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Visions, Warnings for California, Ground Crew Its Time.- The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland ECETI.ORG

Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:57

Received via email - Lymerick

The Latest From ECETI
& James Gilliland

Visions, Warnings for California, Ground Crew Its Time.

From time to time I am giving future visions in dreams and meditations. I usually don’t speak of them because they are a bit dire yet they fuel the work I am doing to change the outcome. Edgar Cayce once said the outcome of some very dire situations is often changed by a few good men/women. The subject that keeps coming up is California. One particular vision showed the fires, floods, mudslides and quakes of the past. The it is documented time location and magnitude of devastating quakes were given ahead of time, new visions are revealing this will continue. In the future visions I am being shown extreme social unrest, a collapsing economy due to mismanagement, great quakes and tsunamis. The end result was LA and San Francisco were void of people, rusted muddy cars riddled with bullet holes sideways in the streets as if something tossed them around. The grid was down. It seemed as if a tsunami was the finishing blow to downward spiraling cities. This is not limited to California, other cities might have the same fate I just noticed landmarks in the vision.

When the consciousness and energy falls nature has to clean up and revitalize the land. Everything is connected in the unified field and when a void is created the universe addresses it, nature abhors a vacuum. A consciousness of love, joy and bliss in service to humanity and the Earth has the opposite effect. Balance is the key. Those who are seers, spiritually awake can sense the true nature of a person, their intent or agenda. California, for the most part, is governed by wolves in sheep’s clothing. New York and all sanctuary cities all have a serious problem. To understand this, you need to know who the players are, what their agenda is, and who the global elite are financing. The global elite, new world oder, misspelled on purpose, have an agenda. That agenda is extreme population control, serfdom with and end to middle class, world domination and control with a world government, world religion, world police state or army. Socialism with a lot of freebies and promises yet behind the promises there is a hidden agenda. You live in a world of opposites.

The next thing one needs to know is how are the global elite going to reach their goal. Their motto is order through chaos. They use the Hegelian Dialect, problem, reaction, solution. They create the problem, the masses react and they create the solution yet the solution fits into their goals and agendas. A good example is epidemics. Most epidemics can be traced back to government labs, weaponized virus and bacteria etc. They are distributed through various methods and organizations. They use the media to publicize these events for the reaction and come in with the solution. Vaccines. Within the vaccines is the solution to the first goal population control. It is not uncommon now to see people become drastically ill or drop dead shortly after a vaccination. In other cases it is like putting you on a timer with serious complications surfacing later. Sterilization is also not uncommon tied to vaccines.

Chemtrails under the guise of fighting global warming have within them heavy metals, aluminum, barium, strontium, etc. along with biologicals including human red blood cells. The real phenomena known as Morgellons disease is tied to chemtrails. Could this be one of the distribution methods behind some epidemics? These heavy metals are accumulative, stress the immune system and can lead to upper respiratory, gastrointestinal and brain disorders, Alzheimer’s, dementia etc. Again population control along with dumbing down and incapacitating the masses under the guise of saving the planet. These heavy metals are also destroying the forests killing trees making them more volatile creating fires of unimaginable destruction. So are chemtrails saving the planet? We are also dealing with fluoride in the water, GMOs, estrogen mimicking chemicals and carcinogenic food additives. This is where the soyboy and gayfrog slang originates. Estrogen mimicking chemicals are demasculinizing males not just in the swamps where amphibians and reptiles can’t reproduce but with human males as well. This is followed by drugs which do not address or cure the problem, create addictions and dependencies often making matters worse. Their solution always has an end goal and sad to say it is your end, capitalizing on the pain and suffering all the way to the grave. The increase in vaccinations directly correlates with increased cases of autism. Mercury, live virus, and nagalase a matrix degrading enzyme often excreted by cancer cells which stops the assimilation of vitamin D among other things are found within some vaccinations. Mercury kills brain and nerve cells on contact without vitamin D you have no immune system. The doctors and researchers aware of this mysteriously vanish or die at a very alarming rate.

We are finding out now many of the wars and conflicts of the past were created and perpetuated by these very same global elite. We were lied to about all the wars, especially Vietnam, Iraq, and other conflicts in which we became in ignorance the brute squad for special interest. The true story about 911, the twin towers, the absence of weapons of mass destruction, the perpetuated lie that Iraq was involved is now almost common knowledge. How many times can you kill Osama Bin Laden? Why are all the Navy Seals involved dead? Where is the body to do a dna test? Osama was from Afghanistan the passports of the hijackers were Saudi. Google Carlyle Group then ask yourself why the Bin Laden Families were flown out of the US during the air traffic grounding and not even questioned. Wait until you find out who really took down the Twin Towers and the names of those who participated. It is coming. Do you know who the war and disease profiteers are? It is the same global elite.

This is a very hard red pill to swallow yet swallow we must if we are going to rectify this situation. Divide and conquer is also the modes operandi of the global elite. Antifa, Black Lives Matters, Planned Parenthood, Open boarders which has a whole different agenda are all funded by the same characters. In Europe under humanitarian relief they flooded countries with immigrants with extreme cultural differences. The real hidden goal was taxing the system to the point of collapse upon which they could come in as the solution. We need to learn from Europe. Countries are now fighting to survive demanding deportation of many of the immigrants which are taking over their countries. Their welfare, police, healthcare systems are being overrun, overburdened on the edge of collapse. There are zones in these countries the police will not enter. Now they are trying it in America the greatest and last stand against the global elites goal of world domination and control. Have you come to the conclusion yet of why the second amendment is a necessary deterrent to world domination and control? It was written to protect the individual of threats foreign and domestic, tyrannical governments. It was never written to protect the rights of hunters. Who is backing the ones trying to repeal the second amendment eliminate guns altogether? What is the first thing dictators do before committing genocide on their people? Take away their weapons, their ability to defend themselves. How does one defend themselves from total domination, control and forced population reduction? What form of government did the genocidal dictators use to meet their goals? Could it be socialism? Do you not realize the global elite are morally and spiritually bankrupt dictators? Now do you realize why ignorant and treasonous politicians are calling for socialism? Promising freebies they cannot deliver? Again who is funding them?

One of the key players in this is George Soros. He is funding these organizations which are creating division, both race and gender. He was funding the caravans putting thousands of people in harms way with false promises and quick cash. They create the problem, use the media to energize it and act as if they are the solution. They attack anyone through their controlled media who are the solution and see the big picture. They attack those aware of the global elites goals and methods. Investigate who is on the Soros payroll, who have taken donations in the millions and then watch how they support the agenda of the global elite. Even the women’s marches have been compromised with key leaders calling for Sharia Law. A dog is safer and has more rights than women under Sharia Law.

If you missed it the global elite sponsored sock puppets are against building the wall, are for open boarders even if it means turning a blind eye to extreme drug trafficking, child trafficking, rape, murder, gangs and terrorists all taxing the protection, health and welfare systems to the brink of collapse. The extreme left are carrying out the goals of the global elite masked by false titles that sound humanitarian or earth friendly.

America is a Republic not a democracy. There are those who say the White Hats, conservatives and conspiracy theorists, theories now based on facts are a threat to democracy. Those making those accusations are ignorant uninformed and are the true threat to America which in truth is a Republic. Mob rule by the ignorant and uninformed is the goal of the tyrants. Keep them stupid, poor and sick is their creed which they mutter behind closed doors. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are in total opposition to the global elite and their goals of world domination and control. America must fall for the global elite to reach their end goal. America the Republic has been compromised by the global elite, their deep state, corrupt politicians and operatives within the various agencies. The White Hats are fighting to restore the Republic, clean up the corruption and what can only be referred to as treasonous acts by global elite sponsored self-serving individuals who are participating in the global elite end goals. Many in ignorance or in full knowledge are serving the global elites plan. Much of which is disguised as humanitarian or environmental organizations acting in complete contradiction to their mandate. This includes the Soros sponsored organizations such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Open Boarders and yes even the compromised Women’s March groups are all designed to perpetuate division, divide and conquer. Where is the unity, love and the healing? The global elite created the immigrant problem, they are the war and disease profiteers, they are the international banksters creating and perpetuating the manufactured lack hording trillions. People are realizing this globally. They are the yellow vests, the Q Anons, and the White Hats and it is time for the ignorant and lame stream media controlled masses to wake up. The lame stream media parrot the same words with an agenda and those words are opposite the truth. Stop serving your enslavers don’t be duped by their words know their history, their deeds.

Link to article - Watch a surreal video compilation of dozens of local news anchors giving the exact same warning about 'fake' news

Those trying to divide by playing the race card, gender card, socialism card, are at the table playing for the global elite. Many are in ignorance, yet some are in full knowledge and those in full knowledge are guilty of sedition and treason. Remember divide and conquer, order through chaos, the Hegelian Dialect problem, re-action, solution. Watch what they do not what they say. A man’s/woman’s character is established by their actions. Do their actions align with the goals and agendas of the global elite? How can Hollywood take the moral high ground? Where are the investigative reporters seeking the truth? They will not be mainstream.

Are our leaders and those who we look too for informing us standing for the Republic, the Constitution and Bill of Rights? The next level questions are, Are they Creating Heaven on Earth? Are they in service to others or self-serving? Again look at their actions not their words. The last question is do they support and are working towards Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All? Are they unifying or dividing with the race and gender card, even religious card games? By applying these basic questions we can discern who is who. We need to do some reflection on ourselves, our own goals and intentions along with how did we come to our beliefs and conclusions? Who have we aligned ourselves with and do they truly have our highest and best good in heart? One would hope they were not gained through the narcistic pathologically lying sock puppets known as the lame stream media. Now that’s a note to end on.

Unspiritual? Not loving? Sometimes tough love is in order. My come from is to avoid these visions from happening. I know there will be some that will hold on to their ignorance, their wounds and traumas even if it means taking down everyone with them. Some will not be able to transcend the victim, race, or gender card games. They will take themselves and those who follow on the downward spiral fulfilling these visions. I also know I will reach the hearts of some people with love and base logic. If enough are reached as Cayce said, we can avoid dire situations by the actions of just a few good men/women. Start questioning the actions of people, groups, agencies, institutions and organizations. Where are they taking you? Walk away from those who perpetuate division. Know the goals and agendas of the global elite, walk away from those who are self-serving hypocrites, the wolves in sheeps clothing supporting the goals and agendas of the global elite. Educate yourself through honest reliable sources, be brutally honest with yourself as to how you came to your beliefs and stance. There is a lot to undue. All will be revealed in the days to come. The masks are coming down. The only questions are how deep is your denial, how deep are your wounds and traumas? Are you ready to face them? Is your integrity impeccable or are you afraid to rock the boat in a morally and spiritually bankrupt society? Like the blind man said, we will see.

Trust the plan it is galactic, trust the Q, where we go one we go all. Love expressed through protection is still love. There is a force to believe in, it is the Creator in all Creation and it is within you and all around you. It is here.

James Gilliland

ECETI NEWS January 14, 2019

Extra News

Catherine Austin Fitts – Federal Government Running Secret Open Bailout - Click here for more

Q Anon - Lights On - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 1.14.19 - YouTube - Best information on what is unfolding, entertaining as well. Click here for more
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Bodywork with Jay Gilliland​
​Acute Energy Work With Phil
​Angelic Energy Infusion & Readings with Marna Ehrech​
Massage & Energy Work with Emily Brou
Quantum Biofeedback with Bonita
​Life, Health & Wellness Consultation & Coaching With Douglas
​CranioSacral Therapy with Brooke Vivanco, HHP, LMT, CST
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