From CGI member oldmaninthedesert:
A couple of more short papers from Anna.Anna keeps referring to the federal bankruptcy of 2013,and what I am guessing happened is that she caught them in their fraud.Interesting that this bankruptcy is not public knowledge,more so when you see what is public knowledge,the long speculated demise of the 'dollar' by their media propaganda arm.I know with certainty that the 1933 information is correct,I have collaborating evidence from another source that includes congress critters on the record in their own damn record!Wake up folks this is not 'our' government in Washington D.C.,and it has not been now for over 155 years.
[....What about you and your laws? Who gave away the keys to the car? Who “volunteered” you and your land to stand as “sureties” for these other people and their debts?
Your “representatives”, of course—- the “US Congress” and the members of the “State” Legislature—only which “Congress” and which “State” are we talking about?
This is the third group of guilty parties, and they are also to blame for all the corruption, misappropriation, and criminality that have befallen America for the last 150 years.
As should be apparent from what you learned at First Base and Second Base, none of this could have happened at all without direct participation, co-option, cooperation and criminal collusion on the part of the members of Congress and the “State” legislatures.
No doubt some members of these organizations were deliberately kept in the dark, because they were not inclined to dis-serve their country and constituents. Dr. Ron Paul comes to mind. And some members are too stupid to understand the scam, so they are “innocent by default” — merely tools in the hands of their political handlers and teleprompters. The rest have no excuse.
How many members of the “US Senate” and the “US House of Representatives” could be expected to notice that they take their Oath of Office to “the United States” and NOT to “the United States of America”?
How many members of Congress could be expected to notice that there is a difference between “United States” and “UNITED STATES” and between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and “the Constitution of the United States of America”?
How many must—at least eventually and unavoidably— notice the corporate, self-interested, and commercial nature of what they are doing and how they are acting, as opposed to what the real contract and public office require?
Most of all, how many of these people at both the “federal” and the “federal state” level know perfectly well that they are functioning as private corporate officers occupying vacated public offices and willfully have chosen to bilk, defraud, and deceive their friends, family, neighbors, and communities for the lure of personal power and private advantage......
.......So not only do you need to tear up those “Voter Registration Cards” and stop being fooled by all the “political process” hurrah — that is, drop out of political parties, because they, too, are strictly associated with the corporation masquerading as “your” government — you can also stop giving money to THEIR candidates and wasting time spinning your wheels.
If you want the abuse and theft and deceit to be over, you have to re-create your own PUBLIC offices on the land jurisdiction of your States. Run for THOSE offices. Support THOSE candidates. Just like we have to rebuild the American Court system and the American monetary system, we have to rebuild the American government institutions — because, surprise, surprise — the banks took over the corporation providing you with “governmental services” a long time ago, and they haven’t been doing a good job for you.
A Republic doesn’t run itself and it can’t depend on outside “help”.
If you want to be free, now is the time.
Stop being hoodwinked by these fraud artists and driven “like dumb driven cattle”.
Just say, “No!”
go here to see the snips in context