Hi, Hobie!
I hope you are well, my friend.
Would you be so kind and post the following article because the tricksters are bad losers and do not want to give up. They knock off my pension ignoring every law and are an outrage upon justice.
TIA God bless you!
The Austrian 9/11 that does not go away!
By Franz Mayer 16-Apr-2016
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
There is unequivocal evidence that the legal system itself is committing crimes and thievery under the colour of law.
On mother earth you can live in paradise or in hell, it’s always your choice. I opt for the first one and keep always in mind that whatever I think, whatever I do, myself and my senses are honest and true.
What this means in a world of lies and corruption, where up is down and down is up, is that you are swimming upstream with a different perspective and intent which makes you an obstacle for others riding the selfish and money-orientated shallow wave of the now and instant satisfaction.
It is dissimilar to think and assume something than to actually proof it. Quite a few people know that the entire status quo is a big fraud and therefore assume that the political system is a joke and put-on for the mob. But, how has it come so far, what is the reason for this mess we are in?
On the one hand we have the legal system corrupted to the core and degraded at best to a parody of law merged together with the executive, medical and media systems into one big globally organized incorporated crime syndicate never possible or seen till this day before.
On the other hand we have the not only uneducated but really brainwashed masses acting like zombies and ready to defend their illusions and social security cheque which makes this cleanup such a difficult endeavour.
What I can attest to in trying to educate people and wake them up is that to a large extent you have to be prepared to reap upset. It is the way how the programming is meant to be denying reality and defending the mental prison.
In every battle the first thing you have to know is your enemy and how he operates. Second preserve all your rights. Know! Fraud vitiates all contracts and the first rule of law is that any law written which is not fully understandable by the reader is void for vagueness.
Don’t attack first but keep calm and let them weave their net till they make a mistake which you can use to your advantage. That was my strategy in turning the tables from the hounded to the hunter and now I have the bull by the horns. The fearful behemoth tamed into donkey acting solely in dishonour, ignorance and brute force indicating intellectual impotence.
How the standard procedure of the kangaroo courts takes place.
The usual procedure of the kangaroo courts is to send out their mercenaries (policemen) to kidnap their chosen victim whose assets they want to steal or otherwise coerce and bring the gullible fall guy before a judge who is accompanied by a psychologist so that the judge can decree a psychological examination. The psychologist subsequently summons the victim to take part in a psychological examination in order to render the desired expertise as the representative of the court which will be pinpointed according to their intentions. After that you can be sure that you are outlawed with no rights left for any kind of legal defence and they can do whatever they want. It is safe to say that they will steal everything of your belongings that is not nailed down. This is the way how these honourable bastards make their ill-gotten gains.
Crimes and thievery under the colour of law
Now what makes my case special is that I have proven by an affidavit which wasn’t rebutted by the court that I did not take part in any kind of psychological examination on which this so called expertise is based on. As the clerk from Dr. Fehringer rang me up to fix a date for the decreed psychological examination I rejected it with a broad hint to the criminal procedure. But out of pure overconfidence in her representing power and cover of the crime syndicate she produced nonetheless a seventeen pages comprising expertise without any kind of examination and that is the unequivocal evidence of pure and meanest criminality under the colour of law which means that any and all contracts with this crime syndicate disclosed or undisclosed are now null and void.
So far the distrained loot from my pension derived from the fake expertise amounts from October 2014 till March 2016 Euro 16.152,19 but that is not all. I received already the next attachment for an outstanding lawyer’s fee of 4.622,37 EUR dated 5-Apr-2016. The bastards want me to pay the lawyer which my wife got after she committed adultery. The dupe not the deceiver has to pay all the bills according to the kangaroo court. I hope that everybody can see the perversion of justice and what kind of fraud and criminality this legal system is.
My advice to all the actors of mundi, the creators of hell on earth, please leave the spirit of darkness behind and come into the light otherwise consult a real psychiatrist to get rid of your perceptual disorder and delusions of grandeur.
Peace and Love
Without prejudice!
Franz Mayer
George Carlin - It's a big club and you ain't in it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5dBZDSSky0
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