There is much about the renaming and reformed terrorist groups that made it possible to gather unprecedented support from the Syrians in this recent war.
When a regime carries on mass abuse of it’s citizens with cruel imprisonment, wide spread torture and rape of both men and women, that is a scar that does not heal.
In reviewing the statements form a variety of Muslim intellectuals I learned more about the Assad regime that I was not aware of before this latest conflict.
It was a like a punch to the stomach and it made me sick to know about fingers being cut off in tortures, and men and women both being thrown into prisons for many years without due process in Syria. This fact has been a major factor in why the locals in every town and city that the rebels marched into received such widespread support.
Not only did the majority of the people welcome them with open arms, the police and military jumped at the chance to join forces with them through a very fair amnesty program and it allowed them to join forces immediately. A few thousand Syrian soldiers did flee to other countries. This left a small army to defend Damascus as the rebels both from the north and the south now have the capital city area totally surrounded. It is a foregone conclusion that the Syrian government will fall since they have received no assurances of help from Iran or Russia.
However, there is a possibility that IF Assad has acquired nuclear weapons, he may attempt a last ditch effort to destroy the massive groups of enemies. This kind of scenario has been considered by Iran and Russia if they are attacked. Russia has said openly that if they are threatened with total destruction they would take out the rest of the world. A world without Russia is not a world they wanted to survive in.
Iran has held their cards close to the chest, but when studying their religious beliefs and their cultural nature, they have shown no qualms of using nuclear weapons even at the consequences of the total destruction of their own nation.
Israel has made the same statements and developed the “Samson Option”, where if they are faced with annihilation they will launch nukes against other cities in a last stab at the nations that did not obey and protect them.
This scenario is not limited to those examples. I learned from an insider that talked to high level US military officers that said, if the earth was attacked by conquering aliens that they already had a plan to self-destruct the planet to prevent the aliens from making people of earth slaves.
The question is in this latest conflict, does Assad have nukes he can use and will he use them regardless of the outcome? Would he make a choice to go down with the ship?
This is the kind of modern scenarios we face in a world filled with hi-tech weapons of war. Eventually someone, somewhere, at some crazy time in history is going to push the button that will light the nuclear fires world wide. This is a reality we have to face and prepare for. It is no longer science fiction, it is science fact.
With the wealthy elite globalists pushing an insane agenda of global depopulation, a nuclear war is no longer considered a negative thing to them. They have been told by their think tank researchers that a nuclear war is winnable, and they can survive in their underground bunkers and come out later to continue being the “kings of the earth” with their wealth - along with thousands of gatekeepers that they have kept alive to rebuild and "reset" a new world.
The idea that the powers that be won’t ever “push the button” is old time thinking from the 1950s – that to wage a nuclear war would be self-destructive and would never be considered by the leaders. I talked to nuclear scientists about these issues, and talked to CIA officials, and they educated me to this false thinking.
First of all, the truth is, new types of nukes have been developed that are not as radioactive. They have more purified plutonium that does not cause mass radioactive problems like the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945.
Secondly, they have “dial a yield” nukes that can be used surgically to knock out certain areas and leave other areas untouched in the same city.
Thirdly they have neutron bombs that can kill people and animals and leave the buildings and farms untouched. And then finally, they have EMP “pulse” nuclear bombs that knock out all electronics, the electric grid, communications and vehicles.
All of these FACTS lead to one conclusion to these new age leaders, “Gosh, we can nuke our enemies and easily survive the light fallout, and come out of the war with total control of the people!”
That means they have no compunction to avoid nuclear war. In fact, it is actually extremely attractive to them. Knowing these facts have allowed me to understand the mindset of the wealthy elite.
It is frustrating to try to explain these things to a person that still thinks with the ideas of the ‘50s that our leaders would never push the nuclear button because it would be “Mutually Assured Destruction” – MAD. That idea is grossly outdated and is no longer valid in today’s world.
Think about it, why have the globalists in Europe and the US been pushing dangerously towards a war with Russia? Answer: Because they have no fear of the world blowing up, they in fact WANT a global disaster to achieve their multi faceted agendas.
Look at what has happened the past 20 years, the leaders have promoted wars, have armed competing nations, have allowed terrorism to fester and grow, and they have without reservation or hesitation pushed a war against Russia, North Korea and China. Why? Because they want a world war, they want it to devolve into nuclear exchanges.
Then after the world blows up they will pretend to be the saviors of mankind and come out of the global bomb dust and save us from starvation - that they themselves created!
What we are witnessing in Syria was a well orchestrated plan to destroy governments and steal more land and resources. This was only the beginning of what they have planned.
They spent years planning this attack. They sent men to incite men to go to war and promised them women of all ages, brand new Toyota pickups, new boots and uniforms, new weapons, unlimited ammunition, supplies and food, satellite targeting, new homes of their choosing and the promise of defense if it does not go well on the battlefield.
It was a win-win situation, and these schemes gave the soldiers and their leaders the greatest amount of encouragement that this war will work.
This was contrived, planned, financed and promoted by the wealthy elite globalists - including the US, Israeli and UK governments. It didn’t matter to the conspirators if it went nuclear, that would be so much the better as far as they are concerned. The more chaos and death they create, the happier they are.
We have just watched a slow churning genocide take place before our eyes in Gaza, and it was totally successful I might add. Where over 45,000 people were murdered, including 17,000 children. And no nation came to stop the slaughter. And the zionists brag about it as an act approved of by God himself – pontificating by quoting Bible scriptures! The world has gone mad!
In view of this fact, does anyone even think for one minute these conspirators would hesitate to start a war that would kill millions of people that they consider expendable, useless eaters?
They not only won’t hesitate to do this, they are looking forward to it with great anticipation and joy.
People need to wake up to what we are all facing. The wealthy elite globalists are the enemies of mankind. Period.
They have admitted and recorded their utmost desire to depopulate the planet by any means necessary. They are planning and financing wars. They are provoking other nuclear powers with war, without fear of the outcome.
They have financed the invasion of western nations with the impoverished masses to weaken our nations and set up internal anarchy by foreigners.
They have drugged up our nations people, pushed hedonism and the love of money, promoted materialism, and dumbed-down the masses to have slave like minds to obey the leaders like gods. All of this has been done by an ENEMY with malice and forethought.
In view of these facts, if people don’t wake up to this peril they will suffer the consequences of being used by corrupt leaders that don’t have their interest in mind.
This is serious. We have to prepare for a collapse. We have to prepare to be independent and self sufficient. The global conspirators are too powerful to stop. We must be wise and sidestep the coming chaos and allow these evil rulers to self- destruct. Only then can a nation be re-born and re-established on proven wholesome and constitutional values. George Eaton