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Anna Von Reitz: "Orientation for Our Assemblies"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 03:22:10

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: 'Message to "the" FBI' (hobie)

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aturday, October 3, 2020

Orientation for Our Assemblies

By Anna Von Reitz

There are three different kinds of Assemblies active at this time.

There are District Assemblies for the District Government Employees and their dependents --- the U.S. Citizens among us, mainly military and military subcontractors. There are Municipal Assemblies for the Municipal Government Federal Civil Servants and their Agency personnel --- the "citizens of the United States" who also live among us.

And finally, last but not least, there are the actual State Assemblies. Us. Our American Government.

You have to be savvy enough to figure out which pew you belong in.

You also have to figure out what you want and need to do as an individual.

Your choices are: (1) stay in the box and try to change the system from inside the system; (2) leave the box and work on restoring your own lawful government.

We long ago figured out that it is easier to roll things downhill and so, we, at the American States Assemblies, have chosen to exit the box and head for high ground.

Everyone who wants to stay in the pit and wrestle with snakes is of course welcome to do so.

Those who want to stay in the box and try to change it from inside should be joining either the District Assembly or the Municipal Assembly of their choice.

These organizations are recognizable because they actually say "District Assembly" or "Municipal Assembly" right out front, and because they are organized as districts, not counties.

Our assemblies are equally well-labeled simply as State Assemblies and are organized according to counties, not districts, so it should be a no-brainer for everyone to figure out.

I was asked last night why am I at odds with so many patriot gurus and would I be willing to attend a Round Table-type discussion with the likes of Russell Gould and David Straight and Kim Goguen?

But that would be like an apple sitting down with however many oranges. They are all doing what they are doing inside the box. They are all acting as either U.S. Citizens or as citizens of the United States.

They are, by their words and actions, foreigners dealing with their foreign government, using the foreign government's laws, thinking in terms of that foreign government, and so -- here I am, talking about and doing something entirely different and entirely American. What, then, is there to talk about?

The difference between me (and Kurt Kallenbach, too) and all the rest of these people is that they are staying inside the box and trying to deal with the District and Municipal government corporations from within those corporations---- and we're not.

It's not our business nor our concern to nit-pick and tell our employees how to sort out the inner workings of their corporations. If they want to live in a swamp and eat alligators, that's their business. Not ours.

The American States Assemblies are totally different and focused on different goals.

The goal of our employees may be to straighten up the internal operations of their corporations. Fine and dandy.

Our goal is to get good faith service out of our employees and their corporations. Also fine and dandy.

It's our business to enforce the only contracts we have with them -- The Constitution of the United States of America (Territorials) and The Constitution of the United States (Municipals).

And that's really all we are interested in. Their internal corporation workings and organization and rules and codes are like the marriages of people in France: no concern of ours.

We don't concern ourselves with their law, their language, their problems, their obligations, their contracts among themselves, or anything else that is internal and domestic with respect to them and their organizations.

We don't do affidavits. We don't address their courts. We don't mess with them at all. We don't reference their Federal Codes or State of State Statutes, either, except to remind them of their own published obligations. And we pointedly say, "To remind you, Sirs, of your own published code:_____"

Beyond that, we just stand here, four-square, and say, hey, we're Americans. We are your employers. We are owed every jot of the federal constitutions. Pay attention: Article VI: Supremacy Clause-- there is no other or greater law, and Amendment XI: Americans are not subject to foreign law.

Any law not in compliance with our constitutional guarantees is null and void. That includes both Federal Territorial and Municipal Codes, and Territorial and Municipal State-of-State Statutes, gubernatorial "mandates" and all the rest of their foreign Howdy-Doody clap-trap.

Everyone on both sides of The Box needs to fully, completely, and absolutely understand: (1) who they are; (2) what they are doing; (3) which "pew" they belong in; (4) what the goals and rules are.

If you want to fight with the governmental services corporations about their internal codes and rules and private "laws" --- go ahead. Join your District Assemblies or your Municipal Assemblies and fight, fight, fight. Serve in their legislatures. Subject yourselves to their 80 million rules, codes, regulations, and statutes.

If you want peace in your life and don't want to be harassed by your own public employees, join the actual State Assembly and learn to enforce your constitutional contracts using your own Public Law and your own courts.

When people come into your honorable and peaceful State Assemblies with grudges and problems with the District corporations, explain the situation and give them a choice: (1) stay here with us, the Americans, and enforce the Constitutions, or (2) go back to the snake pit and try to improve the corporations from within. Good luck.

If you find members who want to talk endlessly about Federal Codes and people recommending the use of "affidavits", correct them. If they persist, show them the door. Give them the address of the nearest District Assembly and send them on their way.

If you find members who want to attack the District or State of State Courts and do things like send these foreign courts Writs of Mandamus, correct them. If they persist, show them the door. Give them the address of the nearest District Assembly and send them back to the Swamp.

If you find members who are confused, aimlessly wandering around, following first one "guru" and then the next, learning PARSE syntax one day and waiting for outpourings of money from the Manna Trust the next, try to bring them back to Terra Firma --- and if they persist, give them the address of the nearest District Assembly and send them on their way.

There are a lot of people who want to leave Babylon, but they don't know how and they resist learning. Our answer is too simple, too direct, and too powerful. It scares them to think that they are responsible for self-governing. They can't quite wrap their heads around it.

So they keep mistaking us for them, and them for us, mixing apples and oranges, and causing problems for themselves and everyone else.

Just like the innocents asking me why I wouldn't sit down at a Round Table with a bunch of oranges and come to a peaceable agreement. From my perspective, we are at peace already. I'm not arguing with my employees. I am telling them what their contract says --- and by the way, hop to it.

So, figure out which Assembly you belong in and help others do the same. Are you in the military? Then you belong in a District Assembly. Are you in the Federal Civil Service? Then you belong in a Municipal Assembly.

Are you an American? Just a plain old American with no "government" job?

Then welcome home, you are one of us and belong in the State Assembly. The actual State Assembly, which is organized by counties, not districts.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "We Don't Use Affidavits --- Ever."
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 03:13:01
Anna Von Reitz: 'Message to "the" FBI'
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 03:22:10
Anna Von Reitz: "Orientation for Our Assemblies"
hobie -- Sunday, 4-Oct-2020 03:22:10

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