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The accuser is Justin C Smith - The Tales he tells are staggering

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

In Response To: X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Faces Multiple Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault !! (RumorMail)

Found on GLP..

A new accuser with a 14 part twitter post about Bryan Singer pedophile, rapist, abuser, druggie, who forces and supplies drugs to minors and facilitates network for Hollywood producers etc.

Singer has destroyed many young boys/men through many years along with this massive gang of his.

Problem this guy did not hash tag Bryan Singer or anything. I do not have a twitter. Please guys jump on this guys posts, and also retweet and hash tag an @ media, and truthers and get THIS to trend.

WE can stop him and shut it all down!

The accuser is Justin C Smith

[link to (secure)]
Warning Language and it appears as if Justin Smith's page has disappeared but others are still sending out screen shots of them..

Please help work this. Thanks

Other names of people Bryan uses to scout, round up boys for him and the many pedo sex parties are Wayne Castro and Tommy Johnson. They also would use LA club "Tiger Heat" for a part of the many party after party after party they would set up for the same day. Do searches and find old stories about this going back many years in media, blogs etc.

Singer partnered with Gary Goddard, and Roland Emmerich for these parties, and the whole pedo network. This ties into David Geffin, David Neuman, Garth Ancier, Clive Davis, Kevin Spacey (also tied to Clinton sex ring, and Epstein, in his black book and plane passenger logs). Other actors who are many pictures along with Bryan Singers hords of twinks are stars from his films and others involved in those films and project. Hugh Jackman would be a witness (if not participant) as in pictures on private plane full of Singers young boys. Big name who does all of this with Singer is the Director of Usual Suspect (can't recall name right now). Sony executives were very tied into Singer's network of abuse.

Singer was major investor in the whole sex ring with Marc Collins-Rector, and Chad Shakley.

This also ties all to Ari Emanuel, and his brother Clinton/Obama croney and Mossad agent from Mossad crime family, made Chicago boss, and part of the USA Continuity Government, aka Deep State via Counsel of Governors Rahm Emmanuel

Other old time Hollywood and NY families tied to this crap are the family and Rob Reiner, Sutherland, Martin Sheen, Jack Nicholson, Hunter S. Thompson, Dennis Hopper, Sean Penn.

Peter Theil, and some how Paul Singer fits into things here also.

For older known networks that also connect to Weinstein cronys in NY days 70s up the music concert promotion stuff, the Father and Son and family from Don Kirshner's rock concert (notice son's name scrubbed from the net. Recall in old days before internet huge sex scandals). Viacom, Columbia Records those companies were hard core a part of all of this.

The Hoffman family who's pedo son set up the NY and Hollywood private disco for minors in the entertainment business called "Alphy's Soda Pop Club", that tied into the other partner from the NY company owners of "Original New York Seltzer", Randy Miller (the guy with all the wild cats) and his creepy day Alan Miller. The Hoffman family ran Bobby Hoffman Casting, The Hoffman Company, Helinet Aviation, KLS Limousine Service, Diva Limo, Teem Entertainment Minute Hollywood, Stone Group (talent agency w/ pedos invoved too. this one was registered London OH), Knightbridge Humanitarian Relief. Alphy Hoffman can be found under many variants of his name because he needed to hide alot of things. Chris A. Hoffman, a bunch more. They had the planes, limos to move people around. And the youth could get picked up by limo and then they had no transportation to leave club w/ out it being done by the club, unless the kids could drive and brought a car. The clubs were attached to buildings w/ pools and bars on other levels for adults. Look up the many kids that got hooked into these clubs, all were in some way sexually exploited, used, and drinking and drugs. Recall Alyssa Milano as a minor became the live in girlfriend for that McGiver actor. This is where Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, Nicole Eggert, and so many kids hung out.

Major Major mover and user of children and young people, and even trafficking/selling/pimping of washed up starlets is Diana Jenkins, aka Sanela Diana Jenkins Catic. She is huge as massive global international network tied to Arabs, white slavery, trafficking. Due to all her network he ex husband who worked for Barkelys bank became the highest paid UK banker (if you know anything about UK banking networks you will understand THIS means alot). This involved alot of money laundering also. Diana tied into all sorts of charities and "childrens" charities/orphanages in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia (where it is well known children have been exploited) Diana Jenkins has all sorts of "businesses" she is tied to in her name records/music companies, acting/modeling companies, Casting, fraudulent energy drink, and SHE was tied into the whole HAITI scandal, and her on paper business partner was Sean Penn. Penn was protege of Dennis Hopper even named his kid after him. She is majorly tied to Clinton foundation and being the networker for Arab money. She pimps out and moves kids and people to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE (United Arab Emerites) Dubai. why do you think certain washed up, used, prior drug problems women you can find are in arab countries now, or travel their often, they are sold/rented out and get goodies. Look up the very creepy picture book she did, and look at whom see seems to have power over in her web. Very revealing. Many of these men are on the down low and their career image would be ruined so they have beards/wives even kids.

Recall Drew Barrymore at age 11 was set up by Studio for promotion to be "dating" Corey Haim when he was 14. See audio and vid stating she was at 11 trying to get clean, and had already years before been in major drug rehab clinics. Recall that at age 13 Drew Barrymore was the LIVE IN Girl friend of Jack Nicholson! I remember all of this stuff back then.

Recall the scandals from the kids on Saved by the Bell and sex abuse? Leonardo DiCaprios agent was actively molesting and grooming kids and even got convicted.

Disney and Nickelodeon both hire and keep on even convicted pedos. Dan Schnieder is a pedo, and has a major foot fetish with kids and uses his programs to also make other films. Bryan Singer of Xmen even has his convicted pedo buddy working on set with all the kids, puts him in cameos in his projects, and even had him sitting with him and doing the directors commentary for films.

All this and the old school names families tie into Bohemian grove too. The DC Call Boy Scandal, Boys Town USA, Franklin Scandal, "Boys for Sale", "Conspiracy of Silence", etc. Kids at DC parties, kids taken to whitehouse. The massive networks out of Louisiana (New Orleans businesses and ports also. Never forget the massive Boy Scouts scandal had largest scandals in Louisiana. Some of the major players in the sex rings even set up their own Troops and used those to ship child sex slaves in state and ship out of state to service politicians, judges, businessmen, law enforcement majorly involved, in all of these for many decades is FBI, CIA and DOJ involvement), all over DC Metro area w/ MD and VA for politicians, theater folks, Arts, businessmen, lobbyists, bankers, tech, Pentagon, State Department, Mil industrial complex. Global networks also done all over w/ FBI, CIA, State Department. Recall all the old scandals they try to scrub off internet, how State Dept was connected to prostitution, and child sex rings in other countries.

Look up statistics from the International Centre for Missing and exploited children. That globally USA is #1 for the MOST missing children every year, about 1/2 a million. With the Centre above and FBI stats showing they can prove over 18% ended up being trafficked into sex trade, snuff, porn, slavery, etc. The rest just "unknown". USA has the MOST children go missing! and the numbers far exceed the numbers of the 2nd and 3rd place, let that sink in. Why do you think that is? Because it is a real concerted long time well run system. 1 in 3 girls in the USA is sexually abused in some way. 1 in 5 or 6 (depending on year) for boys. Think about this. These are our own government, and US and international orgs stats here.

It starts with these cabals subverting our culture, and sexualizing children, this is full on concerted effort through education system, music, TV, hollywood, magazines, internet, fashion etc.. The removing of family values, of encouraging disrespect of parents, and the schools do this through removal of parental authority, and the enhanced sexual "education" programs. The public libraries are in on this now to. Look up just this year the problems with Maryland Library systems programs where hard core deviant militant perverts run programs the give out to kids condoms and lube and teach them masturbation, sex toys, and anal play. This org even had videos online for the kids who' parents supervise them and made sure they were not exposed to this at the libraries.

This whole new BS of gender fluidity pushed on kids and the major devastating personal damage to healthy self confidence, and security this creates, and the confusion. These are not by accident, there is much money put into this by NAMBLA and other groups, you know the ones who back and fund and give legal support for Antifa, BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) etc. They use brainwashing techniques to tear down the pyche and identity, self esteem of kids/youth and then fill them full of garbage, self hate, loathing, snowfake, total dysfunction. What this creates is dependency upon the system, while tricking all the kids that they are fighting the system. Which in the end is really just making them skrews for the system and thugs and willing pawns and tools for our wardens in this corrupt globalist system.

Thing is this is all part of their own written out and taught agendas going back to Lenon, Marx, Sal Alinsky, the "protocols" of the elders, Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, it is all failed corrupt soul damaging, Socialism, and Communism.

The cure is Nationalism (to counter Globalism, meaning our Nation must take care of it's citizens 1st and foremost), States Rights, enforcing the Constitution, less government/restructuring a over invasive controlling and privacy and 4th amendment violating government. Of preserving history (to learn from it), and valuing the cultures that this sick globalist system is trying to destroy, erase. Promote merit,work, effort based systems. Don't expose children to sex and violence. And if that means removing them from the corrupt schools now do it. Promote voucher programs (the only reason the left fight this so hard is then the globalists/communists/pedos can't brainwash your kids, and corrupt and abuse them, and allow the State, and CPS etc to have full rights and invoke claims over them), and to at least instill in the child a sense of a higher power, force, creator in some healthy manner without the BS and dogma, but not allowing the communists, z ionists, and Jesuits to tear and destroy their souls and damage these wonderful pure creations of humanity and pure love.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

X-Men’ Director Bryan Singer Faces Multiple Accusations of Sexual Harassment and Assault !!
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18
The accuser is Justin C Smith - The Tales he tells are staggering
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 13-Jan-2021 05:52:18

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