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SORCHA: "Russia-Saudi Arabia Celebrate Trump “Suiciding” Top US Navy Admiral Ready To Start World War III"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:08



December 2, 2018

Russia-Saudi Arabia Celebrate Trump “Suiciding” Top US Navy Admiral Ready To Start World War III

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the most significant events occurring at the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires Summit says President Putin and Saudi Arabian leader Mohammad bin Salman were both “celebratory[праздновать] after receiving confirmation that President Trump had “eliminated[устранить] by suicide US Navy Vice Admiral Scott A. Stearney—who as the commander of US military forces in the Middle East was singlehandedly trying to provoke World War III by his ordering a massive bombing campaign that over the past few weeks has killed at least 206 civilians, including by his using internationally outlawed white phosphorous bombs—but whose reign of terror is now over after he was discovered, just hours ago, dead by a gunshot wound to his head at his home on the US military base in Bahrain—that caused Putin to personally thank Trump during an informal meeting, and US National Security Advisor to the President John Bolton to approach Yuri Ushakov, Assistant to the Russian President, and confirm that the US side would like to resume and normalize dialogue—that Foreign Minister Lavrov replied to by stating “we are ready for this as soon as our colleagues are”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Vladimir Putin and Saudi leader Mohammad bin Salman celebrate news of “Deep State” warmonger US Navy Vice Admiral Scott Stearney being suicided

According to this report, this year’s G20 Summit was one of the most consequential in modern history—that began within hours after the neo-Nazi government of Ukraine declared martial law, and ended with France in flames as revolution nears, and that now sees its socialist government preparing to declare a state of national emergency as rioters tear Paris apart.

Marching headlong into this maelstrom, any part of which going wrong would quickly see the entire world embroiled in war, this report continues, was President Trump—whose main threat to his nation’s constitutional system is said to be his catalyzing a hysterical opposition—that has his opposition so freaked out that it’s willing to throw overboard legal and constitutional niceties to thwart him—but at the start of the G20 Summit saw Trump taunting them with a Tweet showing his “Deep State” enemies behind bars for treason—and at its end saw Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence, likewise, sending out a taunting Tweet showing him standing next to a highly armed US police officer who was wearing a “QAnon” patch on his uniform—a believed to be secret US military intelligence operation working to prevent a coup against Trump.

President Trump Tweets out who will be imprisoned for treason at start of G20 Summit—Vice President Pence follows with Tweet showing the police who will arrest them when G20 Summit ends

The most accurate description that can be given of what the G20 Summit was all about, this report says, was it being a showdown between the world’s nationalists and globalists—with President Trump leading the nationalist forces, and who, among his other triumphs, forced China to make the deadly opioid drug fentanyl a controlled substance subject to death penalty laws—with the globalists being led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel who has declared that “nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, and whose former foreign minister has branded Trump’s nationalist America as a “rogue superpower.

Most exposed at the G20 Summit for the entire world see as one of the main differences between nationalists and globalists, this report details, is a United States being led by nationalist President Trump, and whose citizens remain relatively peaceful while they enjoy some of the lowest fuel prices they’ve seen in decades, record job growth, and record unemployment—that stands in direct opposition to a French nation being led by globalist President Macron, but whose citizens have turned their country’s richest boulevards and most prominent landmarks into veritable war zones today because they’ve been forced to pay some of the highest fuel prices in the world due to global warming social engineering—and who say about Macron and his government’s insane policies that are driving them into poverty: “they talk about the end of the world while we are talking about the end of the month”.

Also being exposed at the G20 Summit, this report continues, are the beyond hypocritical migrant policies these globalists are trying to force upon the world—best exampled by the globalist nation of Germany having just started an ad campaign offering migrants cash to go home—while at the same they’re supporting a new law that will make “criticism of migration” a criminal offense.

With President Trump having left the G20 Summit as the undisputed leader of Western nationalists, this report concludes, his greatest blow against these globalists that must be acknowledged is that from their killing of President John F. Kennedy, to their making up the fake Trump-Russia collusion farce, he has, indeed, forced theDeep Stateout of the shadows—thus exposing who they really are, such as the Clintons, whose tin cup is said worthy of the Smithsonian as they hoovered more than $2 billion in contributions to their campaigns, foundation and philanthropies while selling the American people out for their own gainthe Obamas, whose foul mouthed tirades continue to shock people—and whose up and coming new “leaders” are best exemplified by Democratic socialist wunderkind Ocasio-Cortez who has just compared her election to landing on the moon and wiring America for electricity—leaving it no wonder why Trump’s popularity has continued to rise in spite of everything these globalist elites have thrown against him—many of whom, undoubtedly, will be suicided like US Navy Vice Admiral Stearney as this is no longer a game, but war.

December 2, 2018 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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