The bizarre totalitarian idea of forcing vaccines on the public would be the catalyst that would see Biden removed from office by the people, the military and a majority of the politicians.
If Biden would make such a drastic draconian move, and the police and/or the military started to round up conservative patriots that have refused the vax, a shooting war would take place immediately. This would fracture the military and the police, with many refusing to enforce the order. Once there is no confidence in the illegitimate leadership in DC, the people would then replace Biden and his regime with an interim government until elections can be arranged.
It is clear that medical professionals have presented the proof that this experimental shot the government is pushing is harmful to the people - and causing more deaths and side effects from a shot than has ever been used on the public in US history.
This is the “red line” for thinking Americans that they will not allow to happen, and they will back up the defense of their health and family’s future by any means necessary. This is their Constitutional right and duty to defend themselves from harm and an act of defense against blatant communistic tyranny.
Having said this, I find it illogical that Biden would actually follow through on a mandated vaccine program. It would be political suicide. In my opinion Biden will fold on forced vaccines, because it would mean the instantaneous eruption of a war against him. Besides, they have other ways to weaken patriot families through economic means.
The nation faces a variety of problems right now and anyone of them could bring our nation to its knees. The long-standing government policy to prevent landlords from demanding rent and preventing forced evictions has officially expired. This can cause a chain of events that would wreak havoc on our economy. You add that fact to the national budget not being taken care of in DC, and we are facing a financial and economic disaster looming on the horizon. These are facts, not speculation.
If Congress does not pass new laws soon to take care of the national budget, it could weaken the dollar, and shock waves would be felt in Wall Street. The government has a choice just like they did in 2008. If they make the right moves in time, they can prevent a national economic collapse. If not, their lack of actions could begin a process that would see the financial system weakened to the point of collapse. The question is, what are they most likely to do? Do they have a motive to allow the economic collapse to take place?
You add this fact to the possibilities of false flags, manufactured terrorist events, and the break out of wars against America, and it is only a matter of time when one of those events will take place – which will be exploited to the hilt by a corrupt government. This reality can place the vaccine issue on the back burner, and the control of the masses would simply be shifted to another form.
This is why living in the country away from the urban areas, and having food and supplies is always the best move to make for the future.
After listening to the recent interview between Mike Adams and John Moore on the possibility of a global disaster, I sent out a note to my friends on what we could expect. Here are excerpts of those notes:
The US Navy officers told their retiring sailors to stay away from the ocean areas because in their lifetime they would be flooded, and all cities destroyed by the rising ocean levels. This was not due to global warming; it was due to a pole shift of the earth that happens every few thousand years on a regular cycle. This has been recorded in history. My book "Zero Hour" explains this fact. No one knows what will cause it, and the idea of planet X is irrelevant. The event will happen, but how is not fully known.
I see no evidence of an invisible planet close to the earth or in our solar system. But, it does exist since it has been proven by how it is disturbing the rotation of the outer planets by its gravitational influence. It has also been seen by infrared telescopes. But, it is still not an exact science and can't be counted on scientifically. It is more likely we will see a passing comet or asteroid that comes by every 3,600 to 5,000 years to cause the pole shift.
The major issue we need to be concerned about is radiation fallout from coming wars and if there is a pole shift the nuke electric plants will be affected by flooding and earthquakes. We need a partially underground home along with all our supplies so we have the ability to stay indoors for weeks at a time when an emergency takes place.
It wasn't until the past few weeks I realized what the current, most likely risk was - that we would face. And, that is the radioactive fallout from the coming wars that we can't predict. At the same time, the possibility of a pole shift is also a risk which we can't predict. But by studying science, geology, and ancient history, we know the pole shift has happened many times before, and will happen again. That is as close as we will get to knowing the reality of a coming event. Planet X is a side issue that needs to be ignored for the most part, since it can't be predicted scientifically well enough to count on.
This all means that an underground, or partially earth sheltered home is the best option for long term survival and for heating and cooling efficiency, plus food storage.” (Unquote)
Mike Adams’ interview is available here, start at the 18 minute mark to save time.
When you add the fact that Trump is already meeting with his cabinet leaders in New Jersey, shows that the Republicans and Trump are making real plans to get back into the Whitehouse. Whether it is by an election in 2024, or by other means, remains to be seen.
It is clear that Biden is so out of touch with reality that he is losing ground on a daily basis. The states where the majority of the voter fraud took place are nearing an end to their final audits of the votes. This could lead to a showdown in Congress or the courts to expose the Biden regime as illegitimate. Whatever happens, it will be a precedent setting event.
It must be realized that this push for vaccinations and a global shutdown is orchestrated by the wealthy elite to remove Constitutional liberties and set up a global socialist system. If nations like France or the US reject this conspiracy, the globalist can always go to plan B or C. This is why following a tried-and-true government system “by the people” with a Constitutional Republic is always the best policy. But if any government is controlled by high finance, banking and corrupt corporations, the foundations of that nation is undermined and corrupted by higher powers.
That is why a perfect solution to our problems is not attainable since the enemies of mankind would still be in control in form or another. It is also why, even with getting Trump back into the Whitehouse eventually is not a panacea - a cure all – that would see us going to an idyllic time of Camelot. Make no mistake, Trump would be better than Biden, by far, but we shouldn’t have any illusions that our battle to see our nation defended from all enemies foreign and domestic is over.
We need to see the broader picture and have the options for long term survival. This war we are in to save America is multi-generational, it is beyond our lifetime. Which means we have to make plans accordingly and prepare for the current risks at hand, and avoid confrontations at all costs. George Eaton