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SORCHA: "Europe Prepares For “Week That Will Shake The World” By Going “Full Orwellian” "

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:00



May 20, 2019

Europe Prepares For “Week That Will Shake The World” By Going “Full Orwellian

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An extremely troubling new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that with barely 72-hours left before the historic 2019 European Parliament Election begins on 23 May—the dimensions of which will “shake the world” as this continent’s populist forces are in full revolt—the leaders of the European Union have shockingly issued a “Full Orwellian Tweet” that stunned its citizens—leading one, for example, to reply that it appeared to have came “from the Ministry of Love to all the inhabitants of Oceania”—but more dangerously comes at a time when this continent’s Christian religious leaders continue falling into the abyss of despotism—best exampled this past week by Reverend Lissa Scott of the St. Matthew and St. Luke's church in Darlington-United Kingdom who ordered the covering up of all images of Jesus and the Christian Cross so they wouldn’t offend Muslims—the most important of which is the world famous 19th Century painting titled “The Light Of The World” that more than ironically depicts Jesus symbolically “knocking on the door of closed minds” and saying: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

British church outlaws from being seen world famous “The Light of the World” painting (above) depicting Jesus Christ knocking on the door of closed minds.

According to this report, 70-years ago, in 1949, the renowned British futurist George Orwell published one of the world’s most important novels titled “Nineteen Eighty-Four”—wherein he extrapolated the past and current events of his post-World War II time to 35-years into the future to the year 1984—and is a method (especially one based on statistics) to determine an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable.

Based on his statistics and methodology, this report continues, Orwell envisioned a world that had fallen victim to perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance and propaganda—and that was caused because individual nations no longer existed and had been replaced by “superstates”—such as the fictional “superstate” named “Oceania” his home country of Britain became part of—but whose true and real name today we know as the European Union—that has not only subsumed Britain exactly like Orwell warned it would, but 27 other once free countries, too—and whose over 500-million citizens now live a “superstate” dystopian existence.

In order to control the captive citizens of a “superstate” having no common historical past, cultural or religious identity, this report notes, Orwell warned that “superstate” leaders would have to become the “Big Brother” of those they ruled over—a familial identity rooted in a “cult of personality” whose despotic rule would be enforced by a “Thought Police” structure tasked with stamping out individuality and independent thinking, along with their destroying the past religious and cultural history of every individual nation and its peoples, along with their creating a new language called “doublespeak” whose main purpose for was to confound and confuse the human mind, and using “newspeak” to control the masses by fake news propaganda designed to stamp out all opposing thought—and whose real mirror image counterparts of today, exactly like Orwell warned about, are the social media giants stamping out all heretical thoughts and viewpoints counter to those of “Big Brother—as well as the rise of “Big Brother” political figures such as 2020 US presidential Democrat Party hopeful Pete Buttigieg—who has now called for the total eradication of everything associated with American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson—to include Jefferson’s name being stripped from all buildings and schools, all statues and monuments of him torn down, and all of his historical writings destroyed.

The first “superstate” in the world to establish full “Orwellian Rule” over its enslaved citizens, this report details, is the People’s Republic of China—which is a communist dictatorship ruled over by its Big Brother” president-for-life Xi Jinping—and all of whose over 1.3 billion peoples (comprising at least 9 once separate nations speaking multitude of different languages) have just been provided with a social media app to spy on and report anyone they find not paying their debts—and all of whom already can earn points for reporting to “Big Brother” authorities those who violate the new restrictions on religious practice, such as Christians who illegally meet to pray in private homes, or the Muslim Uighurs and Kazakhs in China’s far west whom they spot praying in public, fasting during Ramadan or just growing a beard.

In what Human Rights Watch calls “chilling”, this report explains, the points earned by the “superstate” citizens of China for ratting out to “Big Brother” authorities the “Thought Police” crimes and misdeeds of others are accumulated in each of their “social credit system” files—and are points needed in this dystopian society for everything from gaining employment, to being able to travel, even to their being able to buy food, shelter, medical care and clothing—and whose “Big Brother” rulers in China, in true Orwellian fashion, say is “needed to restore morality” and “is beyond the understanding of Western countries”.

With the North Americansuperstate” nation of Canada following the Chinese by its just having ordered an Orwellian crackdown on all of its universities telling them to begin “excluding unfavoured categories of peoples from admittance”, this report continues, its southern United States neighbor is fast coming under full Orwellian control, too—best exampled this past week alone by the “Thought Police” system known as Facebook actually banning a top Trump official because of her pro-life postings—and its “Thought Police” counterpart known as Twitter openly admitting it had begun “Ideological Enforcement” with its banning of a Trump supporting think tank called the Heritage Foundation.

The fast encroaching Orwellian Regime attempting to take control of America, this report further notes, is so riddled with “newspeak” and “doublespeak” contradictions they’d be laughable if they weren’t so dangerous—such as their media seeming to gleefully rejoice that the US Air Force has painted some of their training fighter aircraft to resemble Russian fighter aircraft—while at that the same time it means nothing to them that China has begun flooding its nation’s citizens with anti-American movies as it gears up for war.

Even worse, this report concludes, as President Trump has begun the long awaited counterattack against the coup plotters who tried to topple him, the Orwellian forces against him have begun a full scale “newspeak” and “doublespeak” war to stop it—best exampled by top American leftist entertainer host Bill Mayer savagely attacking Trump’s new Attorney General William Barr with vile claims of his being in a “Cult of Catholicism—who was quickly followed by Obama’s wingman” former Attorney General Eric Holder further slamming Barr for daring to investigate this coup, and his saying that Barrisn’t fit to lead the Department of Justice—but both of whose real and true fears reside in the stunningly just revealed fact that British spy chiefs knew about MI6 operative Christopher Steele’s junk dossier BEFORE Trump did, thus proving their complicity in this coup plot—and as one would fully expect to happen coming from the “Big Brother” leaders of a “superstate” like “Oceania” warned about by Orwell.

May 20, 2019 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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