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SORCHA: "Trump Shockingly Warns Putin: “Either God Will Win, Or I Will Die”" (Why Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital)

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:35



December 6, 2017

Trump Shockingly Warns Putin: “Either God Will Win, Or I Will Die

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the agenda of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson for their meetings tomorrow in Vienna, during the summit of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), states that the “priority item” heading the list for discussion is President Donald Trump’sdeclaration of war” decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel—and reveals that Trump had previously related to President Putin that he had no choice to do as he needed “divine protection” to protect himself and his nation from “satanic forces”—and who bluntly warned: “Either God will win, or I will die”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

President Donald Trump seeks “divine protection” as he tries to save America from Satan

According to this report, on 21 November, President Putin and President Trump had a lengthy discussion wherein America’s new leader “praised/congratulatedPutin for saving Russia by turning it back to God—and that was solidified by Putin, a few days later, by his calling for a return to “traditional values” and becoming the first Russian leader to call for tighter relations between the Kremlin and the Orthodox Church in a move hailed by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill as an “historic event”.

President Vladimir Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Kirill seek “divine protection” to save Russia from Satan

President Trump, also, this report continues, informed President Putin that he was going to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel—with his explaining that he was doing so because of an Old Testament (Torah) Biblical verse that says “and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”—which Trump said he needed the “divine protection” of as his “Deep State” satanic aligned enemies were seeking to destroy him, and his grimly telling Putin: “Either God will win, or I will die”.

President Trump’s fears that he faces death for his turning America back to God, this report says, are not being exaggerated—and as best exampled, just days, ago by the “Deep State” aligned mainstream propaganda news network MSNBC openly fantasizing about Trump being hanged with a noose around his neck, and his entire family, also, being sent to prison for the rest of their lives.

The “Deep State” hoped for ending of President Donald Trump

To President Trump’s fears that America and the West are being overcome by satanic powers, this report says, is, also, shockingly true—and as just evidenced this past week alone by the “Deep State” aligned propaganda mainstream media slamming Trump for his daring to say the words “Merry Christmas” and praising the birth of Jesus Christ, a leading Church of England clergyman calling for prayers so young Prince George will become homosexual and “find love of young gentlemen, Hollywood just declaring as its Best Picture for 2017 a movie celebrating the homosexuality of minor children, and Hillary Clinton now being celebrated as being an angel.

With the billionaire tech giants in America now being revealed to be performing satanic sexual rituals “to get in touch with their souls, this report continues, the most disturbing evidence showing how much the US has come under the sway of Satan was demonstrated this past week—and was when former President Barack Obama, as one of the “Deep State” leaders seeking to destroy President Trump, flew to Paris to meet with the Les Napoleons organization—which is a peculiarly-named Frenchcommunications network” comprised of globalist elites seeking the destruction of America and all Western Christian values.

Theistic Satanism logo of Les Napoleons proclaims its true purpose

With former American UN Ambassador John Bolton now shockingly proclaiming that President Trump is being confronted with “the first attempted coup d’état in US history”, this report details, the “Deep State” war to destroy Trump has descended into a travesty of justice with it now being said that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is nothing more than a semblance of law-enforcement disguising the brute reality that Trump is being punished for winning the election and defying Obama policy—and that, stunningly, even the rabidly anti-Trump propaganda newspaper The Washington Post agrees with, and who have just proclaimed: “A new Special Counsel needs to investigate the FBI and Justice Department. Now!”.

As to what drove even the leftist Washington Post to side with President Trump against the “Deep State”, this report explains, was Special Counsel Mueller, this past week, charging former National Security Director General Michael Flynn with a crime for lying to the FBI (called the “perjury trap of the century”)—specifically to the now disgraced former FBI Counterintelligence Chief Peter Strzok.

The grave crime committed by Special Counsel Mueller in his filing charges against General Flynn, this report explains, was his failing to inform Flynn that his accuser, Strzok, had been removed from the case for violating both US law and FBI procedures—which is a gross “Giglio Violation” that could very well result in the disbarment of Mueller—and had been established as US Constitutional law, in 1972, by the US Supreme Court—who in their Giglio v. United States decision declared that actions such as Mueller’s, in his not informing Flynn about what Strzok had done, meant that no charges against an accused could stand.

With absolutely no proof that President Trump ever colluded with Russia, but with enough proof to fill volumes that Trump’s officials colluded with Saudi Arabia and colluded with Israel, this report continues, the “Deep State” having chosen Russia to attack Trump with is destroying America’s reputation the world over as by the day it more resembles a banana republic than a free democracy, especially due to Trump’s retaliation against all of these Western globalists opposing him—and that has led Germany to just declare:

The global dominance of the United States is slowly becoming history...the withdrawal of the United States under Donald Trump from its reliable role as a guarantor of western-led multilateralism accelerates a change of the world order with immediate consequences for German and European interests.

Germany can no longer simply react to US policy but must establish its own position… even after Trump leaves the White House, relations with the US will never be the same.

This report concludes by noting that even though President Trump is still engaged in a deadly war against his nations “Deep State” to free America from the satanic forces seeking its destruction, his cooperation with Russia to free the Christian peoples of Syria shows his truest character—and whom, in less than a year since his taking power, has just enabled Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Valery Gerasimov to declare: “All terrorist units of ISIS on Syrian soil have been destroyed, and the territory is liberated.”—and whom President Putin, also, intends to keep fully supporting—and is why, just hours ago, he announced his plan to run for office again—with the hope being that both he and Trump can, indeed, “Make The World Great Again”.

December 6, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

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