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Saturday, February 15, 2020
Okay, Here's the Story So Far....
By Anna Von Reitz
My oldest (and most reliable) colleagues in science and math and fellow "Sufferers of the Gubmint" began reporting strange dealings going on in China last June.
According to two of them, both isolated sources, people who don't know each other and who come from radically different corners of the globe, the Elites (ahem, yes, well, according to some people anyway....) were bribing China to radically reduce the population "voluntarily". The implications of this are obvious and horrifying.
The Cabal was, reportedly, offering China gold on a per head basis to reduce its population, plus, in separate talks, offering China ownership of certain certain drugs and
The implication then was that the Communist Chinese Government was being bribed to kill off their own people and, at the same time, given the antidote/preventative measures so that the culprits could do this safely and when the desired population reduction had been achieved, could: (1) halt the epidemic, and (2) make everyone else in the world pay for the antidote/vaccines --- while making themselves look like heroes.
This plan accomplishes numerous objectives of the cabal and the Chinese Government and guarantees that the direct profits (gold from the Cabal) and indirect profits (payment from other countries for the "cure") would make all this discomfort and loss of "livestock" financially worthwhile.
This "involuntary" shutdown of Chinese productive capacity for a period of months would also neatly rebuff and undercut Trump's new Trade Deal with China, which left the Cabal out of the loop and allowed China to keep the profits of its currency exchanges.
Of course, both post-Brexit and US Suppliers would profit handsomely, too, as this would promote a giant scramble to locate "safe" suppliers of many, many commodities that China normally produces --- everything from kitchen towels, to fan belts, to micro chips, to medicines.
The world would be forced to find new suppliers of critically needed commodities, and to make up for the "inconvenience", those suppliers get to name their prices, don't they?
All the SARS family viruses cause various forms of respiratory failure and hemorrhagic fever. If they gain a real foothold they attack the membranes and connective tissues and extra-cellular matrix materials in the body and cause them to rupture and bleed.
People with few collagen sources and limited Vitamin C are especially at risk and that includes most of the population of industrialized China.
When I first heard about this I was appalled --- and thought, no, it would be too obvious, too easy to trace back through the Patent Offices. And how would they do the mammoth gold transfers under our noses, without everyone knowing?
Answer: By cutting a deal with the Government of the Philippines or the Government of Indonesia, either one.
I put all that information in my "Chew On It" bin and then when all this nastiness blew up in Wuhan (yes, an inverse anagram for "Human") I had cause to chew on it again. Plus, more Intel from my original sources, who were hopping mad and baying for corporate blood--- and still more offerings from other old and respected sources who are always grim to listen to ---- but usually right.
As I originally surmised, the track at the Patent Office was well-beaten and led immediately to the usual suspects in Britain and the US --- and then..... took a not entirely illogical jog to....Monsanto.....and US NAVY and NASA and Blackwater....
So.... if those guys are involved in it, you know something is truly and well-rotten in Luxembourg. This is possibly a double-cross on the Chinese, who, most likely, got a different "product" than they bargained for---- but then it becomes a game of who has the vaccine or medicine or whatever will stop the infection.
The initial symptoms and description of the disease coming out of Wuhan from official Chinese sources were consistent with the "offer" made to the Chinese Government last June --- quick, clean, painless death, Asian and colored males targeted. And then, very decidedly, the descriptions began to shift and things got chaotic.
The description coming out of Wuhan changed to --- not only true hemorrhagic fever symptoms, but, an artificially accelerated nanobot delivery system and production of foreign poisons similar to reptile venom that also cause death by internal hemorrhage and nerve damage.
What would superficially appear to be consistent with a natural outbreak of a hemorrhagic fever would be hopped up with a GMO Transfer Agent, such is used to produce strains of GMO soybeans, to mainline the virus into the body in much greater quantities, and the altered DNA would be tweaked to produce literal poison --- similar to the way GMO corn produces herbicide and insecticide internally.
Then, to top off this Horror Story, the "package" would be delivered by micron dust --- more nanobot stuff, rendering the spread of the disease unstoppable, with the worst of it being carried Westward with the prevailing winds.
The men who created this now-presumed-from-the-evidence to exist unnatural pathogen and swapped it for the originally agreed upon pathogen, are now in possession of the means to stop the plague they have unleashed and created, which they may be willing to do for either a great price or their own necks.
Or they may simply be nutcases who believe all the shinola about needing to severely reduce the population.
I am not temperamentally suited to be a dabbler in speculations--- but I am an old hand when it comes to research.
That long practice leads me to look for things that "should be there" and aren't. And what gives this (above) intelligence report some credibility in my mind is: (1) the Cabal was insanely maddened by Trump's Trade Deal and we know that; (2) you (and I) aren't hearing any reports of survival statistics.
All that is coming out of China or anywhere else are not survival statistics -- which should be present --- all we are hearing is number of infections confirmed and number of deaths. The kind of horrific bioweapon described above, using a GMO Transfer Agent and nanobot delivery would guarantee a near-100% mortality rate without the correct antigens and antiviral therapy.
And that could be the reason we aren't hearing any survival statistics.
It's certainly part of the reason that I am asking Mr. Trump and his Administration to get to the bottom of this, and to make public disclosure of the findings.
We do have the means to track down those responsible and I am suggesting that we do so with great alacrity---- and if such a hyped-up version of corona virus has been deployed --- make it public. Name the names. Name the corporations responsible.
And liquidate them. With great prejudice.
Of course, for all we know, all of this could be an elaborate False Flag and another Red Herring designed to keep out attention detained while other important things slip by under the radar.
I am a great admirer of Jon Rappoport, one of the last independent journalists left alive, and I am more than willing to concede---- he may be right. This could be just another way to gin up mega-profits for Big Pharma. He is certainly right that we have little to no reason to trust conventional medicine, the FDA, or commercial doctors who long ago forgot about being physicians:
See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here: