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SORCHA: "Washington December Nightmare Begins With Air Defense Failure Protecting Trump"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Monday, 2-Dec-2019 16:42:08



December 2, 2019

Washington December Nightmare Begins With Air Defense Failure Protecting Trump

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A thought-provoking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today celebrating the start of massive and historic natural gas deliveries to China this morning via the now opened 3,000 kilometer (1,864 miles) Power of Siberia pipeline, while at the same time noting the 11% boost in gold production to further eliminate all US Dollar debt from the economy, states that these vital moves to insulate and protect the Motherland and its peoples from Western socialist insanity are coming at the same time the “Washington December Nightmare” has fallen upon the world—a term coined by the Americans themselves to describe this month of chaos and turmoil which contains an impeachment coup overthrow attempt of President Donald Trump, a US Department of Justice report due next week that will detail Obama-Clinton Regime crimes committed against the Trump presidency, bills needing to be passed by bitterly warring factions in the US Congress before their country runs out of money, as well as critical international trade deals that need to be approved into law, too—but whose truest beginning to of what could prove to be one of the most momentous months in American history, actually began a few days ago at 8:30 a.m. on 26 November—and was when the Washington D.C. Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) protecting Trump, his White House, and many other US government buildings, suffered a catastrophic failure—a failure that’s now being said was due to “an anomaly happening within the radar system” further “compounded by human error”—but which chillingly are the same exact words of “radar anomalies” and “human errors” used by the US government to explain to the American people why their entire national defense system failed to protect them on 11 September 2001. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, with some of the world’s top theologians and scholars having already declared in 2016 that “Globalism is Anti-Christ and Demonic”, there remains no doubt in anyone’s minds that the socialist-globalist forces arrayed against President Trump will stop at nothing to destroy him—to include their now elevating to demonic sainthood a 16-year-old deranged Swedish girl named Greta Thunberg—whom these globalists have thrust upon the world stage as a modern day version of the 15th Century teenage French girl crusader Joan of Arc—but instead of battling for God like Joan of Arc did—sees demonic Saint Thunberg gathering her dark forces to battle against the made up threat called “climate change” her globalist overlords are now rebranding to “Global Meltdown or Climate Collapse or Scorched Earth”—and further sees demonic Saint Thunberg being an exact blond pigtailed teenage match to the female branch of the Hitler Youth Movement known as the German League of Girls—which explains why the German Nazi loving government of Sweden has just ordered all of its schools to protect demonic Saint Thunberg in their religious classes—an outrage just matched by the Church of Sweden unveiling its new altarpiece of paradise featuring gay couples and a transgender serpent.

Anti-Christ globalist forces elevate Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg to demonic sainthood…

…in revival of Nazi German celebration of blond pigtailed girls of purity…

…whom Swedish school children are now ordered to defend as a religious figure while they worship and pray before the Church of Sweden’s new satanic altarpiece (pictured above).

In further evidence of the demonic socialist-globalist insanity sweeping the Western world today, this report notes, this past week alone has documented:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel echoing her nation’s Nazi past by her proclaiming that society will no longer be the free society that it was if she doesn’t strip people of their right to freely express themselves.

The government of Canada heeding Chancellor Merkel’s call to strip peoples of their free speech rights by their leveling a crushing $35, 000 fine against comedian Mike Ward because he told a joke about a disabled boy.

The government of Britain now declaring that they will now decide how children decorate their bedrooms—but is a government so dysfunctional, it let out of prison an Islamic terrorist who then killed two innocent people—and who would have killed more if not stopped by convicted murderer James Moore, who himself was out of prison on a day pass while serving his 15-year jail term.

An organization in New Zealand opening up a sperm bank for men having the deadly HIV virus because “they have so much to give”.

The socialist stronghold city of Baltimore in America announcing that its museum will no longer buy works of art if they were made by men.

And where, also, this socialist madness has reached such a crescendo, the Associated Press has stunningly accused the innocent Republicans of “wielding impeachment like a weapon” in war to overthrow President Trump that the Democrats started—a war began because Trump wanted to find out why Hunter Biden made millions-of-dollars in Ukraine while his father was in power—the same Hunter Biden who has just filed court papers claiming he’s in debt, is unemployed with no income as he fights to keep from paying the child support he owes for his love child—and whose father former Vice President Joe Biden has had a shocking new video released showing him stunning a crowd while talking about kids playing with his hairy legs and saying how much he loves children on his lap and roaches.

At least in the United States, this report concludes, these insane demonic socialist-globalists forces have arrayed against them 65% of the American population who identify themselves as Christian—who number in the tens-of-millions and have in their possession over 270 million guns, which equals 40% of all the guns in the entire world—all of whom overwhelmingly voted for President Trump—and because of, now sees their leftist mainstream propaganda media this past week comparing them to “ISIS terrorists” and calling them a “racial-religious cult of personality”—and whom leftist academics at New York University have just proclaimed are Trump supporters who are “insecure, impotent and whose wives are probably sleeping around on them”—all of which, however, exposes the true terror and panic now coursing through the veins of these godless socialists as their fearful eyes gaze upon the United States Supreme Court—where today it hears arguments in the first gun rights case it’s accepted in 10-years—and whose expected ruling on by the Trump-led majority judges of this court will be seen not only protecting their citizens’ gun rights, but expanding them—which, in turn, serves notice to these demons that their days are surely numbered against an enraged and righteous Christian peoples who, for over two centuries, have had to deal with threatening terrorists of all kinds.

December 2, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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