Talk about hitting the ground running! Damn! I think we are living in historic times. The Swamp are behaving as though everyone is dumping their chamber pot on them. With every appointment Trump announces, the DS feels another nail pounded into their coffin. I heard a pod-caster the other day, I’ve forgotten his name now, but he was one of the few who wasn’t editorially commenting on each appointment that Trump announced. For some reason, the talking heads on the Lame Stream Media are somewhat rudderless. I was on the phone with a relative, getting ready to hang up when she said, “Wait! It just came over my news channel. Trump has just appointed Robert Kennedy jr. as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.” I screamed so loud my husband came running, thinking I had somehow hurt myself. That is exactly who I had hoped he would appoint to that department. What will he do? What will Matt Gaetz do? Nothing the Deep State will be happy about.
For example, many times over the last few decades, the FDA, has done everything in it’s power to shut down the supplement/herbal industry. This is what companies do when competition threatens their bottom line. They managed to get Ephedra banned. Just in the USA. Why? Because it worked. As a person with asthma, I appreciate any non-pharmaceutical product that can either cure or reduce symptoms. Some teenagers overdosed on it in order to lose weight and died. At least, that was the excuse used by the government for banning this product. My condolences to the loved ones of those teenagers, IF that was true. But, teen-aged foolishness is not a valid excuse to regulate natural products that people turn to in order to limit or avoid Big Pharma’s poisons.
That same government allowed the mandating of an emergency drug, not sufficiently tested. And, it is illegal to push an emergency use drug on the public if there are safe and effective drugs already in use on the market. Like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine to name two. That is why those drugs were vilified like they were. I hope RFK can clean the corruption in the agencies he will be over.
Some of Trump’s other picks are just perfect in my estimation. I have always asked why a president wouldn’t want to choose someone knowledgeable in what that agency is over. And not necessarily someone at the apex of the pyramid. Will Pete Hegseth be better than the admiral cross dresser with the blonde wig over the Dept. of Defense? One would hope. Matt Gaetz, as Attorney General? Given the fit the swamp is throwing over his appointment. I would say he is the perfect fit for AG. Will he be successful? Time will tell. But he couldn’t be any worse than the present AG who goes after citizens exercising their right of free speech, assembly and a speedy trial. He has violated so many rights of the J6er’s, it takes your breath away.
I’m not impressed with the charges against Gaetz. That is something the libtards do anytime someone they fear is given the proper tools to challenge them. Let’s give the man a chance to show what he can do. If the charges are true, he should rethink how much good he could do for Trump’s administration. And, hopefully, once inaugurated, Trump will fully pardon the J6er’s for any of the charges against them. The length of time they have been rotting in prison, should have long paid off any misdemeanor they might have carried out. The treatment they have suffered under this criminal Dept. of Justice, being treated like felons in their own country? When all they intended to do was show support for their President?
Having observed the present Attorney General and his playing fast and loose with our Constitution, I am even more appreciative of Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, for not allowing Merrick Garland to be installed on the Supreme Court. Especially because Obama tried to ram him through to serve as a thorn in the side of the newly elected president in 2016. Can you imagine what havoc he would have caused from the bench? And, with a lifetime appointment? I’m not too sure the Founding Fathers didn’t screw up when they neglected to install term limits on just about every position in the federal government. I think Gaetz will do quite well as he has shown the balls to go after real criminal activity.
Isn’t the FBI part of the Department of Justice? I hope the rumor is true that Trump is considering Kash Patel for Director of the FBI. A man of honor and also loyal to Trump. The radical, corrupt Dems have had things their way for far too long. I think people will see a return to the days of the Founding Fathers. Men of courage and honor. Not perfect to be sure, but patriotic and determined to make and keep America the greatest nation on Earth.
I am completely bowled over by the level of common sense shown by Trump as he picks people with a good grasp of the position he has chosen them for. I’m sure there are some political as well as rewards for their previous service in choosing, but most seem intelligent. I heard that Dan Bongino is being considered as the head of the Secret Service. Another excellent choice. I hope he appoints him. Dan has extensive service as an agent. He was also an NYPD cop for a time. For my money, if he can serve someone like Obama during his presidency, he can be trusted to pick, train and retain others who will do their job in spite of political leanings. I saw him with Trump at the fights the other night. I would say he is part of Trump’s inner circle.
Tom Homan was another wonderful pick. Wasn’t the man head of ICE for a number of years? He knows what must be done as Border Czar to stop the flow of illegals into our country. As well, he will carry out Trump’s pledge to round up and deport, hopefully, most of the illegals. I am not unsympathetic to some of these people as I have talked to some of them when staying in hotels around the country. These are hard-working women, working for ridiculous pay because the business owners, knowing they have little choice, will accept pay far below what an American would accept. They send money back home and they also, in some cases, pay taxes. They live in fear of deportation while dreaming of a time when they can receive family members across the border, if they are lucky.
I can empathize because I don’t know what I would do in their situation. But, breaking the law should not be an option. Could the ones with families and who are working, be given a green card, or something similar, and a time limit for living in the US without becoming a citizen? Do we need more people working on that procedure to speed up the process of, not only illegals, but anyone seeking citizenship? I have heard it takes a long time to get through that process. That could solve the problem of losing money if they were sent back home, since many pay taxes. As for the Venezuelan government threatening to shoot any returning to the country, how much money do we send to Venezuela in the form of aide? Hitting them in the pocketbook might change their attitude once they are aware of how much their stance of non-cooperation will cost them.
The only two appointments I’ve seen that I don’t understand are Kristi Noam of South Dakota for Dept. of Home Land Security and Tulsi Gabbard for DNI. While I appreciate women filling some of these top jobs, are they really that qualified? Or were these appointments just ‘Thank You’s’ for their support of Trump? I think both of these positions are too important to be used that way. What is it about either of these women’s backgrounds that make them the most qualified? As for Home Land Security, we don’t need an agency that spies on American citizens, with the permission of the 9/11 Patriot Act. And anyone who says it should be against the law to criticize Israel, needs to be off of Trump’s list if he really wants to follow the Constitution. Noam actually wanted to pass a law making it a crime to criticize Israel Are you kidding me? She appeared to be a good governor of South Dakota. Maybe she should stay there.
As for Tulsi, I really don’t understand that. A position over all fourteen intelligence agencies? Has she ever held a position in any of them? What makes her so qualified? She hasn’t even been a Republican for that long. I still don’t understand why we need a Home Land Security Dept. if ICE and Border Patrol are doing their job, and I’m sure with Homan at the helm, they will be. Same with DNI.
There are agencies that need to go no matter what party is in power. Education and ATF come to mind. The FBI certainly needs to be restructured, and not under Christoper Wray. The NSA needs to be hobbled. The Patriot Act paved the way for that unconstitutional agency. The CIA needs to stick to spying on foreigners, abroad and in the U.S. Most of all, the ATF needs to go. It was formerly part of the Department of Treasury. Why do we need both the FBI and the ATF?
Good lord, I no more than get a paragraph written and something else happens. Now Matt Gaetz’s has withdrawn his name for AG consideration. If any part of the accusations are true, that is the best thing he could have done. Sex trafficking? Seriously? Was Gaetz an honest appointment or did Trump do that to make some of his donors happy? I read somewhere that Trump was playing 5-D chess by offering that position to get him out of the lower House. And, sex with someone seventeen, I can understand. We women, especially strive to look older when we are teenagers. After making a spectacular fake ID when I was seventeen so I could get into the clubs where the good bands were playing. I must have done a good job. I was never carded until I was 22! So, it is quite possible that he had sex with someone 17 years old. One of the women involved said he didn’t know and when he found out, he refrained from having sex with her until she turned 18. The bigger question is, why is a married man , and someone you would expect to be setting an example for our youth, cheating on his wife?
As far as paying someone to have sex with you, I don’t really see anything wrong with that as long as she is of age, getting the money herself, not a pimp, and she is acting out of her free will. It’s the oldest profession in the world. Brothels have flourished for centuries, to take care of men, who typically think with the head in their pants instead of the one on their shoulders. My question is, why is the wife putting up with it. Ginger Gaetz is fiercely defending Matt. And, she may be right, but the mud sticks. Thinking back over so many political wives who had to know their husbands were cutting a wide swath through the available females at hand, it's almost like it goes with the territory. Is it money that makes them stand by their man? Power, social position? If I were married to one of these guys, I’d have to have him neutered. These political wives get to deal with this so much of the time. I’ve read that powerful men have a stronger sex drive than normal. Perhaps, but I digress.
Who will Trump appoint next for the position of AG? I’m hoping for Matt Whittaker, a fellow Iowan and he did a good job filling that position of AG temporarily when Jeff Sessions recused himself. Honestly, you can’t talk to a Russian diplomat at a party without coming under intense scrutiny? Whoever Trump picks, I just hope they have the intelligence and kahonas that Gaetz has.
Good grief! More picks. It looks like Pam Bondi, one of Trump’s lawyers, has been chosen for AG. I would imagine she will do a good job. How about some black and brown faces in Trump’s administration? And not chosen with DEI. How insulting! Is this the same Democratic Party who bills themselves as promoting people of color into high paying jobs? Right!
Since I can’t keep up with this marathon of filling positions, it’s time to end this piece with one last remark. I thought Trump vowed to eliminate the Department of Education? More campaign rhetoric, Mr. Trump? Like locking up Hillary Clinton if elected in 2016? Not all of your supporters are hypnotized by your showman personality. We support the positive things that you do and call you out on the questionable ones. Of course, you don’t have to worry about being re-elected, so maybe you think you don’t have to keep your word. But, there is always your legacy to consider. I hope it’s a good one.