Subject: Joyce Riley, I Have "the Guts" to Answer James McCanney
Date: Jul 6, 2015 11:24 AM
Dear Joyce,
It is unnecessary for you to insult and provoke sincere researchers
of the subject of the intrusion into our Solar System of a dwarf star
by announcing, on The Power Hour radio show:
"Who has the guts to respond to Prof. McCanney's statements?!"
That is an insult to everyone who has sincere beliefs on this peril
which dwarfs all other perils that may confront the human race.
When someone invites a fight, they say:
"Who Has the Guts to step into the boxing ring with big Jim?"
You're belittling the courage of your listeners, Joyce. You are
saying to them,
"Hey, all you cowards out there -- get on the phone and respond to
Prof. McCanney's charges that certain people, whom he refuses to
name, are CIA agents who want to discredit and defame him."
You're belittling people when you emphatically challenge listeners
Well, Joyce, the atmosphere of confrontation is not the atmosphere in which I choose to speak.
I will not allow you to draw me into a short phone comment in a
debate. Debates are highly charged with personal interest -- ego.
In a debate, the debaters' reputations are at stake. Prof. McCanney's
reputation was at stake on the Power Hour this morning. I refuse to
be drawn into a discussion which, from the start, is about one man's
reputation. That was the foundation upon which you invoked this
interview, Joyce. And that is a wrongful foundation for you to choose
to explore the subject of the annihilation of the human race, and the
subject of why people all over the World must prepare now, because
most of the human race will die of starvation, disease, dehydration,
and asphyxiation.
If I had made the mistake of answering your
challenge to all who "have the GUTS" to answer your guest, I would
have degenerated this peril to all of humankind into an intellectual
boxing match, Joyce. And that is where you made a serious mistake,
because your comments showed that you know nothing about the
great amount of evidence for the coming annihilation of the human
race which I have repeatedly emailed to you, and which your comments
show you have repeatedly ignored! Your comments show that you have
not listened to my many guest appearances, the archival links to which
I will send you again and again beginning today, until you finally study
the evidence for the likelihood that you and I have a high risk of dying
in these global disasters. It was a mistake for you to make this bold
challenge to any listeners who have "the GUTS" to reply to your guest
(who has the advantage because he stays on the line, while the
caller's issue is then dumped and denounced by the advantageously
positioned guest, to whom you have awarded your microphone)
. . . .
It was a mistake to make this brash challenge to the decency,
the honesty, and the courage of your listeners, to state the case for
the peril of all of humankind in one minute, and then be rebutted by
the man to whom you have awarded the commanding speaking
position to try to rebut callers with the seeming finality of his last
word --- his "cased closed" statement. The case for the death of you
and me is not closed, Joyce.
This subject of the coming annihilation of the human race is much too
grave to be turned into a debate over a winner and a loser. I have
the guts to speak on the subject of Planet X.
I have done approximately 25 to 30 guest interviews on
Internet/Radio shows, and these audios are all archived at the link
which I will send to you and to all the recipients of this email.
Do you really want to know, Joyce, if the human race may soon
be annihilated? I believe you do want to know. I will agree to be
a guest on The Power Hour in the future -- not now, because this
issue has become a personal dogfight between someone who has
a reputation to protect and someone who cares only about the
possible death of you and all of humankind. John DiNardo
Parts 1-12) Prof. McCanney: Asteroid/Meteor Threat Approaching
Prof. James McCanney:
"Leaks are coming out all over the place revealing that 'a mini-solar system
is moving into our Solar System.' You are on your own! Be prepared!"
This means that a massive gravitational/magnetic dwarf star has
captured many thousands of space bodies in deep space, and this baby sun
is being gravitationally pulled into our Solar System by our own adult Sun's
superior gravitational force field. As this celestial beehive cruises in, above
Earth's orbital path, Earth will gravitationally suck in many of the celestial
bees (meteors and smaller bolide [bullet-like] boulders, etc.] swarming
within a radius of many millions of miles around their parent mini-sun,
this incoming dwarf star, which NASA has, for decades, called "Planet X."
THE WASHINGTON POST front page: NASA Discovers the Long-Sought "Planet X"
In their 1983 WASHINGTON POST report, they tried to conceal the identity
of this dwarf star, captured within the outer bounds of our Sun's
gravitational force field. They claimed, "We Don't Know What It Is!"
However, earlier that same year, they emphatically declared that they knew
exactly what it was that they were launching their Infrared Astronomical
Satellite to find: They announced that they were seeking "Planet X."
NASA, we are not stupid. We know that earlier you announced your space
search for "Planet X," even though you later feigned ignorance when you
found precisely what you had announced you were seeking.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: "Clues Get Warm in the Search for PLANET X"