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Further update from Jim Stone on the Mexican gasoline shortage
Posted By: MrFusion Date: Thursday, 22-Dec-2016 13:57:44
In Response To: Jim Stone update on the Mexican gasoline shortage, including the confusing Pemex licensing situation (MrFusion)
Another update on the Mexican gasoline shortage
SUMMARY: Yesterday evening enormous portions of Mexico ran out of gas without warning. I am talking a personally confirmed MINIMUM of 18 million people, and it probably is more like 100 million people without gas. There was no explanation given other than that "The U.S. stopped sending gas" and "Now we have to wait until January for more to arrive from China" This is what the gas stations were saying. Obviously, if the U.S. really did stop sending gas suddenly, it would be a war preparation move, where the U.S. would be stockpiling gas before a huge world war to stop Trump from getting in.
There is a LOT about this topic on this page now. I am going out today to get an update on this crisis.
One reader pointed out that Mexico is a large crude oil producer. Possibly. But that does not necessarily mean gasoline, it might mean road tar. And contrary to what people think, Mexico has a huge number of cars on the road and is similar to America that way. So gas demands are very high.
One guy trolled me and said the CIA blew up Mexico's last refinery years ago. That is a laugh, Mexico has some absolutely giant refineries. And that begs the question: How on earth did gas just suddenly run out? It did not fade out, it was just suddenly gone. If it really is gone, it would mean that the government did not warn the people of an obvious approaching crisis.
This morning, cars are gone from driveways about 80 percent of normal. But no one idled them like they usually do (usually people idle them for 10 minutes or more before driving which I think is stupid) and today they all started them and drove immediately. Overall traffic is down by at least 70 percent so they are driving to single important destinations. It is much quieter.
One guy messaged me and said "war with Mexico is on!" and I shook my head. Obviously not. Others messaged saying that the U.S. exported more oil to Mexico than ever this year and that there was a 40 year ban on oil exports to Mexico prior to this year. That's BULLSHIT, Mexicans all know the gas has always come from America and I don't care what gets quoted to the contrary. They are angry with Pemex, which charges huge prices and never develops anything. All Mexicans know Mexico could be oil independent and simply blame corruption for that never happening.
So with the gasoline crisis in Mexico, which regardless of what you are reading in the TOTAL BULLSHIT SCAMMING LYING MSM THAT COULD NOT GET THE TRUTH RIGHT EVEN AFTER A BULLET THROUGH THE BRAIN, Mexico has a severe fuel crisis ongoing right now and it is not just one city, this is widespread from the U.S. border down to Mexico City.
I do not know if Mexico City itself is out of gas yet, but the states of Queretaro, Guanajuato and Jalisco are out that I have confirmed myself because they are neighboring states, one of them I drove into, and THAT is worthy of world news all by itself. All the gas stations said there would be nothing more until next year because "a boat had to come from China to bring it" because "the U.S. is not sending it anymore". Claudia and I got early warning and led the pack with a Mercedes and a Nissan following out of state in a mad rush for gas elsewhere and when we pulled in to the first gas station in the neighboring state we were the first and there was suddenly a huge mob of cars behind us waiting for gas. It was like the beginning of a disaster movie. And then that state (not only that station) ran out of gas completely two hours later. I am going out now to get an update on the situation.
RMN is an RA production.
Articles In This Thread
- Jim Stone is speaking of a "Red Alert War Warning", based on the U.S. suddenly stopping all fuel supplies to Mexico
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 21-Dec-2016 22:32:11
- Possible alternative explanation for Mexican gasoline shortage, due some licensing action of stations by Pemex
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 21-Dec-2016 23:15:24
- Jim Stone update on the Mexican gasoline shortage, including the confusing Pemex licensing situation
MrFusion -- Thursday, 22-Dec-2016 01:52:09
- Further update from Jim Stone on the Mexican gasoline shortage
MrFusion -- Thursday, 22-Dec-2016 13:57:44
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