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SORCHA: "Iranian Rockets Fly—Ukrainian Plane Explodes Over Iran—Quake Hits Iran Nuke Plant—Then Devils Horns Rise From Persian Gulf"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:42



January 8, 2020

Iranian Rockets Fly**Ukrainian Plane Explodes Over Iran**Quake Hits Iran Nuke Plant—Then Devils Horns Rise From Persian Gulf

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the unannounced surprise meeting held in Damascus-Syria yesterday between President Putin and his Syrian counterpart President Bashar al-Assad to discuss the “Iranian Chaos Theory Masterplan” initiated by President Donald Trump to bring about a lasting peace between the West and Islamic nations in the Middle East, states that Trump’s main agenda to destroy the regional power of Sunni Muslim terror supporting Saudi Arabia got a boost when Iran staged their missile launch charade a few hours ago against US bases in Iraq—that caused global oil prices to soar to the benefit of Iran and Russia—but wiped out billions-of-dollars of Saudi wealth after their Saudi Aramco stock sank 10%--a beginning of woes to be experienced by the Saudis whose Iranian supporting Shiite extremist organization, Hezbollah al-Hejaz, issued a statement calling for the revenge of General Soleimani’s death that includes their targeting Saudi rulers—and whose expectation of the Saudis being supported by the US as they battle for their kingdom’s survival looks more unlikely by the day—best exampled by the 3 January call held between US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud—the American readout of which for domestic propaganda purposes had such statements as: “The Secretary thanked the Crown Prince for Saudi Arabia’s steadfast support and for recognizing the continuing aggressive threats posed by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force”—but whose truer meaning Saudi readout of shows the US is tired of supporting endless wars: “During telephone conversation, the latest developments in Iraq and efforts being exerted to defuse tensions in the region were reviewed, in addition to discussing what can be done to maintain peace and stability in the Middle East in this turbulent period”—all occurring near simultaneously with the explosion of an Ukrainian airliner taking off from the Tehran-Iran airport killing all 185 passengers and crew—and a magnitude 4.9 earthquake striking the Bushehr nuclear plant in Iran—with all of this chaotic turmoil then being fittingly met with a rare “Devils Horns” eclipse rising from the Persian Gulf and reaching down from the clouds to halo an airliner. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Rare “Devils Horn” eclipse rises from Persian Gulf (top photo) and reaches down from clouds to halo airliner (bottom photo) as rockets fly, a plane explodes and quake strikes nuclear plant.

According to this report, yesterday the Foreign Ministry exhaustively detailed the chaos theory masterplan initiated by President Trump—whose main “theater of the absurd” components of means nothing is as it first appears, and will frequently be the exact opposite of what one thinks is occurring—the only exception being the Ministry noting that the “only actual battlefield death, so far, in the maelstrom of this chaos remains General Soleimani—the sacrificed chess piece pawn who began the most critical game of war and peace ever seen since World War II”—the same General Soleimani who, in July-2018, threatened Trump with the words “Mr. Gambler, Trump! I’m telling you that WE ARE CLOSE TO YOU, exactly where you wouldn’t think that we are”—a threat made all too real this past Sunday, 5 January, when a supposedly disgraced ex-US Marine named Brandon Magnan, and an as yet unidentified other man shockingly made it past two high-security checkpoints at a Florida airport, where Trump was preparing to board Air Force One, before they were captured.

As to the true and dangerous nature of General Soleimani being kept hidden from the American people, this report details, among the most important persons warning about this international terror leader was President Trump’s former national security advisor US Army General Michael Flynn—who, in 2015, while working for the Obama Regime, sent out a warning Tweet asking: “Soleimani–#1 terrorist in the world, now a good guy & Iran, #1 State Sponsor of Terrorism, now has nuke capabilities–what just happened?”—a warning Tweet that, of course, made General Flynn a prime target for Deep State destruction—and yesterday further saw these Deep State maniacs demanding that a judge throw General Flynn in prison.

Most interesting to note about the leftist lies being told about General Soleimani to the American people, though, this report notes, is that at the same time The New York Times blared its comical headline “The Nightmare Stage of Trump’s Rule Is Here” for a distorted article warning that “unstable and impeached, the president pushes the US toward war with Iran” because President Trump ordered Soleimani assassinated—buried deep within in its pages was a little noticed or read other article about Soleimani titled “Trump Kills Iran’s Most Overrated Warrior”—which explained why Trump and Iran’s Supreme Leader turned Soleimani into a sacrificial chess piece pawn:

One day they may name a street after President Trump in Tehran.


Because Trump just ordered the assassination of possibly the dumbest man in Iran and the most overrated strategist in the Middle East: Major General Qassim Soleimani.

Think of the miscalculations this guy made. In 2015, the United States and the major European powers agreed to lift virtually all their sanctions on Iran, many dating back to 1979, in return for Iran halting its nuclear weapons program for a mere 15 years, but still maintaining the right to have a peaceful nuclear program. It was a great deal for Iran. Its economy grew by over 12 percent the next year.

And what did Soleimani do with that windfall?

Mr. “Military Genius” Soleimani decided that he would overreach again and try to put direct pressure on Israel.

He would do this by trying to transfer precision-guided rockets from Iran to Iranian proxy forces in Lebanon and Syria.

Alas, Soleimani discovered that fighting Israel — specifically, its combined air force, special forces, intelligence and cyber — is not like fighting the Nusra front or the Islamic State.

The Israelis hit back hard, sending a whole bunch of Iranians home from Syria in caskets and hammering their proxies as far away as Western Iraq.

Indeed, Israeli intelligence had so penetrated Soleimani’s Quds Force and its proxies that Soleimani would land a plane with precision munitions in Syria at 5 p.m., and the Israeli air force would blow it up by 5:30 p.m. Soleimani men were like fish in a barrel.

If Iran had a free press and a real parliament, he would have been fired for colossal mismanagement.

It was Soleimani and his proxies — his “kingmakers” in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq — who increasingly came to be seen, and hated, as imperial powers in the region, even more so than Trump’s America.

This triggered popular, authentic, bottom-up democracy movements in Lebanon and Iraq that involved Sunnis and Shiites locking arms together to demand noncorrupt, nonsectarian democratic governance.

On Nov. 27, Iraqi Shiites — yes, Iraqi Shiites — burned down the Iranian consulate in Najaf, Iraq, removing the Iranian flag from the building and putting an Iraqi flag in its place.

That was after Iraqi Shiites, in September 2018, set the Iranian consulate in Basra ablaze, shouting condemnations of Iran’s interference in Iraqi politics.

As for the “crushing revenge” charade rocket attack to avenge the death of General Soleimani, this report notes, it began with Iran calling Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi to pre-warn him about what was going to occur—which allowed both US and Iraqi troops the time they needed to go into their bomb proof bunkers so none of them would be harmed—an “attack” followed by Iran basically saying that’s it and “we do not seek escalation or war”—that President Trump immediately responded to with his Tweet saying “All is well”, going to bed, and telling the American people he’d talk to them in the morning—all with Trump knowing that Iranian President Rouhani has declared that “all US troops out of Middle East will be Iran’s final answer to Soleimani’s assassination”—which is exactly what Trump has been trying to do since the very day he took office.

Unlike in past times when President Trump was blocked from bringing all of his US troops home from the Middle East and ending his nation’s endless wars, this report concludes, this time around he comically has all of his enemies crying for the same thing to be done before he can start World War III—a masterful move as Trump knows his deranged enemies will ALWAYS choose to take the opposite side of whatever they think his is—but whose endgame is yet to play out—thus meaning that more heart-stopping moves are going to made in this most dangerous of games before it’s finished—and makes one glad that even before he was elected, his personal doctor told the entire world: “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency”.

January 8, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

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