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Posted By: Nemesis
Date: Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 01:13:51

It was an unpleasant entry into the mind of power-madness, but worthwhile. I took a few deep breathes and waited, and there I was, thinking the very thoughts hidden from the masses, but evident in actions current.

I didn’t enter a person’s mind, but rather, the “dimension” wherein thoughts of the lowest order lurk, waiting for a mind pregnant with possibility to enter. I entered and waited.

The place isn’t dark, just the thoughts, and they are as dark as the best horror writers are able to embellish them into tales.

There is anger here, born of pride, and it dominates (anger because life fails to spontaneously deliver expectations). Sounds almost harmless, this anger, pride and failed expectations, but they are the root from which grows the hell those thoughts perpetrate on earth, and as surely as one drop of poison turns pure water into a killing potion, so is pride and its fruit.

I didn’t have to wait long, for I began to be bombarded with not just thoughts but the feelings those thoughts engendered. I could say it was a loathsome feeling, but I kept my perspective, having previously experienced dark forces and their venom, yet I was not overcome by them. And then as one angry man spewing hate to another, came these thoughts as if from a being in that dimension, yet, they are the actual thoughts within the minds of men on earth who have given themselves over to EXTREME pride, vanity, selfishness and greed:

“The world is mine and all that is on and within. At my pleasure do men live and for my pleasure they die. What are they to me, the living, but my toys of delight and pleasure. I will have my way, though the world rues it and combines to stop me, and, if that were possible, they would be destroyed as well, for if I do not live to have my pleasures, they will surely pay the price with their sorrows and destruction.

“You ask, ‘Where do these thoughts come from?’ I laugh, for they are your own, born of unfulfilled desire, desires wanting, needs not met and wants not satisfied and a pride so unfed and self-serving that no matter the price, no matter who pays, no matter how much, they will be filled.

“I look at you and all mankind as but rats, mice and bugs to be stomped and trampled under my feet. You, like the fly, the mosquito and the gnat, are my plague. Even they who are useful to me are but clean rags made dirty and tossed. You cannot believe or fathom my disgust at even having to use you for my benefit. I deplore it. I hate it, but that is how it is. I think of you not as humans. I see no human serving me. I see only your pitiful lust, lusting to have your needs, wants and desires fulfilled at the cost, the expense, the misery of others. Ha, you are not unlike myself, and I hate you for it, for every time you lust, I see my own; I see myself. And my hate for you reminds me how much I hate myself.

“You serve me, but in so doing you serve yourself, and is that not the same? Do we not have the same aims, to satisfy our cravings, and do we not, not care the price others pay for our satisfaction? I could not do what I do without you. You are my staff, my emperors, my kings, my queens, my dictators, my tyrants, my presidents, my politicians, my servants and my flunkies. And I hate that you are so like me.

“Because of you I can rule the world in blood and horror. But it is not me that rules so, it is you, it is your thoughts, your doings that make it so. Have you seen me? Do I hold your hand? Do I spill blood? Is it my sword that cuts? Is it my bombs you drop? Is it my army that destroys and kills? Is it I that formed your secret societies? You would like to think so, so you do, but it is not I, it is YOU, it is you and your thoughts, it is you and your pride, it is you, only you.

“I look upon the masses as so much vermin. All who do not serve my interests directly I see as my challenge, my unwanted burden, my inconvenience, my nuisance, a distracting plague that must be wiped out. And I see this as my work!

“I love my pleasures and comforts, my vices: Power, Wealth and Glory. I play the world to my tune, and I give my thoughts to you to play with, and because of your pride, vanity, selfishness and greed, you play the tune with me, quite well, though in the end, I will destroy you.”
There were many disembodied thoughts in that dimension, and a few that came from a being “living” there, thus some of what I’ve presented are merely thoughts, while others were as if someone was speaking them.

The main thing is, is that power, wealth and glory mad-people, whether in positions of ultimate power or positions of little or no actual power, think different than most people. Their pride, vanity, selfishness and greed are their masters. And though they speak as if they have our interests at heart, their hearts and minds are far from us, and they have only their own interests at heart. They do not care about us. They see us as their burden, a burden they want to be rid of. And if we won’t genocide ourselves, they are quite happy, and anxious, to do it for us.


“I am superior, better than others, better than everyone, privileged, connected; this world is mine to rule; if you don’t serve my interests, I have no use for you; your babies, your children, I see them as litters of rats that should never have been born; you disgust me; I abhor you; I wish you would all just die; I hate the burden of having to deal with you; I hate the power you have when unified, to thwart me; you are my enemy, a poison thorn in my side and the sooner we are rid of you the better.
NOW GRANTED, not all power mad elite criminals, rulers and common criminals, entertain those thoughts in exactly the way presented, for each person justifies their thoughts and actions in order to feel “good” about the things they do, however, the end result is usually the same: “ALL FOR ME, AT WHATEVER THE COST TO OTHERS.”
Not all elites are power mad. Not all elites think those thoughts. Not all elites are for our destruction, but then it doesn’t take all to destroy all.

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Nemesis -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 01:13:51
Nemesis -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 09:03:53
"this place is some kind of Holograph" RMNREADER
Nemesis -- Saturday, 6-Dec-2014 22:15:48

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