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Posted By: igots2no
Date: Sunday, 3-Jul-2016 07:43:04

referenced article by David Crayford relevant to the discussion



Henry Ford once said, "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and money system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Henry Ford would have loved David Crayford.

Because David Crayford hit another one out of the park. And this one just might incite another revolution. His magnificent home run piece exposing U.S. Agents stealing 3.5 thousand metric tons of gold out of the Philippines, shipping it off to the corrupt UBS in Switzerland, and then authorizing an energy company out of Thailand, through the Philippines' Ministry of Finance, to print $3 Trillion in $100 USD denominations, goes a long way in helping to clear the murky underworld of how the Western sanctioned global finances Henry Ford was referring to actually work. It's mind blowing how things like this come to light when exposed to the mainstream of human consciousness.

What on Earth is going on here, right? I'm still an American Taxpayer, aren't I? What am I doing as an ignorant taxpayer financing nonsense from my government like what David Crayford is exposing? The Philippines' Finance Ministry authorizing an energy company from Thailand to print up U.S. Dollars! Are you kidding me? I'm sure us American taxpayers have unwittingly financed other U.S. governmental malfeasance just as egregious as this, like the Mirror Accounts, as a good example, or Big Banks stealing interest from Royal Family Accounts that were set up with the intent of helping to rebuild Nations, or stealing gold from depositories in the Philippines and Indonesia, stuff that David Crayford has been ranting about for at least the last eight years.

This stuff goes on all the time, only the Mainstream Media just won't cover it. That's why people like David Crayford getting the word out is so important. Plus he's got documents to prove it.


If one were to sit there and examine the five documents Mr. Crayford presented to the world, the information they speak, and the insight Mr. Crayford espoused, it would make one think that our country, America, is in one gigantic state of disrepair. And they'd be right. We're in trouble. That's what the information Mr. Crayford speaks of says, and as he has told us before, we're the only ones who can get us out of it. We've got people adding $3 trillion dollars to already sick and watered down U.S. and global economies, and nobody's talking about it. How do we change this? How do we bring it to the public's attention, and then how do we find a solution to the violent and impoverished nightmare we have created by electing corrupt public officials?

It would probably help if we understood the problem first. What problem is that? you might ask. Good question. To truly understand the depth and the nature of our global financial issues, we need to dig into what it is that David Crayford exposed to us. And ask why? We need to ask why does David Crayford so urgently want us to understand what those documents represent?

So what exactly did David Crayford tell us is in those documents?

He told us that our government, via the Federal Reserve System, gave approval, back in December of 2014, to the Philippine Department of Finance, Treasury Department, to print $3 trillion US Dollars in $100 USD denominations. The serial numbers of these notes are given on page one of the documents he provided. Wow. That's amazing information when one really stops to consider the magnitude of what it says. And there's so many questions, like...

Why is the USA printing USD notes in $100 denominations in a foreign country? Do Americans actually realize the enormous damage Agents of their government are doing to the Western portion of the global economy by allowing an extra $3 trillion U.S. Dollars into the national and international financial systems? Not to mention the addition of all the hocus pocus (it's like Magik) extra 'Fiat' U.S. Dollars introduced into the system under the Federal Reserve's Quantitative Easing programs? Printing of U.S. Currency is actually the job of the Federal Reserve, isn't it. So, why the Philippines? Why Thailand?

And more importantly, on the second document he provided, the one headed, CIRCULAR NO. 49 (Series of 2014), under 'Chapter I' it says in pertinent part: "The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is giving the CENTENNIAL ENERGY (THAILAND) COMPANY LIMITED the authority to produce and issue the United States Dollars currency." Again, I ask, why them?

Even more curious, just above that, it says, "production will not take place in Philippine territory." And why not? Why is the Central Bank of the Philippines authorizing the energy company out of Thailand to only print up the $3 trillion is USD on Thai soil? What is the significance of this? Why not use an energy company from the Philippines to print it?

Lastly on this issue, Mr. Crayford noted that although from the face of the deal, this $3 trillion dollars in NEW MONEY appears to be gold backed, it in fact was not. Says Crayford. "These Notes are no different to 'Fiat' currency Notes, as they have NO Gold backing them. That is because neither America or the Philippines hold power or authority over any assets of the Collateral Accounts, which as stated, this Gold Bullion Certificate is part of."


So the Ministry of Finance of the Philippines sub-contracted the printing of the aforesaid USD notes to a company in Thailand called Centennial Energy (Thailand) Company Limited. Why this company? This is a Thai Energy and mining company that focuses on energy production. This is not a company that specializes in the printing of bank notes. They are not known to have connections to specialists in Bank / Currency notes such as De la Rue in the UK, or any other specialists anywhere else in the world. So why further sub-contract the printing to a company in Thailand that is not, and never has been, involved in Bank / Currency Note printing? Which, again, is a highly specialized operation.

Is it possible the U.S. operates this way financially because they don't want the illegal theft / transaction to appear on official records which would attract a lot of attention from the markets and those companies that undertake official reports of Government Performances, etc...?

Why hasn't the USA issued a U.S. Treasury Note to the Federal Reserve so that the Federal Reserve prints and issues these Notes for $3 trillion, instead of an energy company in Thailand? The answer could be, as David Crayford says, "because it all goes on official record, whereby America has no international credibility left, so the outside world would seriously question this, and the value of the USD would fall dramatically on the world markets. At the same time, with a reduced value of the USD, inflation within America would also rise quite dramatically." In other words, damage control.


The $3 trillion U.S. Dollar figure represents nearly 16% of the total U.S. National Debt. The shock waves of this new $3 trillion USD printing will be felt across the world. Every market that deals with the U.S. dollar in one fashion or another will feel the pinch from this transaction. This is probably one reason government and banking officials have gone to such great lengths to hide the theft. But why $3 trillion? Why not five trillion? Or have they done that already? And why in $100 denominations? What is that type of cash going to be utilized for?

So after Centennial Energy (Thailand) Company Limited prints up $3 trillion dollars worth of USD, who gets the cash? In fact, where is that cash right now? Is it being used to finance ISIS operations aimed at America's familiar 'Boogie Man', Russia? Will it be used to finance Killery's presidential campaign? Will it finance payouts to USB bank officials? What about officials with the Philippine Finance Ministry? How about the Central Bank of Thailand or the Central Bank of the Philippines? How much graft will the officials of those banks get out of this? How about U.S. Senators?

Or will this new $3 trillion dollars in freshly printed cash finance the U.S. military presence in the Philippines? Will it finance Agency contractors working in the Philippines, stealing gold that doesn't belong to them, and broadcasting to the world as if it were for Humanitarian purposes? Will the Rothchilds or the Rockefellers benefit from it? What about the Bushistas?

Who does benefit from a conspiracy between the Federal Reserve, U.S. Government, Philippine Ministry of Finance, the Central Banks of Thailand and the Philippines, and the Union Bank of Switzerland, all rolling around together in one sweaty little bed, conducting their dirty little business?


In 1824, during his presidential campaign, Andrew Jackson summed up what we the people are going to need to honor if we're going to truly effectuate positive change in our lifetimes. "Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people, and I cannot fear the result."

Donald Trump, whose presidential campaign and appeal to the disenfranchised populace of America have been compared to that of Andrew Jackson, displayed more of this same light of reason when he spoke recently with Sputnik News:

While stumping in Greensboro, North Carolina, Donald Trump took a controversial detour into the corruption of the U.S. military. According to Sputnik News, Trump had intended to merely tap on the issue of bureaucratic ineptitude by the Bush and Obama administrations, dovetailing toward the lines that "America needs to be run like a business," and that "our leaders are failing us, they are incompetent."

But instead, Trump's comment opened up an immediate "secondary debate," supported by a great deal of analysis; which resulted in deeper understanding of the fact that "American troops," said Trump, "repeatedly stole cash that was intended to be used for rebuilding post-war Iraq and Afghanistan, while other military service people were arrested for accepting bribes from corrupt contractors during the reconstruction period."

Donald Trump may have hit David Crayford's nail directly on the head. Where did the cash come from that the U.S. troops were caught with? Where was it printed? Who put that cash in position for American troops and private contractors to come into contact with and eventually siphon off into personal bank accounts? The verdict was in as far as Trump was concerned. It was irrefutable fact that U.S. troops had repeatedly stolen cash, while other military service personnel had been arrested for accepting bribes. Money from nothing.

This wasn't the first time the candidate Donald Trump waded into this specific controversy. In September of 2015, he again called out the American Government. This time, he said, "Remember when they were handing $50 million in cash when they were going through Afghanistan? I want to know who were those soldiers who were carrying cash. 50 million dollars cash! Cash! How stupid are we? I wouldn't be surprised with those soldiers if the cash didn't get there."

We were wondering if the $50 million he referred to was in $100 bills.


In his expose, David Crayford noted that, "there are official regulations in place within the Philippines that allows them to print US Dollars on behalf of the American Government based upon an Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines."

Again, we wonder why America is sub-contracting to another "Sovereign Nation" for the printing of USD notes when it has its own printing facilities within the Federal Reserve. There could be many answers to this question. We are told by Mr. Crayford, for instance, that in "1933 / 34 America authorized the Philippines in the printing of the FRN's, FRB's, Wells Fargo Notes, American Dream Notes, JP Morgan Bonds, and many more; because the US Congress would not give the American Government, Federal Reserve, or US Treasury the approval to print these Notes in America at the time."

Mr. Crayford further says that there were other "notes, certificates, bonds, etc.., being printed for America by countries outside of America under Presidential Executive Orders, which included the trillions of USD Asian Dollars (otherwise known as the Reagan Dollars) which were printed in the Philippines and China," and are currently stored, wrapped in plastic, and crated in a China warehouse.


Also, on page 4 of his documents, David Crayford indicated that there is "clear and indisputable proof that the aforesaid USD Notes are being printed against a Certified True copy of a Gold Bullion Certificate, claimed to be issued by Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), covering 3,500 MT of 99.999 Gold in 12.5 Kg Bars, taken out of the country and deposited in UBS and registered under the name of Ferdinand E. Marcos as owner."

Why a certified copy only? Crayford says no bank in the world would accept a certified copy of any bank instrument. "They would wait for the delivery of the original hard copy before doing anything. Yet it is confirmed within the documents that the Central Bank of the Philippines is working from a certified copy of a gold bullion certificate."

If any of us tried to walk a certified copy of a check, a Bank Guarantee, Letter of Credit, or Bill of Exchange, into any bank in the world, and asked the bank to cash it out, we'd be in trouble. According to David Crayford, "You would either be arrested immediately or marched out of the bank and told not to return." Banks will always require the original Hard Copy and then they will spend 2 - 3 days seeking the verification of same from the issuing bank, by Swift wire.

So what happened to the original Certificate the $3 trillion was based on? Mr. Crayford says it was used many years ago as Collateral for yet another "American Fraud", and that it was legally charged (Liened), so officially it cannot be used twice as there is no collateral value remaining on the Gold Bullion Certificate until the original Legal Charge is removed. "The certificate is therefore being used fraudulently in several ways and cannot possibly collateralize these $3 trillion USD Notes," Crayford said.

David Crayford's final point of contention was regarding an official communication issued by UBS Switzerland, dated January 26th, 2015. This 5th document confirms all the other documents.

It states, quote, "The agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines is recognize, approve by the Union Bank of Switzerland and certify in accordance that the Centennial Energy (Thailand) Company Limited will be authorized by the Philippine Government in performing these production of United States Currency Notes". Interesting to note how the certificate is recognized by UBS even though they have no power or authority over any part of the Collateral Accounts whatsoever. They are merely Custodians - with zero power or authority. But this is how banking is done in the West.

"Why is UBS of Switzerland, known as one of the most corrupt banks in the world," Crayford concludes, "as a Custodian of Collateral Account Assets / Accounts allowing a Gold Bullion Certificate issued through them, not by them, and under their Custodianship, allowing same to be used unlawfully as the Collateral for the $3 trillion US Dollar Notes?" Because this is how the U.S. does its business.


There are 5 more important questions David Crayford brings up in his piece that will need to be answered eventually. I've begun the discussion below, but we all need to participate in it. We need to come up with answers together. The discussion needs to be expanded so solutions can be found and implemented around the world. The following 5 questions cut to the core of what is wrong with our global financial system and leadership, and what we will have to do to solve our financial issues, which are numerous.

Five (5) Issues / Questions I'd like to see resolved:

Q 1) Is it possible that the USA does not have approval from Congress or the Senate to undertake the printing of $3 trillion USD? So what are those up to that are printing it? Where is the money going?

Okay, so this is actually three questions, but they really gall me nonetheless, so I lumped them all together here. Whoever put together the $3 trillion dollar theft of illegal $100 dollar bills works with a complete disregard for American law and the American people. This needs to be addressed and fixed. Our system is broke, and we're the only ones who can correct it. We need to let the Senators and Congressmen know what is happening. We need to let them know we will not tolerate this kind of financial malfeasance from our government and our banking industry. If they don't listen, we need to vote them out of office, and shut down the banks. We need to let the Lawmakers of the World know that their time of benefiting through the corruption and fraud that is at the basis of our Western 'Fiat' based financial system is over.
Q 2) Is it actually "For Humanitarian Projects across Asia"?

This is what it says in the documents. For Humanitarian Projects across Asia. But that's not what the evidence indicates. From the four corners of these documents cited by Mr. Crayford we find a different story. There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that one cent of the $3 trillion was ever applied for humanitarian purposes in the Philippines, in Asia, in America, or anywhere else in the world.

Whoever is behind the preparation of these documents definitely does not want the world to know the truth about their scam. They do not want us to know the true intended purpose of the cash printing, that's why they utilize a secretive Humanitarian project aspect as a cover. It's like the cash is destined to fall into the hands of benevolent forces in Asia who will then turn the money into a life stream of prosperity for humanity. Say what? This is the same nonsense the so called Humanitarian groups have been giving us forever. "The money's coming in next week." "But will you please donate now to help my sick monkey, Snipples?" Does Iraqi Dinar sound like a wise, legal investment?
Q 3) So where is the money going?

This is probably the penultimate question that needs to be answered and rectified by the American people. Who got the $3 trillion USD in $100 denominations that was printed up in Thailand? And where is that money now? Is it going to be used to feed the hungry people of the Philippines? How about America's impoverished? When will the world's downtrodden see a cent of the latest new $3 trillion USD? Or do the black op mercenaries get it all?

We know the money wasn't intended to help the people of Asia, so where did it go? Like David Crayford said, "the US hasn't bothered with Asia in the past so WHY suddenly are they concerned about Asia?"

Agents for the American government and the Federal Reserve are working in cahoots stealing the wealth deposited in Asia. "So is the $3 trillion a little 'kickback' for all those involved in the theft?" Crayford asks. "Or is it being used to finance the expansion of the U.S.'s illegal operations in Asia? Or is it both? Or maybe it is supposed to be used to cover the costs of the new military bases in the Philippines and Okinawa, Japan, without the American people's knowledge." Or maybe it's for Killery's presidential campaign.


This one is more of an issue than a question. But most people in America don't truly appreciate the significance of what Mr. Crayford is warning us about. He is literally talking to the core of what it will take to get America back on its feet with a valuable currency that will be accepted by the new big players in the growing asset backed financial system that has sprung solidly out of the East, led by the dynamic Nations of Russia and China.

Russia and China both have tremendous amounts of gold, which is used to back their rising currencies, in spite of what the media tells us. Russia and China have hundreds of thousands of metric tons of gold in their financial coffers, and their economies are actually doing quite well compared to what everyone else in the world is experiencing. Their gold has been used to peg the new financial system. That's why it is so important for Nations and their People to have it in their own nation's financial portfolios for a strong currency foundation in today's global economics.

This is how the new financial system was designed to be run, and this is how it has been implemented. The force and energy and substantive creation of the new asset backed financial system was created in an area above and beyond the jurisdictional / legal realm inhabited by Nations, governments, corporations, and politicians. It is being implemented in a realm above and beyond the normal global financial system as we know it, the one that includes the World Bank, the IMF, BIS, The Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of Russia, and all the other major Central Banks on the planet. This realm I'm referring to is at the point of the highest jurisdiction, legally, or otherwise, on the planet, and it is called the I.T.C.

The International Treasury Controller was appointed by the Global 'Hierarchy', which represents the Royal Families of the World. The ITC was appointed as a "Sovereign", its own legal entity, with its own legal jurisdiction, which is the highest legal jurisdiction on the planet. No Nation, State, Entity, Sovereign, corporation, individual, or the like has equal or greater power or jurisdiction on Earth than the International Treasury Controller.

The ITC is creating the structure, substance, and infrastructure of the OITC, Office of International Treasury Control, as we speak. It's a work in progress, as is the entire new asset backed financial system. It's all going to take time, and they're all working together, but it's happening.

The ITC is the Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. That is basically all the gold, jewels, and treasures that were accumulated by the Royal Families of the World, throughout history. This includes the Chinese Dynasties and the European Dynasties, the Russian Royal Families, along with Genghis Khan and the Mongol's war booty, and King Solomon of Israel's gold.

Assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility have been stolen by Western admirers for as long as they have been in existence. But wherever they are, in whomever's possession they are in at this moment, they are still the legal property of the International Treasury Controller. The ITC is the Legal Custodian of all the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility, and this can be recognized by his title of M1. The ITC is the M1, the only M1, and the only real M1. All other claimed M1's are false. A Chinese M1 passed the title on to Ferdinand Marcos way back then, and Marcos in turn passed it on before his death to an unknown Bloodline member, who passed it on to the present ITC. That is the true nature of the M1, ITC, and Global Debt Facility as we speak.


But what about us? What about, We the People?

The treasures that make up the Global Debt Facility have a present day value of something like this: A number. Take any number, one or two digits, and write it down. Then drop 51 zeros behind it. Make sure there's a comma after every three zeros. So 17 commas total. And there you have it. That's the rough value in U.S. Dollars in today's tumultuous market terms of the assets the International Treasury Controller / M1 is responsible for. That is the Global Debt Facility.

Now, as I've repeated many times in my previous writings, the ITC's job is to utilize the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility in a manner that would benefit all living beings. This is a Divine Mission to say the least. This includes America and its People. This includes the Philippines, and its People. This includes all of God's Creations.

Now, in America, the Dollar is a Federal Reserve Note that is based on Debt. It's losing value daily, as the world shifts toward asset backed currencies, and there will be a point in the future where basically no one in the world will take it anymore for services rendered or goods sold. So those in the U.S. and the rest of the world will have to use some other kind of currency to buy goods and services on the global marketplace. When that happens, who will do business with us? Who will sell their goods for our U.S. dollars? Who will provide services for our debt based currency? Of course we've already answered this. No one.

So America, the Philippines, and all other countries who are dependent upon the U.S. Debt Note, will need to come up with a new currency that the world will trust enough to accept in the line of doing business. How do we do that? Who would trust anything from the Federal Reserve or U.S. Treasury? Again, the answer is no one.

But what the rest of the world will do is accept a currency that is backed by a powerful legal asset that is recognized by other rising powers in the world. These other rising powers include Russia, China, Iran, and India. These countries understand where the gold backing arises from that backs their rising global currencies, and that gold comes from the Global Debt Facility, that was created by the Royal Families of the World, who then appointed the present day ITC to utilize it in benefiting all of Humanity.

Only the ITC.

So, as David Crayford has already stated, the United States will only get the gold backing America will need for her new asset backed currency when America pays her debts. This includes the $19 trillion National Debt. This includes hundreds, if not a thousand trillion dollars in assets, accounts, and interest that was stolen by the U.S., her Allies, and their Proxies, over the last 100 years from the Global Debt Facility. This is why the International Treasury Controller Blacklisted America. This is why the ITC Blacklisted the Philippines. This is why the ITC has blacklisted many Western countries; for stealing Global Debt Facility Assets and for dominating other peoples and nations and preventing them from benefiting from the "Divine Wealth" of the Global Debt Facility.


In many ways, this is the most important question raised by David Crayford. When will we wake up? If we don't wake up we will never be able to change our present reality. Abundance and prosperity used to be staples of our existence. But those days are over, and we need to get them back. We need to tap in to who we are on a Spiritual Creation basis. We need to open up our Pineal glands and witness the true nature of reality. We need to participate in finding the cure to what ails us. We need to wake up to the Truth of what and who we are. We need to understand that evil is merely a tool from our past, and it should be put away forever. We need to recognize that true spiritual representation arises through our desire to make the world a better place for all Divine Creations. We need to imagine and create harmony, peace, and prosperity for all. We need to learn the Truth.

For Americans, it's this simple: we need to do the research. We need to learn the truth as to how deeply our lives have been, and probably will always be, intertwined with the lives of the Philippine People. Filipinos and Americans will need to learn to trust each other, and work together before we can get our countries back to the fountain of prosperity. And here's why.


We do have much in common. To help Americans better understand this, I point to something Mr. Crayford said, that, whether we realize it or not, affects all of us Americans directly. He was referring to the Certified Copy of the $3 trillion Gold Bullion Certificate above:

"The Philippine people are already furious because the Gold Bullion Certificate lists Ferdinand E. Marcos as the Owner, so they believe it is Marcos's wealth and they want this wealth for the Philippines ----------- Understandable, yes, considering the economic state of the Philippines, but that is not so, and it will never be the case. Like the US, the Philippines have been BLACKLISTED by the International Treasury Controller, and they will remain so until they pay back to the ITC the value with interest of all Collateral Assets they have been involved in stealing and / or misappropriating over the years."

That's quite a load of information to take in. For those that aren't following him, what he's been saying is that Filipinos are not only mad about "the gold from the Philippines" turning into U.S. Dollars, but they believe the value of the gold secreted out of the Philippines should be returned to the people of the Philippines. Which I can understand. But, legally, what they want, what we might want, what anyone wants, is actually irrelevant.

The gold stolen by U.S. backed agents, that was then removed from the Philippines, and shipped to UBS in Switzerland, and converted into $3 trillion U.S. dollars in Thailand, was, and still is, owned by the International Treasury Controller. What was stolen, and by whom, will eventually come into play when ITC courts and the new ITC law enforcement apparatus is in full operation; functioning, and arresting, processing, and imprisoning murderers, thieves, and criminals, all in a court system with its own jurisdiction; higher than any other court system or jurisdiction that has ever existed on this planet. It's coming. You can trust me on this, I'm a lawyer.

David Crayford continues:

"The Certificate in question is under the name of Ferdinand Marcos as Owner, whereby in fact and in reality this Gold Bullion Certificate is part of the Collateral Accounts (Divine Wealth) and is legally owned by the International Treasury Controller as Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter, as appointed by International Treaty Dated 1995 and 2012... The International Treasury Controller's authority and approval has not been given for this Certificate to be used by America or the Philippines, nor would it ever be given."

One thing that we Americans have to understand through all of this financial disclosure is that the average American and average Philippine citizen have much more in common than we've ever been allowed to realize. We are all beautiful Divine Beings here on this planet to learn the Truth of our existences. That Truth, whether we recognize it or not, is that like the Filipinos, Americans have had a history of being dominated by a military oriented government that has been inclined to subjugate its people. We have both been lied to incessantly by our governments as well as the U.S. dominated Mainstream Media. We have been programmed into a false reality of our true histories, and we've both driven Good / Divine leaders from our governments and our lives.

Through the last seventy plus years Americans and Filipinos fortunes, souls, and destinies have been tied together by mutual financial misfortune. We have been bound by the single most precious commodity / asset that exists on this planet, one that truly has Divine purpose attached thereto, and it's called Gold. Throughout much of recorded history, the Philippines have been the hidden home to much of the world's gold, and most Filipinos didn't know it. Most Americans still don't. Or they don't understand the true history behind the caches of gold, nor its greater purpose in government, financing, and Divinity.

Americans have been tied to the gold because our government and military have made Philippine gold a secret national priority. Americans have enjoyed a glut of fast cars, rich sports stars, and glutenous foods because of our government / military's domination of Philippine Gold. Americans have grown fat while Filipinos have been programmed into the lie and have been cornered into poverty. But why? How could we have let that happen? And what does all this have to do with David Crayford and the Office of International Treasury Control, the ITC and the M1?


To fully understand how intricate and delicately balanced Americans' relationship to Filipinos and Philippine Gold is, one has to dig deep through the false narrative of history that we've been programmed into by American dominated Mainstream Media, and we must ascend through to the other side of alternative informational truth. We have to go at this with an open mind. This is important for Americans to understand and to achieve.

The truth is coming out, but the rest of the world is learning Truth at a greater rate than we are. Let's face it, we are the most dummied down, programmed, information polluted / depleted race of people in the history of this planet. Although the rest of the world has too been dummied down by American dominated global disinformation, people in much of the rest of the world are living the actual present day reality of the rising gold backed financial system. They are directly benefiting from the fact the currencies they now work for have actual value. Their currencies are not debt instruments, and they do not increase the national debt of their nations with the spending of their currencies.

These financially enlightened beings of nations other than America are beginning to understand the fact that their gold backed currencies are dramatically outperforming America's and her Western Allies' currencies. Their countries are slowly and incrementally beginning to see the golden light at the end of the financial prosperity tunnel, while Americans and the Peoples of her Western Dominions are experiencing the bitter taste of debt-induced poverty.

Going back to the second world war, when America and the TTTGC were dominating Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos' efforts, as M1 and owner to what now makes up the Global Debt Facility, to implement its vast wealth to help rebuild war torn Asia and to benefit all the peoples of all the nations of the world, the Philippines' people's standard of living has dropped like an anchor in a free fall. This is what America is going through now; what Filipinos have always experienced while Uncle Sam has had his hand in 'The Philippines' cookie jar.

America and her rich Allies are feeling the pinch as we speak. "Americans are going to need help from other countries," David Crayford said, "and other countries are going to give back to America what we've been handing out to others." Poverty lies somewhere at the top of that list of what we're going to get.


This is what history tells us:

Former President of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos was one of richest men ever in history, real, alternative, or otherwise. For those who have done their research, this truth is indisputable. The question is, Why? Why was Ferdinand E. Marcos the richest man in known or unknown history of planet earth up to that time? To answer this question we need to go back in time.

We know that Marcos came from a Chinese Royal Family, and that the M1 at the time was from that same Chinese Royal Family, and the M1 passed on that same title and function to Marcos. Then Marcos was placed into the Philippines with a secret purpose attached to him.

Going back even further into history we have King Solomon, the individual, and what do we know about him? We know that Marcos' Last Will and Testament makes several references to "King Solomon of Israel," in referencing both Solomon's wealth, and Marcos' wealth as Holder of the Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility under the title of M1.

We also know that King Solomon of Israel was said to have had 700 wives by which were born foreign princesses of all the different nations of the world, and that he produced children by them, sending them back to their countries as little ambassadors to the throne. Many believe King Solomon of Israel to not only have owned much of the world's wealth at the time, but that he was on a mission to bring the world together. To unite God's Children.

Scripture tells us that King Solomon of Israel mined gold from Ophir, and that he brought back 450 talents of Gold and 666 talents of Gold. In Kings we read that another 420 talents of gold were brought from Ophir. Queen of Sheba also gave Solomon 120 talents of gold.

Many of the mining expeditions that were sent out from the Ezion-geber on the Red Sea were intended to bring gold back from Indonesia, Borneo, the Philippines, and other countries in the Far East. These expeditions and treasures are also referenced in Marcos' Last Will and Testament.

During this time, much gold was also earned through the sale of spices to China and later to Europe. History is filled with instances of King Solomon of Israel mining gold in the Far East. This is where the Solomon Islands, with their large gold holdings, got its name from.

King Solomon of Israel used some of the gold to build his temple. History further indicates, however, that not all of King Solomon's gold was taken back to Jerusalem. Much of it was actually stored in Indonesia.


History says that much of Solomon's gold had accrued and accumulated for thousands of years, and that King Solomon had lived for much of that time. When King Solomon went on his Gold Quest, he did so under God's command. This experience has been coined Biblically as "the building of the Kingdom."
That King Solomon of Israel was accumulating all the gold to be used at the end of the age for the betterment of mankind, is quite a statement. This is the same purpose as intended today by the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, which are being integrated into the global financial system through the International Treasury Controller.

Going back even further in history, we know that 'Fiat' currency dates all the way back to the time of Babylon. It was part of the package of Babylonian Black Magick. Money Magik. The abbra cadabra ipso facto of making money appear out of nowhere. A trick that we've all fallen victim to every lifetime we've ever spent through history enslaved on this planet. Right now, China, Russia, and the M1 are working together to once and for all overthrow Babylon. In Biblical terms, we are witnessing the overthrow of Mystery Babylon at the hands of the Kings from the East. Biblical Scholars say these Kings are Russia and China.

This comes after all the beast empires have ceased to exist. Out of the East comes the Divine energy designed to set all people's of all nations free.

At first it will conquer the Western 'Fiat' backed financial system. We can see this is happening right now. It's being played out on a daily basis, coming through in one media form or another, the devastating conflict between divergent ideologies.

When we move in for a closer examination, we see the U.S. setting up military bases, and missile launchers, and nuclear bombers all along the borders of China and Russia, and we know this isn't really about any kind of military threat posed by China or Russia. This is about two distinct monetary systems reaching a final impasse. There's no other way to reconcile it. One of these two distinctly different living entities is going to have to die. There's no room on the planet for both to succeed as they wish to succeed. The Babylonian banking system that took control of the U.S. monetary system for good in 1913 through the Federal Reserve is at a dead end, no way out, life or death brawl with the asset backed banking system being structured and implemented through Russia, China, and the new ITC / M1 / Global Debt Facility.


Back in the 15th and 16th centuries, when European explorers came into contact with the Far East, there were rumors drifting on Eastern currents that were being picked up by Western ears, regarding huge stockpiles of gold throughout China and the Far East. Naturally, the Western ears wanted to find these huge stockpiles of gold and take it for themselves, as the Spanish Conquistadors had done before them, through South America and Central America.

Those who guarded the treasures in the Far East found themselves in a different mindset. Under orders, they moved much of the gold away from where it had been sequestered, out through the Sulu Sea, to the Philippines.

It has been estimated by some that up to 80% of the world's gold now resides in the Philippines. Of course the Western Bankers and their proxies are still doing their best to steal it, and use it to fuel their short lived parallel financial system, which finances their black operations across the planet.


The Mongol empire tracking back to the 13th century is another source of Philippine gold. Genghis Khan led the Mongols through Asia driving them to becoming history's largest empire, where it stretched from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe to Baghdad. The Mongols took back lots of gold after their conquests. They also brought back with them key inventions like gunpowder and the printing press, both of which the Europeans adopted. But most importantly, they brought back lots of gold.

This gold too was eventually transferred to the Philippines for security purposes, where it was placed in the hands of King Bernardo Carpio of Luzon. Marcos confirmed this in his writings. In citing the history behind some of the treasures he was legal Custodian of, that would later become known as the Global Debt Facility, lawyer and President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, in his Last Will and Testament, declared the undersigned to be "SOLE HOLDER of said Assets and properties that entrusted thru channeled events from King Bernardo Carpio or Spiritual Judge Samson of Israel who shared his Testimony over said Treasures of the Philippine Islands...under White Mongolia Account."


The real world fact is this: as we speak, the U.S. Government and U.S. Military operate in and out of the Philippines at will. If you don't believe me, just look at the documents that David Crayford has posted. Read them. Understand what they are saying.

They are saying that through American military efforts, through civilian Agency contractors and present military personnel, the U.S. is operating in the Philippines to steal their gold, and convert it into usable currency to finance black operations. This couldn't happen without the implicit / explicit help of military and former military all over the world.

I have been advised that this production of $3 trillion dollars that Mr. Crayford refers to was authorized by Obama himself during one of his visits to the Philippines earlier in the same year the money was authorized to be printed. Mafia Don telling the gang to go ahead and print up more counterfeit bills. It's gonna be a rough year.

Most if not all the wars we have experienced on this planet through many past centuries have been fought over these gold treasures. Though the Mass Media and governments lie as to the true reasons for these wars, one common denominator exists: the aggressors were conquering the land under which they believed the gold was hidden. World War II. Vietnam. The Middle East. South East Asia. Central America. The list of conquered territories with gold goes on endlessly.

That's why the Royal Families of the World came to the conclusion they were not going to fulfill their destiny of bringing the world together as it existed. They were splintered through family interests and conflicts. In roughly 1850 the Royal Families of the World created what has now become known as the Global Debt Facility. Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility are spread throughout the entire world. The United States government alone has existed illegally off of the theft and conversion into their financial system of the Combined International Collateral Accounts and Assets for more than 100 years.

Through this operation of thievery, the United States has continued to dominate the Philippine people through bribery, murder, and the like, of Filipino politicians. This has kept the shady Filipino laws on the side of American military presence; undeclared occupation. We are always there. We have contractors searching for the gold, and the military comes in and transports the gold out for processing. This is what David Crayford is talking about in his latest piece. And we're only talking about 3,500 metric tons of gold turned into $3,000,000,000,000.00 U.S. Dollars. How many times has this been done before? When will it stop? Who will stop it? Will the Filipino people and Americans wake up to the truth?


The fact is American and Philippine officials have colluded to steal assets from the Global Debt Facility ever since World War II. It began with the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission stealing control of the Collateral Assets and Accounts from the M1 at the time, Ferdinand Marcos. Philippine President Marcos was the M1 to the Royal Families of the World. He was the only one with whom the Royal Families of the World entrusted ownership of the Wealth of the World. Their Divine goal was to bring unity to the world and to do the most good for all the people of all the nations of the world.

Through this structure, they set up what would become the world's central banking system, with the U.S. Dollar to be the new global reserve currency. They financed the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and all the major down line central banks on the planet at that time with assets from the Global Debt Facility. The top banks in the world were funded with gold that had been accrued through history by the Royal Families of the World. Something most people don't realize, but in 1913 the Federal Reserve received 75,000 metric tons of gold from the Tzar of Russia in an effort to boost the American dollar and economy.

Much of the gold discussed above that originated through history in the East, has been transported to, and buried in, the Philippines. Philippine government officials continue to allow the U.S. Military to occupy their country. The U.S. military, its Allies and Agents continue to steal the gold, ship it off to foreign Western run banks, and convert it illegally through the controlled Western / U.S. Dollar dominated financial system. That is why Russia and China are taking such a strong interest in surrounding South China Sea regions.

Russia and China in their way are saying to the U.S. and the world that times have changed, the U.S. Military has no actual business staging such a heavy presence in the region. The ITC gold is now off limits to the Western Banking Elite. The Philippine leadership is soon going to have to recognize this if the Philippines are going to be rebuilt, like former President Marcos had intended and tried to accomplish.


In his piece, David Crayford addresses without blush those he holds responsible from the Philippines for conspiring with their criminal American counterparts. "All the persons or parties involved, who are all in the top layer of the social strata, in this FRAUD, I will openly and publicly state that they are willing participants and have knowingly conspired and are complicit with America in this FRAUD," Crayford said. "Some of them are known to us as strongly pro-AMERICAN and are collaborators with America. These are the ones who in the past have taken for themselves and completely ignored the people and their country --- The Philippines. Therefore they are committing Treason against their own countries, and are most likely taking a nice slice of the $3 trillion USD for themselves. That is why the Philippines, once second only to Japan in Ferdinand Marcos's time, is now at the bottom of the economic list within South East Asia."

David Crayford did not stop there with his judgment. He seems to want blood from the treasonous former Philippine leadership. "President after President after President, all of whom have been pro-American, except for Estrada, who only lasted just over two years as President; have ripped the Philippines and its people off to enhance their own pockets and style / standard of living. SHAME ON ALL OF THEM whilst their people live in poverty or near poverty. The people should be shouting 'TREASON', 'TREASON', 'TREASON', and looking forward to seeing these people strung up on the bridges crossing the Pasay River."

Mr. Crayford is not mincing his words. At the same time, neither is the new leader of the Republic of the Philippines, President Duterte. President Duterte steps into an important leadership position in the new global governmental structure at quite an opportune time in history. He could play a pivotal role in how quickly the world transforms around the new Global Debt Facility / gold backed financial system that rises out of the east.

Duterte just recently announced his plans to honor all Treaties his country has entered into. This bodes well for the Philippines to eventually be able to once and for all pay off its debts and then tap into the new financial system. This will finally bring financial prosperity to the People of the Philippines. This was the idea all along. The Philippines leadership signed the Treaties along with 177 other Nations, countries, territories, and republics, and President Marcos, way back when he was still the M1, the Legal Custodian of the Global Debt Facility. The Philippines is bound by law to the new financial system. They always have been. They've just been unable to participate in the benefits and Spirit of the Global Debt Facility due to the U.S.'s undue influence, domination, and control.

This new asset backed financial model is the new financial system of the planet. All global currencies will eventually be backed by Assets and Accounts that are tied into the core structure of the new financial system, the one where the Chinese Yuan steps in as the new global reserve currency, replacing the United States Dollar. This is what the Global Debt Facility was created to do, and this is what the ITC will eventually accomplish as the new Holder of the M1 Title and responsibilities.

As I wrote about before, both the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines have been blacklisted by the International Treasury Controller. This is no lie, and this is serious business. The ITC is the financial institution that will be there to eventually rebuild the nations of the planet. Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility already back the currencies of the governments that are presently lending money through the international financial market. Think the new world financial lending structures; all gold backed.

The U.S. has been operating illegally through stolen Global Debt Facility Assets and Accounts for over 100 years. The U.S. is now broke, but for what they steal and convert. We Americans suffer a deep and widening national debt estimated to be more than $19 trillion USD. According to David Crayford, America owes the International Treasury Controller more than a thousand trillion dollars for Assets, Accounts, and Interest stolen from the Global Debt Facility over the years.

President Duterte could help change all this. He could change the plight of his people and the American people by doing the only truly humane thing. He needs to just say "No." President Duterte of the Republic of the Philippines needs to tell the U.S. military to nicely just pack up and leave. He needs to honor the Treaties.

President Duterte needs to meet with the ITC. President Duterte must recognize that the new ITC represents the second coming of former Philippines President and M1, Ferdinand Marcos. This is due to the fact that the Royal Families of the World, by Secret International Treaty, appointed the International Treasury Controller to be the Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of every Asset and Account of the Global Debt Facility, which includes all the Assets and Treasures buried within the Philippines, Indonesia, and elsewhere.

David Crayford elaborates: "The key to all of this is Ferdinand Marcos's Last Will and Testament which was the final piece of the puzzle which started in 1976, whereby his Last Will and Testament confirms the conclusion to what he planned years earlier and placed all matters clearly and firmly in the hands of his nominated and stated successor, nullifying anything executed by him after 1976 and up to the date of death September 28th 1989. The 'Sovereign Decrees' dated 1st July 2012 and issued by the International Treasury Controller, further ratify and endorse Ferdinand Marcos's last wishes."

David Crayford wraps things up concisely regarding the present state of the Philippines when he says, "The Philippines received its Independence from America in 1946, but that appears to be on paper only because the Philippines is still very much controlled by America and could be considered and construed as the 52nd State of America."

President Duterte is going to have to tell the Americans as he told the U.N. "F*** off!" He's going to have to give the U.S. military the one-fingered salute, and say, "Adios, Amigos!"

The U.S. has no legitimate interest in the Republic of the Philippines' business. The U.S. needs to conduct an about face, and return to America, and help save Americans. President Duterte needs to do all he can to work with the International Treasury Contoller, the new M1, to get fake American Agency Contractors who pose as mining companies and energy companies out of the Philippines, and they need to retake the wealth that the Royal Families of the World, going all the way back to King Solomon of Israel's time and Genghis Khan, and put it back to its original purpose; for the betterment of all mankind.

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility's original purpose was to bring the world and God's children together. This theme is still central to the purpose behind what the ITC does with same.

President Duterte must read what David Crayford has written. The Republic of the Philippines has been "Blacklisted" by the International Treasury Controller. The People of the Philippines, like their American counterparts, have a major debt to repay. The amount of Collateral Assets stolen from the Global Debt Facility throughout the years by agents of the Philippine government are enormous. These vast amounts must be accurately ascertained, and accounted for. Like America, the Philippine people will have a price to pay. We need to recognize this fact as soon as possible. We, Americans and Filipinos alike, must work together to make this happen.

But what do we do? How do we account for the vast amount of gold that has been hijacked right out of the country and into International Bankers', their Assets', and Cronies' pocketbooks? The answers blend into David Crayfords words. Let's go back to what he was saying about the $3 Trillion Dollar heist.


I wanted to share with Readers part of an email that was recently sent re the Dinar FBI investigation:

"If you read these two short links, it appears the FBI is looking for Iraqi Dinar investment scam victims."

In pertinent part, this is what it says by pressing the FBI link:

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI and Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) are investigating a currency investing scheme involving the Iraqi dinar and certain other foreign currencies. Since the 2003 Iraq war, various promoters have claimed that the Iraqi dinar will undergo a "revaluation" (RV), meaning that dinar holders would make enormous profits. Many of these promoters claim to have high-level sources in the government or the financial industry. Several state agencies, major financial institutions, and consumer protection groups have cautioned that this is a scam."

If you or a relative have been told that you will make enormous profits from the purchase of the Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, Indonesian rupiah, or other foreign currency, you might want to complete the above FBI victim questionnaire.

I would imagine the above includes historical documents, right? I can't help but think of our old friends from China Landa Global / Humanus, Poof / Jerzy / ZAP, and his three ringed circus, headlined by Dougy and Willy. Get well, guys, and good luck with that old Humanitarian routine, because I think these guys'll be looking for you guys next.


If there were ever a time for Anna von Reitz / Anna Riezinger to shed her wisdom on American government malfeasance, this would be it. I read her, them, sometimes, and there's actually a lot she, they, and I agree upon. She believes in an individual's freedoms and rights, and so do I. She believes in Sovereignty for individuals and Sovereignty for Nations, as do I. Anna von Reitz / Anna Riezinger especially believes in Sovereignty for the People of the United States of America, and I especially believe in Sovereignty for all people's of all races and Nations of the world. But our visions are close.

Anna von Reitz / Anna Riezinger writes a lot about corporate fraud and wrongdoing and corruption in government. I agree with a lot of what she writes, and I disagree with other aspects, like who the gold in the bank vaults and depositories around the world really belongs to. She does not like the Federal Reserve and she has a real problem with Western aligned Central Banks, and how can you argue with that.

I would really be curious to know, however, what she thinks about what David Crayford has talked about. Does she believe it happened? Who does Anna von Reitz / Anna Riezinger believe benefited from the printing of $3 trillion U.S. Dollars? Does she believe that money went to Humanitarian purposes in any sort of way? And why was it printed out of Thailand, by an energy company?

As David Crayford has rightfully pointed out, this one stinks to high heaven for sure. UBS taking 3,500 metric tons of gold out of the Philippines. The Federal Reserve standing idly by while the Central Bank of the Philippines has $3 trillion U.S. Dollars printed up by a Thailand based energy company. What's wrong with this picture? And what does Anna von Reitz / Anna Riezinger think about it? We invite her into our house of discussion. Please study the documents David Crayford has attached to his piece. Give us your honest opinion as to what's going on here.

The guys who write at Fogbow here

crack me up. They are dead on with their running commentary on the clownish theatrics performed by the Three Ring Circus that has come to be known as China Landa Global / Humanas / Zeta Global. Keep up the great work, Fogbow. These knuckleheads you keep writing about will eventually go down. They've been protected for quite some time now, and that's the only reason they've been able to do what they're doing for so long. But their time is running out. He knows it, and they know it, and it's making them sick. The walls are closing in. Why do you think he's not on the air? Why do you think ALL CAPS is begging more than ever for money for sick friends? He's sick all right, and keeping a low profile is definitely in his best interest.

They will be prosecuted. If not in an American federal court or an international court, then through the highest court on the planet, the ITC.

I would like to clear one thing up for you guys at Fogbow. What David Crayford says is gold. You should read what he writes whether it has anything to do with Poof / Jerzy / ZAP or not. You can carry David Crayford's word home with you --- or to the bank.

The International Treasury Controller is the real deal. The OITC has been character assassinated, like Marcos and Dr. Dam before it; soiled by Web hacks like Fulford, Keenan, Hudes, Wikipedia, the clowns at China Landa / Humanas, the Not As Fat As He Used To Be Australian. The OITC has been maligned by Agency Hacks and Assets, who ultimately took out the first ITC, Dr. Ray C. Dam, in 2010, the same way they took out the first publicly exposed M1, former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, the same way they took out former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the same way they took out former Indonesian President Soekarno, who never was the M1, only a Custodian of Global Collateral Assets, who was taken down for trying to aid America.


To my new spiritual friend Candace from Abundant Hope. Go get 'em, girl! I like your spirit and keep up the strong work. Stay in the Spirit of Divine Creation, and have no fear. Keep telling it like it is, and don't worry your pretty little head none about the Gremlins and Spooks that have taken over this machine. They will ultimately be removed for good, and on that you can rest assured. As David Crayford once noted, "That is a promise, not a threat."

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