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Here comes Agenda 21 - Seattle City Council Member O'Brien Out to Eliminate All Single Family Zoning
Posted By: AndiV Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:34
It first started with a Seattle city council moratorium on building single family homes - this is of course done in order to usher in "densification" of cities, some of which will have populations of up to 1 billion. Yes, BILLION. Seattle is a signatory to ICLEI.
Info on that here - coming to your neighborhood soon:
Now this:
"Seattle residents - If you like your single-family zoning, then your city council needs to hear from you ASAP.
Mike O'Brien thinks he has city council backing to eliminate single-family zoning AND zone every lot of 3200 square feet as a triplex. Queen Anne residents have challenged the zoning change--without success.
Marty Kaplan has led the opposition. I have an e-mail from him that I can forward to interested parties. It is too LONG to copy and paste into an NDM post.
The residents of this city defeated the head tax. Can the residents of this city also override the city council elimination of single-family zoning???
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Articles In This Thread
- Here comes Agenda 21 - Seattle City Council Member O'Brien Out to Eliminate All Single Family Zoning
AndiV -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:34
- Washington state citizens - join the Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights
AndiV -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:34
- King County Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights meeting is Thursday December 6th
AndiV -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:34
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