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SORCHA: "Trump Rushes “QAnon” Message To French Military While Russia Conducts Largest Nuclear War Decontamination Drill In History"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:51:59



December 22, 2018

Trump Rushes “QAnon” Message To French Military While Russia Conducts Largest Nuclear War Decontamination Drill In History

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An astonishing new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today that stunningly reads like it was written in the days following the Treaty of Alliance which, in 1778, cemented the defensive alliance between France and the United States of America (formed in the midst of the American Revolutionary War) against the British Empire, states that while President Putin’s just issued ominous warning of global nuclear war continues echoing around the world, and as the 49th General Army has just successfully completed its largest drill in history to deal with the aftermath of a massive nuclear attack, the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) detailed examination of the mysterious US Air Force flight from Washington D.C. to the French Caribbean island of Saint Martin a short 48-hours ago sheds new light on how dire and grave the situation President Trump is now facing really is—most particularly because its sole passenger was the international media personality “Lionel”—who is one of the main public spokespersons for the secretive US military intelligence group backing Trump called “QAnon”, and whose visit this past August in the White House Oval Office with Trump sparked panic and cries of alarm throughout the entire “Deep State. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Deep State” panics after “QAnon” spokesperson Lionel (right) visits President Donald Trump in White House Oval Office in August-2018

According to this report, on 20 December, a US Air Force C-37A Gulfstream V VIP jet departed Joint Base Andrews outside of Washington D.C. and flew the French Caribbean island of Saint Martin, with it then returning to the United States less than 24-hours later on 21 December—and whose sole civilian passenger was the American-based international media personality Lionel—who upon his arrival in St. Martin was brought by an armed convoy to an estate known as the Chateau des Palmiers, a property owned by The Trump Organization, where he met with an attache of General Jean-Pierre Bosser, who is the chief of staff of the French Army—and after whose secretive meeting, saw Lionel cryptically posting on his website a quote from the French revolutionary leader Napoleon Bonaparte that says “history is a set of lies agreed upon.

Important to know about Lionel, this report details, is that as an international media personality, one of his most frequent interview quests over this past year has been Dr. Jerome Corsi—who is the veteran American investigative reporter and best selling author who shockingly revealed that a group of US generals told him that Trump had been recruited by a mysterious and secretive US military intelligence unit called “QAnon” to run in the 2016 Presidential Election to aid them in removing corrupt “Deep State” officials from positions of power—and because of this revelation, today sees Corsi locked in a battle to the death with Special Counsel Robert Mueller whom he refuses to even talk to anymore.

Most critical to understand about Lionel, though, this report continues, is that aside from his being an international media personality, he’s also a highly accomplished trial attorney and former US prosecutor having over 35-year of experience, and who leads the legal organization known as The Lebron Firm—thus making him a natural emissary for President Trump and “QAnon” as their communications are protected under the impenetrable attorney client confidentiality laws existing in the United States.

As to why Lionel was dispatched by President Trump and/or “QAnon” to meet with an attache of French Army Chief of State General Jean-Pierre Bosser in St. Martin, this report explains, becomes understandable when knowing the close personal connections between General Bosser and US Army General Mark Milley—that began a few weeks after Trump was elected and saw General Bosser travel to the United States where he awarded General Milley with France’s highest honor called Legion of Honor.

General Bosser rushing to America to award General Milley the Legion of Honor immediately after Trump was elected, this report further explains, was his, undoubtedly, acknowledging the power of “QAnon” in achieving this stunning victory over the “Deep State”—and his further knowing that General Milley, in fact, is one of the main leaders of “QAnon—and is why Trump has designated General Milley to command all US military forces—and that in preparation for, saw General Milley telling all of his military forces that “the duty of soldiers and officers is to the US Constitution, not any political party or figure—and his further declaring to them:

We are the only military in the world…that does not take an oath to a king, a queen, a dictator, a president.

We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe or a piece of dirt.

The very core essence of the Army is that we are committed to you, the citizens.

We are willing to die, to give our life, for an idea.

QAnon” leader General Mark Milley (right) receives Legion of Honor award from French General Jean-Pierre Bosser (left) just days after President Trump elected

Why General Milley would have to admonish his military forces with a reminder that they serve the US Constitution and not persons, tribes, political parties or land, this report notes, is due to troubling new polling showing that political polarization inside the American military community has intensified as much as it has among civilians—with enlisted men showing President Trump the most overwhelming support, while military women have a much harsher view of Trump’s time in office, and whose officers still have a lower opinion of Trump’s presidency than the enlisted troops they lead—but in a stark paradox, shows more than 60% of them saying they believe the military is in better shape now than it was under President Obama, and nearly the same number having a favorable view of Trump’s handling of the military—a grave contradiction that fully displays how corrosive politics are now eating away at the very core of the entire US military establishment.

With the American constitutional restoration movement headed by President Trump and “QAnon” known as MAGA now entering its most crucial phase, this report continues, the “Deep State” has now fully shown that it doesn’t want a lawfully constituted rule by elected officials—with their, instead, wanting a dictatorship by the “proletariat”, meaning by ruthless thugs like themselves—meaning that now it is time for Plan B: a war of annihilation—and as stated in the fearful US military essay just published titled “Is America’s Military Loyal To Its Commander In Chief?”, clearly shows the dangers of what comes next:

Trump will test to the fullest the unlimited powers given him by the Constitution to command the American military forces as their Commander In Chief.

If a properly elected Commander In Chief cannot order his military to secure the country’s borders against invasion, America as an independent political entity in which the people are sovereign via a system of carefully crafted checks and balances in a constitutionally established federal structure of governance is finished.

World holds breath while waiting to see if President Trump can gain full control of American military

Having been met with continued failure during his first nearly two years in office in trying to accommodate his “Deep State” enemies through normal processes and procedures, this report says, President Trump, this past week, went into full “Plan B: war of annihilation” mode during a conversation about the Syrian conflict with Turkish President Erdogan—during which, while they were listening, none of Trump’s military experts were able to answer his simple question “how does one defeat an enemy that doesn't exist”—and that, in turn, caused Trump to order the immediate withdrawal of all US military forces from Syria, his further ordering US troops to leave Afghanistan—and is why today the world sees its oceans emptied of US aircraft carrier battle groups for the first time in history.

Shocked by President Trump actually asserting the full and unassailable power granted to him by the US Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of all US military forces, this report continues, his Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis was the first to go in protest, with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff US Marine General Joseph Dunford now reported being close to follow—but whose departures are actually nothing more than a continuation of the sweeping turnover among top US military commanders Trump began months ago, as Trump had promised the American people he’d rebuild their own nation, not keep fighting in others—and whose departures, as expected, have provoked a reaction of panic and near hysteria from leading members of both major political parties, the media and former top US military and intelligence officials—while at the same time are being cheered and supported within the US working population who share Trump’s deep hostility to the never-ending wars waged by US imperialism for more than a quarter-century.

With President Trump now taking full control over the US military, this report further notes, his ordering the withdrawal of American ground forces from Syria makes French President Macron the commander of what will become, by default, the largest Western force engaged there—and against whom Trump got the last laugh on with Paris burning these past many weeks, and that began after Macron’s rebuke of Trump’s policy of “America First” that the French people want their leaders to do for them, toothus necessitating Lionel being sent to meet with General Bosser in St. Martin before the “Deep State” blows the entire world up.

To exactly what President Trump is trying to do with France, this report grimly states, is his trying to prevent them from being complicit in the war the United Kingdom is trying provoke in Ukraine—where today a British warship has been sent to provoke a conflict with a Russian warship that’s fully armed and prepared for a showdown—and is being encouraged by the “Deep State” in America who prefer a war with nuclear armed Russia rather than their being led by President Trump.

As to the razors edge that World War III now finds itself insanely balanced upon, this report concludes, are the divided American people who will soon choose either President Trump’s path to peace, or the “Deep States” road to war—with one side being best exemplified by triple-amputee US Air Force war veteran Brian Kolfage Jr., who over the past week has raised over $14 million to help President Trump build a wall to protect their nations southern border—and the other best exampled by the new mainstream media and Hollywood drag superstar “Desmond”, who is an 11-year-old boy-child paraded and celebrated across the entire US media news and entertainment environment this past week wearing woman’s clothing and makeup while trolling for money in homosexual bars, and that no “Deep State” leader of any kind can be found condemning such vile and demonic sexual abuse of.

Deep StateAmerica celebrates dressing 11-year-old boy-child named Desmond (above) in woman’s clothing and makeup so he can troll for money in homosexual bars…

…while President Trump’s America celebrates triple-amputee US Air Force war veteran Brian Kolfage Jr. (above with family) for raising over $14 million to protect his nation and its peoples.

Which America do you belong to?

December 22, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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