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Part II: American Lawyer re David Crayford, ITC / OITC, True M1, Global Debt Facility

Posted By: igots2no
Date: Thursday, 26-May-2016 11:17:47

In Response To: Part I: American Lawyer re David Crayford, ITC / OITC, True M1, Global Debt Facility (igots2no)

American Lawyer writes:


When assassinated former Beatle John Lennon told the media way back when that the "Beatles are more popular than Jesus," he was right in a way. All those young people of that day were following the Beatles into hysteria, and yet, at the same time, they paid little attention to or had little belief in God or Religion. That generation was more concerned about alternative escape or material gain than spiritual growth.

But times have changed, and today, people are listening more to what their hearts are telling them. We are reading more and learning more Truth about the Divine Bloodline Descendants of the late great Jesus the Christ, who are now rocking and rolling on stage here on Planet Earth.

They are the ITC / OITC. They are the Benevolent Ones who are responsible for the implementation of the full energies of God's Wealth into the financial system of this planet. They are legally responsible for the Collateral Accounts and Assets.

We, the People of the Nations of the World, are now dancing to the tunes of the Global Debt Facility. The full force and affect of the Collateral Accounts and Assets will eventually be made available to us through the new global financial system emanating from the East, on a Nation by Nation basis, as soon as some major prerequisites and conditions are met legally by International Treaty between the countries and their leaders, and the Collateral Assets and Accounts as legally represented by the ITC.

Eventually, those from the West, who are stealing for themselves -- under the guise of creating a new Federal Reserve, IMF, World Bank Group, BIS, and other Central Bank aligned global financial system -- the vast fortunes and treasures of the Global Debt Facility will be caught, prosecuted, and imprisoned.

And this will give cause to those of us who are not yet dancing, to feel the rhythm and to stand up. To grow with the spirituality that glows and warms from within. To become as a whole what Humanity is meant to be.


In part one, we talked about who David Crayford is. Here, we track Mr. Crayford's last response to reader JC, which was actually one of the more Spiritually powerful and poignant articles I've ever read. It punctured my heart and filled it with hope for Humanity. It was a Masterpiece of the Soul for the Soul. It was David Crayford's and the Creator's hearts melding into mine. It was a painting of the landscape of the People of the World's relationship with the Royal Families of the World and the Collateral Accounts and Assets therefrom. I hope JC, and others, who are searching for higher frequencies of Truth took note of Mr. Crayford's words.

I have broken David Crayford's piece into eight pertinent parts, all of which I have followed with my (AL) observations and comments:

1) DC "The wealth referred to is GOD'S WEALTH, otherwise known as 'DIVINE WEALTH' owned by Foundation Divine. It is not the people's wealth as you claim. As it is GOD'S WEALTH, then GOD has the right to decide who controls and manages that wealth, so that it is used carefully and professionally for the people."

AL: In Part 1 I analyzed why the Global Debt Facility is truly God's Wealth, for the People, not of the People. We the People do not own it. We don't own anything, really. Man's laws are made in the pattern of domination and control and they dictate what ownership really is. But man's laws are made by the Cabal Overlords to subjugate God's people. And that's us, folks.

The ownership laws are a tool of domination and control. We Spiritual Beings are here in materialized 3-D body form to learn the Wisdom of the Ages through our personal experiences and lessons. It would be absurd to believe that Cabal Shills I have previously referred to were born to own what a third party, being someone who he paid and directed to steal from a Gold Depository belonging to the ITC that was off in some distant Nation on the other side of Asia, would steal. Why should any of the Cabal or their Shills, or anyone else for that matter, be able to take ownership of something that not only isn't theirs, but was placed on this planet by our Creator for the benefit of all Humanity?

2) DC "Furthermore, do you honestly believe that GOD can trust the people? They have the opportunity to elect people to administer and manage their country, which they do, but what an almighty mess they make of that opportunity to elect the right and decent people / politicians, who only bring their country to its knees, with corruption, greediness, selfishness, belligerent attitudes, ineptitude, etc...with impunity. The people do nothing to correct the situation. Honestly JC, do you really believe that GOD would trust the people with all this wealth, to elect a person or party to manage this wealth when they make such a mess of other things?"

AL: This is exactly what happened when the Royal Families of the World put the Global Debt Facility together, and tried to share it with Humanity. The Satanic Banksters stepped in to steal it. First, in the form of Treaties. 178 Nations of the World signed the Treaties. These included the United States, Great Britain, and France. It was to start a new financial system to benefit all Peoples of all Nations of the World.

Operating through the governments of these Allied Nations, the Cabal Banksters ignored the Treaties they had just signed and waged war against the Divine Wealth (GOD'S WEALTH). Their goal? To starve and murder Humanity. Their plan was to steal the Divine Wealth, consolidated under the Collateral Accounts and Assets of the Global Debt Facility, and use it to solidify the global body that would starve and murder Humanity. They would wage war on and destroy any country that tried to utilize the Assets of the Global Debt Facility. The TTTGC and their rogue Agents believed they had won when Marcos was murdered.

The Cabal Banksters had to guess again, because the first ITC, Dr. Ray C. Dam, was appointed by the Global 'Hierarchy' in 1995, to accomplish what former M1 Marcos had been prevented from doing, and that was to implement a global financial system utilizing the Divine Wealth as the engine. Now, this task falls onto the second ITC.

3) DC "GOD dedicated people who he could trust and rely upon, and from there to their successors, and so on. That way he was certain in his mind that it would be managed and administered in a manner that would be totally beneficial to the people. Yes, it is the bloodline, so what, this bloodline, whether you want to believe it or not, is Benevolent and that is why GOD chose same."

AL: That is why I believe we have the Two Davids, David Crayford, David Sale, and the Classified Top Secret ITC / M1, whatever that person's name might be. I believe the Two Davids to be Spiritual in nature and of the God Bloodline, their Blood thicker than mine. But those of us who understand our Spiritual Bloodline connection to our Creator are grateful to same for entrusting his Divine Trust with the Two Benevolent Davids, and the ITC. They are God's energies in action on Mother Earth.

4) DC "Just imagine (well you don't have to imagine too much) what would happen if the wrong people got hold of this wealth, as they did in 1945 with the TTTGC. There was so much, in fact an enormous amount of Fraud and Theft going on, that even GOD's chosen one, Ferdinand Marcos, couldn't fully control it. He ended up dead at the hands of America and the CIA. The TTTGC created an almighty mess of the whole thing and they were removed. Now it is back in the hands of GOD's chosen ones and the mess created has to be cleaned up."

AL: This is what JC and all others who have not done the correct research need to understand. Ever since the Spiritual Royal Bloodline Families created the Global Debt Facility, they have been terrorized. The Cabal Banksters murdered the Russian Tzar, his family and Ministers, and 100 million of Russia's Christian population. The Satanic Cabal demonized the Turkish Government, who waged Genocide against Christians, Armenian and otherwise. Satanic Bibi Netanyahu continues Genocide against actual Shemites / Christians, whom he derides as Palestinians. The rogue U.S. Government continues to arm Satanic Proxy armies in the name of ISIS to genocide Christianity in Syria, Iraq, and the rest of the Middle East. The Satanic Banksters led Nazi Proxy Armies into Poland and Ukraine to murder Christians and to steal God's Wealth in the form of Gold and other Treasures and Assets.

5) DC "Your statement, quote 'THERE ISN'T A COIN, INGOT OR TON OF GOLD SILVER OR PLANINUM THAT WAS CREATED WITHOUT THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLANET PULLING IT OUT OF THE GROUND AND PRODUCING WHATEVER IT BECAME. CROWN OR CEPTOR. SCULPTURE OF DINNERWARE. IT WAS NOT PRODUCED OR CREATED BY ANY ELDERS, ROYALS OR DRAGON FAMILIES OR THE CABAL. IT WAS CREATED BY THE HARD SWEAT OF COMMON PEOPLE WHO CREATED IT.' Yes, agreed, and at the time they were paid for their labour, so they have received compensation for their hard sweat. That doesn't mean they own this wealth. Whether the payment they received was adequate compensation for their hard sweat is not your problem and not ours, not GOD's. That is a man made situation and since those early days some progress has been made in conditions of employment."

AL: Even more important, JC, let's apply what David Crayford is saying to today's world. Last month, it was reported that Donald Trump was preparing for "an assault against the private banking system known as the U.S. Federal Reserve." Now if we've done our research, we know that the Fed was initially created utilizing Collateral Assets, much of which were provided to the Fed by the Tzar of Russia in 1913. The Fed would not have originally been financed to begin operations without the Global Debt Facility Assets. Pretty much ever since, all the Fed has done is steal the Collateral Accounts that have been used to finance the Fed, and wage war against the world to control and dominate the people, and control the Assets of the Global Debt Facility, no matter which country they are to be found in. So the Donald wants to now eliminate these Cabal driven psychopaths from existence.

According to what has been reported, Trump plans on conducting "a full audit of them (the Fed) for the first time in their history, and to fire its present leader, Janet Yellen." Now, imagine if Mr. Trump really does this, and what that would mean. It would mean what I just said, that our U.S. President is going to "attack this private banking cartel that has, for over a century, continually plunged the US (indeed the entire world) into needless wars and economic depressions so that its around 300 owner - partners could become the most powerful people on Earth."

A major issue here is that the foreign shareholders of the Fed treated the Global Debt Facility Assets and Accounts that were placed therein, by International Treaty, under American Custodianship, as if it were their personal property to do what they wanted with, which is exactly what Reader JC suggests we all do with the Assets of God's Trust. And look where that attitude has gotten us today. Fighting for our very existence as a species.

Donald Trump's anger against the Federal Reserve, and Russia's too, began in 2011 when the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) discovered, during a partial audit, that this private banking cartel had secretly lent to European banks and corporations a staggering $16 Trillion of the American people's money -- while at the same time tens of millions of U.S. citizens were thrown out of their homes and jobs so these oligarchs could get even richer. Have you noticed lately Reader JC that children are starving to death in your and my America by the millions? They are poisoned by chemicals, infection, and toxic metals. America's children are malnourished but not European Banksters tied into the Shareholders of the Fed. They're the ones who stole the Collateral Accounts and Assets of the Global Debt Facility -- God's Assets -- that were intended to benefit Humanity, and acted as if the Assets were theirs to own and give to their Kabal Kids and Cabal Cronies.

6) DC "On another point, you have the IMF, World Bank, BIS, International Finance Corp., and others, who control a lot of your life and the lives of others, but you have no opportunity whatsoever to elect officials who manage and administer them... Isn't that a bit unfair JC? Yet you are postulating about a subject which you know very little about, screaming it's the peoples, when you should be postulating about another subject that affects you and others far more. You want the right of the people to be exercised, then start with man made things such as the IMF, WB, BIS, etc and let us get on with our job for GOD to help the people in a proper manner so that the benefit is felt throughout the world."

AL: Reader JC, listen and learn with clarity as I take you and the World back to fact. Quoting from the aforementioned report, "With the Federal Reserve cartel, also, itself owning nearly $4 Trillion of the U.S. Government's debt and mortgage securities just two years ago (as the American People continue to suffer)...Trump's 'master plan' to destroy these bankers is mirroring the, likewise, plan against these oligarchs launched on June 5, 1963 by President John F. Kennedy five months before he was assassinated."

JC, they're talking about God's plan, which is what it is. Who do you think former American President Kennedy was working with? God, that's who, issuing his plan through the Divine Being that was President John F. Kennedy. This was a time in history when several of the Creator's Chosen Ones worked in unison on the plight of the Global Financial System with God's Wealth. You had Marcos, the M1 and legal 'Holder' to the Global Debt Facility, Indonesian President Soekarno, and Kennedy. A Divine Trio if I have ever learned of one.

The aforementioned Security Council report relating to Trump's 'master plan' to destroy the Federal Reserve by using the "JFK model" in order to restore American sovereignty, is summarized below:

"During the year of 1963, President Kennedy began a series of Executive Actions to take back control of America's money (and monetary policy) from the Federal Reserve that included his ordering the U.S. Treasury to begin printing money again (something it hadn't done since 1913) and issuing Executive Order 11110 authorizing some of this official government (not Federal Reserve) currency to include certificates backed by silver."

Silver that was Assets of the Global Debt Facility. The critical importance of President Kennedy's actions, this report notes, "lie in his following the Coinage Act of 1792 that established the silver dollar as the unit of money for the United States, and instituted the death penalty if anyone tried to debase it. However, in barely less than a decade after President Kennedy was assassinated, all of his efforts to free the American people from the economic stranglehold put on them by the Federal Reserve (and following, exactly, the U.S. Constitution) were undone by his two successors -- President Lyndon Johnson, who signed the Coinage Act of 1965 smashing the American founding father's Coinage Act of 1792, and President Richard Nixon, in 1971, who shocked the world by ending America's obligation to pay its debts in gold."

And thus those Cabal Thieves operating the U.S. Government, U.S. Treasury, and the Federal Reserve at that time were able to, in their clouded eyes, free themselves from the Treaty obligations of how they were to utilize the Collateral Accounts that had been tied to the U.S. Dollar. They could now print their own money, claim ownership to it all, and do with it as they pleased. And they have ever since. But that's about to end. Thanks to our Creator. And the hard work of the Divine Beings of the ITC / OITC and our Divine Gift that is the utilization of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility for our benefit through the new gold backed financial system arising out of the East, out of Russia and China, out of BRICS, the AIIB, and all the 'gold backed' financial institutions arising out of Asia and the World.

7) DC "Your statement, quote 'IT BELONGS TO NO ONE ELSE BUT US.' Get real JC. It is to be used for the people but it doesn't belong to the people. You obviously haven't read any past postings of mine otherwise you would never be saying such ridiculous things. Some people, in fact quite a large part of the earth's population, just cannot look after what they already have, so how on earth can you expect such people to manage such vast wealth, they can't. They can't even elect decent people to administer and manage their country either, and most of all, if they are not GOD fearing people and do everything they personally want to do, do you not think that GOD will take his revenge eventually. Take the people who followed Moses into the desert. Whilst Moses was up on Mount Sinai, roughly half of the people doubted GOD and MOSES. They involved themselves with Drugs, Drink, Prostitution, Gambling, and all sorts of things which were against the 10 Commandments and GOD's will. The 50% eventually went their own way and were lost in the wilderness of the desert, never to be heard from again. The other 50% followed MOSES and eventually found their sanctuary as MOSES told them they would. NOT UNLIKE THE SITUATION IN THE WORLD TODAY, IS IT."

AL: David Crayford is right. The important question for all of us right now, and one you, JC, should really be thinking about is this: What is our plight as one of God's Creatures? You, JC, probably have a spark of Divinity within your heart. I can feel it breathing. So what are you going to do about that? Are you going to continue to look at the Bible and Hate. Then you'd be like all the others that have, or are stealing the Divine Wealth. Those men look at words in a paragraph and hate the page. They've sided with the Luciferian following Cabal Shills who want to steal the Collateral Assets. So you've got to ask yourself, where does that leave you? Where does it leave any of us? Does it get us into God's Kingdom? Does it get you into what Eckhart Tolle called a New Earth? Or does it keep you locked here into Eternity, with all the low frequency, soulless, non Divine Bloodline types, fighting each other for control and domination, dying to own each other.


AL: There has never been a more important message to Humanity. Get real before you fall foul of God. That's brilliant advice.

It coincides with what my Divine Spiritual friend has been saying. "And you ones supporting the big giveaway which is not going to happen won't be getting a dime so I suggest you dark ones drop your websites of manipulation and the rest of you who follow this bullshit, grow up. Because the sorting is going on and where you go next IF YOU GO because a lot of people are checking out of eternity...should be important to you. Dark side who doesn't get out is going to a very bad world.... I think you should ponder that one."

It's something we all should ponder. There is going to be no CV or GCR or Humanitarian international corporation giveaway. They are all frauds against the Divine Financial system and God's Trust. They are a form of psyop to make us believe that, financially, we're going to be just fine. The truth is, the bad guys are soon going to be checking out, this I feel confident of. And the dark side who doesn't check out? They're going to a very bad world.

Which will have nothing to do with the Divine World David Crayford, OITC Senior Global Envoy / Deputy ITC David Sale, the International Treasury Controller, the OITC, the M1, the Royal Families of the World, the Global 'Hierarchy', the Divine Bloodline Beings, the mixed Bloodline Beings, and me, your humble and Divine sideways spokesperson, sort of, will inhabit.

Lastly, again think BRICS. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. How does their financial system really work? Think Global Debt Facility. Think God and the Two Davids plus the ITC, whose name still remains anonymous.

And understand what this means:

"...should Trump's 'master plan' be successful, all current debt obligations of the U.S. Government would 'disappear / evaporate' instantly leaving the private Federal Reserve banking oligarchs responsible for them, but which they couldn't pay because the U.S. Government wouldn't give them anymore of their taxpayers' money. And to those nations, corporations, institutions etc., holding this debt, the 'plus / upside' would be Trump's returning America's money to soundness based on gold that without the Federal Reserve's constraints is worth $40,000 an ounce -- and, perhaps, makes it more understandable as to why China has been on a massive gold buying streak, and just this past January, Russia became the world's largest buyer of gold."

The Creator's gold.

God's People.

God's Spiritual Bloodline.

The Creator. Global 'Hierarchy', Royal Families of the World. Russia. China. M1. The ITC. Global Debt Facility. The Two Davids.... Lots to be thankful for. All we have to do is understand and realize it.


Finally, I recently noticed these comments on RMN (in reference to Raye Allen's Birthday) that support and reinforce what David Crayford stated previously to Hobie, about the Truth rather than opinions:

A very warm and healing birthday to you, Rayelan!

You have fought the good fight, leading the way, exposing the true nature of the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in these times. You have been marked for assassination, and survived, lost the soulmate you loved, seen your website infiltrated by the CIA's psyops more than once, and they are here no more.

Been betrayed by those you thought were allies, at great cost to your purse and health, and are constantly in the crosshairs of the latest electromagnetic gadgets they can throw at you.

You are still here. Even when you don't post for weeks on end, you are still here.

This Rumor Mill has evolved into a self - maintaining, self - perpetuating bastion of truth. But always, you are here.

The "Bastion of Truth".

I couldn't have phrased it more appropriately. So let's do that, put it all aside, all the opinions and conjecture, the speculation, supposition, etc., everyone, please, Hobie. Everyone. Many Blessings... And let the Truth ring out.

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Articles In This Thread

Part I: American Lawyer re David Crayford, ITC / OITC, True M1, Global Debt Facility
igots2no -- Thursday, 26-May-2016 11:15:29
Part II: American Lawyer re David Crayford, ITC / OITC, True M1, Global Debt Facility
igots2no -- Thursday, 26-May-2016 11:17:47
Reader W - Sorry American Lawyer but until I see the slave owners of this world arrested...
igots2no -- Thursday, 26-May-2016 14:42:38
Reader Candace/KAN DAEK from Abundanthope: response to reader W
igots2no -- Friday, 27-May-2016 10:12:17
Reader L - All this emphasis on "God" vs. the "people" in the ownership of the wealth of the Earth makes me nervous
igots2no -- Friday, 27-May-2016 16:55:37

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