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The Common Thread In Revolutions

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Wednesday, 14-Sep-2022 15:39:14

By Larry Romanoff - September 12, 2022


Much of the so-called “history” we were taught in our schools has not been so accurate as we might have believed. In particular, the book publishers, with cunning aforethought, have managed to eliminate much of the most important information necessary to give us a real understanding of the world in which we live. After the elimination of perhaps 50% of the crucial facts, much of the remainder that has been presented to us is factually false. Even worse, they have managed to construct a disconnected historical narrative consisting of sound bytes that appear unrelated and thus prevent us from being able to connect the necessary dots to see the overall picture as it really is (or has been). To make matters worse, our teachers, having been educated in this same system, are themselves ignorant of most of the crucial facts. In this essay, I will attempt to present some major sections of an important segment of our history so the relations can be made and the picture discerned as a whole.

Contrary to our propagandized history texts, revolutions have seldom resulted from a ‘spontaneous combustion of the social order’ as someone wrote. Most often, the match is lit by some “secret agency that conceals itself in the shadowy sanctuaries of certain forms of Freemasonry” that inevitably has “a distinctly Jewish” origin. Our recorded history has in every case omitted the ethnic identities of the instigators and main players and, with few exceptions (France and Russia, most notably), has buried the fact of these revolutions altogether. The European countries had two waves of revolutions about 100 years apart, directed to the overthrow of monarchies, but this was only the beginning. Few seem aware today that the Communist movement was more or less 100% a Jewish creation, one bent on fostering revolutions not only in Europe but throughout the world. We had Trotsky and Lenin in Russia, the Jewish Masonic lodges in France, a successful coup in Mongolia, Bela Kun in Hungary, Rosa Luxembourg in Germany, attempted Communist revolutions in the US (Emma Goldman) and Canada, China (Voitinsky), Bettelheim (Austria), and many more.

Some Historical Background

The paragraphs immediately following are an abbreviated extract from an earlier article titled, “It’s Time to Trash Democracy — Part 1 – The Origin”.[1]

Most everyone knows that the Jews have for centuries been expelled repeatedly from nation after nation, at least for the past 700 or 800 years, the expulsions often occurring every 50 years or so. This much is well-documented, but it is interesting that no one seems to have paid attention to precisely when these expulsions ceased or, more importantly, why they ceased. We need to retrace some history from Eastern Europe.

Many centuries ago, the Eastern confines of Europe between the Caucasus and the Volga were ruled by a Jewish state known as the Khazar Empire, the peak of its power from the seventh to the tenth centuries, AD. The Khazars were a people of Turkish stock who, for reasons unclear, chose to adopt Judaism as their religion in about 750 AD, but of critical importance is that they were not Jews, not in any sense of the meaning of that word. They were entirely Turkic and Eastern European, genetically more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.[2]

The Khazars were nomadic warriors, “wild men with hideous faces and the manners of wild beasts, eaters of blood”. An Armenian writer refers to the “horrible multitude”. They were without doubt one of the most violent and cruel of the animal species that have ever inhabited the earth, with no use for life other than their own. The Khazars were so violent, brutal, and savage a people that they are described to be “feared and abhorred above all peoples in that region of the world”. Little is known of their origin because Jewish historians and book publishers have written them out of our history and do their best today to deny even the existence of these people. These Eastern European Khazars were without question the most hated and feared peoples of all Europe at the time, perhaps in all of history. Their blood-thirstiness and cruelty were legendary, to say nothing of their greed.[4]

It will be of significance that prior to the time they adopted Judaism, the Khazar religion was one of phallic worship.

The Khazar Empire came to an end when the peoples of Europe, unable to tolerate their savage brutality, bound together, exterminated the Empire and scattered the surviving Khazars to the four winds. They were defeated primarily by the Russians in about 965 AD but persisted to some significant degree, suffering various additional exterminations until the late 1300s when Genghis Khan cleaned them out and occupied almost all their prior territory . The Khazars simply ‘disappeared’ from history, to be replaced by “Jews” who suddenly appeared almost everywhere at the same time. These dispersed survivors remained nomads, people of no nation and no place – and of no loyalty to any people, nation, or place. And, as Koestler points out, this is “the cradle of the numerically strongest and culturally dominant part of modern Jewry”. And indeed, I have read Jewish publications which state flatly that (to paraphrase, but accurately) “one might as well say there are no more ‘real Jews’ left in the world, that at least 95% of all Jews are European Khazars”. They give real Jews a bad name.

Greed drove this Khazarian diaspora to banking and money, while their native brutality lent itself well to slave-trading, all occupations they have pursued ever since. Their natural homelessness and fundamental dissimilarity with other human tribes were perhaps responsible for their lack of loyalty to any nation or peoples, and their apparently innate cruel brutality, along with their apparently also innate sexual perversions, accounted for their drift to occupations like slave-trading, kidnapping countless young women for sale in harems around the world and for kidnapping and castrating young men to serve as eunuchs in these same harems. The latter may also have accounted for their sudden shift to Judaism, the Babylonian Talmud resonating well with their sexual proclivities, a kind of ‘kindred spirit’ to which they were quite disposed and receptive. Their violent and independent nature also manifested in a powerful unwillingness to accept subjection or subordination to ruling power, and most definitely rejected assimilation.

Their problems were many. These Khazars (now our “so-called” Jews) were also bitterly hated for their tax-farming. The process was simple. They would approach a monarch with a proposition to pay the entire tax revenue of his kingdom annually in advance, in a lump sum, in return for which they would have the right to levy and collect taxes from the citizenry during the ensuing year, to recover their ‘investment’ and make a profit. The theory was sound; the practice brutal. These so-called Jews would create, levy and collect taxes in kind and volume that would stagger the imagination and eventually bankrupt an entire nation. Many a monarch would discover the tax collections progressing without limit until the entire kingdom was on the verge of a revolution, at which point these so-called Jews would be expelled from the country, sometimes permitted to take their booty with them, sometimes it being confiscating on exit. In every case, this “Jewish” diaspora pushed matters to the point where a mass expulsion was considered the only salvation of a country.

We have been for generations exposed to tales of ‘the Jews’ being expelled from various nations for reasons of anti-Semitism, but this was never true. First, and again, these people were not Jews, and they were expelled for their crimes and their greed, unrelated to their (false) ethnic origin. It seems unknown today that the expulsions never really ceased. Cuba expelled all the Jews after the revolution. Japan expelled all the Jews in two waves prior to WWII, and Mao’s first act on assuming power was to expel all the Jews from China. Germany attempted the same (to Madagascar) prior to WWII, but failed. These were all for similar reasons, and many more such exist today.

The Roots of Revolution

We can imagine that these repeated expulsions from dozens of countries perhaps every 50 years or so, for hundreds of years would become inconvenient and tiresome. The primary issue was that people were subject to the whim of a monarch – of one man – who had the power and the might to expel them and confiscate their assets at his pleasure. Subversion and revolution may not have been so difficult when we consider that monarchs were often uncompromising and brutal to their own populations as well.

The Jews produced two rounds of revolutions in Europe when they sensed the expulsion winds blowing, the first set producing no lasting benefit to our Khazars, one unfriendly monarch quickly being replaced by another of similar sentiment and with similar concerns for his own longevity.

The Khazarian Jews found a better way. The conception was brilliant, the process simple, the theory eminently seductive. “We don’t need a king. A country is easy to manage. We can form a government from the people. We can rule ourselves. No more useless wars, no more punishing taxes, no monarch living in luxury while we starve. We can do this ourselves, and be free.” And of course, the Jews could guide the people to the formation of an effective government, primarily by creating two “parties” from which the people could choose, and with the ability to eject one party if unsatisfactory and select the other, thus keeping them “honest”. We know how that turned out.

The peasants were ecstatic with visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, while the elites were even more ecstatic because they realized from the outset that government leaders could come only from their group. These so-called Jews were offering the elites total control of their entire country, and were willing to finance the transition. How could you refuse an offer like this? To put this into perspective, the entire story unfolded over 200 or more years, involved thousands of Khazars, sometimes acting independently but often in concert, and with mistakes, lapses and learning before the final product was firmly established. So, in this sense, it is a bit simplistic to simply say “The Jews created democracy”. Nevertheless, this is how it happened. This was the genesis of democracy, at least of the multi-party form of electoral system we have today.

The reason it happened this way is because a multi-party electoral system is the only government system that can be completely corrupted and controlled from behind the scenes with that corruption and control institutionalized in perpetuity. It is true that any kind of government can be corrupt, but the multi-party “democratic” system was created to be corruptible in all its constituent elements and where each individual politician could be bought, with the entire population being exploited, this process having now been developed to a fine art. At first, party leaders developed a machine, each to impress its views on the people, but quickly “the party machine” took charge of the process and all control was assumed by those in charge of that machine. The result was that neither the politicians nor the people today have any influence in the process which is controlled in the background for everything from financing to policy.

This is the reason the Jews, through their control of the media and publishing, have promulgated “democracy” ceaselessly as a religion so holy that even to examine or question it constitutes blasphemy of the highest order. It has been so successful that there are precious few “democracies” today that are not effectively controlled by Jews in the background – our so-called “Deep State”. The US is widely-known as a Jewish state, but Canada, Germany, Sweden, Ukraine, the Netherlands, England, France, Italy, Australia, and all the others are not better. Even Japan is factually a Jewish colony.

The Color of Revolutions

Our revolutionary picture is muddy and clouded because we have had several other categories of Jew-induced revolutions, some of which coincided with the removal of a monarch (notably the French Revolution) while others were for a vast social upheaval and the replacement of any government with a Communist elite (Russia, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Spain). There is yet another entire category which we can loosely call “Color Revolutions” which were meant to replace existing (non-Jewish) governments with new ones that would be controlled by Jews. One of the greatest such attempts was the violence in China in 1989, the so-called “Tiananmen Square Incident”, which was entirely a (failed) organised attempt by Worldwide Jewry at a Color Revolution in China. If you are interested to know more, I believe this is recognized as the definitive article on the subject.[6]

Ukraine was another (successful one), and there were many more such attempts.

There are other categories too . . .



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