 3 points

Then probably not much of a stretch to imagine there are plans set to objectively establish climate change causes.

IMegaHateNicknames 4 points

Remember when we backed out of Paris Accord, but said we'd be more than happy to come back to the table and reevaluate the studies then renegotiate, if everyone else was willing to just do the same?!

This was on purpose. We're no longer in the business of funding solutions to problems decided by the very same bogus studies/research funded by the same companies, organizations, nations, vendors and contractors who ultimately profit off the bullshit they cherry pick to validate.

No one is saying global warming, climate change, etc. aren't "things". They very well could be, BUT, they're certainly NOT in the way we've been told and sold, via they're false propaganda, while we waste billions in tax dollars that pad their pockets, rather than actually improve or save the world.

Trump45 1 point

With Jones being declared the "winner" in AL, did the voter fraud stuff turn up nothing or is there still more to come?

IMegaHateNicknames 9 points

Still more to come. The left is trying to slam him through which you should've expected. They're delaying his investigations and so he formally filed his appeal. Confirming Jones means nothing. I even said it's better if he won. Makes it all look worse when he gets confirmed, seated and then it's proven you just literally watched "them" seat a god damn senator via election rigging and fraud, no?! I don't know about y'all but I live for this shit!! It's like my super bowl. I love getting the get. I love watching them implode on themselves, just like the Mueller investigation. You are literally watching them trying to slam in Jones using the SAME campaign/field TACTICS they tried to use for Hillary on Bernie... until they got caught!

Sometimes it's about the bigger picture, y'all. Be patient. Imagine how they'll even attempt to explain this. "It never ends", right?! Know what a complete cluster guck 2018 is going to look like knowing they've literally and successfully RIGGED elections, just like Moore/Jones, just like they TRIED with Hillary?! Do you see where this is going?!

e1337throwaway 10 points


Do you know anything about all these unidentified flights to Cuba that have been happening all day? Some if which fly in erratic patterns in Cuban airspace for a while. Flights from all over the place. Is this Swamp arrests as Gitmo detainees?

Pic related

Is this a good happening?

IMegaHateNicknames 16 points

Yes and yes.

biffingzorp -2 points

Did I miss the Schumer story breaking today?

Or was that yet another larp?

e1337throwaway 6 points

Mega didn't say it was coming today, some other 4chan op said it was coming this weekend.

Mega said she's not sure when exactly it'll break, just that it will at some point.

biffingzorp -2 points

She literally did not say this.

ToddWhiskey[S] 11 points

MegaAnon said precisely this, see the quote below. Can you even read?

"They did it because they know shit is gonna hit the literal sexual misconduct fan for Schumer after the new year, maybe a little before (like within last 1.5 weeks of Dec. we might hear/see rumblings). "

dancing-turtle 7 points

Just FYI, the way you frantically and very dishonestly try and convince people to pay no attention to MegaAnon is helping her credibility more than hurting it. People don't usually go to this much trouble to shoo people away from fiction they expect to fall apart on its own.

IMegaHateNicknames 14 points

It does! But only when well-sourced and appropriately cited as you've all done here. It's why I have such a gripe about these social media people. If those CBTS guys on that chick Tracy's "YouTube interview" had actually followed me, "the megs they love" as heavily as they larped, they'd have remembered I didn't start posting on /pol/ until May, not March.

I know little shit like this shouldn't matter, but when people are "confirming" things to lots of other people, they should try to be right. Especially when they feel the need to do the work on their own, because the MSM is fake news, right?! It's like one big game of high school telephone on the internets because no one seems to actually want to do the work they claim they've already done.

And not for nothing, but if all of them stopped talking about me and started talking about what I'd actually posted, after reading it ALL RIGHT HERE, they'd know there are a lot of things I've unironically been "right" about. Then they can make videos, chitty chatting about that stuff.

Thanks for citing correctly, y'all!

LastYearItWas 1 point

There are forums that have taken qanon and made their own circle jerk secret mixy mouse clubs and worship each other, lmao. When MegaAnon mentioned all hell breaks loose because MegaAnon is a female human. Q seems more like a distant all knowing christ to them. Question to you uMegaHateNicknames. If q anon is a LARP or ai with ILL intent, will the jumble heads making q a goody-goody god be so biased they will spin evil into a golden calf? Reason I ask due to q talk of space x like EM is doing the NK tango on the side with Kim. Space x is so secure and secret any assumption of EM & Kim kicking heels together is pure bs. Thoughts?

IMegaHateNicknames 3 points

You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Musk and North Korea. Musk is not a problem. Quite the opposite. I am glad there are people like Musk, doing what they're doing at the level they are doing it. It will be people and companies like Musk's in these "science" communities, who will be in the VERY FEW, with the clout and credibility to confront, question, deny and confirm what's actually right AND wrong, with "Earth" and "Space" as related to "science" and what we've been taught. That's all I'll say right now.

"Science" is a BUSINESS and it's a lucrative one, especially for our government, their contractors, vendors, budgets, projects, missions, experiments, defenses, etc.

As with politicians, we also need scientists willing to go against the grain and fund, study, confirm, etc. the truths... even if there's discrepancies in the truth. Musk will help pioneer this.


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