What is the definition of “Law Firm”?
“A law firm is a business entity formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law.”
What is the definition of “living”?
We can see from the “Law Firm” definition that it is an “entity”. It is artificially created by lawyers. Since it is artificial, it is also a “legal person”.
The only definition of “living” - from the definition in the above link - that fits “Law Firm” is “ACTIVE, FUNCTIONING”.
So, the definition of “Living Law Firm” is an artificial “entity” (created by lawyers) that is “ACTIVE” and “FUNCTIONING”.
Okkkkay, so, what is the difference between the corporate status quo's artificial “entity” (legal system) that is very much “ACTIVE” and “FUNCTIONING” and the ALSO corporate but not status quo “Living Law Firm”????
Both “entities” qualify to be “Living Law Firms”....aren't they?
Can two trumpet players play in the same bar(hint, hint) at the same time???
ONLY, if they play the same tune!
Is it possible that this so-called; “Living Law Firm” is allowed to operate (play in the same bar) by the approval (part of social engineering) of the corporate status quo legal system????
Is it possible that this “Living Law Firm” option is an artificial fighting for turf venting hole of the status quo itself?
Is there ANYTHING that is truly good and beneficial for the people (not just crumbs here and there to shut them up) in ANY legal system???
Not a chance....IMHO!
Today's corporate status quo justice system is nuttier than a fruitcake, arguing endlessly about fictions.
People don't realize Newton's law of “action/reaction”. Anytime, there is ANY action, there is another equal but opposite reaction. Today's corporate status quo justice system exploits (they love it) only one side of this equation. This is why they are ALWAYS “right” and you are ALWAYS “wrong”. They shun and hide the other side of the equation! If you would know the other side of the equation, you would neutralize their actions easily. When both sides are equally examined, the outcome is neutral, simply because of Newton's law. No “winner” and no “looser”.
Don't think for a moment that the creators and now maintainers of the corporate status quo legal system are stupid. They fooled you and still fooling you even now AND without you knowing it.
When I was a kid, we used to have “contests” among ourselves, who could ridicule the other more, without going into the “checkmate” of “f$ck you”. Some of the ridiculings were so smooth and sly the one who was ridiculed NEVER knew he was ridiculed! THIS IS EXACTLY what the creators and now maintainers of the status quo do TO YOU.....and you have no clue you are ridiculed and laughed at, by them!
The creators and maintainers of the corporate status quo justice system were/are only the INSTIGATORS of the fraud against you! They use their sidekicks, the “useful idiots” (corporate clerks, office workers, cops, soldiers, etc.) to carry out their views, opinions and ideas ON YOU! This is the reason why these instigators are not guilty about the crimes their “useful idiots” carry out! They never did them! The “useful idiots” did! Their ONLY crime is “intent” but intent itself NEVER harmed anybody.
It is ALWAYS a question of “WHO DID WHAT?”
When was the last time a movie director or producer was hauled to court and found guilty because somebody carried out something criminal, that was portrayed in the movie?
It is always a question of “WHO DID WHAT” and I sure don't envy these corporate thugs (cops) who harm you, the people left and right...for “money”. MY GOD!!!How could anybody be so dumb!! Harming others for “money”!
My prediction.
The status quo will loosen its grip a little but the main goal of the status quo was/is ALWAYS, to keep the people down. Give the people just enough to live, without them complaining. When people get more and more, eventually the status quo will loose control of them, because of the natural greed in people. They are really “controlling” people's greed. The sad part is that while people's consciousness levels are rising, the status quo still has the same mentality towards the people as they had hundreds and hundreds of years ago. The status quo is in the way and a hindrance to mankind's progress.
In order to maintain control, the status quo will give in (to a point) to the “Living Law Firm”, (not openly but quietly) to “loosen the grip” on people, while at the same time maintaining credibility and image in the minds of the people. People always want something that is “official”.
But this whole charade is artificial. Make people believe this “Living Law Firm” is hard to start, short of money, a struggle all the way and “we need your support”, makes this status quo's swindle more believable to the masses! There are many advantages to this, (not to you) such as sucking your energy, your “money” and keep you occupied in a “sliver” of reality that is unimportant.
You are dealing with superior minds with centuries of experiences in “human” (for lack of a better term) behaviours. They have you pegged to be “bio-logical” machines but don't forget....they only TRAINED you to act like machines, so they could control you with push buttons.
Did you accept their training of you to be a machine?
What buttons of yours are they pushing now?
Oh, yes!