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Yes, They Not Knowing, Or, They Don't Want To Know, The History

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:06

In Response To: At a pro-refugee rally in Melbourne, YouTuber learns that whites refuse to endorse petition to save the persecuted white South Africans (NaturalWisdom)

Yes, the Boers of South Africa were detested by the British because the Boers stood their ground during the Anglo-Boer War, where the first British forces had to retreat.

Following is excerpt from

General Bullers' replacement was Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1st Earl Roberts. Lord Roberts’ adopted a code of war against the Boer civilian population, the first such recorded act.

Before where the British military forces, and other foriegners, were unable to make the Boers become different and change, Lord Roberts thought to do by a direct physical attack on the family unit so as to intimidate.

Immediate plans were laid by the High Command to implement a scorched earth policy, destroy the crops and cattle, burn down the homesteads, and put the women and children in concentration camps. Hitter has often been accused of being the man who started civilian concentration camps. The truth is, the distinction belongs to the British, who at the urging of Milner and Rhodes, saw it as a way to bring the Boers to heel. It was dirty war at its worst.

The Boer housewife was particularly hated by Milner ( Alfred Milner, 1st Viscount Milne ) and Rhodes (Cecil Rhodes). She was the rock of the family; she did all of the domestic work. Even President Kruger’s wife milked the cows. The Boer women kept the farm going and the family together while the men were away fighting the war.


Boer farms were destroyed and cattle killed. Women and children were herded into camps, without any proper sanitation, or shelter, other than the ordinary bell tent. It was

a scene set for disaster, which was not long in coming.


Thus did the British High command demean itself. Later the same tactics were to be used against the civilian population of Germany on a hitherto unheard of scale, like in Dresden, when 125,000 German women, children and old men fell victim to Churchill’s murderous firebombing in one hellish night. This was how war was shaped, not by the Germans, but by

the most civilized nation on earth, the British, and they did it to women and children, their own kind, ..............


The Boer women and children suffered indescribable hardships in the primitive camps set up to “house” them. In the end, out of the 116,572 Boers in concentration camps, some 25,000 perished from malnutrition, dysentry, and exposure, as well as a variety of other diseases.


An English nurse, Emily Hobhouse, did yeoman work in the “death camps” and she sent back hundreds of horrifying accounts to the British Parliament over the treatment of the camp inmates. However, none of this moved Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener to do anything about the disgrace.

This policy of genocide against the Boers was fully supported by Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes, who both expressed their satisfaction with it. The lessons learned and experience gained by Milner in South Africa were later put to use in the Bolshevik revolution in Russia.


(Lord Roberts) began to think in terms of offering a peace treaty to the Boers. Rhodes flew into a rage, his high falsetto voice raised in shrill protest to Queen Victoria. The autocratic Milner was furious, and refused to entertain the idea. Roberts wrote to the Queen saying that if Milner and Rhodes wanted to grind the Boers into the dust (their expressed intentions), then they must be prepared to spend billions more on the war.


Lady Roberts in the meantime, in defiance of the orders of her Queen, arrived in Pretoria, and immediately ordered the expulsion of all Boer women and children from that city. The unfortunate civilians were herded into open cattle trucks and shipped out toward the Boer positions near the border of Portuguese East Africa. The women and children went a few days in the open trucks, without shelter or proper food and water supplies.


General Botha, .........called it “an inhuman act.” And it was. (Lord)Robert’s answer was to increase the tempo of farm burning. He wrote home saying that he would “starve into submission, these banditti” as though he was fighting rabble.

Lord Milner thought nothing of the swelling protests in England over the disgraceful treatment of Boer women and children. “If we are to do anything about South Africa we must disregard the screamers” he wrote to his associate, Richard Haldane. That attitude was carried over by

Milner into the Bolshevik revolution, where he disregarded the screams of the innocent, victims of his greed.


.... the British saw that the only way to end the war was to come to all accommodation with the Boers, not the unconditional surrender demanded by Milner and Rhodes, but one which the Boers could live with. Terms were drawn up and submitted to the Boers. After months of deliberating, they agreed to meet the British in Pretoria. General Smuts and the British together hammered out a compromise document. Finally on May 31st, 1902 the two sides got together in a great marquee tent at Vereeninging and a peace treaty was signed. The Boers lost the war, but gained a good deal of freedom and independence. The only one who did not agree with the wars end was Lord Alfred Milner. He expressed bitter shock and dismay, more so at the failure of the British Army to defeat the Boers in battle.


After the signing of the peace treaty, some 25,000 Boer Commandos came forward to give up arms, which further astonished the British. They had reckoned on only about 12,000 armed men, and were thankful that the Boers accepted the terms in view of the forces still at their command.


After the war the Boers struggled to put their lives together again. They returned to farms devastated and destroyed, some with their families dead in concentration camps, the country side scorched and blackened. But in a few short years those hardy men, who should be an example to us all, built the finest country on the African continent. Unfortunately they were not able to keep the Jews from entirely gaining control of the gold mines.


In 1910 the British allowed home rule, and the Union of South Africa was born, with the Republics of the Orange Free State and Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic [South African Republic (Transvaal)] incorporated together with the Cape Province and Natal under one government with General Louis Botha as the first Prime Minister.

The Afrikaaners continued fighting for a free Republic and with the outbreak of WWI, a rebellion occurred because most of the Afrikaaners saw England as the enemy, and refused to fight against the Germans.

The National Party was at this time was not politically strong, but was growing with greater force with General James Barry Munnik Hertzog better known as Barry Hertzog , the founder of the party.

The same scenario took place with the birth of the Ossewbrandwag at the outbreak of WWII. The Ossewbrandwag was an organization against supporting England, since the objective was to establish a free Afrikaaner Republic. But the South African Party of General Jan Smuts was then in power and hundreds of Afrikaaners were arrested and put in prison or in internment camps.

Still even with the oppression more organizations were established to help the Afrikaaners to be in the corporate world. The banks and mining houses were in the hands of the Afrikaaners.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd in 1961, the country became a free republic, outside of the British Commonwealth. The war they had to fight was that of black nationalism.

According to Kallie van Rensburg, this has a bearing on the events in March 1961 when Dr. Verwoerd attempted to retain South Africa’s membership in the British Commonwealth after it became a republic. Dr. Verwoerd was optimistic that his application would succeed, because countries like India, Pakistan and Ghana became republics without loss of Commonwealth membership.A series of heated debates followed during the Commonwealth conference and Dr. Verwoerd was virtually forced to leave the Commonwealth. (They push oneof our men out of the front door). In his farewell speech in London, Dr.Verwoerd said: “I was shocked and overwhelmed by the hostile spirit prevailing against South Africa... opposition is based on the so-called ‘discrimination’ we practise in South Africa. But this hostility came from countries where the principles of so-called democracy is totally absent...”

-----------PROPHECIES by Siener Van Rensburg , page 65

Following is an excerpt from

The concentration camps in which Britain killed 27,000 Boer women and children(24000) during the Second War of Independence (1899 -1902) today still have far-reaching effects on the existence of the Boerevolk.

This holocaust once more enjoyed close scrutiny during the visit of the queen of England to South Africa, when ten organisations promoting the independence of the Boer Republics, presented her with a message, demanding that England redress the wrongs committed against the Boerevolk.


Family arrived at the consentration camp

2. Background

The Second War of Independence was fought from 1899 to 1902 when England laid her hands on the mineral riches of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (Transvaal) under the false pretence of protecting the rights of the foreigners who swarmed to the Transvaal gold fields.

On the battlefield England failed to get the better of the Boers, and decided to stoop to a full-scale war against the Boer women and children, employing a holocaust to force the burghers to surrender.

3. Course of the holocaust

3.1. The war against women and children begins

Under the command of Kitchener, Milner and Roberts, more than

homesteads and farms belonging to Boer people were plundered and

burned down. Animals belonging to the Boers were killed in the

cruelest ways possible while the women, whose men were on the

battlefield, had to watch helplessly.

Killing sheep

Leaving the sheep rotten

The motive behind this action was the destruction of the farms in order to prevent the fighting burghers from obtaining food, and to demoralise the Boers by leaving their women and children homeless on the open veld.

Before the blast

The blast

Destroyed for king and country

However, England misjudged the steel of the Boer people. Despite their desperate circumstances, the women and children managed to survive fairly well in the open and their men continued their fight against the invader.

Women and children on the run - away from the English

More severe measures had to be taken. The English hoarded the Boer women and children into open cattle trucks or drove them on foot to concentration camps.

3.2. False pretences

To the world England pretended to act very humanely by caring for the fighting Boers' women and children in "refugee camps". An English school textbook published in 1914 in Johannesburg, but printed in England, Historical Geography: South Africa, by JR Fisher, makes the following claim:

"During the later stages of the war, the

relations, women and

children, of those Boers still in the field, were fed and cared

for at the expense of Great Britain, a method of procedure which,

though humane, postponed the end of the war, at the expense of

many valuable lives and much money."

This statement is contradicted by various sources. The Cape Argus of 21 June 1900 clearly states that the destitution of these women and children was the result of the English's plundering of farms: "Within 10 miles we (the English) burned not less than six farm homesteads. Between 30 and 40 homesteads were burned and totally destroyed between Bloemfontein and Boshoff. Many others were also burned down. With their houses destroyed, the women and children were left in the bitter South African winter in the open." The British history text book says nothing about this.

Awfully generous of the English to care for those whose houses

they destroyed!

Breytenbach writes in Danie Theron: "The destruction was undertaken in a diabolic way and even Mrs Prinsloo, a 22 year old lady who gave birth to a baby only 24 hours ago in the house of Van Niekerk, was not spared. A group of rude tommies (British soldiers),amongst whom a so-called English doctor, forced their way into her room, and after making a pretence of examining her, they drove her out of the house. With the aid of her sister, she managed to don a few articles of clothing and left the house. Her mother brought a blanket to protect her against the cold. The soldiers robustly jerked the blanket out of her mother's hands and after having looted whatever they wanted to, put the house to fire. Afterwards the old man was driven on foot to Kroonstad by mounted kakies (British soldiers), while his wife and daughter (Mrs Prinsloo) were left destitute on the scorched farm."

England's claim of caring for the Boer women reminds one of somebody who boasts to have saved the life of someone he himself has pushed into the water. However, there is one vital difference: The holocaust on the Boer women and children began in all earnest once they had been forced into the concentration camps under the "care" of the British!

Family at the beginning - newly arrived with tea and bread (English Propaganda).


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Articles In This Thread

At a pro-refugee rally in Melbourne, YouTuber learns that whites refuse to endorse petition to save the persecuted white South Africans
NaturalWisdom -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:06
Yes, They Not Knowing, Or, They Don't Want To Know, The History
RobertS -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:06

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