(Thanks, R. :)
Reader Ron writes:
In “Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years” RumorMail quotes Patrick Wood saying:
The UK government is powerless and unwilling to challenge the Bank of England (BOE) and its policies.
Kurt Zindulka is then quoted saying Big Banks in the UK have shut down nearly a million UK accounts and that attacks on the ability to use cash are happening in the UK and Australia and there are suggestions that a banks’ LICENCE TO LEND IN BRITAIN might be revoked if it doesn’t pledge to protect the principle of freedom of expression.
Nigel Farage is also reported to have warned against the rise of a CASHLESS SOCIETY.
Someones’ having a laugh!
The reason that banks are loath to provide cash to depositors wanting to withdraw their deposits is that the banks' bogus “fractional reserve banking scheme” is totally fraudulent. Banks don’t lend money they merely PRETEND to lend it. And “deposits” with banks aren’t “deposits", they are unsecured loans that the banks can and do BAIL-IN i.e. turn into unsecured shares in the bank, if the bank is threatened with bankruptcy because its speculations “go South”, which is a certainty in this derivatives dominated era.
What Nigel Farage and every other MSM outlet fails to mention is that the existing Western pseudo money lending (i.e. fraudulent) banking system is almost cashless now. The UK and most governments refuse to do their duty which is to create and issue asset backed, INTEREST FREE money, backed by the full faith and credit of the nation, to pay for ALL of the infrastructure, goods and services the government acquires to provide government services.
From time immemorial governments have done this until in 1694 the banksters got King William III to grant them the right to create the Bank of England (BOE) and issue fractional reserve loans at interest to his kingdom. Then in the 1770s the BOE banksters convinced King George III to abolish the Tally Stick currency used by England since 1200 AD. That precipitated the US War of Independence because it bankrupted the US colonies by preventing use of their very successful Colonial Scrip money system.
Instead of creating and issuing asset backed, interest free money British and other governments now abuse their power by licensing private FOR PROFIT corporate banks to PRETEND to create and issue money which they call currency but which is NOTHING - being electronic digits which they purport to be debt tokens - which banks place in their client (“borrower’s”) accounts whereat they demand that the “borrower” pay them the full amount of that notional (imaginary) amount Plus interest.
THAT is coercion and robbery. Other counterfeiters only “pass” their bogus money. They don’t also demand that those they dupe must also pay them compound interest for years thereafter.
For a discussion of this process see: ‘The Secret Power of Banks - Richard Werner - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llb58LePo1I
Be aware also, that as the banks provide NOTHING in return for their clients’ promise to pay principal and interest, ALL of the money “borrowers” provide to banks in relation to their bogus loans legally belongs to the “borrower” who is actually the CREDITOR. That means that, for instance, in cases where a bank forecloses on a property, the banks should repay all of the money paid to it by the “borrower”, including interest; together with the title to the mortgaged property guaranteeing quiet enjoyment thereof.
The“fractional reserve bank lending system” is cashless since banks DO NOT lend out the deposits they get from customers and the debt tokens banks PRETEND to create have no substance and only exist as book entries in the electronic ether. Given that the global banking system creates and manipulates many, many trillions of electronic dollars, monetary bonds and so-called derivatives, the piddling sum of coins and notes actually physically created and circulated by government Treasuries evidences that the UK already operates a near cashless economy as do other Western nations.
The global monetary and banking systems as typified by the UK and Western nations are already almost cashless because most of the population has embraced it. Stupidity is its own reward. Whining about it is pointless unless and until the general population realize their enslavement by the banks and choose to get off their derrieres and reject the current Talmudic banking systems AND the puppet governments that IMPLEMENT them.
Criticisms by Farage and others that focus upon de-banking, privacy and interest rate hikes are at best ignorant and in some cases ‘limited hangouts’ designed to distract the population and to get everyone to “look over there, not over here” so that they fail to see the truth that the current Western banking system is a gigantic EXTORTION RACKET operated by governments in cahoots with private banking corporations.
The system is predicated upon the fact that governments REFUSE to perform their duty to create and issue their nation’s money supply. A modern society cannot function without a money supply. At humanity’s current limited level of spiritual development societies cannot function without a tangible means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. That function requires a generally accepted methodology for doing that. Governments have been suborned and corrupted to refuse to create and issue the nation’s money supply AND to fraudulently authorise private, FOR PROFIT, corporations to pretend to do it.
To ensure that private banks STEAL the wealth of their nations, the UK and other governments not only allow banks to pretend to issue money AT INTEREST, but also they use their governmental monopoly on the use of force and violence to enforce the banks’ fraud by directing government police and judicial organs (that are also subsidiary private corporations) to enforce fraudulent bank claims for payment of their imaginary loan principal sums and interest thereon. In effect, existing UK and Western governments are gigantic criminal enterprises controlled and used by Ashkenazi (Khazarian Mafia) banksters to enslave and impoverish whole nations.
The result is that governments like the UK’s Westminster government, collude and connive with banks to enforce the enslavement, immiseration and impoverishment of their captive populations. That also explains why UK and Western government policies in respect of health, welfare, schooling and immigration etc are so anti-social, anti-Christian and anti-human. The UK and Western nations are under hostile occupation and have been for centuries. For instance the secret unlawful enslavement of Britons began in 1666. See eg: ‘Democracy, Deception, Deceit - they're all the same’: https://english.pravda.ru/opinion/126430-democracy_deception_deceit/
USans have been put in a similar situation since 1933. See: An Investigative Report From the desk of Barton Albert Buhtz: https://famguardian.org/Subjects/MoneyBanking/UCC/InvestigativeReportUCC.pdf
Australian and many other national governments also implemented the Strawman mechanism during the Great Depression with the result that every time a living man or woman creates CREDIT by, for instance, taking out a mortgage or loan, the money/currency specified in the contract is simply a draw-down on his/her Cestui Que vie trust account with the relevant Treasury.
As elsewhere in Western nations, the UK monetary and banking systems are a gigantic criminal EXTORTION RACKET enforced by the Westminster government and private banks. Pretending that interest rate increases, debanking and privacy issues are the only issues needing consideration is GASLIGHTING and part of the coverup of the primary crime.
In this respect, Nigel Farage and anyone else that pretends that the fractional reserve banking loan process is legitimate, is a limited hangout.