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The Anglo-Boer War, Gold, Diamonds, The British Capitalists and Financiers

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:01

In Response To: 1-hr 5-min video: "The Collapse of South Africa | Dan Roodt and Stefan Molyneux" (hobie)

The Anglo-Boer War is not a well known event in the annuals of history. Indeed, it is safe to say that it is a war which was swept under the carpet. I doubt whether it is a subject which is ever mentioned in the classrooms of U.S. schools and universities. This is no accident, but deliberate policy.

------- Hofflandia

The Dutch-Boers trekked to the Cape Town, Africa originally as emigrating farmers(boeren) from the Netherlands. Cape Town was a re-supplying port of all ships trading in the East, and was established by the Dutch East India Company as a place to resupply their ships. Originally it was a small town with a couple of farms, but Cape Town's strategic importance, along with the increase of Dutch trade, the town kept on growing. The farmers (boerens) started moving inwards, populating more and more of the land in a colonizing patteren, much like was done in America.

At this time about 40% of the settlers in Cape Town were Dutch, 40% were Germans, and the rest were French. There was a large influx of Protestant French into the Netherland, along with an overpopulation of Germany at the time.

The native peoples of the Cape area were called the Khoikhoi and the San, who thinly populated the area. They were yellow-brown skinned and small stature. The Khoikhoi were pastoral cattle herding people, while the San were foraging hunter-gatherer Bushmen. The word San was a Khoikhoi term, meaning something like “no account rascal”. This was because the San/Bushmen were raiding the Khoikhoi cattle, because the availability of water, game and the edible plants that they used for their diet was not available with the arrival of pastoralist and agriculturalist people from elsewhere in Africa, which forced the San people to withdraw from their traditional territories . Many San people prefer to be identified by the name of their individual nations, which included !Kung, Jul'hoan, Tsoa .

The San people displacement was made worse by the arrival of the Dutch, German and French colonists in the 17th and 18th centuries establishing farms on the more arable lands. The Khoikhoi welcomed these Europeans as allies in their struggles against the San/Bushmen. Soon the San/Bushmen were confined to non-arable areas like the Kalahari Desert.

When the Kalahari San/Bushmen of Botswana came upon the expanding Bantu Tswana cattle-herders , there occurred mutual fighting and cattle-raiding. In wars between rival Bantu tribes or clans, women and children were usually spared. But in wars with the San/Bushmen who steal cattle, the Bantu often slaughtered all, with no regard to sex or age. The San/Bushmen with their bows and poisoned arrows fared pretty well in combat with the Bantu with their shields, clubs and spears.

The San/Bushmen livestock raiding was predicated by game shortages created by the farmers/cattle herders, and by ecological transformation caused by tillage and grazing.

The dynamic of this hostility was transformed when the better-armed horse mounted Boers arrived. Like the Khoikhoi, the Boers found the San/Bushmen difficult to subdue because of the poisoned arrows and their mobility.

Things changed when the French Republic under Napoléon Bonaparte conquered the Netherlands, and installed his brother Louis-Napoleon as King of a puppet kingdom there in 1806, which took over from the Batavian Republic, which was the successor of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands in 1795. Now that the Netherlands served France, who were at war with Britain since 1803, the British promptly took the strategic Cape Colony for themselves.

Most of the Boers, unwilling to be subjugated by the British, moved further into the deserted hinterland and founded self-governing states like Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Some coastal provinces remained Anglicized.

However, when the Boers expanded into the north-eastern of the Cape they were halted by the hostility of the San/Bushmen in the Sneeuwburg Mountains, and the frontier was even forced back in some areas.

After about thirty years when the Boers became numerous enough, the militia and the Bantu simply went in and put a stop to the San/Bushmen.

Diamonds and gold were discoved in the Transvaal in 1867 and 1886. Soon outsiders came as prospectors, and to mine this vast mineral wealth. It was not long before dirty tricks campaign from England, like that used in the opium trade in China, was started in the Boer republic of Transvaal. This steady stream of 'foreigners', like that used in China, was a mix of Italians, Jews and Chinese.

Lord Palmerston's China gang was put to use in the Transvaal, to foment unrest and demand voting rights and a voice in government for the 'foreigners'. The vastly outnumbered Boers could not permit this.

“The Boers feared the vast influx of newcomers with their godless ways,
their foreign languages and customs. They feared the manner in which
these newcomers crossed racial lines. Greatly outnumbered, the Boers
took measures to protect their cultural and religious beliefs.
The measures which Kruger took were quite properly based on a very real
fear, that the Boers would be swamped if he did not protect their heritage.
The foreigners were not allowed to vote, and could hot obtain citizenship. “

The British Parliament intervened on the side of the 'foreigners', insisting that the Boers must grant them citizenship. This was contrary to the Sand River Convention treaty of January 17, 1852 with about 5,000 Boer families, where England recognized their independence in the region to the north of the Vaal River (Transvaal).

Passions ran high in England as 'tales' of great suffering by the “British” was disclosed through the British newspapers.

President Paul Kruger of the Republic of Transvaal sought to avoid hostilities, even visiting Queen Victoria, but against the evil doings of Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes, he had no defence. Paul Kruger and the British people did not seem to realize the nature of the forces that were aligned against them. They did not seem to realize, that the real issue was not the rights of the foreigners, but the desire of the Jews to grab the diamonds and the gold of the Transvaal.

England's element of subversion was a large force from the British Board of Deputies, under the command of Sir Moses Montefiore, and other foreigners.

The Boers being innocent of the real forces lined up against them, were going with the line of thought that they were only going to defend themselves against a massive and powerful military empire. They did not know that lined up against them were powers of darkness, and forces of spiritual wickedness in high places

An important belief of the Boers was that the coloured races had to be kept, with no limitation, separated from the white race. They believed in the superiority of the white race, based on Biblical injunctions. This belief used against the Boers by the agitators, was in much the same way as the slavery topic was used to drum up support for the American Civil War.

Thus came about the Boer Wars, where the British sought to gain control of the Transvaal. When the Boer militia of farmers bloodied the noses of the finest parade ground army of the Empire of the world at that time, it sent shock waves through the British public, and the aristocracy, at the news of the routed British calvary.

The Calvary, which had speared the helpless Boer prisoners, was routed, and straggled into Ladysmith, “A streaming mass of clubbed and broken cavalry” as one observer put it.

This led to massive reinforcements in 1899, soldiers and equipment from Calcutta, Bombay, England, Malta, Egypt, Crete, and Mauritius. But the Boers proved to be more than a match for the British forces. One of the major battles was fought at Tugela River 15th December 1899 , near Ladysmith, where the British force with sixteen battalions of infantry, cavalry and heavy guns started out toward the Boer positions led by General Sir Redvers Buller. But the Boers under the command of Lous Botha stood their ground, and the British forces had to make a general retreat. The news of this shocked the British public, and caused General Buller to be relieved of this command and sent home.

General Bullers' replacement was Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts. Lord Roberts’ adopted a code of war against the Boer civilian population, the first such recorded act.

efore where the British military forces, and other foriegners, were unable to make the Boers become different and change, Lord Roberts thought to do by a direct physical attack on the family unit so as to intimidate.

Immediate plans were laid by the High Command to implement a scorched earth policy, destroy the crops and cattle, burn down the homesteads, and put the women and children in concentration camps. Hitter has often been accused of being the man who started civilian concentration camps. The truth is, the distinction belongs to the British, who at the urging of Milner and Rhodes, saw it as a way to bring the Boers to heel. It was dirty war at its worst.

The Boer housewife was particularly hated by Milner ( Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milne ) and Rhodes (Cecil Rhodes). She was the rock of the family; she did all of the domestic work. Even President Kruger’s wife milked the cows. The Boer women kept the farm going and the family together while the men were away fighting the war.


Boer farms were destroyed and cattle killed. Women and children were herded into camps, without any proper sanitation, or shelter, other than the ordinary bell tent. It was
a scene set for disaster, which was not long in coming.


Thus did the British High command demean itself. Later the same tactics were to be used against the civilian population of Germany on a hitherto unheard of scale, like in Dresden, when 125,000 German women, children and old men fell victim to Churchill’s murderous firebombing in one hellish night. This was how war was shaped, not by the Germans, but by
the most civilized nation on earth, the British, and they did it to women and children, their own kind, ..............


The Boer women and children suffered indescribable hardships in the primitive camps set up to “house” them. In the end, out of the 116,572 Boers in concentration camps, some 25,000 perished from malnutrition, dysentry, and exposure, as well as a variety of other diseases.


An English nurse, Emily Hobhouse, did yeoman work in the “death camps” and she sent back hundreds of horrifying accounts to the British Parliament over the treatment of the camp inmates. However, none of this moved Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener to do anything about the disgrace.

This policy of genocide against the Boers was fully supported by Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes, who both expressed their satisfaction with it. The lessons learned and experience gained by Milner in South Africa were later put to use in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.


(Lord Roberts) began to think in terms of offering a peace treaty to the Boers. Rhodes flew into a rage, his high falsetto voice raised in shrill protest to Queen Victoria. The autocratic Milner was furious, and refused to entertain the idea. Roberts wrote to the Queen saying that if Milner and Rhodes wanted to grind the Boers into the dust (their expressed intentions), then they must be prepared to spend billions more on the war.


Lady Roberts in the meantime, in defiance of the orders of her Queen, arrived in Pretoria, and immediately ordered the expulsion of all Boer women and children from that city. The unfortunate civilians were herded into open cattle trucks and shipped out toward the Boer positions near the border of Portuguese East Africa. The women and children went a few days in the open trucks, without shelter or proper food and water supplies.


General Botha, .........called it “an inhuman act.” And it was. (Lord)Robert’s answer was to increase the tempo of farm burning. He wrote home saying that he would “starve into submission, these banditti” as though he was fighting rabble.

Lord Milner thought nothing of the swelling protests in England over the disgraceful treatment of Boer women and children. “If we are to do anything about South Africa we must disregard the screamers” he wrote to his associate, Richard Haldane. That attitude was carried over by
Milner into the Bolshevik revolution, where he disregarded the screams of the innocent, victims of his greed.


.... the British saw that the only way to end the war was to come to all accommodation with the Boers, not the unconditional surrender demanded by Milner and Rhodes, but one which the Boers could live with. Terms were drawn up and submitted to the Boers. After months of deliberating, they agreed to meet the British in Pretoria. General Smuts and the British together hammered out a compromise document. Finally on May 31st, 1902 the two sides got together in a great marquee tent at Vereeninging and a peace treaty was signed. The Boers lost the war, but gained a good deal of freedom and independence. The only one who did not agree with the wars end was Lord Alfred Milner. He expressed bitter shock and dismay, more so at the failure of the British Army to defeat the Boers in battle.


After the signing of the peace treaty, some 25,000 Boer Commandos came forward to give up arms, which further astonished the British. They had reckoned on only about 12,000 armed men, and were thankful that the Boers accepted the terms in view of the forces still at their command.


After the war the Boers struggled to put their lives together again. They returned to farms devastated and destroyed, some with their families dead in concentration camps, the country side scorched and blackened. But in a few short years those hardy men, who should be an example to us all, built the finest country on the African continent. Unfortunately they were not able to keep the Jews from entirely gaining control of the gold mines.


In 1910 the British allowed home rule, and the Union of South Africa was born, with the Republics of the Orange Free State and Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic [South African Republic (Transvaal)] incorporated together with the Cape Province and Natal under one government with General Louis Botha as the first Prime Minister.

The Afrikaaners continued fighting for a free Republic and with the outbreak of WWI, a rebellion occurred because most of the Afrikaaners saw England as the enemy, and refused to fight against the Germans.

The National Party was at this time was not politically strong, but was growing with greater force with General James Barry Munnik Hertzog better known as Barry Hertzog , the founder of the party.

The same scenario took place with the birth of the Ossewbrandwag at the outbreak of WWII. The Ossewbrandwag was an organization against supporting England, since the objective was to establish a free Afrikaaner Republic. But the South African Party of General Jan Smuts was then in power and hundreds of Afrikaaners were arrested and put in prison or in internment camps.

Still even with the oppression more organizations were established to help the Afrikaaners to be in the corporate world. The banks and mining houses were in the hands of the Afrikaaners.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd in 1961, the country became a free republic, outside of the British Commonwealth. The war they had to fight was that of black nationalism.

According to Kallie van Rensburg, this has a bearing on the events in March 1961 when Dr. Verwoerd attempted to retain South Africa’s membership in the British Commonwealth after it became a republic. Dr. Verwoerd was optimistic that his application would succeed, because countries like India, Pakistan and Ghana became republics without loss of Commonwealth membership.A series of heated debates followed during the Commonwealth conference and Dr. Verwoerd was virtually forced to leave the Commonwealth. (They push oneof our men out of the front door). In his farewell speech in London, Dr.Verwoerd said: “I was shocked and overwhelmed by the hostile spirit prevailing against South Africa... opposition is based on the so-called ‘discrimination’ we practise in South Africa. But this hostility came from countries where the principles of so-called democracy is totally absent...”

-----------PROPHECIES by Siener Van Rensburg , page 65

On September 6, 1966 Prime Minister Verwoerd was assassinated in Cape Town in the House of Assembly Parliament by a parliamentary messenger, Dimitri Tsafendas . Three days before his death he held talks with Prime Minister of Lesotho, Chief Leabua Jonathan with special emphasis on "co-operation without interference in each others' internal affairs" .

Dimitri Tsafendas told the police that he had killed Verwoerd because he was "so disgusted with the racial policy". One source indicates that Tsafendas believed that Verwoerd "was helping blacks at the expense of whites”.

At Dimitri Tsafendas's trial, Judge Andries Beyers declared Tsafendas not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.He had been diagnosed as being schizophrenic and it was claimed by police and his defence that he had said that he had a giant tapeworm inside him, which spoke to him .

In 1999, Liza Key was allowed to conduct two televised interviews with him, for a documentary called "A Question of Madness"; she put forward the suggestion that he may have been acting as part of a wider conspiracy . The madness of Demitrio Tsafendas --------

Theophilus Ebenhaezer ('Eben') Dönges became the acting Prime Minister of South Africa until September 13, 1966, when Balthazar Johannes (John) Vorster was made the 7th Prime Minister of South Africa.

It be said John Vorster was a staunch adherence to apartheid, was not as dogmatic as his predecessors when it came to foreign policy. He improved relations with other African nations, such as by the adoption of his policy of letting Black African diplomats live in white areas in South Africa. He unofficially supported, but refused officially to recognise, the neighbouring state of Rhodesia, whose predominantly white minority government had unilaterally declared independence from Britain in 1965. Vorster followed white public opinion in South Africa by supporting Rhodesia publicly, but was unwilling to alienate important political allies in the United States by extending diplomatic recognition to Rhodesia.

In 1978 Pieter Willem Botha became Prime Minister of South Africa, and their became the bitter political struggle between the liberal and conservative Afrikaans-speakers. This was preceded by the splitting of the National Party, with the forming of the Herstigte Nasionale Party in 1969, and proliferation of right wing parties, which siphoned off important segments of its traditional voter base. Traditionally the National Party's support came from Afrikaaners. But by 1982 the Liberal trends of reform apartheid in government policy alarmed the hardlined Afrikaaners of the National Party in an adequate degree, that they formed the Conservative Party, which eroded away much support from the National Party. The Conservative Party was committed to reverse Prime Minister Botha's reforms. The Democratic Party of 1973 – 1977 advocated liberalizing the apartheid laws to some degree and emancipating the Asian and “Coloured” South Africans.

Depending on the community, “Coloureds” descended from a diverse heritage of numerous interracial sexual unions including British, Irish, German, Mauritian, Saint Helenian, Indian, Xhosa and Zulu . Some of the mized-race people referred to call themselves black, Khoisan or just South African.

In the post-apartheid time some Coloured people voted for the white National Party. The National Patyy was recast as the New National Party to attract non-White voters. The political alliance between White and Coloured often is perlexing to the outsider, but can be explained by the language and culture shared by White and Coloured New National Party members, both speaking Afrikaans. Both groups opposed affirmative action programs that might give preference to non-Coloured Black people, while some Coloured people feared losing older privileges, such as access to municipal jobs, if the African National Congress gained control in the government.

The ANC had some success in winning Coloured voters among the labour affiliated and the middle class. Some Coloureds express distrust of the ANC , commenting that the Coloureds were considered “not white enough under apartheid, and not black enough under the ANC”.

“According to the Christian Science Monitor, around four in 100 South African marriages occur between members of South Africa's major ethnoracial groups, with trepidation toward interracial marriage polling far lower among Black South Africans than among White South Africans. It is not known how many descendants of post-apartheid interracial relationships identify as Coloured or with the Coloured minority group. “


In September 1984 Pieter Willem Botha became the first State president as head of state and government.

According to the geopoliticist, Donald S. McAlvany, liberals abroad, particularly in America, played an important part in these events. He states as follows: “In August of 1989, State President P.W. Botha was overthrown in a“bloodless coup orchestrated by several of his own powerful cabinet ministersand directed from behind the scenes by the U.S. State Department...”

(In fact, Donald McAlvany had visited this country on a regular basis since the 1970’s with the specific purpose of giving lectures in every big centre. Virtually every lecture began with: “Your greatest enemy is NOT the Soviet Union, but my own country, the USA! The CIA, the State Department, the InternationalBankers—those three in particular, are extremely dangerous, as they will stop at nothing to overthrow your present Government in favour of black, Communist-led majority rule.”.. He also held talks with high-ranking officials inGovernment, as well as the Armed Forces, and was well-received until around 1988, when he was suddenly rebuffed and virtually declared ‘persona non grata’ by these same officials who had previously welcomed him. No doubt whatsoever that the secret forces in the USA had done their homework very diligently by brainwashing (and probably threatening) the South African Government into submitting to their demands...)

------------ , page 75

In 1992 Frederik Willem de Klerk, the 2nd State President of South Africa as head of state and government, held a whites-only referendum on ending apartheid , with an overwhelming “yes” vote to continue negotiations with Nelson Mandela and the ANC to end apartheid. But Neslon Mandela was distrustful of President de Klerk's role in the negotiations, as he believed of President de Klerks awareness, or understanding, about 'third force' efforts to instigate or stir up violence in the country and destablize negotiations. Others of the Afrikaans suspected of President de Klerk retreat from his predecessors policy of Separate Development ensured South Africa falling to Communism.

Mr. Jaap Marais, leader of the HNP (Reformed Nationalist Party) ......... In a letter to The Citizen on 8th August 1995, wrote that he was not going to apologize for
the policies followed by the N.P. (National Party) under Gen. Hertzog, Dr. D F Malan, Mr. J G Strijdom and Dr. H F Verwoerd.

“Whether called segregation, apartness or separate development, the
policies were based on the eternal truth that persons desire to have their
distinctive identity recognized and respected by others.”
“Freedom of the individual may only be enjoyed if the group to which he
or she belongs enjoys freedom. The freedom of the group, but attachment
to the cultural prescriptions of the group, provides real freedom of the
individual. This is the essence of nationalism, involving the right to
preference for one’s own. And this is precisely what the policies of the
past were promoting, especially under the enlightened and competent
leadership of Dr. H F Verwoerd.

“Under his leadership South Africa had an average rate of economic
growth of six percent per annum, and an inflation rate of two percent. The
nation was “suffering from a surfeit of prosperity”, as the Rand Daily
Mail said in July, 1966. Mr. Harry Oppenheimer admitted that the living
standards of Blacks were rising at the rate of 5.4% and those of Whites at
3.7 percent per annum.

“There was law and order in the country, Jan Botha, an opponent of Dr.
Verwoerd, wrote that South Africa was a “shining example of peace on a
troubled continent.”

Jaap Marais ends his letter with the logical conclusion, “To apologize for
the prosperity and peaceful conditions created under these policies, and
conversely, promoting and condoning the mess of economic woe and
lawlessness created under the new policies, is preposterous.”
That “mess” to which Mr. Marais referred grew rapidly once the ANC
had been handed the White’s wealth, weapons and security both in variety
and intensity .

Yes, this mirroring of a balkanized society, could in itself lead to a fractionating where lives would be wound around the condtions lived. If one saw no hope, then the course of action is to follow those who promise a condition of premise where living would be more grand, without the laws restricting ones living, let alone movement about. This is how exploitative entities gain entrance, riding on the frailities of others to invoke their scheme of power to cure the fracationed, which in itself could become worse than the original condition.

In May 1994 Nelson Mandela became the 1st inaugural President of South Africa. This was the first executive post as President of South Africa. Nelson Mandela in his teen years was impressed with the European colonialists “not as oppressors but as benefactors who had brought education and other benefits to southern Africa”. But his many years working with the 'liberal', the communists, the miners, and the ANC Youth League transformed him into working against apartheid.

The same British families who opened the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank to facilitate the movement of drug money now set up shop in Johannesburg in order to get control of this gold, which belonged to the Boers. The criminal conspiracy of the British cabinet which ran the opium war now extended its influence and power through Freemasonry to the Transvaal. Behind Prime Minister Palmerston’s fine facade of respectability was the rotten degeneracy of British aristocracy, besotted by the evil of high Masonry. It was only after the Military Commission on the murder of Lincoln made its findings public that some of the sordid details of Palmerston’s connections with the Scottish Rite Freemason lodges became known. I mention this, to remind my renders of the strong links between U.S. history and the Boer War, i.e. the same people ran both the American War Between the States, and the Boer War. The Chinese Triads, the Order of Zion, were all part of the dirty tricks organized to upset both America, and later, the Boer Republics.

----- Hofflandia

--Of who did what to who, along with the unscrupulous actions, it was all about the diamonds and gold, along with dividing of the white Afrikaaners. There was no cohesiveness once the British capitalists and financiers with their spies entered into the 'activity' to bring democracy into South Africa in 1994. Not to mention the disillusioned 'liberals' who began to feel that the honeymoon was over.

Then their was the secret pact between South Africa and Israel. ”During the second world war the future South African prime minister John Vorster was interned as a Nazi sympathiser. Three decades later he was being feted in Jerusalem. In the second part of his remarkable special report, Chris McGreal investigates the clandestine alliance between Israel and the apartheid regime, cemented with the ultimate gift of friendship - A-bomb technology. -------


The Bantu and the San tribesman fought


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