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Clif High Newsletter: Space Aliens - What A Bunch Of...

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Saturday, 9-Apr-2022 10:17:26

By Clif High - April 9, 2022

The Khazarian Mafia are those people that we are calling the Ukrainian Nazis. These are the people that the Russians are now fighting. The Russians know this fight to be just a continuation of a war begun in 759 AD when the Khazars attempted to take over the Russ peoples (a smaller tribe at that time). One of the many things the Russ objected to was the Khazar’s liking to drink human blood. Specifically Russian blood.

The Khazarian Mafia was started in the 700s AD as a Kingdom, located where Ukraine is now, ruled by them was forced to chose a religion OTHER than the form of ‘elohim worship’ that they practiced. Their king chose Judaism for the kingdom as his best option. Thus the Khazarian Mafia was born as their religion buried itself.

These 'Fake jews', the "Name Stealers", the Khazarian Mafia, are desperate to KILL OFF THE WHITE RACE.

For many reasons detailed in the combination of the Zohar + Talmud and the Torah, the Khazarian Mafia wants the Whites to leave the planet. The Khazarian Mafia uses a 3 (three) book key to keep their secrets. No single book (or class of books as the Talmud is actually 63 volumes) contain the complete story, and all three are required to get the true communications. Thus the Khazarian Mafia can keep their secrets within secrets within secrets and only reveal to their initiated members.

This is the same model used by their creations, the Freemasons and all other secret societies. This is also the model used by the Catholic Church which was infiltrated by the Khazarian Mafia in the time of Justinian 2 of the Byzantine Empire.

The Khazarians want to, and work to, distort sexual (gender) & racial identity in their victims’ society as a tool for their control of their lives.

There are NO racial Jews left on this planet. The Khazars have overtaken the jewish phenotype (racial characteristics). The Khazars bred the true Jews out of this existence. Well, factually, the thinking is among geneticists that maybe, just maybe, there are a few breeding pairs of True Jews left. Less than 3% of all people claiming to be Jewish have ANY genetic connection to the actual Jewish people.

The Khazar empire was destroyed by Tartarians. The leader, Genghis Khan Tamojin, set out deliberately to destroy the Khazars & scatter them to the winds. It would have been better to simply kill them off. That would have been better for him, & us. Genghis Khan would later send the Mongolian hordes to try to root out the Khazars from other populations when they became resurgent. The Tartarians called the Khazars as "Blood drinkers" and "Bloody beards" . Genghis Khan was convinced that the Khazars were "ridden by demons" . The way that the “demons” are described by the Mongolians, we modern humans would instantly say “space aliens”.

The Khazarian Mafia is proud of being the “chosen people”. They think being selected to “carry the host (demons)” was a good thing.

As we progress further towards SciFi World, we will go through a period where "Pogrom" word is tossed around. The Ukrainian Khazars will start to cry "pogrom against the Jews" and will try to incite world Jewry (actually khazars thinking they are jews) into a global war vs the Russians. This will be near the end of this period of activity. It will be brief as very few people will buy into the claims. Especially as the Russians start releasing the evidence of "demon investigations" where the Khazars were using live humans in experiments with what we can best call "possession". The first of this language is only weeks away at most.

The Khazarian Mafia is a small group within the larger Khazarian population. This small group is nonetheless very powerful as they control the Central Banks of the world as well as MOST of the governments of the Western Republics. The Khazarian Mafia has a core belief of Superiority to all other humans on this, as well as all other "planets and realms". They believe themselves to be superior by physical difference in their DNA to ours. They believe this difference (that i call the "dongle") was given to their progenitors by the Elohim, who are space aliens that came to Earth looking for genetic diversity with which to play, specifically, one whose name was O'Don'ai. The Elohim are seriously into biology.

The Khazarian Mafia operates on the knowledge that their DNA is different. They know it to be even different from the rest of the Khazarian (Ukrainian) population. The Khazarian Mafia has known this about themselves for centuries. They know that the genetic alteration is not a dominant trait. It is recessive. Even to an extreme. That is, the ‘dongle’, the addition to the Khazarian DNA by the Elohim, does not breed true against most, native, human DNA. This is THE reason that the 13 families at the top of the Khazarian Mafia insist on interbreeding and will not marry further out than second cousins, and those second cousins will have to have a dominant “dongle” DNA attribute.

According to the interpretation of the Khazarian Mafia of their own history, there were fifteen DNA centers set up by the Elohim on planet earth. These 15 task force groups each harvested from their local hunter gatherer tribes for genetic source material. This was a program that lasted many human generations.

The Elohim also moved whole tribes of humans around the planet for breeding experiments. They also destroyed by way of bioweapons, whole strains of human DNA that annoyed them.

The Elohim created the giants. It was an experiment gone wrong. There were many dead ends within their long centuries of experimenting with human DNA. We find these in our fossil records.

The Elohim finally succeeded in their quest for GMO human that fit their specifications. This occurred about 36000 (thirty six thousand) years ago when they were able to insert the ‘dongle’ into human DNA and the first of the progenitors of the Khazarians was created.

Wars in space and on earth came with the passage of time. Much of the Elohim presence here in our solar system was destroyed in the warring. Much of the historical record was destroyed by the damage sustained here on earth. The Elohim eventually left earth due to this damage.

The Khazarian ‘dongle’ survived due to inbreeding that deep religious rituals insisted upon. Thus the GMO was transmitted through time and we are here, now, dealing with the effects of this alteration of humanity by the Elohim.

Some Khazarians today believe that the Elohim will return. Some Khazarians believe that the ‘dongle’ in their DNA is what makes them the “new Elohim”. These people believe the dongle provides them a ‘gateway’ to ‘acceptance’ of the ‘insertion’ of the Elohim into their personality “matrix”.

Other, regular humans, don’t have this ability. The Khazarian Mafia knows that regular humans are repulsed by this channeling of demons & don’t do it in public very much.

This is but a small part of the description of why we are where we are now.

All of the white race of humans is fighting the Khazarian Mafia whether they recognize it or not. They are the intended victims of the Khazarians. The Khazarian Mafia thinks that they can easily take over the rest of humanity if they eliminate the Whites who they consider to be uncontrollable & combative to their rule .

There remains much much more to learn, and digest about the Khazarian Mafia that have controlled humanity for generations by way of deception and Name Stealing. The Russians are in the process of seeing that this information is coming out. This is but the very beginning days of an unfolding that will take hundreds of years to complete. We have tens of thousands of years of real human history to recover. This will not be easy, nor quick work, but will be extremely satisfying for all Humans.

We are starting this now. It will not be Novus Ordo Seclorum as the Khazarians think. Rather, the Turn of Ages will take us into SciFi World.

Wait & see. Not long now.

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