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DHS Braces For 'Potential EMP Attack' As Presidential Election Nears

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Sunday, 6-Sep-2020 01:40:11

My comment: Our nation being targeted by an EMP attack is one of the major defense issues our nation must prepare for and understand. In past reports by professional defense researchers, it was determined if the US was attacked by a high altitude EMP nuclear device alone, that within a year there would be a loss of 90% of the US population. The reason it would be so devastating is the fact the national electric grid could not be turned back on because of the massive damage to transformers. This would cause water shortages eventually, an infrastructure collapse of food, fuel and job losses. With no quick way to recover from the attack, the nation would start to starve and degrade into internal riots for the remaining food, fuel and resources. It was this reality that was prominent on my mind when considering the situation with North Korea and how they could easily sell nukes and EMP nukes to terrorists. When dealing with radicals a nation cannot assume they will act in a rational manner and be hesitant to bomb a nation for fear of the retaliation. On the contrary, radical and extremist groups have proven time and again they will act irrationally and have no qualms about planting bombs or launching missiles against cities where there would be a large number of innocent lives snuffed out. This is why all the experts that knew about the North Korean danger, were hoping Trump would deal with the communists before it was too late. For decades the liberals have been giving technology advances and food to North Korea, which allowed them the time and money to develop nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. When you add the "terrorist factor" of those weapons of mass destruction being sold to rogue nations and terrorists, it creates a recipe for disaster that cannot be fully comprehended. What we are dealing with then, is not a friendly photo-op summit between Trump and a communist leader, telling each other how great they are, but the real possibility of our nation being vulnerable to attack that could kill millions of Americans. Sometimes there is a time for war that could prevent a larger loss of life. George Eaton

DHS Braces For 'Potential EMP Attack' As Presidential Election Nears
By Tyler Durden
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a new report warning about a "potential" electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the U.S.
DHS's warning published Thur. (Sept. 2), or about 60 days until the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 3, indicates there are "evolving threats against the American homeland, most recently highlighting efforts to combat an Electromagnetic Pulse attack which could disrupt the electrical grid and potentially damage electronics."

The department released an EMP status report via the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that said the "key actions to address known EMP-related vulnerabilities to critical infrastructure."

CISA said an EMP attack could "disrupt, degrade, and damage technology" embedded in critical infrastructure systems. Widespread blackouts could be seen if an EMP was to damage the nation's electrical grid, resulting in additional flare-ups of socio-economic turmoil.

"EMP attacks are part of the emerging threats against our nation and demand a response," said Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli.

"That is why DHS is taking these contingencies very seriously, working diligently to mitigate our risks and equipping our state and local partners with the resources they need to do the same. We've made significant progress and look forward to work ahead," Cuccinelli said.

CISA Director Chris Krebs said top priorities of the agency is to mitigate threats associated with EMPs:

"Over the past year, we have worked with interagency and industry partners to identify the footprint and effects of EMP threats across our National Critical Functions, and are developing sustainable, efficient, and cost-effective approaches to improving the Nation's resilience to EMPs," Krebs said.
To combat these emerging threats, President Trump signed an executive order in March 2019, delegating power to the White House for EMP preparedness.

We recently quoted Peter Vincent Pry, ex-chief of staff of the Congressional EMP Commission, who wrote an op-ed that said the virus pandemic from China has "exposed dangerous weaknesses in U.S. planning and preparation for civil defense protection and recovery, and those weaknesses surely have been noticed by our potential enemies: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and international terrorists."

Pry warned that "China has been planning to defeat the U.S. with an EMP and cyber "Pearl Harbor" attack for a quarter-century."

DHS nor CISA gave any more information on 'evolving EMP threats' on the American homeland. There was not mention of whether the threat could be from a solar storm or EMP weapons. However, the EMP status report did mention DHS is currently running EMP pilot tests to assess EMP vulnerability on infrastructure:

"Finally, DHS is partnering with other federal departments and agencies, state, local, tribal, and territorial entities and the private sector to field test a more resilient critical infrastructure. There are a number of field demonstration (or pilot) projects planned and underway by both DHS and DOE to assess EMP vulnerability and then deploy, evaluate, and validate EMP mitigation and protection technologies.

"One such pilot is the San Antonio Electromagnetic Defense Initiative, designed to show how an entire region can become resilient against an EMP. These pilots are multisector, multifunction efforts, seeking to ensure key capabilities continue to function in a post EMP environment and that by maintaining those key functions we can expedite a full recovery. Working with federal interagency partners, DHS will play a major role in ensuring communications systems remain operational and, by ensuring key systems which are protected against EMP, are also protected against other threats such as cyber-attacks." - EMP status report

One EMP-expert and friend-of-the-site summed up the report perfectly:

"We recognize the threat and we're working on it and you don't need to know any more than that, thank you for asking..."

The warning comes just two months before the U.S. presidential election...

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