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Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/03/2021 • Are you really free? Yes!

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 4-Jul-2021 03:13:37


Messages from Ann & the Angels - 07/03/2021 • Are you really free? Yes!

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

For many of you on this list, tomorrow is a celebration of freedom and freedom is, as you say, a very hot topic upon your earth now! It would be our wish that you could wake up every day knowing, cherishing, celebrating, and enjoying your true freedom! After all, you are and always have been, eternally free.

You could be locked in a cage and your spirit would still be free, for no one can contain or limit the unbounded soul. Any perceived lack of freedom comes from identification with the physical body and the world of the senses, rather than identification with your true spiritual nature. The more you identify with your spirit, the less you will feel restricted as you live, breathe, and move about your earth.

You alone control your thoughts. You alone control your vibration. You alone control, therefore, what you attract or allow. Your vibration creates your reality, and you are free to choose your vibration; therefore, free to create any reality you wish.

We hear your protests at times! "I cannot travel unless I get a vaccine! I have to pay taxes! I can't do anything anytime I want. I can't run red lights! I am in a body that doesn't always cooperate. How can you say I'm free?"

To understand your freedom you must understand your true nature. You are spirit, having a physical experience. If you embraced this then you would tune yourself to the desired reality.

Say you want to travel but can't go where you wish right here and now. So what to do? How are you free? Is true freedom being able to do what you want when you want? Dig deeper, dear friends. Why do you want to go where you want to go? What is the essence of what you wish? Can you focus on the feeling of already being where you want to go?

Can you revel in the thoughts, enjoy videos of your desired destination, love the idea so much that your high vibration alone might be the tipping point that causes the restrictions to be lifted? In the very worst case, you will conjure up the feeling you desire through your inner journeys without even having to leave your house! Perhaps you'll be guided elsewhere to a place that gives you the same feeling of satisfaction and joy as your original destination, but is actually better at this time. Everything you want is because you want a feeling and you are free to tune into that feeling here and now no matter what is going on in your external world!

As you do, you become the vibrational blueprint of the change you want to see in your external world, and as a result, it will begin to shift and change to match your internal reality. You are a creator! You are free to create.

Suppose you want to run red lights. Perhaps you are a careful driver and you don't feel it is necessary to stop when no traffic is around. Perhaps you want to get somewhere on time. Perhaps you want to experience the thrill of rebellion. Well my friends you are free. You can imagine the freedom of running red lights safely and then you will find that you have no need to rebel and instead feel free and quite fine in the flow of stop and start.

You are free to take action of course and experience the consequences that come with your vibration. Are you rebelling against something? Be careful, you may well attract it. Are you in love with flow? Then even if you stop you will feel the delight of flow. Are you simply not wanting to pay attention? You may attract other drivers who aren't either and meet a little too closely! Your vibration will dictate what you attract.

During quarantine, for example, you were not free to travel with your bodies but you were free to travel anywhere you wished in your soul! There was great purpose in this time. You discovered, if you were willing, the internal freedom to choose a vibration, focus upon it, and experience its effects. Some of you had a glorious time resting, restructuring your lives, and disentangling your energy from the world's. Some of you pushed against conditions so strongly you tuned into them and felt them even more so. Again, your freedom to choose a vibration attracted a result.

We are never, ever making you wrong for any of your choices, dear one. You live. You feel. You tune. You experience. You learn. You readjust. You feel. You tune. You experience. You expand... and so goes the dance of eternal life.

So next time you think about the subject of freedom, ask yourself, "What does freedom mean to me? Is it the freedom to do what I want when I want? Or is it the freedom to feel what you want when you want? In truth dear ones, everything you wish to do is because you want to feel something. Start with the freedom of feeling and then you'll be guided to people, situations, and activities that match. That is true freedom. Even if you got your way every time you wanted it, the experience, the bank account, or the lover would leave you empty and dissatisfied if you were not able to find the feeling from within.

Dear ones, enjoy your freedom to think the thoughts that give you the feelings you want, and in that reality, you will also find great freedom in your external world. No longer will you feel restricted by others' creations, but rather you will either be the source of your own or be guided in ways you cannot even fathom to the essence of all that you wish to experience.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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