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Re: Will California secede from the United States? I hope so

Posted By: Nameless_one
Date: Wednesday, 4-Jan-2017 16:43:01

In Response To: Will California secede from the United States? I hope so (RumorMail)

The leftest in California have hired Eric Holder to defend them against President elect Donald Trump.

Interesting, none of us got to voice our opinion let alone vote for this person to come in...and yet, they pay him, (Holder), with my taxes.

There is a petition, with 77,000 signatures and 9,000 more is needed to put on the ballot to oust Gov. Brown.

Clinton may have gotten most of the votes, however, California's democrates live on the coast of California. Conservatives live inland.

I'm a 4th generation Native Daughter of the Golden West and we can see what's happening to our state and believe me, they, (liberals) won't get far.

Actually, a lot of us have the mental capacity of the "State of Jefferson" and won't let California go the way of the liberals.

Then again, if California goes the way of succecsion, "so be it". We deserve everything we one will ever beable to shake my faith.

Do I hear an "Amen"?

: Will California secede from the United States? I hope so.

: By Jon Rappoport

: Not going to happen, but it's interesting to imagine it.

: Several groups in California are pushing for a ballot measure
: that, if passed, would allow the state's voters to decide,
: in a direct referendum, whether to remain part of the US or
: become an independent country.

: I'd like to see California secede, on the basis that they want
: a green economy and they want to "adjust" their
: immigration policies. It would be a sight to behold. Wide
: open borders and wind propellers everywhere. I'd give CA
: five years until total collapse.

: It would be first state to secede and then beg to be let back
: into the country.

: Its president, Jerry Brown, would release a statement:
: "This is a big oops. We miscalculated. It turns out we
: can't afford open borders. And I'm not just talking about
: the upsurge in crime and terror attacks. The social
: services we provide all immigrants are overwhelming our
: institutions and our financial resources. No one wants to
: underwrite the loans we require. We're screwed and we're
: sorry. Please re-admit us to the Union. We need to become
: the biggest Welfare State in history right away."

: Yes, let's see the green revolution and social justice play
: out on a large stage. Let's see the consequences.

: How about this potential news story: "Lawmakers in
: California have been exposed for lying about global warming
: in their new country. After spending several billion
: dollars they didn't have, to put up a satellite to measure
: climate change, it turned out the reported numbers were
: fudged because, as one legislator stated (off the record):
: 'What did you expect? The actual numbers showed there was
: no warming, but we couldn't admit that. Are you kidding?
: After we spent six billion to get the figures, we ended up
: with zilch. It was a disaster. We had to lie, to protect
: the reputation of our new nation."

: The vice-president of California, Barbara Boxer, would
: announce: "The policy of forcing two women into top
: executive positions at our major corporations for every man
: has failed. Corporate warfare has broken out. In boardrooms
: across the state, a poisonous atmosphere prevails. We must
: backtrack and reconsider."

: Several pro-immigration groups would issue a joint statement:
: "Consequences are irrelevant. The point is, this is a
: battle to take back California for Mexico. Our whole goal
: is extending the nation of Mexico to the north, and nothing
: will stop us. Anyone living in the nation of California who
: isn't a Mexican is an illegal. We're righting a wrong, and
: that's all that matters. Our Treasury must replace dollars
: with pesos, and it must issue as many trillions as
: necessary to give our people a free standard of
: living."

: The California Dept. of Energy would release a new regulation:
: "In view of the current energy shortages, our Weather
: Control Department is hereby empowered to create continuous
: massive storms, in order to dramatically increase air flow
: for our wind power installations."

: And then there would be this, from the California Dept. of the
: Environment: "A new tiny species of fish, slightly
: larger than a bacterium, has been discovered along our
: shores, as well as in rivers and streams. In order to
: protect the BX-2-S-V fish, all flow of water (including
: desalination) from these bodies of water into farms is
: hereby canceled, until long-term studies on the threat to
: the BX-2-S-V's survival can be established..."

: Yes, it would be a real party.

: The businesses that would expand? Underground bunker building
: for super-wealthy Silicon Valley and Hollywood moguls, and
: armed security services.

: And oh yes: California's government-owned vaccine manufacturer
: would take off like a rocket, because according to new
: laws, every resident of the state would be forced to endure
: shots of 58 vaccines. Failure to comply would be met with a
: three-year sentence at a marijuana-growing work camp in
: Humboldt, presided over by Sinaloa Cartel muscle. Sinaloa,
: of course, would be the biggest corporation in the new
: nation.

: Its chief, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who escaped
: jail in Mexico 47 times, would live in a walled compound
: that covers a third of the city of Sacramento. He would be
: California's Secretary of Defense.

: Yes, this west coast nation would put on quite a show.

: Use this link to order Jon's Matrix Collections.
: Jon Rappoport

: The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX
: MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in
: the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting
: practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the
: expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a
: Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter
: for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and
: health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
: Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and
: Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global
: politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences
: around the world.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Will California secede from the United States? I hope so
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 4-Jan-2017 12:47:41
Re: Will California secede from the United States? I hope so
Nameless_one -- Wednesday, 4-Jan-2017 16:43:01
Link to Eric Holder's assignment in California...sorry!
Nameless_one -- Wednesday, 4-Jan-2017 16:46:36

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