American Lawyer writes:
This is a time of tremendous change, and when I first started to write this article I began with a desire to dig into and discuss all the transformation we're experiencing and what that might mean in the greater scope of things. Who is really responsible for life in action, and what might we be able to do about it? I wanted to examine the greater metaphysical and spiritual energies and forces that are affecting us dramatically on a second by second basis.
Of course embarking on such a discussion would necessarily lead one back to the need to understand what it is that we are really about as Humans on this planet we call Earth. The original questions of origin, purpose, and our relationship with God, our Creator, would flood back into mind. Today, discussing God in any sort of public forum could quickly lead one into a deep sand trap quagmire of opinion. People will judge you negatively and think you're a religious nut or a spiritual crank. Or they'll label you to be an enemy of their own belief systems or religions; judging you as being 'different' for you adhere to a God of a different path.
The idea or concept of God can take on very unusual turns and manifestations in its own right. One might say my God is better than your God. Or a member of the Judeo / Christian God sect might believe their God to be better than any other God. Religious ideology is often confused for spiritual religious belief and true worship.
And then there are the Gods of the Underworld. There's Satan and Lucifer, and people worship these negative energetic entities with fervor, sacrifice, and death. There are the Greek Gods and their Roman counterparts. Then you can get into the idea that throughout history supernatural multidimensional like beings materialized on Earth and dominated entire races of people, acting as if they were those peoples' Gods, so to speak, to terrify them, trick them into sacrificing their children, and leading those God fearing people into wars of domination, control, rape, murder, and total chaos and subjugation.
In my experience in life, my relationship with God entities has been extremely painful and confusing at times. As I've gotten older, and the deeper energies of wisdom have integrated into my Being, I have loosened up on my grip of the God aspect of life and shifted toward understanding what Creation is, and what might it exactly be that created me. Who or whom or what that Creator or those Creative Energies actually are.
So then I get back to the purpose of this letter, and I was going to make it a thank you letter to God for all that he has given us, and that's when the voices, both material and intuitive, started to slap me upside my head. They warned me of turning people off by talking about God. They said I should not write an open letter / prayer to God for fear that my reputation would be ruined. That people would think I had become a crank. Or a religious Zealot. Or worse.
And I thought, well, okay, what's going on here? Would my reputation really be affected if I wrote an open letter / prayer to God and thanked him or her or it for everything, including David Crayford and the ITC / OITC / Real M1 and the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility? Should I really care what other people think?
Do I really have a reputation to start with? I'm American Lawyer, this detached voice over the cyberspace airwaves, laying out, along with David Crayford, the first truthful track in history regarding the world's financial system and operation. How it really works. It's such a crazy and dangerous arena to be in, that I can't even use my real name. I've been threatened, my writings have been attacked, and there are those who don't want American Lawyer to talk about truth in global financing and its relationship to the Collateral Assets and Accounts under the ownership and control of the real M1, the International Treasury Controller. They want the lie to continue, the lie that pervades all media, mainstream, alternative, Internet and otherwise.
I wasn't sure whether I even had a reputation to worry about, but the point of these suggestive voices was taken well by me. I would now be more careful with how I addressed this piece to the People of every Nation of this great World, and try to better explain why consideration of the Creator is important, and the Creator's creation of the ITC / OITC and David Crayford too is very important.
Belief in our Creator allows us to expand, consciously, and to grow as soulful, Spiritual Beings. Understanding the Creator's purpose for us is important for our development and survival. We are here in materialized form on this planet to learn and to grow through life's experiences. We are not here to suffer and to be dominated. Ultimately that's not part of the God Design of existence.
The Creator has provided to us, through the Global 'Hierarchy' and the Royal Families of the World, which include but is not limited to, Bloodline Royal Families from China, Europe, Asia, Russia, and Africa, the Combined Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. These same Royal Families of the World, legally represented by the Global 'Hierarchy' by and through Secret International Treaty, have appointed the ITC to be Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter to all that makes up the Global Debt Facility. There is more wealth in the Collateral Accounts and Assets than the rest of the world combined owns. We're talking about the Rothschilds, Bushes, Rockefellers, Clintons, oil companies of the world, and all the banks, including the IMF, World Bank Group, the Federal Reserve, and all other worldly wealth, all thrown in together.
In fact, the IMF, World Bank Group and the Federal Reserve were all originally funded through the Global Debt Facility. They still steal from the Global Debt Facility to finance everything they do, to remain fictionally solvent.
That's how big and important the Global Debt Facility, the ITC, and David Crayford are to Humanity. And that's why I wanted to thank our Creator for giving them to us. The Truth is that the incredible Treasures and Divine Wealth or God’s Wealth which make up the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility were placed here to be used by first the former M1, Ferdinand Marcos, and now the second International Treasury Controller, to implement into the global financial system by backing each currency of each of the Peoples of all the Nations of our World. To back the global financial system with Collateral Assets and Accounts that bear tremendous Spiritual Energies and value and benefit all people, not just the Banksters and their families and cohorts.
Our Creator has also provided us with heroic Divine Beings such as the International Treasury Controller, the True M1, David Crayford, David Sale, and many other Divine OITC Agents the world over to oversee this Divine Wealth (GOD'S WEALTH), and to make sure that it is utilized to benefit all of Humanity, which means all Peoples of all Nations on this planet Earth, not just the Cabal Thieves thereof. This is the work of higher Divine Beings for our benefit. It is being done right now. And the veil of secrecy is slowly being lifted.
We have even witnessed converts to our Divine track of thinking and writing. I specifically think of Anna von Reitz, who appears to have transcended her presentation of who she says she is and what she believes. For instance, she's only using one last name now, and she doesn't go by her made up title of Judge anymore. She's also displayed a willingness to publicly concede that the CV and GCR are actually fraudulent mechanisms of theft against the Global Debt Facility; while the hand of Divinity reaches to her, telling her not to be afraid to step over and become one of us.
We the People of this World are in desperate straits, and we truly need the Creator's help. “The World is on fire!" as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and others have been saying. And we need help now.
This planet was created by our Creator, not by us. But it is our job to save this planet. By doing so, we will save ourselves. That's what the Collateral Accounts and Assets of the Global Debt Facility are all about.
Humanity's survival is dependent upon our preserving the life and spirit of Earth. If she heals so do we. That's why the Creator made available to us the Collateral Assets and Accounts that make up the Global Debt Facility. They are legally and spiritually made available to us by one means only: the ITC / OITC / M1.
Assets of the Global Debt Facility were not intended to be made available to Humanity through any bank funded fake humanitarian organization or unreal CV or GCR. They're not to be accessed by any government or politician. That's why we're actually going to have to fight for it. The thieves are stealing the Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility to set up a parallel financial system in coordination with the corrupt Western banks. They will then give us, the peons, a credit financial system, while they steal the actual value and assets for themselves, and try to integrate this stolen wealth into the new financial system of the East, behind Russia, China, and India. It's a stopgap financial measure and it won't happen. Gold has DNA that is identifiable. The thieves will be caught and denied.
The war we have to wake up to and fight has been going on for quite some time and it's a big war. It's the War on Humanity. It's World War III. It's not a conventional war using conventional armies. It is a war that uses information, finance, assassination, disinformation, special operations, and things like that. Ultimately, it really is about the psychological process of deciding what we as a species are going to do in the future.
What is so ironic is that there are those amongst us who have claimed spirituality, divinity, and humanity, but are all trying to steal Mankind's future. They're trying to steal all earthly species' futures. They're trying to steal the Collateral Accounts and Assets of the Global Debt Facility.
That's why I truly am, as I believe others should be, so grateful for David Crayford and his efforts to spread Truth and to fight so hard to get the Truth out to all of us. And who is David Crayford to be the recipient of all this earnest praise?
David Crayford is one of the most Divinely powerful Entities on this planet. These are my words, not his.
In his own words, David Crayford is "Legal Advisor and Consultant to 'The International Treasury Controller.'"
The new International Treasury Controller is the second ITC in the World's History. The first one, Dr. Ray C. Dam, was character assassinated, overtaken, arrested, and nearly murdered back in December of 2010, by those acting on behalf of the rogue aspect of the U.S. Government and her Allies.
As a result, the Divine Global 'Hierarchy', which is comprised of the Human / Extra Terrestrial connected Divine Bloodlines, met and appointed a new ITC. The present International Treasury Controller is the man for whom David Crayford speaks, for whom I applaud and fully support.
And this is kind of where part of the problem is that Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was referring to. The new (2nd) ITC's identity is Top Secret. I asked for a CV, and the OITC would not give me one. They said everything is Classified as to the Who, What, and Where of the new International Treasury Controller, because his life is in constant danger.
The reason the ITC's identity is such a secret is, again, in Mr. Crayford's words, not mine:
"It is required that the new International Treasury Controller be allowed to freely do his job to bring the Collateral Accounts into order after many decades of abuse and fraud, whereby to be able to perform his duty it is considered his anonymity for a short time would best serve the purpose as these dangers are real and active, whereby the Nations and Royal Families of the World do not desire to continuously appoint new Treasury Controllers. Such need for continuous appointments can only be disruptive to the enormous amount of work to be undertaken, ultimately causing delay after delay in bringing the Collateral Accounts into order for the benefit of the world and its people. Another factor here is the fact that there are less than a handful of people in the World that actually hold the fullest experience, knowledge, and understanding of the complexities and the history of the Collateral Accounts, all of whom are over 60 years of age and who are also tasked with educating and training the younger generation (Please Creator, help them with the enormous amount of history there is to learn) to eventually take over the position of the International Treasury Controller to ensure continuity. No one can learn all there is to know on this issue in a few years. If one says 25 years minimum, then they will know sufficient to be competent in this matter without any one of them being one-sided and biased not having previously worked within the banking and financial world."
It is my understanding that because of the dangers and the aforestated Secrecy issues, David Crayford works in seclusion and retirement from advising another very strong Spirit of Divinity and Truth, the present OITC Senior Global Envoy, Deputy ITC, David Sale. Yet, due to his unique experience and knowledge of the subject of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, David Crayford remains working with us, the Divine Servants of our Creator.
In the meantime the battle for control of this planet has taken forefront, but in a way that has been invisible and / or a mystery to most people. Satanic Culture has been fused into the hybrid Bloodline presences on Earth, who included the Rothchilds and Adam Weishaupt. Through the Secret Societies, which they summed up as the Illuminati, they agreed long ago to infiltrate all Divine Human social structures, overtake and destroy them.
In turn, they would destroy God's Bloodline Children. The most important of these social structures to control and dominate Humanity through was the global financial system. And the Royal Families of the World, who are of our Creator's Divine Bloodline (which we need to remember), understood this fact.
Wars to commit genocide against these Christians of the Divine Bloodline and to steal all of the Divine Wealth (God's Wealth) ensued. In the 1800's, the Royal Family Bloodlines of Earth met, and came up with the plan to save Humanity and all Species on Earth from the extinction the Satanic / Soulless Bloodlines were trying to create. That's when in about 1850 the Royal Families of the World created the Global Debt Facility, a consolidation of all Royal Families' wealth to be utilized for the benefit of all Humanity, which means all Peoples of all Nations of this planet Earth.
The people of the Nations of the World are rapidly waking up to the fact that the Treasures and Riches that make up the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility is God's gift to the world. It is not ours to take or to own. It is ours to take the Spiritual Energy that is to be derived therefrom. What do I mean by this?
As has been taught to me, our Creator created the Spark of Spirituality that eventually became us, the individual, the I Am presence here in material form on Earth. We have been created in God's image. In other words, we are of the same Divine Spiritual Bloodline that created our Creator.
Those of other non Divine Bloodlines do not share our same Divinity, frequency, or vibrations of energies, although it is my understanding that they could do so if they so chose. We who originate from the Spiritual Bloodline of Creation can tap into and benefit from the Divine Energies of God, one of which is the Global Debt Facility.
According to the International Treasury Controller, the Global Debt Facility is a combination of International Collateral Accounts and Assets that "are an accumulation of reserve funds, physical precious assets, various Financial Securities and interest accumulated in interest bearing accounts over centuries." These include assets that date back thousands of years, but they were primarily curated from 1850 to the present day.
These precious assets, funds, and Financial Securities have been set aside historically by Royal Families, Nations of the World and concerned wealthy individuals, such as Saint Germain. The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global debt Facility is the title given to the facility provided "by all the assets and accounts to aid in the efforts to eradicate, 'to the fullest extent,' the suffering, burdens and debt of the People and their Nations, and encourage the stable economic growth and expansion of ALL NATIONS OF THE WORLD."
The Collateral Accounts are comprised of two humongous foundations, Foundation Divine and the Heritage International Trust, that were created through a series of International Treaties and Agreements, secret and otherwise, that were made over many decades by the Royal Families of the World, under the Schweitzer Conference (Innsbruck, Austria, 1964), Schweitzer Convention (The Hague, Netherlands, 1968 and revisions thereof, 1972, 1984), and 1998 Washington Panel.
The Collateral Accounts are all about the backing of currencies and financing of nations and corporations around the world to give them meaningful value. So a Collateral Account will be an inventory and valuation of those items which are available to stand behind a nominated currency, and ensure its long-term soundness. Each such account is held for one 'client', usually a dynastic family who amassed great wealth -- in the form of physical resources centuries ago -- and has built on that wealth since. The Royal Families of the World have irrevocably committed these collateral resources to help keep the international money system stable. So the collateral used to do this can be gold, silver, or other precious metals; or land, oil or other mineral deposits, or perhaps even the work capacity of a nation's people. It is never Fiat money.
Another reason I wanted to write an open letter to our Creator was to thank him or her for giving us the real M1. There's a lot of fakes out there backed by Banksters and rogue American government and military agents, but there's only one real M1. And I know who that is. And we should be grateful. It is the International Treasury Controller, and I really am thankful that it's not one of the imposters. And I know for fact, and have been provided with much information from very reliable sources as to what in fact the M1 has been up to and what he is doing with the Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.
The true M1 is the Master Holder or Master Custodian of all of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. The true M1 also wears the Title of International Treasury Controller. So the International Treasury Controller is the same thing as the ITC / OITC, who now for the first time in history is also the M1, the legal Custodian of all Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.
The Global Debt Facility is the Divine Wealth that former M1, Ferdinand Marcos, had attempted to bring to the People of the Nations of the World back in the last Century in the form of the Global Settlements Treaty (1980), before the Cabal unceremoniously character assassinated, deposed, jailed, and murdered him. The first ITC, Dr. Ray C. Dam, also received the same fate, but with an attempted murder as the result. Why is that? Because the Cabal is Satanic / Luciferian in makeup and they don't want God's Bloodline Children to survive and thrive so that we can learn Truth and grow spiritually.
If you were blessed enough to get to look at a true and correct copy of the Top Secret Last Will and Testament of Former M1 Ferdinand Marcos', you would be able to read and see the proof of Divinity in the relationship between the Global Debt Facility and our Creator. In his Last Will and Testament, which was used to secretly pass Legal Title of all Assets of the Global Debt Facility to the interim M1 (before the Cabal and Cabal Stooges could steal it all, and murder Marcos), the former M1 / Lawyer Marcos made many Spiritual references and utilized the language in a very powerful, almost Biblical manner, and most probably for very good reason.
Some examples of profound spiritual language found on the Last Will and Testament of Ferdinand Marcos:
"Spiritual King Soloman of Israel."
"General Holder of the following Assets and Properties entrusted to me by the Eternal Creator for the benefit of the People..."
"Spiritual Wonder Boy Account"
"Alpha - Omega Account"
"For the welfare and benefit of the People..."
"KEEPERS AUTHENTICATOR and ARRANGER of all Physical Precious Commodities such as Gold, Diamond, Silver and Platinum."
The History of the Collateral Assets of Marcos' Will, which was stated on the Treaty itself, bears proof that Marcos was in fact the:
"SOLE HOLDER of said Assets and Properties that entrusted through channeled events from King Bernardo Carpio or Spiritual Judge Samson of Israel who shared his testimony over shared treasures." This has now been passed on to the present ITC / M1.
The Divine Global Debt Facility Treasures referenced in the Marcos Will included, "...acquired from Foreign Traders an Alpha - Omega Ring with an Old Test Printed Paper from time of Adam into Noah into Prophet Moses, Judge Samson, King David and King Soloman of Israel..."
"...Spiritual Bathsheba of Israel; which those treasures way back time from year 965, were agreed upon and executed by and between King Carpio and Foreign Traders such as Mongols, Korean, Indians, Malays, Japanese and Chinese indicated that in exchange of trade and loan from the Philippine Islands which the Islands were very rich from Physical Gold, Silver, Diamond and Platinum Mines..."
The spiritual tie in to the language of the will is uncanny and unmistakable. Today, in trying to analyze the ITC / OITC / M1, and the Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, I have to ask myself
In her writings, KAN DAEK, has made reference to the 'Two Davids', and she too talks of the Divine Leaders who today represent God's Wealth. But who are the Two Davids?
They are David P. Crayford and David A. Sale.
And why do the Two Davids represent the Divine Wealth that is the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility? What is it that is so significant about this name, David, in legally owning, managing, and controlling the vast sums that make up God's Wealth? And then we must ask about the totally Classified as Top Secret ITC / M1? What is his real name? Could that person too be a David? Could there be three Davids? And, if so, what might be the significance of this?
Through history and Scripture there have been many references linking the name David to the workings attributed to God. Thus, it would be no coincidence that 'Davids' act as God's Spokespersons through the OITC, the House that God built, that houses his Divine Trust.
We also know through Scripture and true history that, of all the great Patriarchs of the Old Testament, David is among the greatest. Msgr. Charles Pope calls David a "Warrior and King, composer and conqueror, unifier and organizer, a man after God's own heart."
Pope says that David "united not only the 12, often fractured Tribes of Israel, but, as a kind of priest-king, stitched together the religious faith of Israel with its governance. King among them, he also collected and disseminated the great prayer-book of Israel, the Book of Psalms, composing many of them himself. So great was David, that among the most well known titles of Jesus would be, 'Son of David.'"
So again, we are tempted to ask, who are these two, maybe three Davids? And why were they chosen and appointed to represent God's Trust? There's no question that there was something about Biblical David's heart that God loved, but what was it? Whatever his later flaws, David had a heart for God, and God had a heart for David. Upon Samuel's anointing of David, the Scripture says: "And from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power."
Could the Two maybe Three Davids be Bloodline representatives of the Creator here on Earth? Ron Edmondson says David, who history seems to have declared the Greatest King of Israel, offers further proof. First, he quotes from Acts 13:22: "After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'"
Which David do we have here, now, representing the ITC? Are we talking about the same kind of Divine Being referenced above, kind of a three-headed leader for God's Bloodline Children?
In previous writings, Edmondson posted his truth of "this truth of David being a man after God's own heart." Edmondson listed ten traits to describe "the heart of David as seen in his own (Biblical) writings."
They are: Humble, Reverent, Respectful, Trusting, Loving, Devoted, Recognition, Faithful, Obedient, Repentant.
These are the same traits I have come to know and understand in my dealings with the personalities / characters that are the Two Davids of the ITC / OITC. This is part of the reason I have come to respect the work that David Crayford and the ITC / OITC do. This is why deep inside my heart I recognize the Divine significance of what they are trying to accomplish, what Ferdinand Marcos had tried to do, which was unceremoniously discarded by the Cabal and their shills; what the Assets and Accounts of the Global Debt Facility truly represent.
King David's example is a great road map for how we all might want to live our lives. All we can do is work hard for these men named David. The rest will take care of itself.
Thank you dear Creator! Thank you Davids, for doing the Creator's work.
Thank you David for fighting so hard to overcome Goliath. We are David. The Monster Goliath is the Cabal and banks and Mainstream Media and all the Cabal Shills who work together to dominate and control us, the People. I like our chances. The domination and control will end.
David will beat Goliath. Guaranteed. But we need to help him. We need to help the Two Davids, and the ITC, who quite possibly the third David.