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Lucifer's Semi-Final Conclave----Part 18

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:57

Lucifer’s Semi-Final Conclave: Part 18
Back in their room, Danielle started rooting through the pile of bags they had deposited in the nearly empty closet… Before long, she had found the three with her outfit…
She continued and found the three for Phil…. Both hers and Phil’s were nothing special.. Just standard western fare, pre faded Levi’s, nice belts with prominent buckles, long sleeve flannel shirts, and a pair of not too bad pre-formed imitation Stetsons.. Tan for him, black for her. Hers with chin strap. She had not bought boots. She had a nice comfortable set of hikers she liked. She bought a nice set of tan desert boots for Phil, because he had only street shoes with him. They were finished dressing soon. Bree donned her necklace and tucked it under her shirt. As they exited, Ken was waiting at the counter, and Buffy was out and ready as soon as they and Ken began to talk.

They shortly were loaded into the SUV, and left to go see Homer. When they had proceeded only a hundred yards or so up the sandy trace, there was a man walking toward them up the road. He stepped to the side of the trace , waving a howdy to them. It’s Clive.. Buffy uttered for the benefit of Phil and Bree. He‘s our ‘Point man‘ like Yough covers the 6 she smiled. He’s a story… she said. Nothing comes up this road that Clive does not see.
Bree loves stories .. So her and Phil examined Clive carefully as they passed him, as he and Ken and Buffy swapped smiles and waves. They noticed…
Clive was missing most of his left arm. He was well suntanned, with a ‘blocky’ face, and square, clean shaven jaw. He wore a tan “T” shirt and camo trousers, cutoff just below the large pockets. In front, he wore the short, pistol grip Mossberg 500 shotgun on a single point sling about his neck. His footwear was a well worn pair of lightweight army desert boots. As they passed they noticed also the small ’fanny pack’ he had on his belt and carried behind him…along with a K-Bar on his right hip.

TELL US, Buffy… Bree exclaimed, as they drove slowly further on. Ken just smiled… Buffy looked at Bree… and with her now trade mark grin, she began…
Bree, believe me.. The full story is much too long to share right now because theres not enough time before we get to Homer’s spread to tell it in great detail…. So, I will give you the readers digest version for now, OK? Bree said -- I’m all ears..

There are 3 mailboxes on this trace. Clives place is the first one you encounter when you turn off 95... I will point out his spread when we pass it… Our place is the second. The third one is the Wilks. Its about another mile up the trace past ours. The Wilks are in their mid 80’s now. Justin Wilks inherited this 3300 acre spread from his folkes folkes folks. They raised cattle here since forever. Justin still has a few he keeps for meat. They had one son, Cary. He is now buried in the front yard of their ranch house. Like his dad, and his dad’s dad.. had done, Cary signed up for the Army. He later was selected for and completed Ranger School at Ft Benning, Georgia. Clive was from Nevada, but not from around these parts, he was from the far north, Winnemucca. They drew close though, They first met in Ranger school… They were assigned to different units upon graduation. Three years later they were reunited in Afganistan. They ended up on the same squad there. On patrol, Clive tripped a small IED on the roadside. Cary rushed across the road and drug him into the roadside ditch…and tied him with everything that their kits contained that could possibly make a bandage or tourniquet… The shrapnel from the IED had shredded the flesh of both legs, as well as his upper body and arms. The medics showed up, shook their heads, injected morphine, and summoned an EVAC chopper. Clive eventually made it, except for lotsa scars and of course his left arm. Cary was not so fortunate. When Cary climbed up from the ditch intending to walk along side as Clive was being carried to EVAC on the stretcher, he passed directly over #2, and the hidden Muzzies hit their cell phone trigger. Cest le mort..

Well, three years later, as Clive was patched up as well as possible, and discharged, he sat about finding Cary’s folks. He eventually located them here. They of course welcomed him with open arms as he told them the "rest of the story". Well, long story short…
The Wilks of course knew the cattle ranch history was done. Their heir lay peacefully in their front yard. They had also realized that money would be short because they couldn‘t raise beef longer, and had remorsefully decided to sell the ranch. But wisely. Their spread included a mile and a half on both sides of US95, and a portion is adjacent to the unincorporated town of Searchlight.

Clive offered to buy the first piece, and they joyfully accepted, but that they would deed it to him for love, not money.

He chose a bit of high ground…there she pointed as they passed, only 300 yards in from 95. He considers himself the main protection for the aging Wilks and his now quiet buddy… I surely pity any fool that means harm to anyone here…

And as for how we ended up on this trace.. In the’rocking chair“ .. Ken was not in the service, of course, but he had several high school buds that were. One of them was a diesel mechanic that was in the army. And he worked under Ken, as well. He had become close with Clive in the past couple of years at the weekly meetings of the local
VFW. Well, most ex servicemen are first class preppers. When Buzzy had heard that Ken and I were preppers at heart also..and fed up crazy neighbors and had saved enough to buy our own small spread, he asked Ken… Got something that may interest you…what are you doing after work..? Going with to see what might interest us, of course…. So Buzzy, Ken and I went to be interviewed by Clive, and possibly, meet the Wilks… We did not hear from them for three weeks… Then Ms Wilks called my cell, and said… Well, Alexandria, you and Kenneth can come down and pick your spread… End of story. Kinda, ,, she smiled…

Phil sat transfixed, Danielle had an open mouth and small tears in the corners of her eyes. She was about to speak… When Buffy exclaimed… Weeeere heeeere… as Ken pulled up at Homers’ spread…

She said as they pulled up to his trailer… Homer’s our "preacher". He’s our study group leader… Bree watched as Homer’s door opened … Phil had a big smile…

The Story of Homer Atkins, not from Sniffy as you earlier heard, but from Homer---
Homer was a two time loser, he freely admits… but - there’s more -- lots more.
As a tweeker, or eraser as the manufacturers of ID’s are sometimes called he was known as the best in the Vegas vicinity not just once but twice in the past 20 years. He had had his mobile office, ie camper and all of his expensive equipment confiscated that first time. Homer was smart… he learned. So, when he got out that first time, instead of acquiring a new setup, he at first ‘sub contracted’ with a couple of erasers operating in North Vegas. He had expertise in programming chips, from back in his CDL days, and relatively few erasers knew how to ‘marry them’ with the data in bar code stripes. He did. This took off big time when Nellis incorporated changes in their BX cards. He was swamped. Eventually, for a nice fee, he offered to select the new equipment they would need to buy, and to train them how to use it properly, essentially selling his ‘secrets’..

That cash set him up pretty good, because Homer was basically frugal. He did not spend his income on gambling and girls. Instead, he sort of ‘retired’ to a one bedroom efficiency in Searchlight. He still wanted to get it right, he said. That’s where he met Jean., Jean mostly used a wheelchair, because she had lost her left leg from the knee down in an auto accident. Jean worked at the smaller casino in town as a Blackjack dealer, and lived right next door. Their personalities clicked from the first. They even persuaded the apartment owner to cut a special door to join their units. It was never a sex thing.
It was more like brother and sister. Better in fact. Siblings often argue. They were just great friends. Neither wished extended romance or marriage. They were just close. Both were in their mid 30’s. Homer would often visit Jean’s table in the Casino, and when she had no players for a while, he would play a few hands and she would deal as slow as January molasses, and they would just visit. The casino owner noticed of course. He had no real problem, because there were no other players anyway, besides he was very aware of who Homer was. In fact he had often tried to persuade Homer to go in business with him fronting the equipment. No.. Homer had all he wanted sub contracting, Homer had learned well. The only thing he owned in his name was the 12 year old Volkswagen he drove to the occasional subcontract jobs in North Vegas. Not much to seize, he laughed. Now, Homer did have a pile of cash stashed, but hidden cash has no names. Bank accounts do.

One day, Homer was making his usual trip to join Jean on her lunch break. As he started across the parking lot, the casino owner beckoned him. He was standing beside a nearly Brand new F-250 Diesel Long bed 4WD Dually with a really nice cab-over camper mounted on it. Homer said…nice… is it yours? It is now. 3800 miles on it… Three hours ago it belonged to.. He looked at the title in his hand… uhh .. Fred Hutchins from Tucson. He thought he was the expert on 5 card stud… Whatcha think…? Super nice, said Homer.
As they walked together to the casino, the owner stopped and said to Homer…
I understand your concern about owning a mobile ID lab, and you refused a previous offer from me but I feel lucky today… listen… Homer, He said.. I will front all the equipment and GIVE you that truck AND.. We will register it in Jean’s name.. And all I want for the deal is 100 ID’s yet TBD. Homer shook his head, NO. No? just no? you got a counter offer?
Well, first off. I will not involve Jean with shady operations. Ever. Period.
So now what? Well, I like the truck. So, you give me the truck, Jean can register it in her name. NO ID equipment in it, or even close. Naked and clean as a picked jaybird. We park it by our apartment. Although she could, It’s hard for her to drive big things like that anyway because of her leg. . She won’t drive it, so it’s really mine, but it’s not in my name. They cant seize it, cuz no illegal equipment is on the property, and we are not married. It’s owned by her, So it’s legal. After all, you don’t have but 3 hours labor in it… no cash. Then you front the equipment, put it in a shack somewhere, and I will run it for you, and give you 120 ID‘s yet TBD. So the shack is seized, it’s just business right? You got lawyers. The 20 extra ID’s will cover it… The owner extended his hand.

Well, it worked good for a while for Homer.. In fact he had paid off all but 9 ID’s. He was ready to retire. He had in fact already rented 3 different U Store lockers where he had put a bunch of duplicate and extra equipment he had “picked up on fire sale” in north Las vegas. He had Storage lockers in Henderson, Boulder City and Searchlight. He had Jean rent the spaces, and she wrote the monthly check to them to cover rental charges. Homer did not have a Bank account nor charge card. Actually, most all the equipment he had and used was not Illegal anyway. It was just cameras, computers, laminators, heat sealers and screen printers. The lockers were all clean of ‘contraband‘.

The proprietary stuff were always things like a library of USB’s with source code from all 50 states, a quantity of special proprietary use specific chips and three different special bar scanner/printers. Those were relatively small. In concern of involving Jean due to a raid on his storage lockers these were not in the lockers.. These were placed in vacuum sealed bags with desiccant. He had buried them in two large metal Ammo cans in the desert.

Incidentally, in the years since his release, he got a job at the Henderson truck stop, and BOUGHT that piece of desert. The sand over that burial place is now his vegetable garden.. Right beside his one bedroom trailer.. And Jean and Homer still see each other often…they are old buddies…

But-- He was nearly there, That is, until one of the former contractors got too jealous about losing business to Homer’s desert lab. He set him up over the base ID’s. The owners Lawyer’s worked a “how could I know what goes on on my remote desert property” deal, and Homer went into lockup for the second time, this time on a Federal Rap, doing10-20. But, at least the only thing other than time that Homer lost was an old Volkswagen, while maintaining his cash stash...

Homer will tell you now, though, He made more treasure in that lockup than he could ever exhaust in his lifetime. He had studied the Word for 7 years. In many versions and the two original languages. He was definitely changed. Another treasure he learned is almost as good… that some things called white are actually black.. Very black. And.. Vise Versa. He had met all types of people in lockup… He learned an important life lesson, especially , while in a FED lockup... There are of course always two sides. Both cannot be equally just. That is, either the person or the Government can be not only wrong but EVIL. To the core.
Homer had chosen to follow the path of justice.. No, not purely man’s justice.. Which only states their written demands… Sometimes they are right. Sometimes they are wrong, sometimes their edicts are both wrong AND evil. Homer had set himself free…

To be continued:

The previous Part 17 is here:

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