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SORCHA: "Antifa Committee To Re-Elect Trump Meets Tech Giant Vow To Let Media Decide Election"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Friday, 11-Sep-2020 12:17:07

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September 11, 2020

Antifa Committee To Re-Elect Trump Meets Tech Giant Vow To Let Media Decide Election

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the 19th Anniversary of 11 September 2001 attacks on the United States, says it’s fitting that United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has chosen this day to make his historic journey to send Afghanistan on its “Next Step Trajectory” towards peace, and by late fall will see the US being down to roughly 4,500 soldiers in that war torn country—though while this war is ending, the one that will determine the fate of America is just getting started—a war that sees President Donald Trump refusing to back down to Communist China social media giant TikTok and declaring: “I’m not extending deadlines, no…It’s September 15…There will be no extension of the TikTok deadline”—which means this popular application won’t be able to interfere in an election that experts are now saying about “there’s no reason America has to wait weeks for final results”—but stands opposed to socialist tech giant Twitter, that says its new rules will flag President Trump if he claims an early victory—and even more ominously, stands opposed to socialist tech giant Facebook, whose leader Mark Zuckerberg has just declared that this election “may take weeks” while “causing civil unrest” and “won’t be decided until the media creates a consensus on who the next President should be”—a shock declaration as one supposes it’s the American people who choose their President, not the leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment—though this does conform with what the leftist media believes itself to be, as best stated by MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski, who while enraged that President Trump was speaking directly to the American people, stunned the world by stating out loud the hidden truth: “He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think…And that, that is our job”—a “job” to control the minds of the American people, however, that Brzezinski and her fellow leftist media comrades are miserably failing in doing—as while they try to keep hidden from the American people the truth about Biden terrorists tearing their nation apart, they hilariously created a new organization that’s being called the “Antifa Committee To Re-Elect The President”—a term coined by the New York Post in their article “The Ugly Privilege Of Rich White Protesters” wherein it points out that all of the Biden terrorists belonging to the “New Afrikan Black Panther Party” are white—and not just white, but are the pampered and privileged children of rich elite parents. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski (top photo) and her leftist media comrades say it’s their “job” to control what privileged elite white Biden terrorists belonging to the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (bottom photo) think.

According to this report, with America today being beset by rioters and criminals and ruled by shady oligarchs, CEO Mitchell Feierstein of the Glacier Environmental Fund is warning that the United States is becoming a banana republic, and who states: “In all my years as an American, I have never been so fearful for the future of my nation…We are in the midst of a class war that is being driven by Democrats’ demagoguery, and it is likely to end very badly”—though in reality this assessment gives a bad name to banana republics, as what’s occurring in America more resembles the 2006 science fiction comedy film “Idiocracy”—a film depicting a time 500-years in the future when humans became so stupid they couldn’t figure out why their plants wouldn’t grow after being watered by a Kool Aid type sports drink—and played out in real time in Seattle when Biden terrorists planted a garden on top of cardboard and they couldn’t figure out why nothing grew—and is a stupid socialist mindset that keeps playing out in America—best exampled this past week alone when the FBI arrested and charged with fraud socailist Democrat Party Bridgeport-Connecticut Police Chief Armando Perez and Acting Personnel Director David Dunn because they cheated on a test like school children—when socialist Democrat Party Los Angeles County Health Director Barbara Ferrer was too stupid to notice that she was being recorded while saying she was keeping schools closed until after the election—the entire socialist Democrat Party in the US Congress being so stupid they forget the American people will make them pay for blocking coronavirus aid because they hate President Trump so much—and worst of all, all of the socialist Democrats working with Special Counsel Robert Mueller being stupid enough to illegally scrub all of their phones before the Department of Justice could see what they were doing.

Fighting back against the “Idiocracy” socialist Democrats and their leftist media sycophants are trying to turn America into, this report details, are the 50 Republican US Congress lawmakers that have just sent a powerful letter to United States Attorney General Barr demanding that he discover who is funding these Biden terrorists tearing their nation apart—though in examining what is occurring, the evidence strongly suggests Attorney General Barr has been doing exactly that—evidence that includes the fact that over the past few months US federal authorities have arrested and charged over 300 of these Biden terrorists—though most important to note about these arrests are that the great majority of the US federal charges are for misdemeanors—which one would expect to happen in a US federal investigation that’s looking for who is in charge, and will give lesser charges to cooperating witnesses—and is why socialist legal groups defending these Biden terrorists are now screaming at them not cooperate with the FBI while ordering them: “DO NOT TALK TO THE POLICE…Just don’t talk…It is the safest approach for yourself, your friends, your comrades and the community...Don’t answer the door. Unless they have a warrant, you do not have to open the door...If you open the door by accident, say “I am busy right now and can’t talk” and close the door or “I am not going to answer any questions without my lawyer present” and close the door”.

The use by Attorney General Barr and his Department of Justice of cooperating witnesses, this report notes, was best recently displayed by the cooperating witness guilty plea obtained from top FBI coup plotter Kevin Clinesmith—that was obtained by feared United States Attorney John Durham, and after securing Clinesmith’s cooperation, saw Durham putting under interrogation for 8-hours former CIA Director John Brennan—an interrogation that was followed by Brennan’s long-time advisor Nick Shapiro putting out a statement claming that Brennan wasn’t a target of Durham’s criminal investigation—a curious statement not made by Brennan himself, that caused legal experts to state: “Nothing about Brennan or his history suggests Shapiro’s message needs be credited with being truthful”—and to be noticed, was a statement standing in stark contradiction to Clinesmith’s plea agreement that noted that the 17 August 2016 memorandum on Page was provided to “certain members of the Crossfire Hurricane team” of which Brennan was a part of—and when understanding, makes clear why immediately after Durham interrogated Brennan, the leftist media wrote their hit piece “Gina Haspel Hangs On At CIA, With Little Support From Trump Or Democrats”—an obvious and clumsy attempt to drive a wedge between President Trump and CIA Director Gina Haspel—but was quickly met by CIA spokesperson Nicole de Haay slamming this hit piece and stating: “There’s so much wrong with this story, I don’t even know where to begin”—and for what the future holds, saw Attorney General Barr this past week grinning after being asked if more criminal charges were coming from Durham, and slyly answering “Yeah, there could be”.

As to the surest slam dunk criminal charge available right now to both Attorney General Barr and US Attorney Durham, this report concludes, is against Special Counsel Robert Mueller—who while under oath giving testimony to the US Congress was asked “So your statement here today is that you didn’t interview to apply for the FBI director job?”, to which Mueller answered “That’s correct”—an under oath lie now proved by the just discovered bombshell email written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on 17 May 2017, whose subject heading is “Mueller” and says “Withdrew from consideration for FBI director”—an under oath lie told by Mueller to deliberately and unlawfully obstruct a US Congressional investigation—and if it had been committed by President Trump would see headlines filling every newspaper and all news programmes talking about nothing else—but whose most fearful consequence of shows how truly distorted justice in America has become—because if Mueller isn’t immediately arrested and charged for his crimes, no one else in America should ever be charged with any crimes either.

September 11, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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