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Posted By: Nemesis
Date: Friday, 4-Mar-2016 12:43:12

64. The path I am on is my own, not anyone else’s, so who am I to judge the paths others travel? If I could walk a mile in another person’s shoes, I would understand them better and judge them less, as they would me if my shoes were on their feet. And just because they might not do it, doesn’t stop me from doing it. I am heavy with praise and light with criticism for all paths have twists and turns, potholes and bogs unique to themselves. I am thankful I travel my path and not another’s. You travel your path and I travel mine and should they cross I will be gentle, kind and loving so that I will not be a pothole in your life.

65. If I have thoughts I do not like I tell them to take a hike. I think thoughts that inspire, avoid the ones that stir my fire. Mean thoughts create mean words, better that they’re never heard. Some thoughts can make me mad; I don’t think them; makes me glad. I think thoughts that make me smile, keep them in my mental file. If kind and loving thoughts I do, I’m always happy, never blue. I live life the way I think, in peaceful, joyful wonderment.

66. I am enthusiastic, optimistic, carefree and cheerful. I live life on the edge of wonderment, not in the depths of despair. I live life enthusiastically. I live on the bright-side of life. I refuse to be care-filled, pessimistic, gloomy, despondent or depressed. Stuff happens. People do things. That’s life. I cannot control everything, but I can control my thoughts. I can choose my attitude, and I choose to be optimistic, even if it kills me.

67. I flow with the go. There is always enough time, exactly enough time, precisely enough time. Never is there a lack of time or a time when time runs out. Yet there was a time when I thought time was running short and I was running long and would miss dinner, but dinner took its time and sure enough I was right on time. “Hurry! Hurry! Quicken your pace if you want to win the human race.” I no longer show up for that event. I much prefer the hourglass that never empties and the clock that never ticks. When I flow with the go I am always on time.

68. There are no mistakes in creation, and if you think there are, that’s no mistake. Judging creation with my wisdom is like a blind man taking pride in what he sees.

69. Thinking makes real and thinking makes you; you think it, you feel it, then you do. You take what is and give it a name; you judge what is with a biased brain: It’s virtuous or vile; it’s good or it’s bad, perhaps your beliefs are driving you mad. Your angst, your fear, your pain and dread, surely you know it’s all in your head. Life is just life, unless you believe, it is what it ain’t and then you’re deceived. The pain you inflict by judging another is why you’re unloved except by your mother.

70. If it takes a world of peace for me to be at peace I am not ready for a world of peace. Anyone who desires peace can be at peace when peace is all there is. When I can walk a war-world in peace, I can be at peace in any world. If I am waiting for world peace before I will be at peace I wait in vain. Every person is his own world. Is there peace in yours?

71. My plan for the day is to do what the day has planned. I plan my day and work my plan yet each day has its own plan in spite of my best efforts. In looking back I realize it was those days when the days had their ways that were my best days. I still plan my day but I no longer care what happens because caring says it must happen my way which isn’t always the best way. Some of the best days I have ever had were days when my plans went south and the day took me north.

72. Your thoughts radiate in you, through you, around you and from you and affect everything and everyone near you. You may think your thoughts stay in your head, but they don’t. Thoughts vibrate. Your thoughts affect babies, toddlers, preteens, teenagers, young adults, middle adults (older people don’t give a chit) plants, animals and, well, they affect everyone and everything. Thoughts ring like a tuning fork. The best tunes are the ones that build instead of destroy; lift instead of cast down; encourage instead of depress. Thoughts fuel and ignite feelings and emotions. Who is in charge of your thoughts?

73. It’s all in my mind, this game of life; it’s all in my head, the worry and strife. That which is real and that which is true is just a potpourri of my mental stew. It’s all in my mind, deep in my head, the living and dying the pain and the dread. I think it; I am it; that is me, creative thinking, that’s what I be. Consciousness playing with dark and with light; that’s what I am and that makes my life.

74. If life has to give me what I want for me to be happy, I am a pudden-head. If life has to meet my expectations for me to be at peace I am an extraordinary pudden-head. But since life doesn’t have to give me what I want or meet my expectations or go my way all the time for me to be happy, at peace or joyful, I am only a part-time pudden-head. You’re not a full time pudden-head, are you?

75. I do not give my opinion without being asked (yeah right). Advice given, when not asked for, is not usually used and even less appreciated, so why do it? When I find myself being tuned out by people, it is usually because I have been prolific in sharing my unasked for and most excellent opinion. Now I mostly shut-up (right).

76. What you think is true, has great power over you, and belief as well, can make life a living hell, or heaven on earth, depending upon your mirth. Your thoughts and beliefs feed your joy or feed your grief.

77. It’s an amazing thing that we even exist. Thank you very much.

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