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Jon Rappoport: "Criminal NY governor declares new fascist COVID rules"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 4-Nov-2020 03:05:44

In Response To: Jon Rappoport: "Democrats and socialists are now one" (hobie)


Criminal NY governor declares new fascist COVID rules

by Jon Rappoport

November 3, 2020

(To join our email list, click here.)

Face it, if the NY governor hadn’t been born into the family of Cuomo, if his father hadn’t been the governor of NY, he’d have emigrated to China where he’d be sweeping streets for a living. In Beijing, he’d be under 24-hour surveillance as a crazy man who might go off and do something bizarre and harmful.

Chinese security man staring at a screen: “Who’s that idiot on the corner poking people with his broom?’

Colleague: “Oh, that’s Cuomo, the American. He loves our system. He moved here a few years ago. We’ll leave him alone for now. He’s good press for us. We can say, ‘See, that’s what Americans are like.’”

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is presiding over the lockdown death of his state, and of NY City. Many of his rich citizens are bailing out of NY with their tax money and moving to Montana and other points west and south. Soon, NY, minus billions in tourist dollars, will be collecting so few taxes they wouldn’t fill a single garbage pail on a desolate boarded-up city street.

NY, another Democrat share-and-care-and-love state, is hitting new highs on boot-clicking and saluting and fascist clampdowns.

The NY Post has the story:

“Most people who visit New York will have to quarantine for three days and then prove they are negative for COVID-19 before they are ‘free to go about their business,’ Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday.”

“Now, travelers must show proof of a negative test taken within three days of arriving in the Empire State, and must also quarantine for three more days — and get a new COVID-19 test on the fourth.”

“If that’s positive, they must isolate for two weeks, the governor said at an Albany press briefing.”

“’Four days plus three days is seven days, and that’s basically, by all probability, the incubation period,’ Cuomo said, as he announced 2,049 new cases across the state and 8 deaths reported yesterday.”

“Anyone who refuses to be tested must quarantine for 14 days.”

“New Yorkers who return home within a day of leaving must take a test within four days of their arrival, Cuomo said. But if they are gone longer for 24 hours, then the new rules apply.”

“Those who commute to New York between bordering states are not required to be tested each trip, he noted.”

He noted, he declared, he announced, he ordered. Achtung!

What if my first two tests are indeterminate and the third test is negative but the fourth test is weakly positive and the fifth test is definitely negative but the sixth test is positive? Do I stay in quarantine in a fleabag hotel for three weeks or six weeks or a year? What if I start seeing cockroaches from the sixth dimension invading my baloney sandwich? Who do I call? Ghostbusters? I thought I was just taking a cheap flight to the City to see the Empire State Building and Central Park. I didn’t realize I’d be marked as a political prisoner. Do I get one call to a lawyer?

Damn, the Democrats missed their golden chance. They should have run Cuomo for president instead of old crazy Joe. Cuomo would show the country what law and order really looks like.

Within 24 hours of taking over the White House, he’d have checkpoints on every interstate highway in the land. He’d bring in Chinese and Australian and UK cops to man them.

“Sir, get out of the car and show us your proof of a negative PCR test taken within the past 48 hours. Open your trunk. Empty your pockets. Are you carrying cash? We’ll take it. We have to test it for the virus. You’ll get it back within two weeks. Where’s your cell phone? We need to transfer all the data to our center in Utah. Write down a list of your 50 closest contacts. Lying is a federal offense. Look straight at me. I’m taking your photo…”

Congratulations, New York. You elected an empty name, Cuomo, as your governor, in your Billy Joel New York State of Mind.

Wake up and smell the slavery. Suck it in through your masks.

The Matrix Revealed

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


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Articles In This Thread

Jon Rappoport: "Democrats and socialists are now one"
hobie -- Wednesday, 4-Nov-2020 03:05:44
Jon Rappoport: "Criminal NY governor declares new fascist COVID rules"
hobie -- Wednesday, 4-Nov-2020 03:05:44

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