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Posted By: Seawitch
Date: Saturday, 24-Jul-2021 22:34:25

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Sat. 24 July 2021

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

The Kill Switch Has Been Activated

Protests Around the Globe

The Storm is Upon Us

We Have It All

Save the Children

Justice is Coming

NUREMBERG 2.0 …Q & Trump

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: On Fri. morning 23 July Secured Cards began to be sent out to over eight million currency and Zim bond holders that granted access to personal accounts in the Quantum Banking System. Delivery of those cards via FedEx was expected in the next couple of days according to Fleming’s Military Intel Contact.

The packages also contained redemption/ exchange instructions and a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign, plus a link to a Secured Website where one could obtain a personal 800# to set redemption/ exchange appointments at a Redemption Center of your choice.

Restored Republic:

Also on Fri. 23 July Disclosure began when John McAfee unlocked his Dead Man's Switch and evil deeds of previous presidents and staff was released from anti-virus software that had gathered the data from government computers over the years. The Demonic Democrats, Deep State, Propaganda Media, Big Tech, Monetary System Big Banks and Pharm were all being exposed.

This last week was one of Cabal HAARP and Tectonic weapon-induced floods, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and DEW (Direct Energy Weapon highly focused energy laser)-induced fires across the West, planned to combine with their bio-weapons of COVID 19 and vaccines, plus their plans to poison our food supply to create food, gas, goods and supply shortages and thus civil unrest in the near future.

Worldwide crisis events were expected to soon require activation of an Emergency Broadcast System that would combine with over 50,000 mass arrests of mainly child sex political and global elite perpetrators and coincide with release of the RV.

On Wed. 20 July final Exchange/ Redemption Procedures became effective:

A list of all of the currencies that you bought would be in your card, along with a dollar amount of the rate of exchange. If you disagreed with the amount, or if the amount of bonds and currency you had was incorrect you could take your currency and bonds to your appointment and correct your account.

You would authenticate the card and then could use it to access your account and gain immediate access to spendable funds. The card becomes active for what’s in your account the day it’s issued.

If you didn’t receive a card for whatever reason, you could obtain a Redemption/ Exchange appointment through the Secured Website which would be published on various Dinar Websites, plus be available in these updates. You would be given your Secured Card at your appointment.

All currencies would be validated that the account owner was the original purchaser. If the account owner entered foreign currency/bonds [that] were purchased by another person, it would not be validated. Gifting letters would be appropriate to present in order to straighten it out.

Those with projects would also redeem through the Redemption Center via use of your personal Wealth Manager.

To receive the higher Contract Rates you would have to qualify for them by showing that you were willing to put some of your funds into projects. The higher Contract Rates would not going to be easily given out to anyone without projects.

You could negotiate a special rate by making an appointment at a Redemption Center and presenting your case.

Your Humanitarian Project would be handled in consultation with an assigned Wealth Manager. Your information would be held confidential.

Nick Fleming on Fri. 23 July:

• If you have any unusual situation you can still go to the Redemption / Exchange Centers and explain your situation and they will work it all out.

• These accounts are going out globally. Nationally and globally, everyone in every participating country will have an account like this and a card.

• If there was currency that went missing in the mail, what do we do about this? Nick has been told it won’t be a problem. Any currency you bought will show up there.

• What if you already have a PRIVATE BANKER at WF? Can we work with this person? YES.

• A friend and I bought currency together, and we split it. He bought it. I kept half. – Just enter this info on your account, where all of your currencies are listed.

• How will I know where my Redemption / Exchange Centers is? This address and instructions will come through the Safe Link Websites.

• If you bought currency from any licensed dealer, they have your address. If your address is different just go down to the redemption center.

• If the Zim happening now or is it a later date? – Take it with you know. Your account should show your Zim right now. But it may be easier to call and get an appointment to carry your Zim to the Redemption Center. Things are constantly changing here.

• They have started sending out cards already, today. So, theoretically, based on what they have said, receivers that access their account, validate their card, will have money on account right now

A. Fri. 23 July The Storm is Upon Us, Jaco & Juan O Savin:

Facebook was developed through US Taxpayer monies and was now being used against us.

McAfee found that high level people were involved in Child Trafficking. He tried to expose this, but everyone he went to were also corrupt.

This isn’t over when more people were aware of corruption in the 2020 Election. We were in the middle of a war that would last until at least the end of the year.

The military was in charge and recognized Trump as their Commander-in-Chief.

B. The Real News Sat. 24 July from Telegram:

The Kill Switch Has Been Activate

Today is John MacAfee SHTF Day: What we Think we know

John MacAfee has had access to the ‘backdoor’ on every computer on earth with MacAfee Antivirus protection on it. The same as with WINDOWS that comes on your new pc…it also comes with the new WINDOWS 10 and MacAfee Antivirus protection already on it.
Operation Disclosure Official

Kill Switch Activated: As soon as the waters recede, expect worldwide to see the following: corpses in DUMBS, ritual child abuse proof, non human remains. MacAfee revealed kill switch info, and the crash of crypto. The Deep State has been unmasked! Every scenario is planned! The whole world is watching! John McAfee talks about his kill switch of incriminating information with John Greenwald

📎”If you’re afraid of transparency, you’re part of the problem” – Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano attacks the state’s Democrats for resisting an election audit.

📎Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said that he supports the audit of elections in several Texas counties.

📎One one-time lawyer claims that after the “storming” of the Capitol, the prisoners were brutally beaten, stripped, twisted, humiliated, and one prisoner was blinded in one eye. “This is more abuse than in Gitmo.”

📎Former head of the Obama Administration on Hunter Biden’s “art” classes: “Can you find anyone other than the president’s son who would appear on the stage and sell art for the price of one and a half houses?”

📎A former DEA agent told Tucker Carlson that a “friend” and part-time FBI informant invited him to the Capitol on January 6 and forced him to go inside.

📎”We must return from flexibility to strict measures,” the head of the Turkish Ministry of Health, Koja, wrote on Twitter, calling for those who have not yet done so to be vaccinated immediately.

📎The COVID-19 “Delta” strain will dominate the world in the coming months. This is stated in a joint release of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and WHO.

📎Florida is asking the Supreme Court to issue an emergency order blocking the CDC’s COVID-19 rules for cruise ships.

📎Texas Governor Gregg Abbott: “Texas has begun to arrest illegal immigrants who invade the state or destroy property and fences. Now they are being sent to this prison, and not released, as the Biden Administration did.”

📎The bishop who oversees Nancy Pelosi’s home diocese condemns her, saying: “No one can claim that he is a devout Catholic and justify the murder of innocent people, let alone that the government pays for it.”

📎The US Department of Justice has dropped cases against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their connection with the Chinese armed forces, “because some FBI analysts question the value of these cases” (WSJ)

📎Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation: “The number of vaccinated people in the team should be at least 80% to stabilize the situation.”

📎India is going to start vaccinating children against coronavirus by September 2021. The government of the country has previously stated that it plans to vaccinate the entire adult population of the country by the end of this year.

📎More than 275 protests in different parts of France are scheduled for today.

📎”This is the biggest bubble I’ve seen in my career “- Democrats ‘ infrastructure spending could lead to a devastating failure in the economy, warns billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller.

📎Rick Dennison, the offensive line coach of the Minnesota Vikings baseball team, left his post due to his refusal to get vaccinated.

📎Austria’s interior minister and defense minister announced at a joint press conference that the country will tighten its border security because ” the European asylum system has failed.” Austria will send hundreds of soldiers to the borders. “The situation is serious,” Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said.

Protests Around the Globe:

Australia, France, UK, Italy: NOW – Large protests underway in many cities of Australia, France, England, and Italy against Covid restrictions, vaccine passports, and mandatory vaccinations.

Australia: Los Angeles Times. Thousands protest against Corona Virus restrictions in Australia. Thousands take to the streets of Sydney and other Australian cities to protest lockdown restrictions amid another surge in Corona Virus cases.

Australia: Anti-lockdown protests across Australia as Covid cases surge to record levels in Sydney. Chaotic scenes in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane as protesters demand end to lockdowns. In Sydney police clash with lockdown protestors. People chanted “freedom” as they marched through the center of Sydney. Officers said they had made 57 arrests.

France: Thousands demonstrate in Paris against health passes, mandatory COVID vaccination – Watch!

UK: Thousands march in London over Lockdowns.

Japan: Japanese Protesters Rally Against Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations in Tokyo

Worldwide USA Stand for freedom or lose it July 24th, American citizens are standing up to reclaim their freedom and support our brothers and sisters around the world. Rallies in: Arkansas Russellville • California Red Bluff, Sacramento, San Diego, San Jose, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica; • Connecticut Newington • Delaware Dover • Florida Tampa • Georgia Atlanta, Dalton • Hawaii Honolulu, Maui • Idaho Boise • Indiana Indianapolis • Iowa Des Moines • Kansas Lawrence • Kentucky Frankfort • Louisiana Baton Rouge • Maryland Bel Air • Michigan Lansing • Minnesota Saint Paul • Missouri Jefferson City • Nevada Las Vegas • New Jersey Seaside Heights • New York NY City Madison Square Park, Niagara Falls • North Carolina Raleigh • Oklahoma Tulsa • Oregon Salem • Pennsylvania Columbia • Rhode Island Warwick • South Carolina Columbia • Texas Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, McAllen, San Antonio, Utah Salt Lake City, Virginia Williamsburg •

2020 Election Fraud:

AZ State Senate calls to decertify the election. President Trump: “We’ll never be too afraid to tell the TRUTH, and the truth will WIN!”

Floods, Typhoons Around the Globe:

China Floods: Rescue and clean-up operations underway after floods in China’s Henan province – over 100 cars were trapped in Zhengzhou tunnel. The torrential rain, the heaviest in 1,000 years, killed 56 people in and around the capital of Henan Province, Zhengzhou as well as in Xinxiang.

China Typhoon In-Fa on path to deliver strong winds and enormous rainfall totals to eastern parts of China, including Shanghai. Considerable storm surge and inundation likely to be pushed into the Hangzhou Bay area. Over 200 million people will feel the impacts.

Bitcoin, Crypto Currency: After Barclays and Santander, UK Bank Natwest Blocks Payments to Binance. A major high street bank in the U.K., Natwest, has blocked payments to leading cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

C. International Child Sex Trafficking:

D. COVID Hoax:

In Australia, almost a million people cannot leave their homes, as Sydney is blocked due to the fact that an 80-year-old man allegedly died from Covid and another 111 people out of 80,000 have tested positive. 82,000 tests, 111 positive – this is 0.135% of the total (some of these 111 may be false positive)

New evidence of the deliberate spread of COVID-19 by the Chinese military has leaked from China. An anonymous source close to the events:

COVID-19 was created in the laboratory of the People’s Liberation Army of China and refined as a biological weapon.

Covid-19 has been specially designed so that it is highly contagious, but often asymptomatic, has a low mortality rate, but produces uncontrolled variants and has characteristics that provide a plausible denial of the possibility of using biological weapons.

According to China’s military doctrine, such biological weapons are used before the declaration of war for political or international strategic needs, the use of which can be refused.

It is reliable and convenient.

Even if academic, virological evidence and data from animal experiments indicate that the virus appeared in the laboratory, we can simply deny it, stop (the investigation), suppress (scientists), make sure that the work of international organizations and honest people did not bring results.

A fully formed sample of COVID-19 was ready for testing in early 2019. In parallel, we developed a vaccination program with all its stages and nuances.

Scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Virology participated in testing the transmission of imitation coronavirus to primates and response exercises, for example, at Tianhe Airport in Wuhan in September 2019, as well as in the actual test release of COVID-19 in the Armed Forces in 2019.

The statement that an officer of the People’s Liberation Army of China allegedly made at that time was as follows: “Give these white pigs some…”

The” presentation ” of COVID-19 at the World War Games also became a test of the long-term impact of this type of biological weapon, as foreign visitors to the Games take it back to their countries, and the consequences could be observed quite quickly.

The subsequent outbreak in Wuhan was completely unexpected. That is, there was no laboratory leak, but there was an unintentional spread of a virus among the Chinese population, the transmissibility of which they underestimated.

Beijing learned about the quiet spread of COVID-19 by early December, but kept it a secret and allowed international flights to continue from Wuhan.

Probably, COVID-19 was supposed to hit the United States, its allies and the entire Western world because of China’s economic problems and the trade war that Trump was waging.

If COVID-19 undermined the integrity of the US army, China would put pressure on Taiwan, possibly invade, and the uprisings in Hong Kong could be suppressed under the guise of public health measures.

If China avoids responsibility for COVID-19 and its biological weapons program is allowed to continue to exist, one more, more deadly attack is likely to occur.

E. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele


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