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Reader: "These vaxes had been in existence at least since 2018, and they’d already failed the animal test, yet the Emergency Use Authorization was still approved by the FDA."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 04:01:00

In Response To: Reader, link: "The Rats Are Leaving The Sinking Ship! Alex Jones Issues Emergency Message To Trump" (hobie)

(Thanks, L. :)

Reader Loner writes:


Re: Reader, link: 'The Rats Are Leaving The Si....

My Bible tells me that “free will” governs my actions.

These vaxes had been in existence at least since 2018, and they’d already failed the animal test, yet the Emergency Use Authorization was still approved by the FDA.

Pfizer – Jan 22, 2021

Moderna – Feb 25, 2021

Janssen – Feb 27, 2021

So, who was the officially prez at that time? We were the new test animals; FDA & CDC fulfilled their masters orders and that master was not Trump. Look who owns the covid19 and vax patents, it’s online. They own the testing patents as well.

Why were they allowed to enter their vaxxes into the Warp Speed competition? Why not, perhaps there was hope they could figure out how to fix them, doubtful, or, more likely, to expose just how deadly they were. The shots given before the EUA would be those that volunteers signed and agreed to be tested with. What was approved before the fake “inauguration”?

Regeneron (REGON-COV)– Nov 21, 2020

Adenovirus Vaccine – Oct 24, 2011 - given to recruits by the military.

Saline Solution (Placebo) – A long, long time.

Rapidly-generated Multivirus Specific T Cells (MVST) – Still searching, has been renamed apparently.

Enter the Military, by controlling the rollout they could ensure a number of things; the CDC and FDA were closely monitored, that the supply chain of empty vaccine bottles made by SiO2 Materials Science, were controlled by them (think extra saline solution), that Saline solution shots were issued simply by only shipping those items and diverting the remainder to secure (permanent) storage. Remember the vaccine truck crash in September?


Another message from the White Hats maybe, and finally the angst that so many military personnel invading their, cdc/fda space yet not under their control caused (I bet a good number of those G.I.s were counter intel specialists) Also, EO 13887 puts the Military/DOD in charge. They just rolled out their own non-mrna version of a multi-use flu vax, MVST perhaps? There has never been a true lack of disclosure about the shots. It’s all there, people just need to open their eyes and brains and search. Somehow the censoring by Google, Twitter, Facebook, Utube and others never raised eyebrows enough to seek more info on alternative media sites, there are plenty of them. We have been bred for compliance, and some of us still, thankfully, resist. Fauci’s contradictions didn’t pique interest? Doesn't Birx's book read like a "confession"? Did the truth get lost amongst the impeachments, false flags, election theft, blm/antifa riots (so where have all the scumbags gone? In jail methinks), natural (ahem) disasters, the latest if it bleeds it leads news story distraction. Don’t blame Trump if people continue walk blithely and blindly through life. He spent more than four years calling them what they are – fake news, criminals in office, liars. Yup, Orange Man Bad. Free will, not Trump’s fault if they choose to surrender it, you can lead a human to the TRUTH, but you can't make him think.

Lockdowns were not nationally reimposed until biden took over. The economy was rallying in red states and still suffering in blue ones, until biden took over. Oh yeah, almost forgot, Trump told us to stop getting tested for covid. He said the numbers will go down. He was right about that too. Since the PCR test could not test for covid (it was never isolated in a lab, lawsuits in Canada, US, and England to name a few have proven) was even stated by Kari Mullis the Nobel Prize winning inventor of the test stated. Covid never existed. It’s a common cold. There has never been a cure for it, and never will. It develops in your own body and is unique to you. Adjuvant’s like Regeneron and Adenovirus Vaccine boost your immune system to help lesson the effects and prevent it developing (common cold) or catching it (Flu).

Finally, when Trump says he saved millions of lives I believe he is referring to the fact that by preempting the WEF long term plan, enough folks have wised-up, found the truth and alternatives, fought back against the machine and started to take their freedom back, worldwide. I believe Chlorine Dioxide works to purge the mrna vaxes internal development of spike proteins. One last tidbit to ponder, Trump puts his name on everything he owns, from jets to hotels to casinos to golf courses, just find the names of the vaccines he has his name on, they aren’t Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen.

Post if you want, I'd appreciate it if you did. So sick and tired of blaming Trump for our own stupidity. For those who took the shots willingly, your choice. For those who were pressured and agreed to the shots to keep their job without researching the truth, or did and still took the shot, free will has its consequences...


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Articles In This Thread

Reader, link: "The Rats Are Leaving The Sinking Ship! Alex Jones Issues Emergency Message To Trump"
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 04:01:00
Reader: "Trump is, in fact, responsible for approving the vaccines that has killed hundred of thousands to millions of Americans."
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:48:31
Reader: "Multitudes refused to take the vaxx if DJT had anything to do with it then begged for vaxxing when JRB took office."
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:38:46
Reader: "Yes that is true, but President Trump was between a rock and hard place with the vaccines."
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:41:16
Reader: "Trump did NOT approve the vaxx... that is the FDA or the CDC... and notneof them are approved..."
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:48:31
2 Readers, brief comments
hobie -- Monday, 22-Aug-2022 03:08:17
Reader: '... I believe it was to his Twitter account before he was banned, where [Trump] said, "I am the vaccine"!!!!'
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:06:11
Reader: "I disagree with the suggestion that Trump was responsible for the harm caused by the COVID-19 scamdemic"
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 03:06:50
Reader: "These vaxes had been in existence at least since 2018, and they’d already failed the animal test, yet the Emergency Use Authorization was still approved by the FDA."
hobie -- Tuesday, 23-Aug-2022 04:01:00

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