Posted on - April 28, 2021
“ … the power of law to force a human being to wear a mask at the federal or state level simply does not exist in the United States.” ~ Judge Andrew Napolitano
Americans are facing one bit of tyranny heaped upon another at a breathtaking rate, a rate that we never would have expected to see in our country at this advanced stage of our history, and to a large degree the current “Covid Crisis” is the mechanism of its advancement.
The push for the continued enforcement of illegal, unconstitutional mask mandates by small-minded petty bureaucrats and government workers everywhere is a large part of this anti-freedom and anti-liberty agenda advocated by the worst elements of local, state, and federal governments, raising the blood pressure and the ire of many Americans from all walks of life, who recognize this as the tyrants’ demands for our submission in the face of their erroneous science and lies.
Not one single individual, not the first executive of any branch of government, not any governor and not the President of the United States and certainly not any mayor of any city or county, has any legal or legitimate authority to mandate that the entire healthy population don masks, under the pretense that these masks stop the spread of any disease, when the CDC’s own information and numerous recent studies state the contrary.
They only have the authority to enhance and facilitate the implementation of existing legislation passed by a sitting legislative body, and there isn’t one single law on the books that gives them the power they have taken for themselves under this Covid imbroglio; and, never in our entire history, not even during the deadly Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, have we ever penalized the entire population.
On April 16th, between one and two o’clock p.m., my first born daughter had a misadventure at the Department of Motor Vehicles, in Sumner County, Tennessee, simply because she sought to get her tags without first donning a mask, even though numerous other people were already sitting in the waiting area without masks. The lady at the counter told her that she couldn’t even talk to her without a mask, to which my daughter quickly countered by noting that another woman was receiving her tags without a mask and a police officer had just been nearby without a mask. Needless to say, my daughter was furious, and rightly so.
How does one get past this sort of coercion, when a government office withholds service of something like one’s tags, unless one complies with an illegal, unconstitutional, illegitimate mandate?
Make them get their supervisor and ask for a confirmation in writing that they are being refused service even though no legislation requires them to wear a mask. Accept the ticket one will surely later receive, for driving without tags, and then go to court to fight it under the grounds that government malfeasance and incompetence is to blame; and, if necessary, refuse to pay any ticket or tickets received, and then stand with the other mistreated citizens of one’s community under a lawyer’s guidance to sue the county for its infringement on their constitutional rights.
This process may lead to a list of other problems, such as suspended licenses and arrests and jail, which are too much for many to stand and bear, especially when they have children in school and families depending on them to get back and forth to work. And this is what the tyrants know and count on, as they have no compunction over making one or all dissenters into criminals for the simple act of standing up for what is right.
As one can readily see, a person might avoid any grief from the mask mandates for a long time, just as I have avoided any problems or confrontations, until something like this arises. Eventually, tyranny allowed to go unanswered touches us all.
Some suggest that states do have the legal right to pass such legislation, and perhaps they do. However, under the incorporated “due process clause” of the Fourteenth Amendment, the states cannot “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law”. States might technically have such a right, but in that mask mandates deprive us of our liberty and individual sovereignty, they are virtually unenforceable in many respects, and so, any dissent and legal challenge against any mask mandate is on firm legal ground.
And, I would also retort that if I am healthy and representing no risk to others, any such “law” or mandate represents an illegitimate government intrusion and a massive government overreach; and if anyone thinks others “may be sick” and just not symptomatic, then you can wear a damn mask, but you cannot force me and all America to don one due to your own irrational fear of a virus that has a damn near 99 percent survival rate.
Don’t people recognize, if states actually believed this to be the existential threat that the Leftists of America are screaming it is, they would have already passed legislation to move in this direction?
Instead, here in Tennessee, legislators have proposed bills to ensure that businesses and government offices cannot discriminate and refuse service to anyone not wearing a mask or who has rejected the Covid vaccine [see SB320/SB187/HB13/HB0794], and several other states are doing much the same.
These mask mandates in too many instances serve only as a burden on the public peace, health and the safety of all Americans, for a litany of sound medical reasons that I have hashed and rehashed in a dozen other articles. And, once one sees the theatrics of Dr Anthony Fauci and his admitted lies to mislead the American people, as he flip-flops all over the place on the necessity of wearing a mask — one day saying they are a must, the next saying to abandon them — it is not clear what, if any, scientific and clinical basis for wearing facemasks as a protective strategy might be, especially knowing for a fact that facemasks restrict breathing, cause hypoxemia and hypercapnia and increase the risk for respiratory complications, self-contamination and the exacerbation of chronic conditions.
And then there are the cowards who would tell us, “It’s just a facemask” . . .