An anonymous 4chan user with the handle "Knowledge Bomb" has made multiple posts on 4chan, covering a wide variety of alt-media type topics. The following link goes to a compilation of them since May of this year:
They appear in reverse chronological order at the above link.
There is a current thread on 4chan discussing the Knowledge Bomb posts, and various concerted attempts by shills and trolls to sabotage and disparage them:
I am going to post reformatted versions of the three most recent Knowledge Bomb posts as samples:
[Sandy Hook]
It was a conflict between globalist cults/groups involving the town. Symbolism is important to notice & the tactics can be used to identify groups involved in operations/incidents.
Due to the multilayered coverup that occurred, the public just thinks it’s another mass shooting & the “conspiracy” groups looking into it would only figure it was a false flag to push anti-gun agenda’s.
The shooters were groomed/abused by a pedo network that was operating out of the town. Some of the teachers were involved in it.
In their minds they targeted what they believed to be the “source” of the network & several of the killings were not random.
The shooting was a group sniper/gunmen/terror attack, something that has commonly been used in color revolution "Springs"(Arab, Ukraine & US). It also has similarities with the Dallas Sniper(which was part of a similar operation) & ISIS attacks.
Predictive programming was also used involving Marilyn Manson getting hit by guns from above at a concert with a purple(color revolution hinting) background.
If you map out the locations of Yellowstone, Groom Lake & Denver International Airport they form a triangle. Pyramids create triangle shadows, in this case the shadow points to Groom Lake which is near Vegas. In Vegas they have a pyramid, who's shadow casts pointing to/at the kill-zone location. The hotel, pyramid & kill-zone form a triangle. (Symbolism)
NK is surrounded by (SK, Japan & US) to the south & (Russia and China) to the north. NK has weapons pointed at all of them.
The rhetoric of threatening to attack/nuke surrounding countries is a big reason why things have accelerated. This is similar to what’s been going on with Iran. Saber rattling is something that should be done sparingly.
If war were to happen it would be a mix of nuclear, conventional & space weapon systems.
It can be reached, but only if the Korean War comes to an end peacefully & without country destroying conflict.
Both countries(NK & SK) should remain separate. Reunification wouldn’t be feasible because of the governments, influencers(SK = US, NK = China) & differences between the people. It might be possible after a few decades of the countries being on better terms, but them developing separate but peacefully would be better for the region.
The Left is a threat that should be/should have been taken seriously(Much like that crippled guy who showed the Persians the goat path that got the Spartans killed). They are millions of people that got social engineered into expendable/useful pawns for globalists and other interests that want to bring down The West. They are a cult of suicidal zombies.
The Left took over The West a while ago, now they wage war against anyone who fights back against them.
Education systems/buildings are nothing but brainwashing/social engineering mosques for The Left, creating more of them by damaging generations.(Left teachers/professors fill the Imam role).
Governments, corporations & media are all infiltrated by them, which causes society to degrade and collapse under their rule. All 3 are then used for demonizing/attacking anyone who fights back against The Left, to a point where they are jailed if they do fight back against The Left.
The Left are backed by powerful organizations/figures that want to bring down The West(Such as Soros). They have no problems getting massive numbers for marches/riots/protests, being violent & going after peoples lives if they are going against them. The Left have connections to Islamic groups, so expect Islamic style attacks being done by/with them in the near future.
When a actual resistance to The Left wins/fights back against them, The Left creates a mass "resistance" force to crush/defeat them, which is then supported by celebs, social media/MSM & globalist backers, and even some Intel agencies.
The Left has already destroyed generations & when push comes to shove in a civil war scenario in The West, they will kill alot of people immediately.(The Left has kill/hit lists that are circulating around the networks/organizations they have.)
Not taking The Left seriously as a threat has caused The West to be on its deathbed culturally, population, spiritually & society wise.