40 reasons why the Financial Reset is on the horizon – Part 1
September 9, 2016 The Sirius Report
We will highlight some key initiatives and developments which demonstrate why the Financial Reset is very much now on the horizon. This is the first part in a series to illustrate the extent of change we are now witnessing across the global which is ushering in the new paradigm.
1. Russia signed military cooperation deals with Egypt, Bolivia, Tanzania and Qatar
2. Impending run on Gold after the Deutsche and Xetra Gold debacle
3. Severe stress anticipated, in the gold markets, in the coming weeks
4. Saudi and Russian oil cooperation MOU signed suggests the end of US OPEC dominance
5. US commercial bankruptcies soared. In August bankruptcy filings were up 44% from September last year, the low point in this multi-year cycle, and up 29% from August last year
6. Fed has run out of ammunition. By implication when compared to rate cuts during previous recessions the Fed would have to cut interest rates to a minimum of -6% which would destroy the financial system
7. There were 94,708,000 Americans not participating in the labor force in May, an increase of 664,000 from the previous month
8. The total balance of all outstanding US auto loans reached $1.027 trillion between April 1 and June 30, the second consecutive quarter that it surpassed the $1-trillion mark
9. Germany’s exports fell by 10% and imports by 6.5%, year on year. German exports to other EU countries fell by 7% in July, while imports from the region fell by 4.5%. German trade outside EU showed exports fell by 13.8% and imports by 10.1%
10. Hanjin, the world’s 7th largest container shipper filed for bankruptcy as global supply chains are paralyzed and assets are frozen
11. EU and Portugal agree 5-bn-euro bailout for CGD bank
12. Italian and German banks remain in the spotlight as the risk of systemic failure in Europe grows
13. The Bank of Japan looks like implementing QE to infinity during September
14. We are witnessing cash shortages throughout the financial system
15. De-dollarisation continues as Iran and Pakistan are planning to ditch the US Dollar
16. German savers begin to lose faith in the banks and are stashing cash at home
17. Dissension among European nations continues to grow with respect to the ECB and Washington
18. Greece is struggling to implement the bailout reforms demanded by creditors in exchange for continued loan pay-outs, and is hoping to start talks by the end of the year for more lenient debt repayment terms
19. The much vaunted economic collapse of China has failed to materialize
20. The TTP and TTIP treaties are dead in the water
21. Russia is winning the war in Syria in conjunction with China and Iran
22. The key swing nations, Germany, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey continue to rotate east and away from their Washington vassal status
23. Russia’s economy continues to recover, despite the ongoing sanctions imposed against them
24. Indian and Chinese relations continue to grow
25. Washington considers renewal of the Iran Sanctions Act
26. Venezuela and Brazil have failed to default thus far
27. Failure to ignite full blown wars in Ukraine and the South China Sea
28. Central bank policy failure has become irrefutable
29. BREXIT vote will be deeply damaging to US banks
30. Equity markets are insanely over priced
31. US budget deficit continues to grow out of control
32. Hacking scandals are deeply damaging to Washington
33. Oil prices below $50 per barrel are wrecking US oil and shale oil companies and US banks
34. Reputation of the US Department of Justice and the US State Department are in tatters
35. Rifts continue to grow within the ranks of NATO after the failed Turkish coup
36. Merkel’s popularity continues to fall, after the recent election defeats for her party
37. Impending issuance of Gold Trade Notes
38. Spectre of the return of the gold standard, with the gold backed Yuan and followed by the Ruble
39. The emergence of Iran continues
40. US isolation continues as witnessed by the diplomatic row that ensued after Obama’s arrival at the recent G20 summit in Hangzhou China