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(repost) Anna Von Reitz: "Just Stop"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 8-Mar-2021 19:30:50

In Response To: Kim Goguen's white-board presentation: "Kim Goguen says she controls The Global Financial System Pt1" (59 min) (MrFusion)

Thanks, MrF. :)

(Adding to the general confusion, Poof (not Zap; Poof) said years ago that the Chinese had originally loaned the wealth needed to start up the Federal Reserve and had just lately called that loan and foreclosed on the Fed.)

Here's Anna Von Reitz with her comment on Kim Goguen and a few others:


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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Just Stop

By Anna Von Reitz

There are people out there
deliberately trying to undermine our Assemblies. They are doing this to benefit
themselves financially and politically. The chief troublemakers are "The Reign
of the Heavens Society" and Kim Goguen's "LIFE FORCE" organization and Russell
J. Gould's PARSE SYNTAX crowd.

These groups accuse me of being a
"Vatican Agent" because I gave the Pope's employees Notice and Due Process to
stop their improper activities.

What would you have me do? Sit still
and let the Inquisition continue to operate undisturbed by any protest of moral
conscience and law?

Yes, I freely admit that for seven
(7) years, I wrote to thousands of bureaucrats all over the world in the name of
Pope Benedict XVI and told them that what they were doing was fraudulent,
unlawful, and had to end.

To get the flavor of this
correspondence (which often involved multiple letters and Due Process) read the
very first Article on my website, , entitled
"Letter to Cardinal George" --- the late Cardinal in charge of Chicago,

To get a full account of how and why
I undertook this work, read my book, Disclosure 101. There's nothing held back.
Nothing "secret". In fact, the more you know about the effort made for you and
for your sakes, the better.

These were not feel-good letters.
These were wake up letters. The message they carried was simple enough --- all
is not well in the church nor in the world at large, and you have a
responsibility. You are part of the problem. You have to make corrections.

In a way, I am still spreading this
same message to the entire world, both inside and outside the Church.

All is not well. All is not going to
be well. Until you wake up and deal with the actual and factual problems in an
honest and realistic way, things will only get worse. I told that to Cardinal
George and I tell it to you, too.

That is not as comforting as an
elitist fairytale spread by the Reign of the Heavens Society--- which is part of
the Goddess worship cult. Dig into what they are offering and you will learn:

1. They stole their structure and all
the credible bits of their program from Frank O'Collins, a voluntarily defrocked
Roman Catholic priest who turned away from the evils of the Church and tried to
create a different and better hierarchy, a sort of Utopia which Frank called

The Reign of the Heavens Society
stole Frank's ideas and words, twisted them, and presented the perverse,
self-aggrandizing and plagiarized result as their own product.

2. They steal their member's
identities and the value of their birthright trusts.

3. They promote elitism, teaching
their cult members that they are the Chosen.

4. They lie about the origin of their
claims to be "The United States of America"--- when what they are really
claiming is that they own what is left of the Scottish Interloper doing business
as "The United States of America"----Incorporated. This was a commercial
corporation that went bankrupt in 1906, and because they bought some memorabilia
left over from that criminal misadventure, they are claiming to own America.

I will leave it to your own good
sense to discern the truth amid the lies, and figure out that any organization
that makes its living by lying and acting as a secretive predator against the
interests of its own members is only carrying on the same tradition of
everything we have suffered so far.

Then there is Kim Goguen, an AI
interface chosen by Marduk himself, to continue as his Successor and hold the
power to block access to literally thousands of what they call "Legacy Trusts"
---- these are historical trusts of various kinds --- family trusts, treaty
trusts, business trusts, etc., that belong to living people and sovereign
nations all over the world.

And it's Kim's assigned job to sit on
them and their assets like Smaug the Dragon, and never let any of the actual
owners have access to their assets.

That's Kim's actual role. She's the
Bank Trustee of all Bank Trustees.

So what is a Bank Trustee? Ah....
well, you see, when people deposit actual assets like gold coins in a bank,
those assets become a liability for the bank, because the bank is responsible
for keeping them safe.

The bank, in self-defense against
this liability, creates a bank trust and places a bank trustee over the trust
assets. This is done in-house, so that the bank has a layer of insulation
against claims and a specific person is responsible for locking up those assets.

Meet Kim Goguen.

Instead of being the savior, she's
the ogre. And anyone chosen by Marduk to do anything should immediately raise
your suspicions, because Marduk was not a nice "man" by any stretch of the

She has recently formed yet another
corporation called "LIFE FORCE" which she claims is going all over the world
performing deeds of derring-do. If so, it's the same as Blackwater's performance
and having the same effect.

Anyone who isn't part of the
"accepted infrastructure" gets attacked and the end effect is that nothing is
improved and nothing moves forward, though she says it is. I'm sorry, but I have
eyes and ears upon the world, too, and not one of the things that she has
claimed about "LIFE FORCE" has turned out to be true.

Oh, I wish there was some
well-funded, professional anti-crime elite force out there protecting us all
against the Powers of Evil, but there's not. And what she's doing in claiming
that there is, just makes the situation all that much more dangerous--- because
it gives people false hope and keeps them from doing what they can do to protect
themselves and their families right here and now.

A third disinformation effort is the
whole PARSE SYNTAX scam being promoted by Robert Horton, an "ex" (???) Army
Psyops operative, and Russell J. Gould -- which upon closer examination turns
out to be another exercise in DOG LATIN, the latest iteration of a 1500 year-old
fraud scheme fully detailed as "The Justinian Deception" ---look it up---
because it was invented by the Roman Emperor Justinian.

We are awash in a sea of fraud and
fraudsters, so you have to use your own Shinola Sensor and Common Sense. Here
are some pointers:

1. If it sounds too good to be true,
it's probably bushwah.

2. If it offers to take care of you
and give you money, it's probably bushwah -- unless there is a solid, rational
basis like the National Credit to fund it.

3. If it bases its claims on any
entity or organization that is incorporated, it's bushwah by definition--- which
knocks out all three of the above.

No sovereign entity in the history of
the world has ever been incorporated. Period.

And only sovereign entities have the
standing, right, and power to act as national governments.

Thanks to accidents of fate, our
States of the Union are still standing as sovereign entities in their own right.
Claim yours now.

Get started working for and on
something that is honest, solid, in your control, and verifiably sovereign ---
not controlled by some foreign power. Not another corporation. Not another song
and dance. Not some weird quasi-religious cult.

Your State of the Union is yours, but
you have to own up to the job of claiming, caring for, and running it. You have
to bear the responsibility of self-governance to have the right of independence.

I realize that this is not an easy
task or a comforting vision of an airy-fairy world where the "good" meritocracy
(chosen by someone else) takes care of your needs and tells you what to do from
dawn to midnight.

The vision I offer you involves hard
and largely unpaid work, commitment, logic, a knowledge of history and law, and
ultimately, freedom. Freedom of mind and heart and action, freedom to access
your own assets, freedom to live and die according to your own vision.

So, when you hear the vicious gossip
and the siren songs --- just stop. Evaluate for yourselves. And then make a

If you want to join the Reign of the
Heavens Society --- go. Get out of our Assemblies and stay out.

If you want to use Russell J. Gould's
personally copyrighted PARSE SYNTAX and fall under his control and "law" --- hop
to it. Again, get out of our Assemblies and stay out.

And if you want to help the Bank
Trustee continue to withhold and control your assets by joining LIFE FORCE, be
my guest. Just know that there is going to be a reckoning of those accounts, and
you might be on the wrong side of it. Go, by all means, and don't let the screen
door hit you.

If anyone in your Assemblies gets
seduced into these or similar "efforts" --- show them the door, ask them to turn
in their State Credentials, and be firm. This is a "goats to the left, sheep to
the right" situation.

You can't be unincorporated and
sovereign and be incorporated at the same time.

So split the sheets with these
persons and make no apologies about doing so. They have the right to believe
lies and fairytales, and to turn away from the work and responsibility we offer.
But in doing so, they also lose the rights and political status that goes with
the work and responsibility.

And so, let it be that those who
stand upon the land and who honor the true God, shall be separated from those
who drift upon the sea and become ensnared in the Kingdom of Satan. Let those of
us who can discern such things be in it, but not of it, and serve to save and
restore those who will be saved.

The rest we cannot account


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:


RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

REPOST: Kim Goguen and Charlie Ward (37 min) - Very important in-depth world control discussion from last fall, previous link no longer active
MrFusion -- Monday, 8-Mar-2021 12:06:24
Kim Goguen's white-board presentation: "Kim Goguen says she controls The Global Financial System Pt1" (59 min)
MrFusion -- Monday, 8-Mar-2021 12:43:41
(repost) Anna Von Reitz: "Just Stop"
hobie -- Monday, 8-Mar-2021 19:30:50
Are Anna von Reitz and Kim Goguen really that different...
MrFusion -- Monday, 8-Mar-2021 20:11:25
(heh) Well, ...
hobie -- Tuesday, 9-Mar-2021 01:00:08

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