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Lucifer’s Semi-Final Conclave -- Part 40
Posted By: Watchman Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:26
Lucifer’s Semi-Final Conclave -- Part 40
Colonel Lenton G. Bryson, USAF, is unique among AF Colonels.. At 37, not only is he the youngest ever to receive the rank without line or normal flight/active duty experience, he has never piloted an aircraft in his life. His career with the AF actually began at age 17. He had received his BS in Physics at that tender age from the University of Florida, and had received full scholarship to MIT courtesy of NASA in exchange for enlisting as an O1 in USAF. Strange it was, but so is he. He was a prodigy, no doubt. At 19, he had recieved his Doctorate in Aeronautical Science, and worked the next two years at Cape Kennedy for NASA. He was then transferred to Goddard SFC between Baltimore and DC, where he remains. Lately placed under Space Force as Technical leader.
He is, however, far from the sharpest tool in the six person shed he now heads at Goddard. The 5 people under him hold a total of 11 Doctorates among them. The supposed sharpest tool is Terrence (Teko) Krantz. He holds 4 doctorates all by himself.
I guess he may be the poster child for all nerds, for all his education was in various science oriented disciplines from CS to AI to IT, and Math. He is 24. He had never had a girlfriend. Boyfriend either, for that matter. He just could not be concerned with flesh trivia, I’ve no time for that, he said.. Teko has an abundance of knowledge, but of course he is severely lacking in common sense and it will soon turn out to be that he is lacking Wisdom as well. Teko lived only to conquer some inanimate object, and never had concerned himself with mere flesh ’problems’. But Teko may, someday meet Brighid and her spiral embossed amulet. Wouldn’t that be something to hear about?
At home:
Yough heard it first, and was seriously trying his best to tow hussy into the scrub by the chain that bound him to it, while growling and looking toward the north east. They all had gathered for a brainstorming session at the counter and couch, some enjoying a slice of yesterdays coconut cake..
The long trained ears of Clive heard it next. He knew well the sound of approaching choppers, and as he ran outside he saw them. In the distance there to the north were three rotary wing birds, about two miles away. He saw Yough struggling against the chain and watching them, with open growling mouth and his large fangs exposed. Soon all the rest were outside as well. Clive instantly recognized the two AH64’s, one several hundred yards in the lead of an UH-60 air ambulance, a sight that cause him to glance momentarily to the stub of his left arm. The AH64 in trail followed them.
The trail AH-64 rose to maybe 1500 feet and hovered, a mile out, slowly turning 360 degrees in overwatch. The lead AH escorted the UH 60 to within a few hundred yards, momentarily dipped, and 8 figures rappelled to the ground. The AH then rose to perhaps a thousand feet and hovered at minimum thrust, slowly rotating, as the UH continued toward them, landing and shutting down perhaps 50 yards out. Of course the sound, wind and blowing sand was driving Yough insane with anger. Ken managed well enough, but it took both Danielle and Buffy to calm him sufficiently, as 5 men walked toward them. After the men had joined in conversation with the trace crew, the nearest AH-64 landed, and went to engine idle. Four men in battle dress disembarked and disappeared into the desert.
Rocksense east:
As Henry Grant aka #2 arrived at his office, His secretary handed him a stack of telecons and notes in sealed envelopes. Busy this morning, she quipped with a worried face, as she handed him his coffee, then the stack of paper. She held his office door, since he had no free hand. As he entered, she said softly, office buzz from the floors below was loud also this morning. He placed the stack of notes on his desk, and sat for a moment, sipping coffee. He then put the coffee down, and opened his top right desk drawer. He looked critically at the snub-nosed S&W .357 Magnum pistol he kept there….
Lucifer’s Dome:
Anu had vanished, as the staff had touched him… Prince Doubt knew that somewhere on earth a woman had conceived at that precise instant, and Anu, with full knowledge, was now to become flesh, Somehow he also knew that it would be both a short pregnancy and result in the birth of another flesh prodigy, possibly the greatest ever, wowing the world with it’s knowledge at the most tender of ages. Anu could incarnate either as human male or female, and Doubt knew that it would not matter a single bit to Anu.
Doubt, Lucifer said… You are for now in total control of the room of deception. Our plans have suffered under your recommendation. He raised the staff as he said… Fix it. For if not, very soon, you will join Anu in the flesh prison… A quivering prince Doubt raised himself from his face down, prostrate position. It will be done, Master, he stuttered… immediately.. Lucifer vanished from His sight.. Doubt looked up at the spiral trail. He was astounded that not only had the trail brightened considerably since the discontinuity, There were bright pinpoints on scattered parts the globe of the earth itself, which had not yet joined their fellows in the trail. The pinpoints thus illuminated the empty void ahead of the earth‘s projected path. He was confused at this sight, and quickly left, as depressed as evil possibly could be…. He thirsted for vengeance.. On anything, and he concentrated hard as he considered his next actions…
The Chopper Crew:
Three corpsman had enquired and were following Phil and Ken as they led them to the ’it’ in Buffy’s freezer. They placed ‘it’in a chest of sorts, and carried it to the EVAC chopper and waited. Meanwhile two ’suits were busy looking at ID‘s and quickly determined Christine Bales, not just by her ID, but by a ping of the agency phone in the pocket of her slacks.
Christy beckoned to Clive, and together they led the older suit to the device, which he placed in a metal valise. Both suits walked with Christy to the waiting chopper, where he handed her a sealed envelope. She nodded. He then looked at the younger suit and introduced him to Christy as Jim Belmont. He will be driving back tomorrow and will be staying in a room in Searchlight. You two will be working closely together for a while, he said.. The two suits then boarded and strapped in. He motioned to the pilot, and as Christy had withdrawn back to the house, the chopper rose and departed to the north east. The rear AH-64 assumed the point, and the one which was formerly point assumed the six for the caravan. Soon they were dots on the horizon, and silence once more returned to the trace.
The younger of the ‘suits’ was none other than James Belmont, Yep… Sniffy‘s son. Jim. soon after he had joined LVPD, he had become disillusioned with the corruption there, the Sherriff’s office and just about everywhere else in Clark County. His Dad, Sniffy had advised him to maintain his integrity, and learn to roll with the punches, while keeping score. Jim just couldn’t buy that…So, he had applied to the FBI. He knew that there were still some few of the beast’s gendarmes who had integrity.. Jim was now one of only seven of the 62 FBI agents that existed in Clark County Nevada that completely did. He had a similar deal that Christine Bales had. He was now a GS 10, who had a civilian job, “on the side”. Not even his Dad Sniffy knew. Jim’s inside tips and info through his contacts in Clark County had been quite successful in helping to remove three corrupt senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake of neighboring Arizona, and Harry Reid in Nevada. He was most satisfied with Harry, though, for he was present when Harry ‘stumbled’ and got his black eye. Harry’s bean pot had been instrumental in getting the other two. Jim still had to get Harry’s corrupt land baron son, and he would not forget about it. Jim’s success had convinced Old Goat to enlist him into SpaceForce’s team, as Old goat severely needed more help near Nellis, Jim already knew almost as much as Christy did about Rocksense West. She would soon fill him in on Rocksense East. He had just been coincidently assigned by LVPD to attend a two week training course for LEO’s to be presented at Carson City, starting tomorrow. He wouldn’t of course actually attend the course, though paperwork will swear that he did. He was instead registered for a two week gambling vacation package in one of the casinos in Searchlight, starting tomorrow.. It included some free chips, of course.
Rocksense West
George was beside himself as his frantic mental calls for Anu were answered by prince Doubt. Anu had been called away, Doubt said, and was to be permanently placed in another location on the planet, and thus would no longer be available for him to to consult with, as his new assigned duties would not allow it. I have been assigned his former tasks here, said Doubt, and I assure you that we will have many discussions, George. I will be back soon to fill you in on the new plans we have.
A very distraught George Henly went through the portal and held his Sat phone, as he placed his transponder against it. The qreen led lit, showing contact completed. But #2’s voice did not speak. There were conversations, though. He listened closely, but did not comprehend what they said. He disconnected and tried for #4... #4 answered… George, he said, this morning Boss has just decorated his office walls with his brains. Rocksense stock has dropped 75% since Friday’s close. This whole place is in turmoil, Feds and local cops are everywhere. The word from the Board of directors is that our major competitors are lining up with buyout offers… #6 has not made it in this morning yet. I’ll keep you advised as I know more. Oh .. Also, the president of the board is looking at you to assume #2’s position back East here Be expecting a call toward that end…
George ended the call and returned to his office, then collapsed with his head down on his folded arms on his desk. George also was quick to figure that it would not be long before the link between #2’s suicide, Rocksense’s market troubles and Amok’s slice and dice were linked… Lawyers on both sides would be on 24/7 shifts, he thought. It’s all really hard to take, he stuttered to himself… here comes that damned headache again… Anu, he cried, Anu, I need you… a concerned orderly heard his loud voice of anguish and brought him a new bottle of Exedrine and a bottle of water…
Meanwhile 5 miles south, no one at Rocksense of course noticed the thin black smoke rising from Hatalii’s vent. They never did. .just damned Indians doing their thing..
Marcy, Jim and the rest there on the glen did though. They were in wonder, as never before had smoke issued past sundown. It had been rising all night.
Hmmm-- are the puzzle pieces beginning to consider shaking hands, Perhaps?
To be continued:
The previous part 39 is here:
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