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Posted By: Susoni
Date: Wednesday, 21-Jan-2015 23:52:10

As I was just telling this reader, "I'm not sure how I feel about placing my faith in the next generation." Big sigh :-)

Thank you, George. Wise words but some of our young are 'very' awake and aware. Let's pray it is enough.




Lyndon Eaton


"The river keeps on a rolling". The flow of a river, like the flowing of time, keeps rolling on, non-stop, leaving those that stand on the shore behind. Unlike a river and time, our lives are finite - limited, and has an expiration date. What we are seeing now in our nation is the flow of time going past us regardless what condition our nation is in politically. Time is eroding the effectiveness of resistance to tyranny. It is moving past the human lives of patriots who are determined to defend this nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. The passing of time is eliminating the resistors through attrition, they are simply dying off everyday. The question is, what will the next generation do for this nation in its hour of need? Will there be an effective group of new patriotic Americans capable, and of sufficient size to save this nation?

The conspirators for a global government are fully aware of the passing of time, and they are using it to their advantage. The nations are being transformed from what they were to socialism, mega corporations and banker controls. As it stands now there is very little resistance or push back to the socialist agenda. The popular culture, the liberal oriented news media, the education system and liberal politicians are all working in concert to transform this nation into a socialist state. The patriotic, more conservative and libertarian citizen are trying to hold the line against draconian laws and the establishment of a totalitarian state. That battle is being lost on all fronts. The conspirators have been careful not to move too fast and thereby wake up a slumbering nation. But the moves against our republic are steady and unrelenting. It is almost as if the conspirators themselves may die off before they see their complete conquest realized. If true, that means the scheme to take over this nation is on automatic pilot - and lives beyond the lives of the controllers, and then is passed on to others with a robotic like implementation of globalism. As time goes on the resistors to a new world order, also die off, and what and who remains is the great unknown.

For decades patriotic Americans have been standing guard against socialist propaganda and holding the line like volunteer firefighters. That effort paid off, and the tireless crusade to educate and inform the public kept the conspiracy against our nation in check. That is no longer the case. The ultra liberals have surged forward, collectively, to control the nation, to change and implement new laws on a wholesale basis. The end result is a nation more brainwashed by anti-American propaganda, and the creation of self loathing. White people have been inculcated with self hate and loathing, which is helping to empower minorities into power. The minorities are being used by the conspirators to do their bidding. They are the controlled masses to riot and protest for social change. Unfortunately they are fighting for their own future chains of slavery and don't even know it.

People on the street now parrot what they hear without exercising any critical thinking. We are now in the tipping point where the socialist change agents will be able to see the fruits of their victory over conservatives, family values and true patriotism. There is no push back from any sector of society. There is no popular or effective resistance from any political groups. There is no national movement to set the record straight and simply defend the nation from all enemies foreign or domestic. If this is the American condition now, what will it be like for the next generation? It is obvious that the next generation of Americans will not be as numerous as what we have now. And, when this generation dies off, the next patriots will be fewer and even less effective. We will be out of the picture, but the next generation will be forced to see a global plantation established, and be the new peasant class, from cradle to the grave. Not a pretty picture.

How did we get here? How did this happen to this nation? Answer: An enemy did this. They conspired against us, plotted and planned to destroy our nation from within, corrupted politicians, infested the colleges with liberal educators, and pumped out liberal entertainment and news media propaganda. We did not do this to ourselves. We were not to blame for this, except for being complacent and indifferent at times. There is another modern factor that has accelerated the demise of this nation, and that is the internet. As good and powerful the internet is, it is a two edged sword, it is also absorbing the thoughts, minds and lives of people. The internet has opened the flood gates to networking with like minded people, and the sharing of similar views. If that information is based on truth and liberty it is a good thing. But if it is tainted with falsehoods, half truths and socialist propaganda, it is a bad thing. There is another element to the internet that is not openly discussed or realized, which is detrimental to this nation. And that is the prolific availability of pornography and sex activity. However, I am not in favor of censorship, i am simply outlining the facts this phenomenon is having on the nation. It hurts the nation in several ways, first of all, is the time spent on those sites, which replaces the time to be aware of what is going on politically nationwide. Secondly, when people are exploring sexual activity, they are being transformed into a more liberal populace that no longer has any resistance to what corrupt politicians are doing. I am not trying to judge people involved with normal human sexual exploration, that is their right. But, what I am saying is, this is a major factor that is occupying the time of citizens and placing them in a lifestyle environment - that makes them vulnerable to social engineering and liberal brainwashing. This may be unseemly to say this, but - how do you fight against an orgasm? If people are involved in sexual exploration to such an extent, spending hours a week on the internet, then meeting up with others for sex, - it absorbs their time and alters their political opinions. In my opinion, that is the final stage of a nation's collapse. It may be subtle, it may seem natural and feel good, but it creates the strong possibility of having a negative affect on the nation. People want to feel good, they want to be happy, they want to obtain all the pleasure they can while they are alive. This is normal and natural. But, when it replaces common sense, rational thinking and absorbs their time to dangerous levels, then it becomes a detriment to a nation.

I can see the "sea change" in the nation with this time consumption on the internet. The nation has been transformed the past 30 years, and the internet has accelerated that change. It has been a subtle change, an underground, unspoken, quiet change in the people. They work, they come home, they get on the internet, they search for sexual gratification, then go back to work again. They have no time to visit friends at the kitchen table and discuss the state of the nation. They have no time to go to conservative rallies or meetings. They have no time to read about socialist changes taking place, or what the education system is saying to their children. They are too busy slaving in the system and obtaining gratification. How do you fight against an orgasm? You don't. It is over. The patriot cause is lost, this is the final stage of the socialist takeover. In time, when the nation is in a fallen state, then people will wake up and regret what they did - but it will be too late then. What is the answer? Balance in all things. Stay awake and alert to what is going on. Guard your time, it is your life. Educate your friends to common sense, rational thinking and the value of standing for liberty. Then, if we leave this world before we see the re-establishment of our Constitutional Republic, at least we have done our part and can pass on the torch of liberty to the next generation.

George Eaton, Priority Report

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